[openrtm-users 00242] Is it a bug or compiler error?

janarbek canarbekmatay @ yahoo.com
2007年 10月 29日 (月) 18:05:19 JST

  When i try to generate template cmp and compliling with VC 2005 Prof edition I got following error. 
  My template cmd:
  rtc-template -bcxx --module-name="CameraComponent"
 --module-desc="Camera Component"
  I am getting following error in VC++ 2005 Pro in CameraInfoSK.cc at 89 line which is 
const char* CameraInfo::_PD_repoId = "IDL:CameraInfo:1.0";

   error C2491: "CameraInfo::_PD_reportId': definition of dllimport function not allowed
  I think  I did everything in right way and doubt this is a bug or compiler error. Does any one has any idea?

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