[openrtm-commit:01791] r783 - trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/tests/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/util

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2016年 3月 1日 (火) 17:24:58 JST

Author: win-ei
Date: 2016-03-01 17:24:58 +0900 (Tue, 01 Mar 2016)
New Revision: 783

Added an unit test file for CORBA_RTCUtil class. refs #3385

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/tests/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/util/CORBA_RTCUtilTest.java
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/tests/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/util/CORBA_RTCUtilTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Java/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/tests/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/util/CORBA_RTCUtilTest.java	2016-03-01 08:24:58 UTC (rev 783)
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+package jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
+import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
+import java.lang.Thread;
+import RTMExamples.SimpleIO.ConsoleIn;
+import RTMExamples.SimpleIO.ConsoleOut;
+import RTMExamples.SimpleService.MyServiceConsumer;
+import RTMExamples.ConfigSample.ConfigSample;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.Manager;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.ModuleInitProc;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.RTObject_impl;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.CorbaNaming;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.RTObject_impl;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext.ExecutionContextWorker;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port.CorbaConsumer;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.CORBA_SeqUtil;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.NVUtil;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.ORBUtil;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.StringUtil;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.Properties;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.CORBA_RTCUtil;
+import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
+import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.CannotProceed;
+import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidName;
+import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound;
+import RTC.ConnectorProfile;
+import RTC.ConnectorProfileHolder;
+import RTC.ExecutionContext;
+import RTC.ExecutionContextListHolder;
+import RTC.ExecutionContextService;
+import RTC.ExecutionContextServiceHelper;
+import RTC.ExecutionContextProfile;
+import RTC.LifeCycleState;
+import RTC.PortService;
+import RTC.PortServiceListHolder;
+import RTC.RTObject;
+import RTC.RTObjectHolder;
+import RTC.RTObjectHelper;
+import RTC.ReturnCode_t;
+import OpenRTM.DataFlowComponent;
+import _SDOPackage.NVListHolder;
+import _SDOPackage.NameValue;
+public class CORBA_RTCUtilTest extends TestCase {
+    private Manager m_manager;
+    private ORB m_orb;
+    private CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent> m_conout =
+            new CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent>(DataFlowComponent.class);
+    private CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent> m_conin =
+            new CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent>(DataFlowComponent.class);
+    private CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent> m_conin2 =
+            new CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent>(DataFlowComponent.class);
+    private CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent> m_sercon =
+            new CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent>(DataFlowComponent.class);
+    private CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent> m_config =
+            new CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent>(DataFlowComponent.class);
+    private RTObjectHolder m_conoutRef
+                    = new RTObjectHolder();
+    private RTObjectHolder m_coninRef
+                    = new RTObjectHolder();
+    private RTObjectHolder m_coninRef2
+                    = new RTObjectHolder();
+    private RTObjectHolder m_serconRef
+                    = new RTObjectHolder();
+    private RTObjectHolder m_configRef
+                    = new RTObjectHolder();
+    //private RTObject m_conoutRef;
+    private ExecutionContextListHolder m_eclisto 
+                    = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+    private ExecutionContextListHolder m_eclisti 
+                    = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+    private ExecutionContextListHolder m_eclistseq 
+                    = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+    private RTObject_impl m_out_impl;
+    private RTObject_impl m_in_impl;
+    private RTObject_impl m_out_seq_impl;
+    private RTObject_impl m_config_impl;
+    public CORBA_RTCUtilTest(String name){
+        super(name);
+        m_eclisto = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+        m_eclisti = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+        m_eclistseq = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+        m_conoutRef = new RTObjectHolder();
+        m_coninRef = new RTObjectHolder();
+        m_coninRef2 = new RTObjectHolder();
+        m_serconRef = new RTObjectHolder();
+        m_configRef = new RTObjectHolder();
+        String[] args = new String[0];
+        //Manager manager = Manager.init(null);
+        m_manager = Manager.init(null);
+        // 
+        // 
+        // 
+        m_manager.activateManager();
+        // 
+        // 
+        //
+        Properties prop_out = new Properties(ConsoleOut.component_conf);
+        m_manager.registerFactory(prop_out, 
+                new ConsoleOut(), new ConsoleOut());
+        //RTObject_impl out_impl = m_manager.createComponent("ConsoleOut");
+        m_out_impl = m_manager.createComponent("ConsoleOut");
+        if(m_out_impl==null)
+        {
+            System.out.println("ConsoleOut is null.");
+        }
+        //
+        Properties prop_in = new Properties(ConsoleIn.component_conf);
+        m_manager.registerFactory(prop_in, new ConsoleIn(), new ConsoleIn());
+        //RTObject_impl in_impl = m_manager.createComponent("ConsoleIn");
+        m_in_impl = m_manager.createComponent("ConsoleIn");
+        if(m_in_impl==null)
+        {
+            System.out.println("ConsoleIn is null.");
+        }
+        //
+        Properties prop_out_seq 
+            = new Properties(MyServiceConsumer.component_conf);
+        m_manager.registerFactory(prop_out_seq, 
+                new MyServiceConsumer(), new MyServiceConsumer());
+        //RTObject_impl out_seq_impl 
+        m_out_seq_impl 
+            = m_manager.createComponent("MyServiceConsumer");
+        if(m_out_seq_impl==null)
+        {
+            System.out.println("MyServiceConsumer is null.");
+        }
+        //
+        Properties prop_config 
+            = new Properties(ConfigSample.component_conf);
+        m_manager.registerFactory(prop_config,
+                new ConfigSample(), new ConfigSample());
+        //RTObject_impl 
+        m_config_impl
+            = m_manager.createComponent("ConfigSample");
+        if(m_config_impl==null)
+        {
+            System.out.println("ConfigSample is null.");
+        }
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        m_manager.runManager(true);
+        // 
+        // 
+        // 
+        //ExecutionContextListHolder eclisto = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+        m_eclisto.value = new ExecutionContext[0];
+        m_eclisto.value =  m_out_impl.get_owned_contexts();
+        //System.out.println( "m_eclisto.value.length : "
+        //        + m_eclisto.value.length);
+        //
+        //ExecutionContextListHolder eclisti = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+        m_eclisti.value = new ExecutionContext[0];
+        m_eclisti.value =  m_in_impl.get_owned_contexts();
+        //System.out.println( "m_eclisti.value.length : "+ m_eclisti.value.length);
+        // 
+        //ExecutionContextListHolder eclistseq = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+        m_eclistseq.value = new ExecutionContext[0];
+        m_eclistseq.value =  m_out_seq_impl.get_owned_contexts();
+        //System.out.println( "m_eclistseq.value.length : "+ m_eclistseq.value.length);
+        //
+        // bind
+        //
+        //System.out.println( "bind0 : "+ m_eclisto.value[0]);
+        //System.out.println( "bind1 : "+ m_eclisti.value[0]);
+        m_out_impl.bindContext(m_eclisti.value[0]);
+        m_eclisto.value =  m_out_impl.get_owned_contexts();
+        //System.out.println( "m_eclisto.value.length : "
+        //        + m_eclisto.value.length);
+        //System.out.println( "bind2 : "+ m_eclisto.value[0]);
+        //System.out.println( "bind3 : "+ m_eclisto.value[1]);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        //ORB orb = ORBUtil.getOrb();
+        m_orb = ORBUtil.getOrb();
+        CorbaNaming naming = null;
+        try {
+            naming = new CorbaNaming(m_orb, "localhost:2809");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        //CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent> conout =
+        //    new CorbaConsumer<DataFlowComponent>(DataFlowComponent.class);
+        // find ConsoleOut0 component
+        try {
+            m_conout.setObject(naming.resolve(".host_cxt/ConsoleOut0.rtc"));
+        } catch (NotFound e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (CannotProceed e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (InvalidName e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        // 
+        ExecutionContextListHolder eclist = new ExecutionContextListHolder();
+        eclist.value = new ExecutionContext[0];
+        m_conoutRef.value = m_conout._ptr();
+        eclist.value =  m_conoutRef.value.get_owned_contexts();
+        //System.out.println( "eclist.value.length : "+ eclist.value.length);
+        try {
+            m_conin.setObject(naming.resolve(".host_cxt/ConsoleIn0.rtc"));
+        } catch (NotFound e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (CannotProceed e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (InvalidName e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        // 
+        // 
+        m_coninRef.value = m_conin._ptr();
+        try {
+            m_conin2.setObject(naming.resolve(".host_cxt/ConsoleIn1.rtc"));
+        } catch (NotFound e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (CannotProceed e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (InvalidName e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        // 
+        // 
+        m_coninRef2.value = m_conin2._ptr();
+        try {
+            m_sercon.setObject(naming.resolve(".host_cxt/MyServiceConsumer0.rtc"));
+        } catch (NotFound e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (CannotProceed e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (InvalidName e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        // 
+        m_serconRef.value = m_sercon._ptr();
+        // 
+        //
+        try {
+            m_config.setObject(naming.resolve(".host_cxt/ConfigSample0.rtc"));
+        } catch (NotFound e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (CannotProceed e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (InvalidName e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        // 
+        m_configRef.value = m_config._ptr();
+    }
+    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+        super.setUp();
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(500); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+    }
+    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+        super.tearDown();
+        for(int ic=0;ic<m_eclisto.value.length;++ic){
+            m_eclisto.value[ic].stop();
+        }
+        for(int ic=0;ic<m_eclisti.value.length;++ic){
+            m_eclisti.value[ic].stop();
+        }
+        for(int ic=0;ic<m_eclistseq.value.length;++ic){
+            m_eclistseq.value[ic].stop();
+        }
+        if(m_manager!=null){
+            m_manager.shutdown();
+            m_manager = null;
+        }
+        Thread.sleep(300);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * 
+     */
+    public void test_get_actual_ec() {
+        System.out.println( "test_get_actual_ec()" );
+        ExecutionContext[] list = m_conoutRef.value.get_owned_contexts();
+        ExecutionContext ec = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_actual_ec(m_conoutRef.value,0);
+        {
+        //System.out.println( "m_conoutRef.value.get_owned_contexts()[0]: " 
+        //        +list[0]);
+        }
+        //System.out.println( "ec : " +ec);
+        //System.out.println( "m_eclisto.value[0] : " +m_eclisto.value[0]);
+        //assertTrue("test:id is 0",ec._is_equivalent(m_eclisto.value[0]));
+        assertTrue("test:id is 0",ec._is_equivalent(list[0]));
+        ec = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_actual_ec(m_conoutRef.value,1);
+        //assertTrue("test:id is 1",ec._is_equivalent(m_eclisto.value[1]));
+        assertTrue("test:id is 1",ec._is_equivalent(list[1]));
+        ec = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_actual_ec(m_conoutRef.value,2);
+        assertTrue("test:id is out of range",ec == null);
+        ec = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_actual_ec(null,0);
+        assertTrue("test:rtc is null",ec == null);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * 
+     */
+    public void test_get_ec_id(){
+        System.out.println( "test_get_ec_id()" );
+        ExecutionContext[] list = m_conoutRef.value.get_owned_contexts();
+        System.out.println( "115 : " +list.length);
+        System.out.println( "116 : " +m_eclisto.value.length);
+        System.out.println( "117-0 : " +list[0]);
+        System.out.println( "117-1 : " +list[1]);
+        System.out.println( "118-0 : " +m_eclisto.value[0]);
+        System.out.println( "118-1 : " +m_eclisto.value[1]);
+        if(list[0]._is_equivalent(list[0])){
+           System.out.println( "119 : " );
+        }
+        if(list[0]._is_equivalent(m_eclisto.value[0])){
+           System.out.println( "120 : " );
+        }
+        if(list[0] == m_eclisto.value[0]){
+           System.out.println( "130 : " );
+        }
+        if(list[1]._is_equivalent(m_eclisto.value[0])){
+           System.out.println( "121 : " );
+        }
+        if(list[0]._is_equivalent(m_eclisto.value[1])){
+           System.out.println( "122 : " );
+        }
+        if(list[1]._is_equivalent(m_eclisto.value[1])){
+           System.out.println( "123 : " );
+        }
+        System.out.println( "140 : " );
+        //int id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(m_conoutRef.value, m_eclisto.value[0]);
+        int id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(m_conoutRef.value, list[0]);
+        //System.out.println( "id : " + id );
+        assertTrue("test:id is 0.",id == 0);
+        //id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(m_conoutRef.value, m_eclisto.value[1]);
+        id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(m_conoutRef.value, list[1]);
+        //System.out.println( "id : " + id );
+        assertTrue("test:id is 1",id == 1);
+        id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(m_conoutRef.value, null);
+        //System.out.println( "id : " + id );
+        assertTrue("test:list is null",id == -1);
+        //id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(null, m_eclisto.value[1]);
+        id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(null, list[0]);
+        //System.out.println( "id : " + id );
+        assertTrue("test:rtc is null",id == -1);
+        id = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_ec_id(m_conoutRef.value, m_eclistseq.value[0]);
+        //System.out.println( "id : " + id );
+        assertTrue("test:not foud",id == -1);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * 
+     */
+    public void test_activate_deactivate(){
+        System.out.println( "test_activate_deactivate()" );
+        ReturnCode_t ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.activate(null, 0);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.activate(m_conoutRef.value, 3);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.deactivate(null, 0);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.deactivate(m_conoutRef.value, 3);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(500); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.activate(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(500); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.deactivate(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.activate(m_conoutRef.value, 1);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.deactivate(m_conoutRef.value, 1);
+        assertTrue(ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * get_state
+     *
+     */
+    public static String getStateString(LifeCycleState state) {
+      final String st[] = {
+        "CREATED_STATE",
+        "INACTIVE_STATE",
+        "ACTIVE_STATE",
+        "ERROR_STATE"
+      };
+        return st[state.value()]; 
+    }
+    public void test_get_state(){
+        LifeCycleState ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_state(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        String str_ret = getStateString(ret);
+        System.out.println(str_ret);
+        assertTrue("test:inactive_state",str_ret.equals("INACTIVE_STATE"));
+        //
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.activate(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(500); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_state(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        str_ret = getStateString(ret);
+        System.out.println(str_ret);
+        assertTrue("test:active_state",str_ret.equals("ACTIVE_STATE"));
+        //
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.deactivate(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(500); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_state(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        str_ret = getStateString(ret);
+        System.out.println(str_ret);
+        assertTrue("test:inactive_state",str_ret.equals("INACTIVE_STATE"));
+        //
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_state(null, 0);
+        str_ret = getStateString(ret);
+        System.out.println(str_ret);
+        assertTrue("test:error_state",str_ret.equals("ERROR_STATE"));
+        //
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_state(m_conoutRef.value, 3);
+        str_ret = getStateString(ret);
+        System.out.println(str_ret);
+        assertTrue("test:error_state",str_ret.equals("ERROR_STATE"));
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * is_in_active
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_is_in_active(){
+         boolean ret;
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.is_in_active(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        assertTrue("test:is",!ret);
+        //
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.activate(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(500); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.is_in_active(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        assertTrue("test:is",ret);
+        //
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.deactivate(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(500); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.is_in_active(m_conoutRef.value, 0);
+        assertTrue("test:is",!ret);
+        //
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.is_in_active(null, 0);
+        assertTrue("test:is",!ret);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.is_in_active(m_conoutRef.value, 3);
+        assertTrue("test:is",!ret);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * get_default_rate/set_default_rate
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_get_default_rate_set_default_rate(){
+        double ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_default_rate(m_conoutRef.value);
+        assertTrue("test:get_default_rate 1000.0 get value="+ret,ret == 1000.0);
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.set_default_rate(m_conoutRef.value, 500.0);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_default_rate(m_conoutRef.value);
+        assertTrue("test:get_default_rate 500.0",ret == 500.0);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_default_rate(null);
+        ReturnCode_t code = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_default_rate(null, 500.0);
+        assertTrue("test:set_default_rate",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        // 
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * get_current_rate/set_current_rate
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_get_current_rate_set_current_rate(){
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.set_default_rate(m_conoutRef.value, 1000.0);
+        double ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,0);
+        assertTrue("test:get_rate 1000.0 get value="+ret,ret == 1000.0);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,1);
+        assertTrue("test:get_rate 1000.0",ret == 1000.0);
+        //
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.set_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,0,500.0);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,0);
+        assertTrue("test:get_rate 500.0",ret == 500.0);
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.set_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,1,500.0);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,1);
+        assertTrue("test:get_rate 500.0",ret == 500.0);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_rate(null,0);
+        assertTrue("test:",ret == -1.0);
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_rate(null,1);
+        assertTrue("test:",ret == -1.0);
+        ReturnCode_t code;
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_current_rate(null, 0, 500.0);
+        assertTrue("test:set_rate",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_current_rate(null, 1, 500.0);
+        assertTrue("test:set_rate",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        //
+        ret = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,2);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value, 2, 500.0);
+        assertTrue("test:set_rate",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.set_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,0,1000.0);
+        CORBA_RTCUtil.set_current_rate(m_conoutRef.value,1,1000.0);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * add_rtc_to_default_ec
+     * remove_rtc_to_default_ec
+     * get_participants_rtc
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_rtc_to_default_ec(){
+        ReturnCode_t code;
+        code =  CORBA_RTCUtil.add_rtc_to_default_ec(m_conoutRef.value, 
+                m_serconRef.value);
+        assertTrue("test:add_rtc",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        RTObject[] objs;
+        objs = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_participants_rtc(m_conoutRef.value);
+        //System.out.println( "length : "+ objs.length);
+        assertTrue("test:get_rtc",objs.length == 1);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.remove_rtc_to_default_ec(m_conoutRef.value,
+                m_serconRef.value);
+        assertTrue("test:remove_rtc : "+code.value() ,code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        objs = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_participants_rtc(m_conoutRef.value);
+        //System.out.println( "length : "+ objs.length);
+        assertTrue("test:get_rtc",objs.length == 0);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        code =  CORBA_RTCUtil.add_rtc_to_default_ec(null, m_serconRef.value);
+        assertTrue("test:add_rtc",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR);
+        code =  CORBA_RTCUtil.add_rtc_to_default_ec(m_conoutRef.value, null);
+        assertTrue("test:add_rtc",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR);
+        code =  CORBA_RTCUtil.add_rtc_to_default_ec(null, null);
+        assertTrue("test:add_rtc",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR);
+        //
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.remove_rtc_to_default_ec(null, m_serconRef.value);
+        assertTrue("test:remove_rtc",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.remove_rtc_to_default_ec(m_conoutRef.value,null);
+        assertTrue("test:remove_rtc",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.remove_rtc_to_default_ec(null,null);
+        assertTrue("test:remove_rtc",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR);
+        objs = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_participants_rtc(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",objs == null);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * get_port_names
+     * get_inport_names
+     * get_outport_names
+     * get_svcport_names
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_get_port_names(){
+        Vector<String> names;
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_names(m_conoutRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 1);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_names(m_coninRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 1);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_names(m_serconRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 1);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_inport_names(m_conoutRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 1);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_inport_names(m_coninRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 0);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_inport_names(m_serconRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 0);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_outport_names(m_conoutRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 0);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_outport_names(m_coninRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 1);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_outport_names(m_serconRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 0);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_svcport_names(m_conoutRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 0);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_svcport_names(m_coninRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 0);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_svcport_names(m_serconRef.value);
+        System.out.println( "names : "+ names.toString());
+        assertTrue("test:",names.size() == 1);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_names(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",names == null);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_inport_names(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",names == null);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_outport_names(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",names == null);
+        names = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_svcport_names(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",names == null);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * get_port_by_name
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_get_port_by_name(){
+        PortService ps;
+        ps = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_conoutRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleOut0.in");
+        System.out.println( "name : "+ ps.get_port_profile().name);
+        assertTrue("test:",ps.get_port_profile().name.equals("ConsoleOut0.in"));
+        ps = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(null,
+                 "ConsoleOut0.in");
+        assertTrue("test:",ps == null);
+        ps = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_conoutRef.value, "");
+        assertTrue("test:",ps == null);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * connect
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_connect(){
+        PortService port1 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_conoutRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleOut0.in");
+        PortService port2 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_coninRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleIn0.out");
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        String[] conprop = {
+            "dataport.interface_type","corba_cdr",
+            "dataport.dataflow_type", "push",
+            ""
+        };
+        prop.setDefaults(conprop);
+        ReturnCode_t code;
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect("kamo0",prop,port1,port2);
+        assertTrue("test:connect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(10000); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect("",prop,port1,port2);
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect("kamo1",null,port1,port2);
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect("kamo2",prop,null,port2);
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect("kamo3",prop,port1,null);
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_connector_name(port1, "kamo0");
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(10000); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_connector_name(null, "kamo0");
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_connector_name(port1, "kamo5");
+        assertTrue("test:"+code.value(),code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * connect
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_connect_by_name(){
+        PortService port1 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_conoutRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleOut0.in");
+        PortService port2 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_coninRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleIn0.out");
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        String[] conprop = {
+            "dataport.interface_type","corba_cdr",
+            "dataport.dataflow_type", "push",
+            ""
+        };
+        prop.setDefaults(conprop);
+        ReturnCode_t code;
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_by_name("kamo0",prop,
+                m_conoutRef.value,"ConsoleOut0.in",
+                m_coninRef.value,"ConsoleIn0.out");
+        assertTrue("test:connect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(10000); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_by_name("",prop,
+                m_conoutRef.value,"ConsoleOut0.in",
+                m_coninRef.value,"ConsoleIn0.out");
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_by_name("kamo1",null,
+                m_conoutRef.value,"ConsoleOut0.in",
+                m_coninRef.value,"ConsoleIn0.out");
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_by_name("kamo2",prop,
+                null,"ConsoleOut0.in",
+                m_coninRef.value,"ConsoleIn0.out");
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_by_name("kamo3",prop,
+                m_conoutRef.value,"ConsoleOut0.in",
+                m_coninRef.value,"");
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        ConnectorProfile[] cprofs = port1.get_connector_profiles();
+        for(int ic=0;ic<cprofs.length;++ic){
+            if(cprofs[ic].name.equals("kamo0")){
+                code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect(cprofs[ic]);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect "+code.value(),code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(10000); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * disconnect
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_disconnect_by_id(){
+        PortService port1 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_conoutRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleOut0.in");
+        PortService port2 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_coninRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleIn0.out");
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        String[] conprop = {
+            "dataport.interface_type","corba_cdr",
+            "dataport.dataflow_type", "push",
+            ""
+        };
+        prop.setDefaults(conprop);
+        ReturnCode_t code;
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect("kamo0",prop,port1,port2);
+        assertTrue("test:connect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        //
+        //
+        //
+        String id = new String(); 
+        ConnectorProfile[] cprofs = port1.get_connector_profiles();
+        for(int ic=0;ic<cprofs.length;++ic){
+            if(cprofs[ic].name.equals("kamo0")){
+                id = cprofs[ic].connector_id;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_connector_id(port1,id);
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_connector_id(null,id);
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_connector_id(port1,"");
+        assertTrue("test:"+code.value(),code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * disconnect
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_disconnect_by_port_name(){
+        PortService port1 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_conoutRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleOut0.in");
+        PortService port2 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_coninRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleIn0.out");
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        String[] conprop = {
+            "dataport.interface_type","corba_cdr",
+            "dataport.dataflow_type", "push",
+            ""
+        };
+        prop.setDefaults(conprop);
+        ReturnCode_t code;
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect("kamo0",prop,port1,port2);
+        assertTrue("test:connect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_port_name(port1,"ConsoleIn0.out");
+        assertTrue("test:disconnect",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_port_name(port1,"");
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.disconnect_by_port_name(null,"ConsoleIn0.out");
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * get_parameter_by_key
+     * get_current_configuration_name
+     * get_active_configuration
+     * set_configuration
+     */
+    public void test_get_parameter_by_key(){
+        String str;
+        str = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_parameter_by_key(m_configRef.value,
+                "default","double_param0");
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals("0.11"));
+        str = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_parameter_by_key(m_configRef.value,
+                "","double_param0");
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals(""));
+        str = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_parameter_by_key(m_configRef.value,
+                "default","");
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals(""));
+        str = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_configuration_name(m_configRef.value);
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals("default"));
+        str = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_current_configuration_name(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals(""));
+        Properties prop 
+            = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_active_configuration(m_configRef.value);
+        str = prop.getProperty("double_param0");
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals("0.11"));
+        prop = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_active_configuration(null);
+        assertTrue("test:",prop==null);
+        boolean bool = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_configuration(m_configRef.value, 
+                "default", "double_param0","305.8560");
+        assertTrue("test:",bool);
+        str = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_parameter_by_key(m_configRef.value,
+                "default","double_param0");
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals("305.8560"));
+        //
+        bool = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_configuration(null, 
+                "default", "double_param0","305.8560");
+        assertTrue("test:",!bool);
+        bool = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_configuration(m_configRef.value, 
+                "", "double_param0","305.8560");
+        assertTrue("test:",!bool);
+        bool = CORBA_RTCUtil.set_configuration(m_configRef.value, 
+                "default", "double_param2","123.456");
+        assertTrue("test:",bool);
+        str = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_parameter_by_key(m_configRef.value,
+                "default","double_param2");
+        assertTrue("test:",str.equals("123.456"));
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     * connect
+     *
+     */
+    public void test_connect_multi(){
+        PortService port1 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_conoutRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleOut0.in");
+        PortService port2 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_coninRef.value, 
+                 "ConsoleIn0.out");
+        PortService port3 = CORBA_RTCUtil.get_port_by_name(m_coninRef2.value, 
+                 "ConsoleIn1.out");
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        String[] conprop = {
+            "dataport.interface_type","corba_cdr",
+            "dataport.dataflow_type", "push",
+            ""
+        };
+        PortServiceListHolder target_ports = new PortServiceListHolder();
+        target_ports.value = new PortService[2];
+        target_ports.value[0] = port2;
+        target_ports.value[1] = port3;
+        prop.setDefaults(conprop);
+        ReturnCode_t code;
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_multi("kamo10", prop, 
+                    port1,  target_ports);
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK);
+        try{
+            Thread.sleep(30000); 
+        }
+        catch(InterruptedException e){
+        }
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_multi("kamo11", prop, 
+                    null,  target_ports);
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_multi("kamo11", prop, 
+                    port1,  null);
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+        PortServiceListHolder error_ports = new PortServiceListHolder();
+        code = CORBA_RTCUtil.connect_multi("kamo11", prop, 
+                    port1, error_ports );
+        assertTrue("test:",code == ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER);
+    }

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