[openrtm-users 01659] Re: Is C# supported by Openrm

Geoffrey Biggs geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp
2011年 3月 23日 (水) 05:56:26 JST

There is a C# version of OpenRTM, called OpenRTM.net, as you have found.
This is made by a different group of people (SEC) from OpenRTM-aist.
RTCBuilder does not yet support OpenRTM.NET-1.0. It only produces
components for OpenRTM.NET-0.4.x, which are obviously not compatible
with components for OpenRTM-aist. However, SEC does provide a Visual
Studio template for RTCs for OpenRTM.NET-1.0, which you should be able
to use until RTCBuilder has been updated.


On 23/03/11 05:40, Zoltán Krizsán wrote:
> hi everyone,
> In the Official RTC editor there is a possibility to choose C# as
> programming language of component. But when I open the generated
> project file, some assemblies are missing.
> So is the C# is supported officially by 1.0 openrtm?
> Where can I find the missing assemblies?
> (We have found an OpenRTM.NET, but it seems to be compatible with
> previous version of openrtm.)
> Thanks

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