[openrtm-users 01449] freelance job (OpenHRP3)

Davide Faconti faconti @ pal-robotics.com
2010年 11月 4日 (木) 22:22:10 JST


I am new to both OpenRTM and OpenHRP3.
Since I could not find any mailing list on the website of OpenHRP3, I
decided to write on this mailing list (forgive me if you consider that this
in not appropriate).
My company needs to use the OpenHRP3 simulator and to create a bridge with
another middleware for robotics (Orocos).
We need technical support to *learn quickly *how to use the simulator, for
this reason we would like to get help from a freelancer.

If any of you is interested, please contact me at
davide.faconti @ gmail.comand please answer the following questions:

-) how long have you been working with OpenHRP3?
-) which is your* price per hours*?
-) in which timezone are you located?


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