[openrtm-users 01458] nameserver timer?

Hugo Gravato Marques hgmarques @ googlemail.com
2010年 11月 10日 (水) 00:24:06 JST


I'm a new OpenRTM user so apologise if this is too trivial a question...

I'm trying to build an application where I have several rtm components on
the same nameserver but running on different computers. I would like to be
able to transfer timed data between the components using a single clock
signal... My question is whether openrtm provides any kind of clock signal
that can be shared by all the components running in the same nameserver...
If so, how do I get the clock signal?... If not I would like to ask you what
would be the best way to do it within the openrtm framework...

thanks in advance...


Hugo Gravato Marques,
AI Lab, University of Zürich
phone: +41 (0)789290049
address: AI Lab, Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zürich
web: http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~hgmarq/
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