[openrtm-commit:02380] r929 - in trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC: . etc

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2017年 2月 5日 (日) 19:19:12 JST

Author: win-ei
Date: 2017-02-05 19:19:11 +0900 (Sun, 05 Feb 2017)
New Revision: 929

[compat,sample] Example configuration files have been added.

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/etc/component.conf
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/etc/component.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/etc/component.conf	2017-02-05 10:19:11 UTC (rev 929)
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# component profile
+# implementation_id:
+# type_name:
+# description:
+# version:
+# vendor:
+# category:
+# activity_type:
+# max_instance:
+# language:
+# lang_type:
+# execution context options
+# Periodic type ExecutionContext
+# Other availabilities in OpenRTM-aist
+# - ExtTrigExecutionContext: External triggered EC. It is embedded in
+#                            OpenRTM library.
+# - OpenHRPExecutionContext: External triggred paralell execution
+#                            EC. It is embedded in OpenRTM
+#                            library. This is usually used with
+#                            OpenHRP3.
+# - RTPreemptEC:             Real-time execution context for Linux
+#                            RT-preemptive pathed kernel.
+# - ArtExecutionContext:     Real-time execution context for ARTLinux
+#                            (http://sourceforge.net/projects/art-linux/)
+# exec_cxt.periodic.type: [specify periodic type EC]
+# The execution cycle of ExecutionContext
+# exec_cxt.periodic.rate: [Hz]
+# Event driven execution context (not implemented yet)
+# exec_cxt.event_driven.type: [specify event driven type EC]
+# State transition mode settings YES/NO
+# Default: YES (efault setting is recommended.)
+# Activating, deactivating and resetting of RTC performs state
+# transition. Some execution contexts might execute main logic in
+# different thread. If these flags are set to YES, activation,
+# deactivation and resetting will be performed synchronously. In other
+# words, if these flags are YES,
+# activation/deactivation/resetting-operations must be returned after
+# state transition completed.
+# "sync_transition" will set synchronous transition flags to all other
+# synchronous transition flags sync_activation/deactivation/reset.
+# exec_cxt.sync_transition: YES
+# exec_cxt.sync_activation: YES
+# exec_cxt.sync_deactivation: YES
+# exec_cxt.sync_reset: YES
+# Timeout of synchronous state transition [s]
+# Default: 0.5 [s]
+# When synchronous transition flags are set to YES, the following
+# timeout settings are valid. If "transition_timeout" is set, the
+# value will be set to all other timeout of activation/deactivation
+# and resetting
+# exec_cxt.transition_timeout: 0.5
+# exec_cxt.activation_timeout: 0.5
+# exec_cxt.deactivation_timeout: 0.5
+# exec_cxt.reset_timeout: 0.5
+# Specifying Execution Contexts
+# Default: No default
+# execution_contexts: None or <EC0>,<EC1>,...
+# <EC?>: ECtype(ECname)
+# RTC can be attached with zero or more Execution
+# Contexts. "execution_contexts" option specifies RTC-specific
+# attached ECs and its name. If the option is not specified, the
+# internal global options or rtc.conf options related to EC will be
+# used. If None is specified, no EC will be created.
+# Availabilities in OpenRTM-aist
+# - ExtTrigExecutionContext: External triggered EC. It is embedded in
+#                            OpenRTM library.
+# - OpenHRPExecutionContext: External triggred paralell execution
+#                            EC. It is embedded in OpenRTM
+#                            library. This is usually used with
+#                            OpenHRP3.
+# - RTPreemptEC:             Real-time execution context for Linux
+#                            RT-preemptive pathed kernel.
+# - ArtExecutionContext:     Real-time execution context for ARTLinux
+#                            (http://sourceforge.net/projects/art-linux/)
+# execution_contexts: PeriodicExecutionContext(pec1000Hz), \
+#                     PeriodicExecutionContext(pec500Hz)
+# EC specific configurations
+# Default: No default
+# Each EC can have its own configuration. Individual configuration can
+# be specified by using EC type name or EC instance name. Attached ECs
+# would be specified in execution_context option like <EC type
+# name>(<EC instance name>), ...  EC specific option can be specified
+# as follows.
+# ec.<EC type name>.<option>
+# ec.<EC instance name>.<option>
+# Example:
+# ec.PeriodicExecutionContext.sync_transition: NO
+# ec.pec1000Hz.rate: 1000
+# ec.pec1000Hz.synch_transition: YES
+# ec.pec1000Hz.transition_timeout: 0.5
+# ec.pec500Hz.rate: 500
+# ec.pec500Hz.synch_activation: YES
+# ec.pec500Hz.synch_deactivation: NO
+# ec.pec500Hz.synch_reset: YES
+# ec.pec500Hz.activation_timeout: 0.5
+# ec.pec500Hz.reset_timeout: 0.5
+# port configurations
+# port.[port_name].[interface_name].type: [CORBA, Ice, others...]
+# port.[port_name].[interface_name].instance_name: [provider only]
+# port.[port_name].[interface_name].bind_to:       [consumer only]
+# data port configurations
+# port.[port_name].dataport.interface_type: [corba_cdr, raw_tcp, etc..]
+# port.[port_name].dataport.dataflow_type: [push, pull]
+# port.[port_name].dataport.subscription_type: [flash, new, periodic]
+# port.[port_name].dataport.constraint: [constraint_specifier]
+# port.[port_name].dataport.fan_out: [number of connection, InPort only]
+# port.[port_name].dataport.fan_in: [number of connection, InPort only]
+# publisher property
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].publisher.push_rate: freq.
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].publisher.push_policy: [all, new, skip, fifo]
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].publisher.skip_count: [skip count]
+# port.[port_name].dataport.[interface_type].[iface_dependent_options]:
+# CORBA Any type dependent options
+# port.[port_name].dataport.corba_any.inport_ref: read only
+# port.[port_name].dataport.corba_any.outport_ref: read only
+# Raw TCP type dependent options
+# port.[port_name].dataport.raw_tcp.server_addr:
+# port.[port_name].constraint: enable
+# connector buffer configurations.
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].buffer.length: 8
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].buffer.write.full_policy: [overwrite, do_nothing, block]
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].buffer.write.timeout: 1.0
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].buffer.read.empty_policy: [readback, do_nothing, block]
+# port.[inport|outport].[port_name].buffer.read.timeout: 1.0
+# port.inport.[port_name].shared_buffer: YES/NO
+# configuration parameters
+# conf.[configuration_set_name].[parameter_name]:
+# conf.__widget__.[parameter_name]: GUI control type for RTSystemEditor
+# conf.__constraint__.[parameter_name]: Constraints for the value
+# configuration sets
+# conf.[configuration_set_name].[parameter_name]:
+# GUI control option for RTSystemEditor
+# Available GUI control options [__widget__]:
+# conf.__widget__.[widget_name]:
+# available wdget name:
+# - text:          text box [default].
+# - slider.<step>: Horizontal slider. <step> is step for the slider.
+#                  A range constraints option is required. 
+# - spin:          Spin button. A range constraitns option is required.
+# - radio:         Radio button. An enumeration constraints is required.
+# - checkbox:      Checkbox control. An enumeration constraints is
+#                  required. The parameter has to be able to accept a
+#                  comma separated list.
+# - orderd_list:   Orderd list control.  An enumeration constraint is
+#                  required. The parameter has to be able to accept a
+#                  comma separated list. In this control, Enumerated
+#                  elements can appear one or more times in the given list.
+# examples:
+# conf.__widget__.int_param0: slider.10
+# conf.__widget__.int_param1: spin
+# conf.__widget__.double_param0: slider.10
+# conf.__widget__.double_param1: text
+# conf.__widget__.str_param0: radio
+# conf.__widget__.vector_param0: checkbox
+# conf.__widget__.vector_param1: orderd_list
+# Available GUI control constraint options [__constraints__]:
+# conf.__constraints__.[parameter_name]:
+# available constraints:
+# - none:         blank
+# - direct value: 100 (constant value)
+# - range:        <, >, <=, >= can be used.
+# - enumeration:  (enum0, enum1, ...)
+# - array:        <constraints0>, ,constraints1>, ... for only array value
+# - hash:         {key0: value0, key1:, value0, ...}
+# available constraint formats (substitute variable name: "x"):
+# - No constraint              : (blank)
+# - Direct                     : 100 (read only)
+# - 100 or over                : x >= 100
+# - 100 or less                : x <= 100
+# - Over 100                   : x > 100
+# - Less 100                   : x < 0
+# - 100 or over and 200 or less: 100 <= x <= 200
+# - Over 100 and less 200      : 100 < x < 200
+# - Enumeration                : (9600, 19200, 115200)
+# - Array                      : x < 1, x < 10, x > 100
+# - Hash                       : {key0: 100<x<200, key1: x>=100}
+# examples:
+# conf.__constraints__.int_param0: 0<=x<=150
+# conf.__constraints__.int_param1: 0<=x<=1000
+# conf.__constraints__.double_param0: 0<=x<=100
+# conf.__constraints__.double_param1:
+# conf.__constraints__.str_param0: (default,mode0,mode1)
+# conf.__constraints__.vector_param0: (dog,monky,pheasant,cat)
+# conf.__constraints__.vector_param1: (pita,gora,switch)

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/etc/rtc.conf.sample
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/etc/rtc.conf.sample	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/etc/rtc.conf.sample	2017-02-05 10:19:11 UTC (rev 929)
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+# RT-Component manager configuration
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+#      Task-intelligence Research Group,
+#      Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+#      National Institute of
+#          Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+#      All rights reserved.
+# $Id: rtc.conf.sample 2887 2017-01-22 14:13:06Z n-ando $
+# Configuration version (optional) 
+config.version: 1.0
+# OpenRTM-aist version (optional)
+openrtm.version: 1.0.0
+# The name of manager (default = manager)
+manager.name: manager
+# Master manager
+# - manager.is_master: YES/NO, This process made a master or not.
+# - manager.corba_servant: YES/NO, create manager's corba service or not
+# - corba.master_manager: <host_name>:<port>, master manager's location
+manager.is_master: YES
+manager.corba_servant: YES
+corba.master_manager: localhost:2810
+# Manager auto shutdown options
+# - manager.shutdown_on_nortcs: YES/NO, 
+#   process will be shutdown in case no rtc exists when rtc is deleted.
+# - manager.shutdown_auto:
+#   process will be shutdown in case no rtc exists on periodic check.
+manager.shutdown_on_nortcs: YES
+manager.shutdown_auto: YES
+manager.auto_shutdown_duration: 10.0
+# CORBA configuration
+# CORBA ORB's arguments
+# ORB specific command line options given to ORB_init().
+# See your ORB documentation.
+# Example:
+#   corba.args: -ORBInitialHost myhost -ORBInitialPort 8888
+# ORB endpoint
+# If you have two or more network interfaces, ORB endpoint address and/or
+# port have to be specified. If hostname or port number is abbreviated,
+# default interface or port number is used. At least one colon ':'
+# is needed when you specify this option.
+# Examples:
+#   corba.endpoint: myhost:      (use myhost and default port)
+#   corba.endpoint: :9876        (use default addr and port 9876)
+#   corba.endpoint: myhost:9876  (use myhost and port 9876)
+corba.endpoint: [obsolete]
+# Multiple endpoint options (experimental)
+# Multiple endpoint addresses and ports can be specified using this option.
+# Example:
+#   corba.endpoints:,
+#   corba.endpoints:,
+#   corba.endpoints: all
+corba.endpoints_ipv4: [readonly]
+corba.endpoints_ipv6: [readonly]
+# Specify what kind of IP addresses will be set to corba.endpoints
+# Examples:
+# corba.endpoint_property: ipv4
+# corba.endpoint_property: ipv4, ipv6(0)
+# corba.endpoint_property: ipv6
+# corba.endpoint_property: ipv4(0,1), ipv6(2,3)
+# CORBA name server setting
+# Multiple name servers can be specified separating by comma.
+# If port number is abbreviated, default port number is used.
+# The default port number is depend on ORB implementation.
+# Examples:
+#   corba.nameservers: openrtm.aist.go.jp:9876
+#   corba.nameservers: rtm0.aist.go.jp, rtm1.aist.go.jp, rtm2.aist.go.jp
+corba.nameservers: localhost
+# IOR host address replacement by guessed endpoint from routing (experimental)
+# This option replaces a host address with an endpoint that is guessed
+# by route information to nameserver's address. This option may be
+# effective for CORBA implementation that does not supports IOR's
+# multiple profile or alternate IIOP address. However, since other
+# object references that are obtained from RT-Components or other are
+# not modified by this rule, other RTCs that are connected to this RTC
+# have to also support IOR multiple profile feature.  When this option
+# is used, corba.endpoints option should also be specified with
+# multiple endpoints.
+corba.nameservice.replace_endpoint: NO
+# IOR alternate IIOP addresses
+# This option adds alternate IIOP addresses into the IOR Profiles.
+# IOR can include additional endpoints for a servant. It is almost
+# same as "corba.endpoints" option, but this option does not create
+# actual endpoint on the ORB. (corba.endpoints try to create actual
+# endpoint, and if it cannot be created, error will be returned.)
+# This option just add alternate IIOP endpoint address information to
+# an IOR.
+# This option can be used when RTCs are located inside of NAT or
+# router.  Generally speaking, RTCs in a private network cannot
+# connect to RTCs in the global network, because global client cannot
+# reach to private servants. However, if route (or NAT) is properly
+# configured for port forwarding, global RTCs can reach to RTCs in
+# private network.
+# A setting example is as follows.
+# 1) Configure your router properly for port-forwarding.
+#    ex. global 2810 port is forwarded to private 2810
+# 2) Set the following options in rtc.conf
+#  corba.nameservers: my.global.nameserver.com <- name server in global network
+#  corba.endpoints: :2810 <- actual port number
+#  corba.additional_ior_addresses: w.x.y.z:2810 <- routers global IP addr/port
+# 3) Launch global RTCs and private RTC, and connect them.
+corba.alternate_iiop_addresses: addr:port
+# Naming configurations
+# Enable/Disable naming functions
+naming.enable: YES
+# Naming Types
+# Now only "corba" is supported.
+naming.type: corba
+# Naming format
+# The name format of components that is bound to naming services.
+# The delimiter between names is "/".
+# The delimiter between name and kind is ".".
+# example: (OpenRTM-aist-0.2.0 style)
+#       %h.host_cxt/%M.mgr_cxt/%c.cat_cxt/%m.mod_cxt/%n.rtc
+# This is formatted according to the following replacement rules.
+# %n: The instance name of the component.
+# %t: The type name of the component.
+# %m: The module name of the component.
+# %v: The version of the component.
+# %V: The component vendor.
+# %c: The category of the component.
+# %h: The hostname.
+# %M: The manager name.
+# %p: PID of the manager.
+naming.formats: %h.host/%n.rtc
+# Auto update to Naming Server
+naming.update.enable: YES
+# Update interval [s] for auto update
+naming.update.interval: 10.0
+# Rebind references in auto update
+naming.update.rebind: NO
+# End of Naming configuration section
+# Module management
+# Loadable module search path list
+# Manager searches loadable modules from the specified search path list.
+# Path list elements should be separated by comma.
+# Path delimiter is '/' on UNIX, and '\\' on Windows
+# Valid path examples:
+#   manager.modules.load_path: C:/Program Files/OpenRTM-aist,  \
+#   			       C:\\Program Files\\OpenRTM-aist
+#   manager.modules.load_path: /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib,       \
+#   			       /usr/local/lib/OpenRTM-aist/libs
+manager.modules.load_path: ./
+# Preload module list
+# Manager can load loadable modules before starting up.
+# Loadable modules, which is specified only as its file name, is searched
+# in each module load path specified in the "manager.modules.load_path".
+# If the "manager.modules.abs_path_allowed" option is YES, loadable file
+# can be specified as full-path name.
+# Module initialization function name is usually estimated module file
+# name.  If the module file name is ConsoleIn.so, the initialization
+# function name is set to "ConsleInInit." If you want to specify
+# specify the initialization function name, the initialization
+# function name in parenthesis after module file name can be
+# specified, like as "Hoge.so (ConsoleInInit)".  File extensions such
+# as ".so", ".dll", ".dylib" can be drop. If module file name without
+# file extension is specified, an extension specified in property
+# variable "manager.modules.C++.suffixes" is supplied.
+# Valid settings:
+# manager.modules.preload: ConsoleIn.dll, ConsoleOut.dll
+# manager.modules.preload: ConsoleIn.so, ConsoleOut.so
+# manager.modules.preload: Hoge.so (ConsoleInInit), ConsoleOut
+# manager.modules.abs_path_allowed: YES
+# manager.modules.preload: /usr/lib/OpenRTM-aist/ConsoleIn.so
+# Permission flag of absolute module path
+# If this option is "YES", absolute path specification for module is allowed.
+manager.modules.abs_path_allowed: YES
+# The following options are not implemented yet. 
+# manager.modules.config_ext:
+# manager.modules.config_path:
+# manager.modules.detect_loadable:
+# manager.modules.init_func_suffix:
+# manager.modules.init_func_prefix:
+# manager.modules.download_allowed:
+# manager.modules.download_dir:
+# manager.modules.download_cleanup:
+# Advance component creation
+# This option specifies components' names (module name) creating in advance
+# before starting the manager's event-loop. The components' factories should
+# be registered by manager.module.preload option or statically linked to the
+#  manager.
+# Example:
+# manager.components.precreate: ConsoleIn, ConsoleOut, SeqIn, SeqOut
+# Advance connection creation
+# This option specifies connections to be created in advance before
+# starting the manager's event-loop. The target components and ports
+# must be created previously by manager.components.precreate optinos.
+# A port is specified as XXX format, and a connection is specified by
+# a delimiter XX between ports such as ConsoleIn.out:ConsoleOut.in. A
+# connector profile is specified in the following parentheses "()" by
+# "key=falue" format with "&" delimiter.
+# Example:
+# manager.components.preconnect: ConsoleIn.out:ConsoleOut.in(dataflow_type=push&interface_type=corba_cdr), SeqIn.octet:SeqOut.octet(dataflow_type=push&&interface_type=direct)
+# if no parenthis parts are included, dataflow_type=push, interface_type=corba_cdr
+# Advance component activation
+# This option specifies components' names (module name) to be
+# activated in advance before starting the manager's event-loop. The
+# target components should be created previously by
+# manager.components.precreate optinos.
+# Example:
+# manager.components.preactivate: ConsoleIn0, ConsoleOut0
+# Loading local service modules
+# Local service mechanisms are provided for services provided among
+# components in the same process. Components can obtain and utilize
+# local services from the manager. By using this mechanism components
+# can share resources each other.
+# Local service modules sometimes must be initialized before component
+# module loading and initialization. Loadable modules which is
+# specified in this option are previously loaded and initialized.
+manager.local_service.modules: IEEE1394CameraService.so
+# Specifying enabled local services
+# All the loaded local service modules are activated and enabled in
+# default.  This option specify local serivces to be enabled when
+# manager enables local services.
+manager.local_service.enabled_services: IEEE1394CameraService
+# Logger configurations
+# Enable/Disable logger [YES/NO]
+logger.enable: YES
+# Log file name (default = ./rtc%p.log)
+# %p: PID
+logger.file_name: ./rtc%p.log
+# Log date format (default = %b %d %H:%M:%S)
+# The following strftime(3) like format expression is available.
+# If no prefix is needed, use "No" or "Disable".
+# %a abbreviated weekday name 
+# %A full weekday name 
+# %b abbreviated month name 
+# %B full month name 
+# %c the standard date and time string 
+# %d day of the month, as a number (1-31) 
+# %H hour, 24 hour format (0-23) 
+# %I hour, 12 hour format (1-12) 
+# %j day of the year, as a number (1-366) 
+# %m month as a number (1-12).
+#    Note: some versions of Microsoft Visual C++ may use values that range
+#    from 0-11. 
+# %M minute as a number (0-59) 
+# %p locale's equivalent of AM or PM 
+# %Q millisecond as a number (0-999) from ver 1.1
+# %q microsecond as a number (0-999) from ver 1.1
+# %S second as a number (0-59) 
+# %U week of the year, sunday as the first day 
+# %w weekday as a decimal (0-6, sunday=0) 
+# %W week of the year, monday as the first day 
+# %x standard date string 
+# %X standard time string 
+# %y year in decimal, without the century (0-99) 
+# %Y year in decimal, with the century 
+# %Z time zone name 
+# %% a percent sign 
+# logger.date_format: No
+# logger.date_format: Disable
+# logger.date_format: [%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S%Z]     // W3C standard format
+# logger.date_format: [%b %d %H:%M:%S]          // Syslog format
+# logger.date_format: [%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z] // RFC2822 format
+# logger.date_format: [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y] // data command format
+# logger.date_format: [%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S]
+logger.date_format: %b %d %H:%M:%S
+# Log level (default = NORMAL)
+# The following LogLevels are allowed.
+# SILENT  : completely silent
+# ERROR   : includes (ERROR)
+# WARN    : includes (ERROR, WARN)
+# INFO    : includes (ERROR, WARN, INFO)
+# Warning!!!
+# "TRACE", "VERBOSE", "PARANOID" logging level will create a huge log file!!
+# "PARANOID" log level will tangle the log file.
+logger.log_level: NORMAL
+# Logger's clock time
+# logger.clock_type option specifies a type of clock to be used for
+# timestamp of log message. Now these three types are available.
+# - system: system clock [default]
+# - logical: logical clock
+# - adjusted: adjusted clock
+# To use logical time clock, call and set time by the following
+# function in somewhere.
+# coil::ClockManager::instance().getClock("logical").settime()
+logger.clock_type: system
+# Timer configuration
+# Enable/disable timer function
+timer.enable: YES
+# Timer clock tick setting [s]
+timer.tick: 0.1
+# Execution context settings
+# Periodic type ExecutionContext
+# Other availabilities in OpenRTM-aist
+# - ExtTrigExecutionContext: External triggered EC. It is embedded in
+#                            OpenRTM library.
+# - OpenHRPExecutionContext: External triggred paralell execution
+#                            EC. It is embedded in OpenRTM
+#                            library. This is usually used with
+#                            OpenHRP3.
+# - RTPreemptEC:             Real-time execution context for Linux
+#                            RT-preemptive pathed kernel.
+# - ArtExecutionContext:     Real-time execution context for ARTLinux
+#                            (http://sourceforge.net/projects/art-linux/)
+exec_cxt.periodic.type: PeriodicExecutionContext
+# exec_cxt.event_driven_type: to be implemented
+# The execution cycle of ExecutionContext
+exec_cxt.periodic.rate: 1000
+# State transition mode settings YES/NO
+# Default: YES (efault setting is recommended.)
+# Activating, deactivating and resetting of RTC makes state
+# transition.  Some execution contexts execute main logic in different
+# thread.  If these flags set to YES, activation, deactivation and
+# resetting will be performed synchronously.  In other words, if these
+# flags are YES, activation/deactivation/resetting-operations must be
+# returned after state transition completed.
+# "synchronous_transition" will set synchronous transition flags to
+# all other synchronous transition flags
+# (synchronous_activation/deactivation/resetting.
+exec_cxt.sync_transition: YES
+exec_cxt.sync_activation: YES
+exec_cxt.sync_deactivation: YES
+exec_cxt.sync_reset: YES
+# Timeout of synchronous state transition [s]
+# Default: 1.0 [s]
+# When synchronous transition flags are set to YES, the following
+# timeout settings are valid. If "transition_timeout" is set, the
+# value will be set to all other timeout of activation/deactivation
+# and resetting
+exec_cxt.transition_timeout: 0.5
+exec_cxt.activation_timeout: 0.5
+exec_cxt.deactivation_timeout: 0.5
+exec_cxt.reset_timeout: 0.5
+# SDO service settings
+# SDO service provider settings
+sdo.service.provider.available_services: [read only]
+sdo.service.provider.enabled_services: ALL
+sdo.service.provider.providing_services: [read only]
+# SDO service consumer settings
+sdo.service.consumer.available_services: [read only]
+sdo.service.consumer.enabled_services: ALL

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