[openrtm-users 02945] New version of VirCA!

Péter Galambos galambos @ sztaki.mta.hu
2013年 11月 12日 (火) 06:25:59 JST

Dear openRTM-aist Users,

Let me announce that the new version of the VirCA (Virtual Collaboration
Arena) platform is now available for download at


VirCA is a pilot collaboration platform for the Future Internet using
RT-Middleware as component framework. Please watch the demo videos at our
webpage and don't hesitate to contact us in case of any questions.

Best regards,
Peter Galambos

Research fellow
Leader of the VirCA development team - www.virca.hu

3DICC Laboratory (http://3dicc.sztaki.hu/)
Computer and Automation Research Institute
Hungarian Academy of Sciences

H-1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Mobile: + 36 20 368 - 5431
Phone: +36 1 279 - 6000 / 7213
Fax:     +36 1 279 - 6218
E-mail: galambos @ sztaki.mta.hu
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