[openrtm-users 00228] Re: Important changes between OpenRTM-aist 0.4.0 amd 0.4.1

Ando Noriaki n-ando @ aist.go.jp
2007年 10月 24日 (水) 14:09:34 JST


> you mentioned about some of the features which are included in RTC spec is
> not yet implemented in OpenRTM-aist 0.4.0 version. I am not yet using 0.4.1.
> So, wondering did you implement those features? such as component type
> ?...etc.
> what are the major importance between two releases?

Please read release note for 0.4.1.
and fixed bugs are here (Japanese)

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安藤慶昭@独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 研究員
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