[openrtm-users 01198] Re: Shutdown of manager and cleanup of components

Ando Noriaki n-ando @ aist.go.jp
2010年 4月 22日 (木) 18:35:20 JST

Dear Steffen

I'm sorry for my late reply, and thank you for your detailed investigation.
We have added these problems to bug tracking database.
Please wait for a while.

Best regards,
Noriaki Ando

2010/4/8 Steffen Wittmeier <steffen.wittmeier @ in.tum.de>:
> Hi,
> the Manager.cpp patch 01149 (see below) solved some of our shutdown bugs.
> However, as my colleague Michael Jäntsch already pointed out, we still have
> problems with the shutdown of the manager and the correct exiting of the
> individual components where we really need some support. The problems are:
> 1) Manager shutdown
> When calling manager->shutdown() at the end of the main application without
> calling exit() on the component and cleanupComponents() on the manager the
> application exits without errors. However, the shutdown method of the
> manager only calls exit() on the components but never calls
> cleanupComponents() and hence the destructors of the components are never
> called. Maybe you can provide a fix here. Calling exit() and
> cleanupComponents() manually before manager->shutdown() results in a
> segmentation fault!!! Calling these methods from a gui component and not
> from main does not cause a segmentation fault.
> Is this a known bug?
> 2) Deletion of servants that are still activated
> By calling exit() on a component and subsequent cleanupComponents() from a
> gui thread, we get the error:
> omniORB: ERROR -- A servant has been deleted that is still activated.
>      id: root<6> (active)
> omniORB: Assertion failed.  This indicates a bug in the application
> using omniORB, or maybe in omniORB itself.
>  file: ../../../../../src/lib/omniORB/orbcore/omniServant.cc
>  line: 222
>  info: activation_found
> This error only occurs when we register a provider port in the component.
> When removing the provider port it works without problems. I should add that
> this problem only occurs for one of our components - however, we can not
> find any differences between the components and hence it is a riddle to us
> what causes this error. Maybe you can provide some ideas?
> 3) Not all threads are terminated when shutting down the Manager
> As my colleague already described in mail 01182, we have the problem that
> two threads are still running after shutting down the manager. Is that an
> internal problem? Do you have an idea how to solve this problem?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Steffen Wittmeier
> --
> Steffen Wittmeier
> Lehrstuhl für Informatik VI
> Technische Universität München
> Boltzmannstraße 3, 85748 Garching
> Telefon : +89 289-18100
> Telefax : +89 289-18107
> E-Mail  : steffen.wittmeier @ in.tum.de
> Internet: http://www6.in.tum.de/
> On 03/10/2010 06:14 AM, kurihara shinji wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please try to apply the patch attached to the mailing list "[openrtm-users
>> 01149]".
>>   or
>> Please check out the source of the latest version from the following
>> repositories.
>> http://openrtp.jp/openrtm/svn/OpenRTM-aist/branches/RELENG_1_0/OpenRTM-aist
>> Regards,
>> Shinji Kurihara

Noriaki Ando, Ph.D.
    Senior Research Scientist, RT-Synthesis R.G., ISRI, AIST
    AIST Tsukuba Central 2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568 JAPAN
    e-mail: n-ando @ aist.go.jp, web: http://staff.aist.go.jp/n-ando
    OpenRTM-aist: http://www.openrtm.org

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