[openrtm-users 02479] PATH and PYTHONPATH for wrapper

e.yoshida @ aist.go.jp e.yoshida @ aist.go.jp
2012年 2月 24日 (金) 01:15:15 JST

Hello, This is a comment from a researcher of LAAS-CNRS about the wrapper.
The executable file rtm-skelwrapper, tries to run rtm-config (line 24) and to
import skel_wrapper.py (line 28). To be able to build successfully, the user
needs to set /opt/grx/bin in his PATH and /opt/grx/lib/openrtm-aist/py_helper
in his PYTHONPATH. I think it would be much better not to have to set these
variables. For instance, line 24, the whole path to rtm-config could be set
at configuration and path to skel_wrapper.py could be appended to sys.path
also at configuration. Best regards, -Eiichi Yoshida, JRL/AIST

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