[openrtm-commit:01683] r2699 - in branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist: . src/lib/rtm/idl win32/OpenRTM-aist

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2016年 1月 25日 (月) 18:28:22 JST

Author: kawauchi
Date: 2016-01-25 18:28:22 +0900 (Mon, 25 Jan 2016)
New Revision: 2699

[merge] r2696-2697 have been merged from trunk.

Property changes on: branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /tags/RELEASE_1_1_0/OpenRTM-aist:2364-2372
   + /tags/RELEASE_1_1_0/OpenRTM-aist:2364-2372

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/Makefile.am
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/Makefile.am	2016-01-25 08:57:29 UTC (rev 2698)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/Makefile.am	2016-01-25 09:28:22 UTC (rev 2699)
@@ -15,11 +15,7 @@
 AM_CPPFLAGS=-I$(top_srcdir)/src/lib -I$(top_srcdir)/src/lib/rtm
 AM_LDFLAGS=-L$(top_builddir)/src/lib/rtm -L$(top_builddir)/src/lib/rtm/idl
-# RTM idl sources
-IDL_SOURCES = OpenRTM-aist.idl
-IDL_SOURCES =             \
+RTCSKEL_SOURCES =             \
 	SDOPackage.idl        \
 	RTC.idl               \
 	OpenRTM.idl           \
@@ -27,13 +23,24 @@
 	BasicDataType.idl     \
 	DataPort.idl          \
 	ExtendedDataTypes.idl \
-	InterfaceDataTypes.idl  \
+	InterfaceDataTypes.idl
+MANIPULATORSKEL_SOURCES =                         \
 	ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl  \
 	ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl     \
-	ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl     \
-	CameraCommonInterface.idl
+	ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+CAMERASKEL_SOURCES = CameraCommonInterface.idl
+# RTM idl sources
+IDL_SOURCES = OpenRTM-aist.idl
+IDL_SOURCES =                      \
+	$(RTCSKEL_SOURCES)         \
 SKEL_H   = $(IDL_SOURCES:.idl=Skel.h)
 SKEL_CPP = $(IDL_SOURCES:.idl=Skel.cpp)
 STUB_H   = $(IDL_SOURCES:.idl=Stub.h)
@@ -45,6 +52,21 @@
 	$(STUB_CPP) \
@@ -216,8 +238,8 @@
 nodist_libRTCSkel_la_SOURCES = OpenRTM-aistSkel.cpp
 nodist_libRTCStub_la_SOURCES = OpenRTM-aistStub.cpp
-nodist_libRTCSkel_la_SOURCES = $(SKEL_CPP)
-nodist_libRTCStub_la_SOURCES = $(STUB_CPP)
+nodist_libRTCSkel_la_SOURCES = $(RTCSKEL_CPP)
+nodist_libRTCStub_la_SOURCES = $(RTCSTUB_CPP)
 libRTCSkel_la_LIBADD = $(LIBS)
@@ -225,7 +247,23 @@
+	libManipulatorSkel.la \
+	libManipulatorStub.la \
+	libCameraSkel.la      \
+	libCameraStub.la
+libManipulatorSkel_la_SOURCES = $(MANIPULATORSKEL_CPP)
+libManipulatorStub_la_SOURCES = $(MANIPULATORSTUB_CPP)
+libCameraSkel_la_SOURCES = $(CAMERASKEL_CPP)
+libCameraStub_la_SOURCES = $(CAMERASTUB_CPP)
+libManipulatorSkel_la_LIBADD = $(LIBS)
+libManipulatorStub_la_LIBADD = $(LIBS)
+libCameraSkel_la_LIBADD = $(LIBS)
+libCameraStub_la_LIBADD = $(LIBS)
 # File list for deb/ports packages
@@ -258,9 +296,27 @@
 		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
 		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc9.vcproj \
 		--yaml libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml \
-		--source $(SKEL_CPP) \
-		--header $(SKEL_H)
+		--source $(RTCSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(RTCSKEL_H)
 	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc9.vcproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcprojtool.py vcproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "9.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc9.vcproj \
+		--yaml libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(MANIPULATORSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(MANIPULATORSKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc9.vcproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcprojtool.py vcproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "9.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc9.vcproj \
+		--yaml libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(CAMERASKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(CAMERASKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc9.vcproj
 vc10proj: libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml
 	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
@@ -269,9 +325,27 @@
 		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
 		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc10.vcxproj \
 		--yaml libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml \
-		--source $(SKEL_CPP) \
-		--header $(SKEL_H)
+		--source $(RTCSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(RTCSKEL_H)
 	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc10.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "10.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc10.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(MANIPULATORSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(MANIPULATORSKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc10.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "10.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc10.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(CAMERASKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(CAMERASKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc10.vcxproj
 vc11proj: libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml
 	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
@@ -280,9 +354,27 @@
 		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
 		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc11.vcxproj \
 		--yaml libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml \
-		--source $(SKEL_CPP) \
-		--header $(SKEL_H)
+		--source $(RTCSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(RTCSKEL_H)
 	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc11.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "11.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc11.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(MANIPULATORSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(MANIPULATORSKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc11.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "11.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc11.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(CAMERASKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(CAMERASKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc11.vcxproj
 vc12proj: libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml
 	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
@@ -291,10 +383,27 @@
 		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
 		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc12.vcxproj \
 		--yaml libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml \
-		--source $(SKEL_CPP) \
-		--header $(SKEL_H)
+		--source $(RTCSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(RTCSKEL_H)
 	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc12.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "12.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc12.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(MANIPULATORSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(MANIPULATORSKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc12.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "12.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc12.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(CAMERASKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(CAMERASKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc12.vcxproj
 vc14proj: libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml
 	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
 		--type LIB \
@@ -302,10 +411,29 @@
 		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
 		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc14.vcxproj \
 		--yaml libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml \
-		--source $(SKEL_CPP) \
-		--header $(SKEL_H)
+		--source $(RTCSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(RTCSKEL_H)
 	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel_vc14.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "14.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc14.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(MANIPULATORSKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(MANIPULATORSKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel_vc14.vcxproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcxprojtool.py vcxproj \
+		--type DLL \
+		--vcversion "14.00" \
+		--version $(RTM_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc14.vcxproj \
+		--yaml libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(CAMERASKEL_CPP) \
+		--header $(CAMERASKEL_H)
+	qkc -O- -sm $(win32_builddir)/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel_vc14.vcxproj
 # for wxs file

Copied: branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml (from rev 2697, trunk/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml)
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libCameraSkel.vcproj.yaml	2016-01-25 09:28:22 UTC (rev 2699)
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+# @brief VCProject configuration file for libCameraSkel
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Norkai Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+ProjectType: "Visual C++"
+Version: "__VCVERSION__"
+Name: libCameraSkel
+ProjectGUID: __GUID__
+RootNamespace: libCameraSkel
+Keyword: "Win32Proj"
+# Debug Configuration
+  - Name: "Debug|Win32"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "4"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib $(rtm_depend_libd)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "true"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "Disabled"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "EnableFastChecks"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDebugDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib;$(rtm_depend_libd);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX86"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+  - Name: "Debug|x64"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "4"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib $(rtm_depend_libd)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "true"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "Disabled"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "EnableFastChecks"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDebugDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib;$(rtm_depend_libd);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX64"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+# Release Configuration
+  - Name: "Release|Win32"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    WholeProgramOptimization: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key:         UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "3"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib $(TargetName) $(rtm_shortver) $(TargetName).def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib $(rtm_depend_lib)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "1"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "false"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver) $(rtm_shortver) CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib;$(rtm_depend_lib);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX86"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+  - Name: "Release|x64"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    WholeProgramOptimization: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key:         UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "3"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib $(TargetName) $(rtm_shortver) $(TargetName).def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib $(rtm_depend_lib)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "1"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "false"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)CameraSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py CameraSkel_static.lib CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver) $(rtm_shortver) CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def
+          move CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib;$(rtm_depend_lib);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX64"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\CameraSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"

Copied: branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml (from rev 2697, trunk/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml)
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libManipulatorSkel.vcproj.yaml	2016-01-25 09:28:22 UTC (rev 2699)
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+# @brief VCProject configuration file for libManipulatorSkel
+# @date $Date: 2008-02-29 04:58:39 $
+# @author Norkai Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+ProjectType: "Visual C++"
+Version: "__VCVERSION__"
+Name: libManipulatorSkel
+ProjectGUID: __GUID__
+RootNamespace: libManipulatorSkel
+Keyword: "Win32Proj"
+# Debug Configuration
+  - Name: "Debug|Win32"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "4"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib $(rtm_depend_libd)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "true"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "Disabled"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "EnableFastChecks"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDebugDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib;$(rtm_depend_libd);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX86"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+  - Name: "Debug|x64"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "4"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib $(rtm_depend_libd)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "true"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: Optimization
+        Value: "Disabled"
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key: MinimalRebuild
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: BasicRuntimeChecks
+        Value: "EnableFastChecks"
+      - Key: RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDebugDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key: WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key: DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(TargetDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d $(rtm_shortver) ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def ..\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkeld.lib;$(rtm_depend_libd);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll"
+      - Key: Version
+        Value: $(rtm_shortver)
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX64"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver)d.dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+# Release Configuration
+  - Name: "Release|Win32"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    WholeProgramOptimization: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key:         UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "3"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib $(TargetName) $(rtm_shortver) $(TargetName).def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib $(rtm_depend_lib)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "1"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "false"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver) $(rtm_shortver) ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib;$(rtm_depend_lib);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX86"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+  - Name: "Release|x64"
+    OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+    IntermediateDirectory: "$(ConfigurationName)"
+    ConfigurationType: "2"
+    InheritedPropertySheets: "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.vsprops"
+    CharacterSet: "0"
+    WholeProgramOptimization: "0"
+    VCPreBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key:         UsePrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "0"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "3"
+    VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib $(TargetName) $(rtm_shortver) $(TargetName).def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib $(rtm_depend_lib)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "1"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "$(TargetName).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "2"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "1"
+    VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: CommandLine
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"
+    VC10_OutputDirectory: "$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_IntermediateDirectory: "$(Configuration)"
+    VC10_InheritedPropertySheets: 
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_config.props"
+      - "$(SolutionDir)rtm_distbuild.props"
+    VC10_LinkIncrementalCondition: "false"
+    VC10_VCPreBuildEventTool: 
+      - Key: Command 
+        Value: | 
+          set PATH=$(rtm_path);%PYTHON_ROOT%\\;%PATH%
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
+          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
+    VC10_VCCLCompilerTool:
+      - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
+        Value: "LIBRARY_EXPORTS;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
+      - Key:         RuntimeLibrary
+        Value: "MultiThreadedDLL"
+      - Key: PrecompiledHeader
+        Value: "NotUsing"
+      - Key:         WarningLevel
+        Value: "Level3"
+      - Key:         DebugInformationFormat
+        Value: "ProgramDatabase"
+    VC10_VCPreLinkEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          lib -out:"$(TargetDir)ManipulatorSkel_static.lib" "$(TargetDir)*.obj" "$(ProjectDir)idl\$(ConfigurationName)\*.obj"
+          set PATH=%PATH%;$(rtm_path)
+          cd "$(OutDir)"
+          start /wait cmd /c makedeffile.py ManipulatorSkel_static.lib ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver) $(rtm_shortver) ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def
+          move ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def ..\\
+    VC10_VCLinkerTool:
+      - Key: AdditionalDependencies
+        Value: "libRTCSkel.lib;$(rtm_depend_lib);%(AdditionalDependencies)"
+      - Key: OutputFile
+        Value: "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll"
+      - Key: LinkIncremental
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: ModuleDefinitionFile
+        Value: "ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).def"
+      - Key: GenerateDebugInformation
+        Value: "false"
+      - Key: SubSystem
+        Value: "Windows"
+      - Key: OptimizeReferences
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: EnableCOMDATFolding
+        Value: "true"
+      - Key: TargetMachine
+        Value: "MachineX64"
+    VC10_VCPostBuildEventTool:
+      - Key: Command
+        Value: |
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\$(TargetName).lib" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).lib"
+          copy "$(OutDir)\\ManipulatorSkel$(rtm_dllver).dll" "$(SolutionDir)bin\\"

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml	2016-01-25 08:57:29 UTC (rev 2698)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/rtm/idl/libRTCSkel.vcproj.yaml	2016-01-25 09:28:22 UTC (rev 2699)
@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -35,10 +31,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: Optimization
         Value: "0"
@@ -84,10 +76,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -96,10 +84,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: Optimization
         Value: "Disabled"
@@ -143,10 +127,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -155,10 +135,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: Optimization
         Value: "0"
@@ -204,10 +180,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -216,10 +188,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: Optimization
         Value: "Disabled"
@@ -264,10 +232,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -276,10 +240,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
         Value: "WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE"
@@ -319,10 +279,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -331,10 +287,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
         Value: "WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
@@ -373,10 +325,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -385,10 +333,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
         Value: "WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE"
@@ -428,10 +372,6 @@
           makewrapper.py SDOPackage.idl
           makewrapper.py ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           makewrapper.py InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          makewrapper.py ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          makewrapper.py CameraCommonInterface.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf BasicDataType.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf DataPort.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf Manager.idl
@@ -440,10 +380,6 @@
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf SDOPackage.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ExtendedDataTypes.idl
           omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf InterfaceDataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_DataTypes.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Common.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf ManipulatorCommonInterface_Middle.idl
-          omniidl -bcxx -Wba -nf CameraCommonInterface.idl&#x0D;&#x0A;
       - Key: PreprocessorDefinitions
         Value: "WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;__WIN32__;__NT__;__OSVERSION__=4;__x86__;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/OpenRTM-aist.sln.dep
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/OpenRTM-aist.sln.dep	2016-01-25 08:57:29 UTC (rev 2698)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/OpenRTM-aist.sln.dep	2016-01-25 09:28:22 UTC (rev 2699)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 libRTC: libcoil libRTCSkel
+libManipulatorSkel: libcoil libRTCSkel libRTC
+libCameraSkel: libcoil libRTCSkel libManipulatorSkel libRTC
 rtcd: libcoil libRTC
 rtcprof: libcoil libRTC
 ComponentObserverConsumer: libcoil libRTC

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