[openrtm-users 02885] Re: (無題)

dkzm00 @ gmail.com dkzm00 @ gmail.com
2013年 8月 23日 (金) 15:56:55 JST

Hi, ysuga. The OS of my PC is Windows7(64bit) and I uses Oracle VM VirtualBox
for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS(64bit). The RT-Middleware is installed on the Ubuntu. I
uses the install script, which is provided on this site, for installation of
RT-Middleware. and I commanded... $ cd /usr/share/openrtm-1.1 $ sudo wget
$ sudo tar xvzf eclipse381-openrtp110rc4v20130216-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz $
cd /usr/bin $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/openrtm-1.1/eclipse/openrtp . $ cd $
openrtp The execuation of examples(ConsoleIn, ConsolOut) is running well. I
generate code and make sub-directory in the project folder. then, I
commanded... $ cmake .. The result is shown original question topic. Thank
you, Park

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