[openrtm-users 02375] Re: How to connect and activate rt-components dynamically?

Geoffrey Biggs geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp
2011年 12月 31日 (土) 11:13:05 JST

Hi Weshan,

At the moment, the best tool we have for doing what you want is rtshell. It is implemented as a set of modules for functions such as making connections and activating components. You can import the modules you need from the rtshell library and call them; see the scripts that are also provided with rtshell (which are normally called from the command line) for examples. We have a few users using rtshell in this way to do what you are trying to do, including from GUI tools and command line tools. It provides quite a high level interface.

We also provide a library called rtctree. This is what rtshell uses internally. It provides an abstraction of the runing components, allowing them to be searched, connected, etc. It is not as high-level an interface as rtshell, but it provides more flexibility.

If rtshell and rtctree are not suitable, the alternative is to use the CORBA interfaces specified in the RTC specification. You can find examples of doing this in the OpenRTM examples and in the rtshell source. These interfaces give you complete dynamic control over components, but you will need some CORBA experience.


shanshan1370 @ sina.com wrote:

>Hello, everyone: I'm designing a network robot system with
>openRTM-AIST. It's
>very important to have the rt-components connect/discnnect and
>activate/inactivate dynamically in our own program. It can be easily
>by RtsystemEditor, however, we would like to realize it in our own
>program, say, a java or c++ program without graphical user interface. I
>searched for days but didn't get any documentation or example on this
>Would you please give me some advice on this, or some links to docs and
>examples? Thank you very much! Wenshan
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>openrtm-users @ openrtm.org
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