[openrtm-users 03076] Re: Is RTC::TimedStringSequence to bytestream conversion a well defined function?

Attila Bernáth attila.bernath @ sztaki.hu
2014年 7月 30日 (水) 21:55:47 JST

Dear Geoff,

> If you are not having any problems with the values that you put into and get
> out of the byte streams differing, then there is no problem with the byte
> streams themselves not being exactly identical. These contain information
> other than the strings that you put in. Aside from information used in

Yes, probably we can live with that, I just want to understand,
whether this is intentional, or we misuse something.

> packing and unpacking the data, the TimeString structure contains a time
> member, which you are not setting anywhere and so will contain uninitialised
> values when you put it into the byte string.
I am afraid I don't understand this part.
In the code I attached the TimedStringSeq data is obtained from some
byte array using the cdrmemorystream interface.
I obtained this byte array from some TimedStringSeq data: in that I
set the time member.
Can you explain a bit better, please?


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