[openrtm-users 01374] OmniORB "application,attempted to invoke an operation on a nil reference" error

Matthieu BOUSSARD mboussar @ aisl.cs.tut.ac.jp
2010年 7月 20日 (火) 13:27:10 JST


I've got a question on openrtm: I've got one component which is client
of two others. I've got 3 files :

when I make a project using only service1 (for both client and service 
provider) it works. But when I'm, making a project using service 1 and 
service 2, I get the "application attempted to invoke an operation on a 
nil reference" (and I'm not even calling service2).
The services are exchanging user defined image type (sequence of 
points). I'm using openRTM 0.42 and I got the error using vc8 or under 

thank you,

best regards,


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