[openrtm-users 02291] Re: Building RTC:stage

Geoffrey Biggs geoffrey.biggs aist.go.jp
2011ǯ 10 20 () 16:51:06 JST

Hi Matthieu,

Good to hear that the black component problem has been solved.

Segmentation faults are something I encounter sometimes, as well. To 
debug them, I need a backtrace. Run the component in GDB, like so:

$ gdb rtcstage_standalone

At the GDB prompt:

(gdb) run

When it segfaults, get a backtrace using the bt command:

(gdb) bt

Copy and paste it here.

If you get a whole lot of unknown symbols, you might need to compile 
RTC:Stage and possibly Stage itself in Debug mode. You can do this by 
running ccmake for each and setting the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Debug", 
then re-generating and compiling.


On 20/10/11 16:10, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
> Dear Geoffrey,
> It's my turn to apologize, I was using the System editor from an old
> eclipse for openrtm v0.42, thus with the new version I can activate it
> without problem. But I just get a Segmentation fault after activation.
> Best regards,
> Matthieu
> Geoffrey Biggs a crit :
>> Hi Matthieu,
>> Thanks for the information. The RTM_IDL_DIR variable is old and was
>> supposed to have been removed. I have done so now.
>> The reason that OPENRTM_IDL_DIR is set to the wrong directory for you
>> is that the directory changed in OpenRTM 1.1, which is what I develop
>> against. Changing it as you did is necessary for OpenRTM 1.0.
>> Geoff
>> On 17/10/11 11:27, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>> Hi Geoffrey,
>>> After a checkout and cmake, those variables have been initialized to the
>>> following values:
>>> OPENRTM_IDL_DIR /usr/include/openrtm-1.0/rtm/idl
>>> RTM_IDL_DIR /usr/include/rtm/idl
>>> In that case idl like extendedDatatypes.idl are not found, thus, on my
>>> computer, I changed them in the following way (actually I don't know the
>>> difference between those two variables)
>>> OPENRTM_IDL_DIR /usr/include/rtm/idl
>>> RTM_IDL_DIR /usr/include/rtm/idl
>>> It then compiles.
>>> Matthieu
>>> Geoffrey Biggs a crit :
>>>> Hi Matthieu,
>>>> Good to hear it compiles now.
>>>> Where was OPENRTM_IDL_DIR pointing to, and where should it have been
>>>> pointing to?
>>>> Geoff
>>>> On 17/10/11 11:14, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>>>> Dear Geoffrey,
>>>>> Now it compiles, I just had to change the value of OPENRTM_IDL_DIR
>>>>> which
>>>>> was pointing to a non existing directory. I may later have other
>>>>> questions on rtcstage, but at least this one is solved.
>>>>> Thank you very much for having updated so quickly rtcstage.
>>>>> Matthieu
>>>>> Geoffrey Biggs a crit :
>>>>>> Hi Matthieu,
>>>>>> I found the problem. I forgot to push the most recent commit to
>>>>>> github, which is a bit embarrassing. If you update now, you should
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> the working version.
>>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>> On 17/10/11 10:44, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Geoffrey,
>>>>>>> This line is different for me :
>>>>>>> 12 include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
>>>>>>> 13 include_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR})
>>>>>>> I checked on the git, the src/CMakeLists.txt is the same as mine.
>>>>>>> Matthieu
>>>>>>> set(comp_srcs rtcstage.cpp
>>>>>>> actuator_proxy.cpp
>>>>>>> camera_proxy.cpp
>>>>>>> fiducial_proxy.cpp
>>>>>>> gripper_proxy.cpp
>>>>>>> laser_proxy.cpp
>>>>>>> model_proxy.cpp
>>>>>>> position_proxy.cpp
>>>>>>> ranger_proxy.cpp)
>>>>>>> set(standalone_srcs standalone.cpp)
>>>>>>> include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
>>>>>>> include_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR})
>>>>>>> include_directories(${Stage_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OPENRTM_INCLUDE_DIRS})
>>>>>>> add_definitions(${Stage_DEFINITIONS} ${OPENRTM_DEFINITIONS})
>>>>>>> add_library(${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER} ${LIB_TYPE} ${comp_srcs}
>>>>>>> ${ALL_IDL_SRCS})
>>>>>>> add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER} ALL_IDL_TARGET)
>>>>>>> target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER} ${Stage_LIBRARIES}
>>>>>>> add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}_standalone ${standalone_srcs})
>>>>>>> target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}_standalone
>>>>>>> ${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}_standalone
>>>>>>> install(EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}
>>>>>>> FILE ${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}Depends.cmake)
>>>>>>> Geoffrey Biggs a crit :
>>>>>>>> Hi Matthieu,
>>>>>>>> The directory should exist after running CMake, and after make
>>>>>>>> is run
>>>>>>>> once it should contain the generated files. The command to generate
>>>>>>>> them is putting them there:
>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf -I/usr/include/rtm/idl
>>>>>>>> -C/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/include/rtcstage/idl/
>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/idl/stage_services.idl
>>>>>>>> What is odd is that one of the include directives in the compile
>>>>>>>> command is different from what it should be:
>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/ccache/c++ -Drtcstage_EXPORTS -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
>>>>>>>> -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -I/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include
>>>>>>>> -I/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build -I/usr/local/include/Stage-4.0
>>>>>>>> -I/usr/include/rtm/idl [...] -c
>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp
>>>>>>>> The include directive:
>>>>>>>> -I/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build
>>>>>>>> should be:
>>>>>>>> -I/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/include
>>>>>>>> This is probably the problem, but I'm not yet sure why it's coming
>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>> this way. Can you check the file src/CMakeLists.txt and confirm
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> line 12 looks like this:
>>>>>>>> include_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include)
>>>>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>>>> On 17/10/11 10:22, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Geoffrey,
>>>>>>>>> actually I don't have that directory. here's the list of the files
>>>>>>>>> in :
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage
>>>>>>>>> actuator_proxy.h camera_proxy.h CMakeLists.txt fiducial_proxy.h
>>>>>>>>> gripper_proxy.h laser_proxy.h model_proxy.h position_proxy.h
>>>>>>>>> ranger_proxy.h rtcstage.h
>>>>>>>>> The stage_services.idl can be found in
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/idl
>>>>>>>>> CMakeLists.txt stage_services.idl
>>>>>>>>> but not .hh or .cc have been generated
>>>>>>>>> $ make clean
>>>>>>>>> $ VERBOSE=1 make
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cmake -H/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage
>>>>>>>>> -B/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build --check-build-system
>>>>>>>>> CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/CMakeFiles
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/CMakeFiles/progress.marks
>>>>>>>>> make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
>>>>>>>>> make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> make -f idl/CMakeFiles/stage_services_TGT.dir/build.make
>>>>>>>>> idl/CMakeFiles/stage_services_TGT.dir/depend
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> cd /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build && /usr/local/bin/cmake -E
>>>>>>>>> cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/idl
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/idl
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/idl/CMakeFiles/stage_services_TGT.dir/DependInfo.cmake
>>>>>>>>> --color=
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> make -f idl/CMakeFiles/stage_services_TGT.dir/build.make
>>>>>>>>> idl/CMakeFiles/stage_services_TGT.dir/build
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/CMakeFiles
>>>>>>>>> [ 0%] Compiling
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/idl/stage_services.idl
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> CORBA
>>>>>>>>> cd /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/idl && /usr/bin/omniidl -bcxx
>>>>>>>>> -Wba -nf
>>>>>>>>> -I/usr/include/rtm/idl
>>>>>>>>> -C/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/include/rtcstage/idl/
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/idl/stage_services.idl
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/CMakeFiles 11
>>>>>>>>> [ 9%] Built target stage_services_TGT
>>>>>>>>> make -f idl/CMakeFiles/ALL_IDL_TARGET.dir/build.make
>>>>>>>>> idl/CMakeFiles/ALL_IDL_TARGET.dir/depend
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> cd /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build && /usr/local/bin/cmake -E
>>>>>>>>> cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/idl
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/idl
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/idl/CMakeFiles/ALL_IDL_TARGET.dir/DependInfo.cmake
>>>>>>>>> --color=
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> make -f idl/CMakeFiles/ALL_IDL_TARGET.dir/build.make
>>>>>>>>> idl/CMakeFiles/ALL_IDL_TARGET.dir/build
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: Rien à faire pour «
>>>>>>>>> idl/CMakeFiles/ALL_IDL_TARGET.dir/build ».
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/CMakeFiles
>>>>>>>>> [ 9%] Built target ALL_IDL_TARGET
>>>>>>>>> make -f src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/build.make
>>>>>>>>> src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/depend
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> cd /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build && /usr/local/bin/cmake -E
>>>>>>>>> cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/src
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/DependInfo.cmake
>>>>>>>>> --color=
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> make -f src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/build.make
>>>>>>>>> src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/build
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: entrant dans le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/CMakeFiles 1
>>>>>>>>> [ 18%] Building CXX object
>>>>>>>>> src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/rtcstage.cpp.o
>>>>>>>>> cd /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build/src && /usr/lib/ccache/c++
>>>>>>>>> -I/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include
>>>>>>>>> -I/localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build
>>>>>>>>> -I/usr/local/include/Stage-4.0
>>>>>>>>> -I/usr/include/rtm/idl -Wall -fPIC -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
>>>>>>>>> -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32
>>>>>>>>> -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -O2 -Wall
>>>>>>>>> -fPIC
>>>>>>>>> -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector
>>>>>>>>> --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic
>>>>>>>>> -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -O2 -o
>>>>>>>>> CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/rtcstage.cpp.o -c
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp
>>>>>>>>> Dans le fichier inclus  partir de
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:33,
>>>>>>>>>  partir de /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:30:
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/model_proxy.h:33:42:
>>>>>>>>> erreur: rtcstage/idl/stage_services.hh : Aucun fichier ou dossier
>>>>>>>>> de ce
>>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:33,
>>>>>>>>> from /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:30:
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/model_proxy.h:49:
>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>> expected class-name before , token
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/model_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>> Geometry2D in namespace RTC does not name a type
>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:30:
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:89:
>>>>>>>>> erreur: ISO
>>>>>>>>> C++ forbids declaration of ModelLaser with no type
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:89:
>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>> invalid use of ::
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:89:
>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>> expected ; before * token
>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:34:
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/gripper_proxy.h:44:
>>>>>>>>> erreur: expected class-name before , token
>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:35:
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/laser_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>> ISO C++ forbids declaration of ModelLaser with no type
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/laser_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>> invalid use of ::
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/laser_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>> expected ; before * token
>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:36:
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/position_proxy.h:44:
>>>>>>>>> erreur: expected class-name before , token
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/rtcstage.cpp.o] Erreur 1
>>>>>>>>> make[2]: quittant le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/all] Erreur 2
>>>>>>>>> make[1]: quittant le répertoire «
>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build »
>>>>>>>>> make: *** [all] Erreur 2
>>>>>>>>> Matthieu
>>>>>>>>> Geoffrey Biggs a crit :
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Matthieu,
>>>>>>>>>> That's certainly odd. It works fine on mine, which means there's
>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>> subtle difference between our systems causing the problem.
>>>>>>>>>> Can you please check what is in the directory
>>>>>>>>>> "include/rtcstage/idl"
>>>>>>>>>> in your build directory? There should be three files:
>>>>>>>>>> ~/src/rtcstage/build $ ls include/rtcstage/idl/
>>>>>>>>>> stage_services.hh stage_servicesDynSK.cc stage_servicesSK.cc
>>>>>>>>>> Can you also please try running this command and sending the
>>>>>>>>>> output?
>>>>>>>>>> $ VERBOSE=1 make
>>>>>>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>>>>>> On 17/10/11 09:46, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Geoffrey,
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's the result of the Cmake on a clone from git :
>>>>>>>>>>> -- The C compiler identification is GNU
>>>>>>>>>>> -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/gcc
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/gcc -- works
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/c++
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/c++ -- works
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Found OpenRTM: /usr/include (Required is at least version
>>>>>>>>>>> "1")
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for XOpenDisplay in
>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/libX11.so;/usr/lib/libXext.so
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for XOpenDisplay in
>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/libX11.so;/usr/lib/libXext.so -
>>>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for gethostbyname
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for gethostbyname - found
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for connect
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for connect - found
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for remove
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for remove - found
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for shmat
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for shmat - found
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Found X11: /usr/lib/libX11.so
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib/libGL.so
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Found FLTK:
>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/libfltk_images.so;/usr/lib/libfltk_forms.so;/usr/lib/libfltk_gl.so;/usr/lib/libGL.so;/usr/lib/libfltk.so
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Found Stage: /usr/local/include/Stage-4.0;/usr/include
>>>>>>>>>>> (Required is
>>>>>>>>>>> at least version "4")
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Configuring done
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Generating done
>>>>>>>>>>> -- Build files have been written to:
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/build
>>>>>>>>>>> and the result from the make
>>>>>>>>>>> Dans le fichier inclus  partir de
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:33,
>>>>>>>>>>>  partir de /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:30:
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/model_proxy.h:33:42:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur: rtcstage/idl/stage_services.hh : Aucun fichier ou
>>>>>>>>>>> dossier
>>>>>>>>>>> de ce
>>>>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:33,
>>>>>>>>>>> from /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:30:
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/model_proxy.h:49:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>> expected class-name before , token
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/model_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>> Geometry2D in namespace RTC does not name a type
>>>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:30:
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:89:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur: ISO
>>>>>>>>>>> C++ forbids declaration of ModelLaser with no type
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:89:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>> invalid use of ::
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/rtcstage.h:89:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>> expected ; before * token
>>>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:34:
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/gripper_proxy.h:44:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur: expected class-name before , token
>>>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:35:
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/laser_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>> ISO C++ forbids declaration of ModelLaser with no type
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/laser_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>> invalid use of ::
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/laser_proxy.h:56:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>> expected ; before * token
>>>>>>>>>>> In file included from
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/src/rtcstage.cpp:36:
>>>>>>>>>>> /localdisk/mboussar/rtcstage/include/rtcstage/position_proxy.h:44:
>>>>>>>>>>> erreur: expected class-name before , token
>>>>>>>>>>> make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/rtcstage.cpp.o]
>>>>>>>>>>> Erreur 1
>>>>>>>>>>> make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/rtcstage.dir/all] Erreur 2
>>>>>>>>>>> make: *** [all] Erreur 2
>>>>>>>>>>> Matthieu
>>>>>>>>>>> Geoffrey Biggs a crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Matthieu,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you clean out your build directory after updating from
>>>>>>>>>>>> Github?
>>>>>>>>>>>> There were some pretty significant changes to the CMake
>>>>>>>>>>>> files in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> update.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If that doesn't make a difference, can you post the CMake
>>>>>>>>>>>> output
>>>>>>>>>>>> here?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 14/10/11 09:36, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Geoffrey,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for the update, Actually I still have got some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Even
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the cmake commands ran perfectly, It looks like the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stage_services.hh is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not generated from stage_services.idl. If I generate it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> manually
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> still not found by the makefile. Am I making a mistake in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> include ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matthieu
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Geoffrey Biggs a crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Matthieu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've finished updating the component. I haven't had time to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it yet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beyond confirming that it starts a simulation. You can get it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> github repository. Let me know if you have any more problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 13/10/11 09:25, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to trying it. Will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message to confirm once the update finished ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matthieu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Geoffrey Biggs a ���crit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like the HEAD version of stage has progressed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> considerably
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since the component was released. I will take a look at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> component today. In the mean time, checking out the Stage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about November last year should give you a version of Stage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> component will work with.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/10/11 18:20, Matthieu BOUSSARD wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Sir,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to build RTC::stage component but I'm facing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I couldn't find where is Stg::ModelLaser class defined,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thus I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> got the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following error :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtcstage-1.0.0/comp/rtcstage.h:60: erreur: ISO C++ forbids
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> declaration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of ��ModelLaser�� with no type
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtcstage-1.0.0/comp/rtcstage.h:60: erreur: invalid use of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ��::��
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtcstage-1.0.0/comp/rtcstage.h:60: erreur: expected ��;��
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ��*�� token
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also pose_rel, I believed should is defined in stage.hh ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commented when I downloaded the sources thus the following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtcstage-1.0.0/proxies/fiducial_proxy.cpp:47: erreur:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ��class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stg::ModelFiducial::Fiducial�� has no member named
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ��pose_rel��
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At the time I only made a directory, ran cmake , then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the following programs :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtcstage-1.0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtv-Stage-508538b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> player-3.0.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> openrtm 1.0.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matthieu Boussard
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