[openrtm-users 01420] Re: Regarding connecting OpenRTM components in windows on computer with 2 interfaces
Tony Kuo
ikuo005 @ aucklanduni.ac.nz
2010年 9月 28日 (火) 12:30:54 JST
Hi Geoff:
Thank you for your answer!!
It's very useful!
The first or second option is probably what i will go for.
I was testing my components, and actually just found out that,
if you put a copy of rtc.conf in the same directory as the component to run,
the component will use that configuration in the conf file to initiailise.
My components could connect to the nameserver
if I specify the right nameserver IP in the conf (via corba.nameservers)
Do they work in the same way as corba.endpoints?
I will read into the link!
Thanks so much!
On 28 September 2010 14:17, Geoffrey Biggs <geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp>wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> On 28/09/10 06:14, Tony Kuo wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am developing and testing my OpenRTM components on two computers each
> > with 2 interfaces (one LAN and one wireless )
> > I am using windows on both these two machines, therefore configuring
> > components through rtc.conf described here
> > http://www.openrtm.org/openrtm/en/content/troubleshooting don't really
> > apply.
> >
> > I tried set OMNIORB_USEHOSTNAME environment variable to the interface I
> > am using,
> > but I still get "NameServer connection failed: corba/localhost" error.
> >
> > Does anyone know how to configure component properly on windows?
> > so it's connected to its nameserver
> > and when I launch system editor on one of the machines,
> > I can see components on both computers.
> The number of interfaces on a computer should, in general, not make much
> difference. Particularly in the case of running the name server on
> another computer, it doesn't matter how many interfaces you have - as
> long as at least one has a route to the computer running the name server.
> Sometimes, though, multiple interfaces or other network
> mis-configurations can throw off omniORB, causing components to be
> unable to reach the name server even from the local computer. We see
> this particularly often in Windows. The solution is to configure the
> endpoints for the ORB manually. You can read about endpoints here:
> http://omniorb.sourceforge.net/omni41/omniORB/omniORB008.html#toc42
> We support setting the ORB endpoints in rtc.conf. The page you linked to
> does describe this, but OMNIORB_USEHOSTNAME is only half the story. You
> also need to set the corba.endpoints (note the plural; the
> troubleshooting page apparently needs updating) option in rtc.conf for
> the components.
> When you have multiple computers, you have two options for registration
> management:
> a) Run a single name server on one computer. Configure components on
> other computers to register on that using corba.nameservers. You can
> specify multiple name servers in this option if you want a component to
> register in multiple places.
> b) Run a name server on each computer. Each component registers on the
> name server on its local computer. In RTSystemEditor, add all the name
> servers to the name server view. In rtcshell, set RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS to
> a semi-colon-separated list of the name server addresses (or just
> specify them directly in paths).
> c) I guess there's a third option: you can run as many name servers as
> you like wherever you like, even on a single computer if you use
> different ports.
> Geoff
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