
create composite components

Author: Geoffrey Biggs and contributors
Date: 2011-10-24
Copyright: EPL-1.0
Version: 3.0
Manual section:1
Manual group:User commands


rtcomp [options] <manager>


Composes multiple components running in the same manager into a single composite component, exposing a selection of their ports externally. The type of execution context that the components will be executed in can be selected. Components to be included can be specified using the -c option; all components whose ports are exposed (using -p) are automatically included.


-c COMPS, --comp=COMPS
 Component to include in the composite component without exporting any ports. Specify this option multiple times to add multiple components.
-n NAME, --name=NAME
 Instance name of the new component. [Default: CompositeRTC]
-o OPTIONS, --options=OPTIONS
 Extra options to pass to the component on creation. Must begin with an "&"
-p PORTS, --port=PORTS
 Port to export from the composite component. All components with exported ports are automatically included in the composite component.
-t TYPE, --type=TYPE
 Type of composite component to create. [Default: PeriodicECSharedComposite]
--version Show program's version number and exit
-h, --help Show a help message and exit
-v, --verbose Output verbose information. [Default: False]


rtshell uses paths to indicate objects in the RTC Tree. A path is the address of object. Name servers and naming contexts on name servers are considered directories. Managers and RT-Components are considered 'files'. As with the POSIX cat command, the path specified as an argument to commands is appended to the current rtshell working directory, which is stored in the RTCSH_CWD environment variable and changeable using the rtcwd command.

The available paths depend on the known name servers at the time the command is executed. This is a combination of the servers listed in the RTCSH_NAMESERVERS environment variable and the servers used in given paths.

For example, /localhost/comp0.rtc refers to the component named comp0.rtc registered on the name server at localhost. /localhost/manager/comp0.rtc refers to the component comp0.rtc in the directory manager on the localhost name server. ./comp0.rtc refers to that component in the current directory.

When specifying a port on an RT-Component, it should be placed after the path, separated by a colon. For example, /localhost/comp0.rtc:data refers to the port data on the component comp0.rtc.

Some commands that create new ports accept extra options in the paths, such as a name for the automatically generated port, or a formatter. The format for specifying these paths is:


For example:


This specifies that the automatically generated port should be named stuff, and the data type it handles should be printed using the a_printer function (which must be available, usually it is provided by the user in a loadable module). The port will be connected to the input port of the comp0.rtc component.

The name component is optional. If it is not present, neither should the . character be. For example:


The formatter component is optional. If it is not present, neither should the # character be. For example:



A list of arguments, separated by semi-colons, to pass to the ORB when creating it. Optional.
A list of name server addresses, separated by semi-colons, to parse when creating the RTCTree. Each server in the list will be added to the tree, making it available for browsing with rtshell. Optional.
The current working directory in the tree. Do not set this variable; it is set automatically by rtshell.

The only variable that should normally be set by the user is RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS. Set this to a list of name server addresses, separated by semi-colons, that rtshell should interact with. For example, in a Bash shell, the following command will set the known name serves to localhost, and example.com:

$ export RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS=localhost;;example.com


Returns zero on success and non-zero on failure.

Verbose output and error messages are printed to stderr.


$ rtcomp /localhost/manager.mgr -c /localhost/Motor0.rtc -p
/localhost/Controller0.rtc:in -p /localhost/Motor0.rtc:out
-n MotorUnit

Create a composite component using the Motor0.rtc and Controller0.rtc components, exposing the in port of Controller0.rtc and the out port of Motor0.rtc. The component's instance name will be MotorUnit.

See Also

rtmgr (1)