[openrtm-commit:01641] r742 - in branches/RELENG_1_1: . jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/idl jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/executionContext

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2015年 10月 29日 (木) 15:49:41 JST

Author: kawauchi
Date: 2015-10-29 15:49:41 +0900 (Thu, 29 Oct 2015)
New Revision: 742

[compat,merge] r662,663,670,672,673 merged from trunk.

Property changes on: branches/RELENG_1_1
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/RELENG_1_0_0:60-401
   + /branches/RELENG_1_0_0:60-401

Property changes on: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/RELENG_1_0/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC:408-498
   + /branches/RELENG_1_0/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC:408-498

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/build.xml
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/build.xml	2015-10-29 06:36:36 UTC (rev 741)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/build.xml	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
 	<property name="idl.ComponentObserver" value="${idl.path}/ComponentObserver.idl" />
+	<property name="idl.Logger" value="${idl.path}/Logger.idl" />
 	<property name="idl.test.CorbaConsumer" value="${idl.path.tests}/CorbaConsumer/Hello.idl" />
 	<property name="idl.test.CorbaPort" value="${idl.path.tests}/CorbaPort/MyService.idl" />
@@ -474,6 +476,12 @@
+		<exec executable="${java.home}\..\bin\idlj">
+			<arg line="-v -fall -td ${source} -i ${idl.path} -emitAll ${idl.Logger}"/>
+		</exec>
Copied: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/idl/Logger.idl (from rev 670, trunk/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/idl/Logger.idl)
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/idl/Logger.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/idl/Logger.idl	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// -*- IDL -*-
+ * @file Logger.idl
+ * @brief Component logger SDO service
+ * @date $Date$
+ * @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011
+ *     Noriaki Ando
+ *     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+ *     National Institute of
+ *         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+ *     All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <BasicDataType.idl>
+#include <SDOPackage.idl>
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief コンポーネントログ収集サービスインターフェース
+ *
+ * コンポーネントのログ情報を外部から取得するためのインターフェース。コ
+ * ンポーネントに対して、本SDOサービスオブジェクトをアタッチすることで、
+ * コンポーネントが出力するログを外部から取得することができる。
+ * 
+ * @since 1.1
+ *
+ * @else
+ * @brief Component logging service interface
+ *
+ * This interface defines logging service of an RT-Component from
+ * outside. Attaching this service interface to an RT-Component, you
+ * can get logging information from the RT-Component.
+ *
+ * @since 1.1
+ * @endif
+ *
+ */
+module OpenRTM
+  /*!
+   * @if jp
+   *
+   * @brief ログレベル
+   * 
+   * ログレベル。ログレベルは9段階あり、それぞれ以下の意味を持つ。
+   * 
+   *  - SILENT  : ロギング機能をオフにするための疑似レベル
+   *  - ERROR   : エラーが発生したことを意味するログレベル
+   *  - WARN    : エラーではないが注意すべき警告を意味するログレベル
+   *  - INFO    : 付加的な情報を提供するためのログレベル
+   *  - NORMAL  : 通常の情報を提供するためのログレベル
+   *  - DEBUG   : デバッグ情報を提供する際のログレベル
+   *  - TRACE   : トレースレベルの情報を提供する際のログレベル
+   *  - VERBOSE : トレース情報以上に詳細な情報を提供する際のログレベル
+   *  - PARANOID: リアルタイム周期処理実行時等の情報を提供するログレベル
+   * 
+   * @else
+   *
+   * @brief Log level
+   * 
+   * This enumeration defines log levels. The log level consists of
+   * nine levels, and each level means the following meaning.
+   * 
+   *  - SILENT  : Pseudo log level to stop logging function.
+   *  - ERROR   : This log level means that an error event is occurring.
+   *  - WARN    : This log level means that a warning event is occurring.
+   *  - INFO    : This log level used to notify information.
+   *  - NORMAL  : This log level means that an event is normal thing.
+   *  - DEBUG   : This log level used to notify debugging information.
+   *  - TRACE   : This log level used to notify trace information.
+   *  - VERBOSE : This log level used to notify more detailed information.
+   *  - PARANOID: This is used only to notify information in real-time loop.
+   *
+   * @endif
+   */
+  enum LogLevel
+  {
+    SILENT,
+    ERROR,
+    WARN,
+    INFO,
+    NORMAL,
+    DEBUG,
+    TRACE,
+  };
+  /*!
+   * @if jp
+   * @brief ログレコード構造体
+   *
+   * ログメッセージを含むログ情報を保持する構造体
+   *
+   * @else
+   * @brief Log record structure
+   *
+   * This struct defines logging information including log message.
+   *
+   * @endif
+   *
+   */
+  struct LogRecord
+  {
+    /*!
+     * @if jp
+     * @brief 時刻
+     * タイムスタンプ
+     * @else
+     * @brief Time
+     * Time stump.
+     * @endif
+     */
+    RTC::Time   time;
+    /*!
+     * @if jp
+     * @brief ロガー名
+     * ログを書きこんだロガーオブジェクト名
+     * @else
+     * @brief logger name
+     * The logger name which writes this record.
+     * @endif
+     */
+    string loggername;
+    /*!
+     * @if jp
+     * @brief ログレベル
+     * このレコードのログレベル
+     * @else
+     * @brief Log level
+     * The log level of this record
+     * @endif
+     */
+    LogLevel  level;
+    /*!
+     * @if jp
+     * @brief メッセージ
+     * ログメッセージ
+     * @else
+     * @brief Message
+     * Log message.
+     * @endif
+     */
+    string message;
+  };
+  /*!
+   * @if jp
+   *
+   * @interface Logger インターフェース
+   *
+   * 個別のRTCのログ情報を取得するためのサービスインターフェース。SDO
+   * Service として対象となるRTC/SDOに対してアタッチされ、RTC/SDOのログ
+   * 情報を外部から取得する。実際の処理シーケンスは以下の通りである。
+   *
+   * -# SDO::get_configuration() により Configuration オブジェクトを取得
+   * -# Configuration::add_service_profile() によりTool側の
+   *     Logger を ServiceProfile により RTC に与える。
+   *     ServiceProfile のメンバーは以下のように設定すること
+   *   - id: UUID など一意なIDを設定する。削除時にも必要になるので、Tool
+   *     側ではIDを保持しておかなければならない。
+   *   - interface_type: 当該サービスのIFRのIDを文字列として指定。RTC側で
+   *     はこの文字列により当該サービスオブジェクトを受け入れるか決定す
+   *     るため指定は必須となる。
+   *   - properties: RTC側のサービスの受け入れ側に通知するプロパティを設
+   *     定する。このサービスでは、下記のログレベル関連のプロパティを
+   *     指定する。
+   *    - service: SDOService オブジェクトの参照を指定する。
+   * -# RTC側でロガーへの書き込みが有った場合には publish() オペレーション
+   *     が LogRecord 構造体としてログメッセージやタイムスタンプをサー
+   *     ビス側に通知する。サービスを保持する側では、LogRecord内の情報
+   *     をファイルに書き込む、表示する等の方法で利用することができる。
+   * -# RTC側が終了するときには、close() オペレーションが呼び出されるの
+   *    で、サービス提供側は適切な終了処理を行う必要がある。close()が呼
+   *    ばれた場合は、remove_service_profile() により明示的にサービスを
+   *    削除する必要はない。またRTC側ではclose() を呼んだ後は、当該サー
+   *    ビスに関する情報やリソースを適切に開放しなければならない。
+   * -# ツール等のサービス提供側が終了する場合などは、
+   *    remove_service_profile() オペレーションを呼び出し、当該RTC上の
+   *    リソースを適切に開放する必要がある。RTC側は、
+   *    remove_service_profile() が呼び出された際には、当該ロギングに関
+   *    するリソースを適切に開放する必要がある。
+   *
+   * 上記のプロセスを下記シーケンス図に示す。
+   *
+   * <pre>
+   * 
+   *   [RTC]    [Configuration]           [Logger]      [Tool]
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            | get_configuration()   |            |
+   *     |<------------------------------------------------|
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            | add_service_profile(prof)          |
+   *     |            |<-----------------------------------|
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            | publish(logrecord)    |            |
+   *     |----------------------------------->|            |
+   *     |            | publish(logrecord)    |            |
+   *     |----------------------------------->|            |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | 1) RTCが先に終了するとき           |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | [close()]             |            |
+   *     |----------------------------------->|            |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | 2) ツールがロギングを終了するとき  |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | remove_service_profile(id)         |
+   *     |            |<-----------------------------------|
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            |                       x            x
+   *
+   * </pre>
+   *
+   * なお、ServiceProfile::properties に指定するプロパティとしては、
+   *
+   * - logger.log_level: (ERROR, WARN, INFO, NORMAL, DEBUG, TRACE, VERBOSE,
+   *                     PARANOID)
+   * - logger.filter: logger name or "ALL"
+   *
+   * がある、
+   *
+   * - logger.log_level: ERROR, WARN, INFO, NORMAL, DEBUG, TRACE,
+   *   VERBOSE またはPARANOID のうち一つを指定する。無指定の場合は
+   *   NORMAL と同等となる。指定されたレベルと同等あるいはそれより重要
+   *   な情報がロギングされる。すなわち、それぞれのログレベルを指定した
+   *   際に出力されるログは以下の関係になる。
+   *   - ERROR   : (ERROR)
+   *   - WARN    : (ERROR, WARN)
+   *   - INFO    : (ERROR, WARN, INFO)
+   * - logger.filter: RTC内部は、RTC本体、データポート、サービスポート
+   *   等それぞれのオブジェクトにロガーオブジェクトが存在する。このプロ
+   *   パティはロギングする対象のロガーオブジェクトをカンマ区切りで指定
+   *   する。または、ALLを指定することでRTC配下のすべてのロギングオブジェ
+   *   クトからのメッセージを受信する。無指定の場合はALLと同等になる。
+   *
+   * @else
+   * @class
+   *
+   * @interface Logger interface
+   *
+   * This interface defines logging service for each RT-Component.
+   * This service would be attached to a target RTC/SDO, and provides
+   * functionality to collect log information from remote
+   * applications.  Actual process sequences are the following.
+   *
+   * -# Get configuration object by SDO::get_configuration() 
+   * -# Attach Logger object with ServiceProfile by
+   *    Configuration::add_service_profile(). ServiceProfile should be
+   *    set as follows.
+   *   - id: An unique ID like UUID. This ID is used when this service
+   *         is removed. Tools or applications should keep the ID for
+   *         this.
+   *   - interface_type: Specify this service's IFR ID in string. This
+   *         string is used to search available service in the RTC,
+   *         and if it matches with available SDO services, this
+   *         service is accepted.
+   *   - properties: This member specifies properties to notify
+   *         information to the target RTC.  The following properties
+   *         for log level and others would be specified in this
+   *         properties.
+   *
+   *   - service: A SDOService object reference is specified.
+   * -# When logging occurs in the RTC side, the "publish()" operation
+   *    notifies a log message, time stump and so on to the service
+   *    provider as a LogRecord structure. The service provider can
+   *    use notified information for example writing to files and
+   *    showing them on the display.
+   * -# When RTC is terminated, the "close()" operation is called, and
+   *    the service provider has to terminate the logging service
+   *    properly.  In this case, tools and applications that have
+   *    service provider do not need to call remove_service_profile()
+   *    and remove the service explicitly. After calling close()
+   *    operation, the RTC has to release the service profile and
+   *    resources.
+   * -# When tools and applications terminate services, they have to
+   *    call remove_service_profile() operation, and have to release
+   *    resources in the target RTC. When remove_service_profile() is
+   *    called, the RTC have to release service profile and resources
+   *    for this service.
+   *
+   * The following diagram shows above mentioned sequence.
+   *
+   * <pre>
+   * 
+   *   [RTC]    [Configuration]           [Logger]      [Tool]
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            | get_configuration()   |            |
+   *     |<------------------------------------------------|
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            | add_service_profile(prof)          |
+   *     |            |<-----------------------------------|
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            | publish(logrecord)    |            |
+   *     |----------------------------------->|            |
+   *     |            | publish(logrecord)    |            |
+   *     |----------------------------------->|            |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | 1) When RTC is terminated          |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | [close()]             |            |
+   *     |----------------------------------->|            |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | 2) When tool terminates logging    |
+   *     |            |       :               |            |
+   *     |            | remove_service_profile(id)         |
+   *     |            |<-----------------------------------|
+   *     |            |                       |            |
+   *     |            |                       x            x
+   *
+   * </pre>
+   *
+   * So far, the following properties for ServiceProfile::properties
+   * are available.
+   *
+   * - logger.log_level: (ERROR, WARN, INFO, NORMAL, DEBUG, TRACE, VERBOSE,
+   *                     PARANOID)
+   * - logger.filter: logger name or "ALL"
+   *
+   *
+   * - logger.log_level: One of ERROR, WARN, INFO, NORMAL, DEBUG,
+   *     TRACE, VERBOSE or PARANOID can be specified.  If no
+   *     properties are specified, it will be NORMAL.  Log messages
+   *     equals and/or more important specified log level would be
+   *     published.  The following list shows the relation between
+   *     specified level and published level.
+   *   - ERROR   : (ERROR)
+   *   - WARN    : (ERROR, WARN)
+   *   - INFO    : (ERROR, WARN, INFO)
+   * - logger.filter: Some logger objects exist in some object of an
+   *     RTC such as RTC body, data port, service port and so on.
+   *     Some logger objects exist in some object of an RTC such as
+   *     RTC body, data port, service port and so on.  This properties
+   *     specify target logger names separated with commas.  If ALL is
+   *     specified, all the logger's messages under the target RTC's
+   *     logger would be published.  If no property is specified, all
+   *     the messages will be published.
+   *
+   * @endif
+   *
+   */
+  interface Logger
+    : SDOPackage::SDOService
+  {
+    /*!
+     * @if jp
+     * @brief ログメッセージ配信
+     * ログメッセージを配信する
+     * @else
+     * @brief Publish log message
+     * This operation publishes log message.
+     * @endif
+     */
+    oneway void publish(in LogRecord record);
+    /*!
+     * @if jp
+     * @brief サービスの終了
+     * ロギングサービスの終了を通知する
+     * @else
+     * @brief Terminate service
+     * This operation notifies logging service.
+     * @endif
+     */
+    void close();
+  };

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/DefaultConfiguration.java
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/DefaultConfiguration.java	2015-10-29 06:36:36 UTC (rev 741)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/DefaultConfiguration.java	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@
         "corba.nameservice.replace_endpoint", "NO",
         "exec_cxt.periodic.type", "jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext.PeriodicExecutionContext",
         "exec_cxt.periodic.rate", "1000",
-        "exec_cxt.evdriven.type", "jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext.EventDrivenExecutionContext",
+        "exec_cxt.sync_transition",              "YES",
+        "exec_cxt.transition_timeout",           "0.5",
+        //"exec_cxt.evdriven.type", "jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext.EventDrivenExecutionContext",
         "manager.modules.load_path",        "./",
         "manager.modules.abs_path_allowed", "YES",
         "manager.is_master",                "NO",

Copied: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/LoggerConsumer.java (from rev 670, trunk/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/LoggerConsumer.java)
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/LoggerConsumer.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/LoggerConsumer.java	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+package jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC;
+import OpenRTM.Logger;
+import OpenRTM.LoggerHelper;
+import _SDOPackage.NVListHolder;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port.CorbaConsumer;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.CallbackFunction;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.NVUtil;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.Properties;
+  /**
+   * 
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+public class LoggerConsumer implements SdoServiceConsumerBase, CallbackFunction, ObjectCreator<SdoServiceConsumerBase>, ObjectDestructor{
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ctor of LoggerConsumer}
+     * {@.en ctor of LoggerConsumer}
+     */
+    public LoggerConsumer(){
+        m_rtobj = null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja 初期化}
+     * {@.en Initialization}
+     */
+    public boolean init(RTObject_impl rtobj,
+                      final _SDOPackage.ServiceProfile profile){
+        if (!m_observer.setObject(LoggerHelper.narrow(profile.service))) {
+          // narrowing failed
+          return false;
+        }
+        m_rtobj = rtobj;
+        m_profile = profile;
+        //
+        NVListHolder nvholder = 
+                new NVListHolder(profile.properties);
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        NVUtil.copyToProperties(prop, nvholder);
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja 再初期化}
+     * {@.en Re-initialization}
+     */
+    public boolean reinit(final _SDOPackage.ServiceProfile profile){
+        if (!m_observer._ptr()._is_equivalent(profile.service)) {
+            CorbaConsumer<Logger> tmp = new CorbaConsumer<Logger>();
+            if (!tmp.setObject(profile.service)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            m_observer.releaseObject();
+            m_observer.setObject(profile.service);
+        }
+        m_profile= profile;
+        //
+        NVListHolder nvholder = 
+                new NVListHolder(profile.properties);
+        Properties prop = new Properties();
+        NVUtil.copyToProperties(prop, nvholder);
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ServiceProfile を取得する}
+     * {@.en getting ServiceProfile}
+     */
+    public final _SDOPackage.ServiceProfile getProfile() {
+        return m_profile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja 終了処理}
+     * {@.en Finalization}
+     */
+    public void finalize(){
+    }
+    //============================================================
+    // Heartbeat related functions
+    /**
+     * {@.ja }
+     * {@.en }
+     */
+    public void doOperate(){
+    }
+    /**
+     * <p> creator_ </p>
+     * 
+     * @return Object Created instances
+     *
+     */
+    public SdoServiceConsumerBase creator_() {
+        return new ComponentObserverConsumer();
+    }
+    /**
+     * <p> destructor_ </p>
+     * 
+     * @param obj    The target instances for destruction
+     *
+     */
+    public void destructor_(Object obj) {
+        obj = null;
+    }
+    private RTObject_impl m_rtobj;
+    private _SDOPackage.ServiceProfile m_profile;
+    private CorbaConsumer<OpenRTM.Logger> m_observer =
+            new CorbaConsumer<OpenRTM.Logger>(OpenRTM.Logger.class);

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/Manager.java
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/Manager.java	2015-10-29 06:36:36 UTC (rev 741)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/Manager.java	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -978,6 +978,14 @@
+            "exec_cxt.sync_transition",
+            "exec_cxt.sync_activation",
+            "exec_cxt.sync_deactivation",
+            "exec_cxt.sync_reset",
+            "exec_cxt.transition_timeout",
+            "exec_cxt.activation_timeout",
+            "exec_cxt.deactivation_timeout",
+            "exec_cxt.reset_timeout",
@@ -987,8 +995,11 @@
         for (int ic=0; inherit_prop[ic].length() != 0; ++ic) {
-            prop.setProperty(inherit_prop[ic], 
-                                m_config.getProperty(inherit_prop[ic]));
+            String key = inherit_prop[ic];
+            if (m_config.findNode(key) != null) {
+                prop.setProperty(key,m_config.getProperty(key));
+            }
         comp = factory.create(this);

Copied: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/RTObjectStateMachine.java (from rev 673, trunk/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/RTObjectStateMachine.java)
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/RTObjectStateMachine.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/RTObjectStateMachine.java	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+package jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.log.Logbuf;
+import RTC.ComponentAction;
+import RTC.ComponentActionHelper;
+import RTC.DataFlowComponentAction;
+import RTC.DataFlowComponentActionHelper;
+import RTC.FsmParticipantAction;
+import RTC.FsmParticipantActionHelper;
+import RTC.LifeCycleState;
+import RTC.LightweightRTObject;
+import RTC.MultiModeComponentAction;
+import RTC.MultiModeComponentActionHelper;
+import RTC.ReturnCode_t;
+public class RTObjectStateMachine {
+    private static final int NUM_OF_LIFECYCLESTATE = 4;
+    /**
+     * {@.ja コンストラクタ}
+     * {@.en Constructor}
+     *
+     */
+    public RTObjectStateMachine(int id, LightweightRTObject comp){
+        m_id = id;
+        m_rtobj = (LightweightRTObject)comp._duplicate();
+        m_sm = new StateMachine<LifeCycleState,
+                            RTObjectStateMachine>(NUM_OF_LIFECYCLESTATE);
+        m_ca = false;
+        m_dfc = false;
+        m_fsm = false;
+        m_mode = false;
+        m_caVar   = null;
+        m_dfcVar  = null;
+        m_fsmVar  = null;
+        m_modeVar = null;
+        // Setting Action callback objects
+        setComponentAction(comp);
+        setDataFlowComponentAction(comp);
+        setFsmParticipantAction(comp);
+        setMultiModeComponentAction(comp);
+        // Setting callback functions to StateMachine
+        m_sm.setListener(this);
+        m_sm.setEntryAction (LifeCycleState.ACTIVE_STATE,
+                             new onActivated());
+        m_sm.setDoAction    (LifeCycleState.ACTIVE_STATE,
+                             new onExecute());
+        m_sm.setPostDoAction(LifeCycleState.ACTIVE_STATE,
+                             new onStateUpdate());
+        m_sm.setExitAction  (LifeCycleState.ACTIVE_STATE,
+                             new onDeactivated());
+        m_sm.setEntryAction (LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE,
+                             new onAborting());
+        m_sm.setDoAction    (LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE,
+                             new onError());
+        m_sm.setExitAction  (LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE,
+                             new onReset());
+        // Setting inital state
+        StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st = new StateHolder<LifeCycleState>();
+        st.prev = LifeCycleState.INACTIVE_STATE;
+        st.curr = LifeCycleState.INACTIVE_STATE;
+        st.next = LifeCycleState.INACTIVE_STATE;
+        m_sm.setStartState(st);
+        m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.INACTIVE_STATE);
+    }
+    private RTObjectStateMachine(final RTObjectStateMachine rtobjsm){
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja onActivatedアクション定義用抽象クラス}
+     */
+    private class onActivated implements StateAction {
+        public void doAction(StateHolder state) {
+            if (!m_ca) { 
+                return; 
+            }
+            if (m_caVar.on_activated(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+                m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+                return;
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja onExecuteアクション定義用抽象クラス}
+     */
+    private class onExecute implements StateAction {
+        public void doAction(StateHolder state) {
+            if (!m_dfc) { 
+                return; 
+            }
+            if (m_dfcVar.on_execute(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+                m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+                return;
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja onStateUpdateアクション定義用抽象クラス}
+     */
+    private class onStateUpdate implements StateAction {
+        public void doAction(StateHolder state) {
+            if (!m_dfc) { 
+                return; 
+            }
+            if (m_dfcVar.on_state_update(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+                m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+                return;
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja onDeactivatedアクション定義用抽象クラス}
+     */
+    private class onDeactivated implements StateAction {
+        public void doAction(StateHolder state) {
+            if (!m_ca) { 
+                return; 
+            }
+            m_caVar.on_deactivated(m_id);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja onAbortingアクション定義用抽象クラス}
+     */
+    private class onAborting implements StateAction {
+        public void doAction(StateHolder state) {
+            if (!m_ca) { 
+                return; 
+            }
+            m_caVar.on_error(m_id);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja onErrorアクション定義用抽象クラス}
+     */
+    private class onError implements StateAction {
+        public void doAction(StateHolder state) {
+            if (!m_ca) { 
+                return; 
+            }
+            m_caVar.on_error(m_id);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja onResetアクション定義用抽象クラス}
+     */
+    private class onReset implements StateAction {
+        public void doAction(StateHolder state) {
+            if (!m_ca) { 
+                return; 
+            }
+            if (m_caVar.on_reset(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+                m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+                return;
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    // functions for stored RTObject reference
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public LightweightRTObject getRTObject() {
+        return (LightweightRTObject)m_rtobj._duplicate();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public boolean isEquivalent(LightweightRTObject comp) {
+        return m_rtobj._is_equivalent(comp);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public int getExecutionContextHandle() {
+        return m_id;
+    }
+    // RTC::ComponentAction operations
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onStartup(){
+        if (!m_ca) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        m_caVar.on_startup(m_id);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onShutdown(){
+        if (!m_ca) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        m_caVar.on_shutdown(m_id);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onActivated(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st) {
+        if (!m_ca) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        if (m_caVar.on_activated(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+            m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+            return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onDeactivated(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st) {
+        if (!m_ca) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        m_caVar.on_deactivated(m_id);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onAborting(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st) {
+        if (!m_ca) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        m_caVar.on_error(m_id);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onError(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st){
+        if (!m_ca) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        m_caVar.on_error(m_id);
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onReset(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st){
+        if (!m_ca) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        if (m_caVar.on_reset(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+            m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+            return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    // RTC::DataflowComponentAction
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onExecute(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st){
+        if (!m_dfc) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        if (m_dfcVar.on_execute(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+            m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+            return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onStateUpdate(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st){
+        if (!m_dfc) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        if (m_dfcVar.on_state_update(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+            m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+            return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onRateChanged(){
+        if (!m_dfc) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        if (m_dfcVar.on_rate_changed(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+            m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+            return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    // FsmParticipantAction
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onAction(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st){
+        if (!m_fsm) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        if (m_fsmVar.on_action(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+            m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+            return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    // MultiModeComponentAction
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void onModeChanged(final StateHolder<LifeCycleState> st){
+        if (!m_mode) { 
+            return; 
+        }
+        if (m_modeVar.on_mode_changed(m_id) != ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
+            m_sm.goTo(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE);
+            return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    // Getting state of the context
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public LifeCycleState getState(){
+        return m_sm.getState();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public StateHolder<LifeCycleState> getStates(){
+        return m_sm.getStates();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public boolean isCurrentState(LifeCycleState state){
+        if(getState() == state){
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public boolean isNextState(LifeCycleState state){
+        if(m_sm.getStates().next == state){
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void goTo(LifeCycleState state){
+        m_sm.goTo(state);
+    }
+    // Workers
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void workerPreDo(){
+        m_sm.worker_pre();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void workerDo(){
+        m_sm.worker_do();
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public void workerPostDo(){
+        m_sm.worker_post();
+    }
+    protected void setComponentAction(final LightweightRTObject comp) {
+        m_caVar = ComponentActionHelper.narrow(comp);
+        if (m_caVar!=null) { 
+            m_ca = true; 
+        }
+    }
+    protected void setDataFlowComponentAction(final LightweightRTObject comp){
+        m_dfcVar = DataFlowComponentActionHelper.narrow(comp);
+        if (m_dfcVar!=null) { 
+            m_dfc = true; 
+        }
+    }
+    protected void setFsmParticipantAction(final LightweightRTObject comp){
+        m_fsmVar = FsmParticipantActionHelper.narrow(comp);
+        if (m_fsmVar!=null) { 
+            m_fsm = true; 
+        }
+    }
+    protected void setMultiModeComponentAction(final LightweightRTObject comp){
+        m_modeVar = MultiModeComponentActionHelper.narrow(comp);
+        if (m_modeVar!=null) { 
+            m_mode = true; 
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ロガーストリーム}
+     * {@.en Logger stream}
+     */
+    private Logbuf rtcout;
+    // ExecutionContext id
+    private int m_id;
+    // Associated RTObject reference
+    private LightweightRTObject m_rtobj;
+    // State machine
+    private StateMachine<LifeCycleState,
+                            RTObjectStateMachine> m_sm;
+    private boolean m_ca;
+    private boolean m_dfc;
+    private boolean m_fsm;
+    private boolean m_mode;
+    private ComponentAction          m_caVar;
+    private DataFlowComponentAction  m_dfcVar;
+    private FsmParticipantAction     m_fsmVar;
+    private MultiModeComponentAction m_modeVar;
+    //    char dara[1000];
+    // Component action invoker

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/RTObject_impl.java
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/RTObject_impl.java	2015-10-29 06:36:36 UTC (rev 741)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/RTObject_impl.java	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
         m_pPOA = manager.getPOA();
         m_portAdmin = new PortAdmin(manager.getORB(), manager.getPOA());
         m_created = true;
+        m_exiting = false;
         m_properties = new Properties(default_conf);
         m_configsets = new ConfigAdmin(m_properties.getNode("conf"));
         m_readAll = false;
@@ -182,6 +183,7 @@
         m_pPOA = poa;
         m_portAdmin = new PortAdmin(orb, poa);
         m_created = true;
+        m_exiting = false;
         m_properties = new Properties(default_conf);
         m_configsets = new ConfigAdmin(m_properties.getNode("conf"));
         m_readAll = false;
@@ -744,6 +746,9 @@
         if( m_created ) {
             return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET;
+        if (!m_exiting) { 
+            return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET; 
+        }
         // Return RTC::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET,
         // When the component is registered in ExecutionContext.
         //if(m_ecMine.value.length != 0 || m_ecOther.value.length != 0)
@@ -806,6 +811,9 @@
         if (m_created) {
             return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET;
+        if (m_exiting) { 
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK; 
+        }
         // deactivate myself on owned EC
                                new deactivate_comps((LightweightRTObject)m_objref._duplicate()));
@@ -827,6 +835,7 @@
+        m_exiting = true;
         ReturnCode_t ret = this._finalize();
         return ret;
@@ -5955,6 +5964,7 @@
         if( m_pManager != null) {
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG, "Cleanup on Manager");

Modified: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/StateMachine.java
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/StateMachine.java	2015-10-29 06:36:36 UTC (rev 741)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/StateMachine.java	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -412,6 +412,25 @@
+     * {@.ja 状態を取得する}
+     * {@.en Gets states}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja 状態情報を取得する。
+     * 現在の状態、1つ前の状態、遷移予定の状態を取得することができる。}
+     * {@.en Get state information.
+     * Get the current state, the previous state and the next state to
+     * be expected to transfer.}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja 状態情報}
+     *   {@.en State information}
+     *
+     */
+    public StateHolder<STATE> getStates() {
+        return m_states;
+    }
+    /**
      * {@.ja 現在の状態を取得する}
      * {@.en Get current state}

Copied: branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/executionContext/ExecutionContextWorker.java (from rev 673, trunk/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/executionContext/ExecutionContextWorker.java)
--- branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/executionContext/ExecutionContextWorker.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/RELENG_1_1/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/executionContext/ExecutionContextWorker.java	2015-10-29 06:49:41 UTC (rev 742)
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+package jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.RTObject_impl;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.RTObjectStateMachine;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util.TimeValue;
+import jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.log.Logbuf;
+import RTC.ExecutionContextService;
+import RTC.LifeCycleState;
+import RTC.LightweightRTObject;
+import RTC.ReturnCode_t;
+  /**
+   * {@.ja PeriodicExecutionContext クラス}
+   * {@.en PeriodicExecutionContext class}
+   * <p>
+   * {@.ja Periodic Sampled Data Processing(周期実行用)ExecutionContextクラス。}
+   * {@.en Periodic Sampled Data Processing (for the execution cycles)
+   * ExecutionContext class}
+   */
+public class ExecutionContextWorker {
+    /**
+     * {@.ja デフォルトコンストラクタ}
+     * {@.en Default Constructor}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja デフォルトコンストラクタ
+     * プロファイルに以下の項目を設定する。
+     *  - kind : PERIODIC
+     *  - rate : 0.0}
+     * {@.en Default Constructor
+     * Set the following items to profile.
+     *  - kind : PERIODIC
+     *  - rate : 0.0}
+     */
+    public ExecutionContextWorker() {
+        rtcout = new Logbuf("ec_worker");
+        m_running = false;
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "ExecutionContextWorker()");
+    }
+    //============================================================
+    // Object reference to EC
+    //============================================================
+    public void setECRef(ExecutionContextService ref) {
+        m_ref = (ExecutionContextService)ref._duplicate();
+    }
+    public ExecutionContextService getECRef(){
+        return (ExecutionContextService)m_ref._duplicate();
+    }
+    //============================================================
+    // ExecutionContext
+    //============================================================
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ExecutionContext 実行状態確認関数}
+     * {@.en Check for ExecutionContext running state}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja この操作は ExecutionContext が Runnning 状態の場合に true を返す。
+     * Executioncontext が Running の間、当該 Executioncontext に参加し
+     * ている全てのアクティブRTコンポーネントが、ExecutionContext の実
+     * 行種類に応じて実行される。}
+     * {@.en This operation shall return true if the context is in the
+     * Running state.  While the context is Running, all Active RTCs
+     * participating in the context shall be executed according to the
+     * context’s execution kind.}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja 状態確認関数(動作中:true、停止中:false)}
+     *   {@.en  Check state function (Running:true、Stopping:false)}
+     *
+     */
+    public boolean isRunning() {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "isRunning()");
+        return m_running;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ExecutionContext の実行を開始}
+     * {@.en Start the ExecutionContext}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja ExecutionContext の実行状態を Runnning とするためのリクエストを
+     * 発行する。ExecutionContext の状態が遷移すると
+     * ComponentAction::on_startup が呼び出される。参加しているRTコンポー
+     * ネントが、初期化されるまで ExecutionContext を開始することはでき
+     * ない。ExecutionContext は複数回開始/停止を繰り返すことができる。}
+     * {@.en Request that the context enter the Running state.  Once the
+     * state transition occurs, the ComponentAction::on_startup
+     * operation will be invoked.  An execution context may not be
+     * started until the RT-Components that participate in it have
+     * been initialized.  An execution context may be started and
+     * stopped multiple times.}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     *
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t start() {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "start()");
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            if (m_running) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.WARN, 
+                                        "ExecutionContext is already running.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET;
+            }
+            // invoke ComponentAction::on_startup for each comps.
+            for (int ic=0; ic < m_comps.size(); ++ic) {
+                m_comps.get(ic).onStartup();
+            }
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG, m_comps.size()
+                                        + " components started.");
+            // change EC thread state
+            m_running = true;
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ExecutionContext の実行を停止}
+     * {@.en Stop the ExecutionContext}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja ExecutionContext の状態を Stopped とするためのリクエストを発行す
+     * る。遷移が発生した場合は、ComponentAction::on_shutdown が呼び出
+     * される。参加しているRTコンポーネントが終了する前に
+     * ExecutionContext を停止する必要がある。ExecutionContext は複数回
+     * 開始/停止を繰り返すことができる。}
+     * {@.en Request that the context enter the Stopped state.  Once the
+     * transition occurs, the ComponentAction::on_shutdown operation
+     * will be invoked.  An execution context must be stopped before
+     * the RT components that participate in it are finalized.  An
+     * execution context may be started and stopped multiple times.}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     *
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t stop(){
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "stop()");
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            if (!m_running) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.WARN, 
+                                "ExecutionContext is already stopped.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET;
+              }
+            // stop thread
+            m_running = false;
+            // invoke on_shutdown for each comps.
+            for (int ic=0; ic < m_comps.size(); ++ic) {
+                m_comps.get(ic).onShutdown();
+            }
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja RTコンポーネントをアクティブ化する}
+     * {@.en Activate an RT-component}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja Inactive 状態にあるRTコンポーネントをActive に遷移させ、アクティ
+     * ブ化する。この操作が呼ばれた結果、on_activate が呼び出される。指
+     * 定したRTコンポーネントが参加者リストに含まれない場合は、
+     * BAD_PARAMETER が返される。指定したRTコンポーネントの状態が
+     * Inactive 以外の場合は、PRECONDITION_NOT_MET が返される。}
+     * {@.en The given participant RTC is Inactive and is therefore not
+     * being invoked according to the execution context’s execution
+     * kind. This operation shall cause the RTC to transition to the
+     * Active state such that it may subsequently be invoked in this
+     * execution context.  The callback on_activate shall be called as
+     * a result of calling this operation. This operation shall not
+     * return until the callback has returned, and shall result in an
+     * error if the callback does.}
+     *
+     * @param comp 
+     *   {@.ja アクティブ化対象RTコンポーネント}
+     *   {@.en The target RT-Component for activation}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     *
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t activateComponent(LightweightRTObject comp,
+                                        RTObjectStateMachine rtobj) {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "activateComponent()");
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            RTObjectStateMachine obj = findComponent(comp);
+            if (obj == null) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, 
+                                "Given RTC is not participant of this EC.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER;
+            }
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG, "Component found in the EC.");
+            if (!(obj.isCurrentState(LifeCycleState.INACTIVE_STATE))) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, 
+                                "State of the RTC is not INACTIVE_STATE.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET;
+            }
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG,
+                    "Component is in INACTIVE state. Going to ACTIVE state.");
+            obj.goTo(LifeCycleState.ACTIVE_STATE);
+            rtobj = obj;
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG,"activateComponent() done.");
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitActivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                           TimeValue timeout,
+                                           long cycle) {
+        return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitActivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj) {
+        return waitActivateComplete(rtobj,new TimeValue(1.0),1000);
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitActivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                           TimeValue timeout ) {
+        return waitActivateComplete(rtobj,timeout,1000);
+    };
+    public ReturnCode_t waitActivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                           long cycle) {
+        return waitActivateComplete(rtobj,new TimeValue(1.0),cycle);
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja RTコンポーネントを非アクティブ化する}
+     * {@.en Deactivate an RT-component}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja Inactive 状態にあるRTコンポーネントを非アクティブ化し、Inactive
+     * に遷移させる。この操作が呼ばれた結果、on_deactivate が呼び出され
+     * る。指定したRTコンポーネントが参加者リストに含まれない場合は、
+     * BAD_PARAMETER が返される。指定したRTコンポーネントの状態が
+     * Active 以外の場合は、PRECONDITION_NOT_MET が返される。}
+     * {@.en The given RTC is Active in the execution context. Cause it to
+     * transition to the Inactive state such that it will not be
+     * subsequently invoked from the context unless and until it is
+     * activated again.  The callback on_deactivate shall be called as
+     * a result of calling this operation. This operation shall not
+     * return until the callback has returned, and shall result in an
+     * error if the callback does.}
+     *
+     * @param comp 
+     *   {@.ja 非アクティブ化対象RTコンポーネント}
+     *   {@.en The target RT-Component for deactivate}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     *
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t deactivateComponent(LightweightRTObject comp,
+                                          RTObjectStateMachine rtobj){
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "deactivateComponent()");
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            rtobj = findComponent(comp);
+            if (rtobj == null) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, 
+                                "Given RTC is not participant of this EC.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER;
+            }
+            if (!(rtobj.isCurrentState(LifeCycleState.ACTIVE_STATE))) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, 
+                                "State of the RTC is not ACTIVE_STATE.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET;
+              }
+            rtobj.goTo(LifeCycleState.INACTIVE_STATE);
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitDeactivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                             TimeValue timeout,
+                                             long cycle) {
+        return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitDeactivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                             TimeValue timeout) {
+        return waitDeactivateComplete(rtobj,timeout,1000);
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitDeactivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                             long cycle){
+        return waitDeactivateComplete(rtobj,new TimeValue(1.0),cycle);
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitDeactivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj){
+        return waitDeactivateComplete(rtobj, new TimeValue(1.0),1000);
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja RTコンポーネントをリセットする}
+     * {@.en Reset the RT-component}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja Error 状態のRTコンポーネントの復帰を試みる。この操作が呼ばれた結
+     * 果、on_reset が呼び出される。指定したRTコンポーネントが参加者リ
+     * ストに含まれない場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返される。指定したRTコン
+     * ポーネントの状態が Error 以外の場合は、PRECONDITION_NOT_MET が返
+     * される。}
+     * {@.en Attempt to recover the RTC when it is in Error.  The
+     * ComponentAction::on_reset callback shall be invoked. This
+     * operation shall not return until the callback has returned, and
+     * shall result in an error if the callback does. If possible, the
+     * RTC developer should implement that callback such that the RTC
+     * may be returned to a valid state.}
+     *
+     * @param comp 
+     *   {@.ja リセット対象RTコンポーネント}
+     *   {@.en The target RT-Component for reset}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     *
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t resetComponent(LightweightRTObject comp,
+                                     RTObjectStateMachine rtobj) {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "resetComponent()");
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            rtobj = findComponent(comp);
+            if (rtobj == null) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, 
+                                "Given RTC is not participant of this EC.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER;
+              }
+            if (!(rtobj.isCurrentState(LifeCycleState.ERROR_STATE))) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, 
+                                "State of the RTC is not ERROR_STATE.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET;
+              }
+            rtobj.goTo(LifeCycleState.INACTIVE_STATE);
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitResetComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                        TimeValue timeout,
+                                        long cycle) {
+        return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitResetComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                        TimeValue timeout){
+        return waitResetComplete(rtobj, timeout, 1000);
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitResetComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj,
+                                        long cycle) {
+        return waitResetComplete(rtobj, new TimeValue(1.0), cycle);
+    }
+    public ReturnCode_t waitResetComplete(RTObjectStateMachine rtobj) {
+        return waitResetComplete(rtobj, new TimeValue(1.0), 1000);
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja RTコンポーネントの状態を取得する}
+     * {@.en Get RT-component's state}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja 指定したRTコンポーネントの状態(LifeCycleState)を取得する。指定し
+     * たRTコンポーネントが参加者リストに含まれない場合は、
+     * UNKNOWN_STATE が返される。}
+     * {@.en This operation shall report the LifeCycleState of the given
+     * participant RTC.  UNKNOWN_STATE will be returned, if the given
+     * RT-Component is not inclued in the participant list.}
+     *
+     * @param comp 
+     *   {@.ja 状態取得対象RTコンポーネント}
+     *   {@.en The target RT-Component to get the state}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja 現在の状態(LifeCycleState)}
+     *   {@.en The current state of the target RT-Component(LifeCycleState)}
+     *
+     */
+    public LifeCycleState getComponentState(LightweightRTObject comp) {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "getComponentState()");
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            RTObjectStateMachine rtobj = findComponent(comp);
+            if (rtobj == null) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.WARN,
+                                "Given RTC is not participant of this EC.");
+                return LifeCycleState.CREATED_STATE;
+            }
+            LifeCycleState state = rtobj.getState();
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG,
+                                "getComponentState() = "
+                                 + getStateString(state) 
+                                 + " done" );
+            return state;
+        }
+    }
+    public final String getStateString(LifeCycleState state) {
+      final String st[] = {
+        "CREATED_STATE",
+        "INACTIVE_STATE",
+        "ACTIVE_STATE",
+        "ERROR_STATE"
+      };
+        return st[state.value()]; 
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja RTコンポーネントを追加する}
+     * {@.en Add an RT-component}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja 指定したRTコンポーネントを参加者リストに追加する。追加されたRTコ
+     * ンポーネントは attach_context が呼ばれ、Inactive 状態に遷移する。
+     * 指定されたRTコンポーネントがnullの場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返され
+     * る。指定されたRTコンポーネントが DataFlowComponent 以外の場合は、
+     * BAD_PARAMETER が返される。}
+     * {@.en The operation causes the given RTC to begin participating in
+     * the execution context.  The newly added RTC will receive a call
+     * to LightweightRTComponent::attach_context and then enter the
+     * Inactive state.  BAD_PARAMETER will be invoked, if the given
+     * RT-Component is null or if the given RT-Component is other than
+     * DataFlowComponent.}
+     *
+     * @param comp 
+     *   {@.ja 追加対象RTコンポーネント}
+     *   {@.en The target RT-Component for add}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     *
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t addComponent(LightweightRTObject comp) {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "addComponent()");
+        if (comp==null) {
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, "nil reference is given.");
+            return ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER;
+        }
+        try {
+            synchronized (m_mutex){
+                ExecutionContextService ec = getECRef();
+                int id = comp.attach_context(ec);
+                m_addedComps.add(new RTObjectStateMachine(id, comp));
+            }
+        }
+        catch (Exception ex) {
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, "addComponent() failed.");
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR;
+        }
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG, "addComponent() succeeded.");
+        return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja コンポーネントをバインドする。}
+     * {@.en Bind the component.}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja コンポーネントをバインドする。}
+     * {@.en Bind the component.}
+     *
+     * @param rtc 
+     *   {@.ja RTコンポーネント}
+     *   {@.en RT-Component's instances}
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t bindComponent(RTObject_impl rtc) {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE, "bindComponent()");
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            if (rtc == null) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, "NULL pointer is given.");
+                return ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER;
+            }
+            ExecutionContextService ec = getECRef();
+            int id = rtc.bindContext(ec);
+            if (id < 0 || id > RTObject_impl.ECOTHER_OFFSET) {
+                // id should be owned context id < ECOTHER_OFFSET
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR, 
+                                "bindContext returns invalid id: "+id);
+                return ReturnCode_t.RTC_ERROR;
+            }
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG,
+                                "bindContext returns id = "+id);
+            // rtc is owner of this EC
+            LightweightRTObject comp
+              = (LightweightRTObject)rtc.getObjRef()._duplicate();
+            //    RTObjectStateMachine o(id, comp);
+            m_comps.add(new RTObjectStateMachine(id, comp));
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.DEBUG,"bindComponent() succeeded.");
+            return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@.ja RTコンポーネントを参加者リストから削除する}
+     * {@.en Remove the RT-Component from participant list}
+     * <p>
+     * {@.ja 指定したRTコンポーネントを参加者リストから削除する。削除された
+     * RTコンポーネントは detach_context が呼ばれる。指定されたRTコンポー
+     * ネントが参加者リストに登録されていない場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返
+     * される。}
+     * {@.en This operation causes a participant RTC to stop participating 
+     * in the execution context.
+     * The removed RTC will receive a call to
+     * LightweightRTComponent::detach_context.
+     * BAD_PARAMETER will be returned, if the given RT-Component is not 
+     * participating in the participant list.}
+     *
+     * @param comp 
+     *   {@.ja 削除対象RTコンポーネント}
+     *   {@.en The target RT-Component for delete}
+     *
+     * @return 
+     *   {@.ja ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード}
+     *   {@.en The return code of ReturnCode_t type}
+     *
+     */
+    public ReturnCode_t removeComponent(LightweightRTObject comp) {
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE,"removeComponent()");
+        if (comp==null) {
+            rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR,"nil reference is given.");
+            return ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER;
+        }
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            RTObjectStateMachine rtobj = findComponent(comp);
+            if (rtobj == null) {
+                rtcout.println(Logbuf.ERROR,
+                                "no RTC found in this context.");
+                return  ReturnCode_t.BAD_PARAMETER;
+            }
+            synchronized (m_removedMutex){
+                m_removedComps.add(rtobj);
+                return ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public RTObjectStateMachine findComponent(LightweightRTObject comp) {
+        for (int ic=0; ic < m_comps.size() ; ++ic) {
+            if(m_comps.get(ic).isEquivalent(comp)) {
+                return m_comps.get(ic);
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    public boolean isAllCurrentState(LifeCycleState state) {
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            for (int ic=0; ic < m_comps.size(); ++ic) {
+                if (!m_comps.get(ic).isCurrentState(state)) { 
+                    return false; 
+                }
+            }
+            return true; 
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isAllNextState(LifeCycleState state){
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            for (int ic=0; ic < m_comps.size(); ++ic) {
+                if (!m_comps.get(ic).isNextState(state)) { 
+                    return false; 
+                }
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isOneOfCurrentState(LifeCycleState state){
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            for (int ic=0; ic < m_comps.size(); ++ic) {
+                if (m_comps.get(ic).isCurrentState(state)) { 
+                    return true; 
+                }
+            }
+            return false; 
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isOneOfNextState(LifeCycleState state){
+        synchronized (m_mutex){
+            for (int ic=0; ic < m_comps.size(); ++ic) {
+                if (m_comps.get(ic).isNextState(state)) { 
+                    return true; 
+                }
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    public void invokeWorker(){
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.PARANOID,"invokeWorker()");
+        // m_comps never changes its size here
+        int  len = m_comps.size();
+        for (int ic=0; ic < len; ++ic) { 
+            m_comps.get(ic).workerPreDo();  
+        }
+        for (int ic=0; ic < len; ++ic) { 
+            m_comps.get(ic).workerDo();     
+        }
+        for (int ic=0; ic < len; ++ic) { 
+            m_comps.get(ic).workerPostDo(); 
+        }
+        updateComponentList();
+    }
+    public void invokeWorkerPreDo(){
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.PARANOID,"invokeWorkerPreDo()");
+        // m_comps never changes its size here
+        int len = m_comps.size();
+        for (int ic=0; ic < len; ++ic) { 
+            m_comps.get(ic).workerPreDo();  
+        }
+    }
+    public void invokeWorkerDo(){
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.PARANOID,"invokeWorkerDo()");
+        // m_comps never changes its size here
+        int len = m_comps.size();
+        for (int ic=0; ic < len; ++ic) { 
+            m_comps.get(ic).workerDo();     
+        }
+    }
+    public void invokeWorkerPostDo(){
+        rtcout.println(Logbuf.PARANOID,"invokeWorkerPostDo()");
+        // m_comps never changes its size here
+        int len = m_comps.size();
+        for (int ic=0; ic < len; ++ic) { 
+            m_comps.get(ic).workerPostDo(); 
+        }
+        // m_comps might be changed here
+        updateComponentList();
+    }
+    protected void updateComponentList() {
+        synchronized (m_mutex) {
+            synchronized (m_addedMutex) {// adding component
+                for (int ic=0; ic < m_addedComps.size(); ++ic) {
+                    m_comps.add(m_addedComps.get(ic));
+                    rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE,"Component added.");
+                }
+                m_addedComps.clear();
+            }
+            synchronized (m_removedMutex) {// removing component
+                for (int ic=0; ic < m_removedComps.size(); ++ic) {
+                    RTObjectStateMachine rtobj = m_removedComps.get(ic);
+                    LightweightRTObject lwrtobj = rtobj.getRTObject();
+                    lwrtobj.detach_context(rtobj.getExecutionContextHandle());
+                    Iterator it = m_comps.iterator();
+                    while (it.hasNext()) {
+                        if(rtobj == (RTObjectStateMachine)it.next()){
+                            m_comps.remove(it);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    rtobj = null;
+                    rtcout.println(Logbuf.TRACE,"Component deleted.");
+                }
+                m_removedComps.clear();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*!
+     * @if jp
+     * @brief コンポーネント検索用ファンクタ
+     * @else
+     * @brief Functor to find the component
+     * @endif
+     */
+//    struct find_comp
+//    {
+//      RTC::LightweightRTObject_var m_comp;
+//      find_comp(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+//        : m_comp(RTC::LightweightRTObject::_duplicate(comp)) {}
+//      boolean operator()(RTObjectStateMachine* comp)
+//      {
+//        return comp->isEquivalent(m_comp);
+//      }
+//    };
+    //------------------------------------------------------------
+    // member variables
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ロガーストリーム}
+     * {@.en Logger stream}
+     */
+    protected Logbuf rtcout;
+    protected ExecutionContextService m_ref;
+    /**
+     * {@.ja ExecutionContext の実行状態}
+     * {@.en The running state of ExecutionContext}
+     * true: running, false: stopped
+     */
+    protected boolean m_running;
+    /**
+     * {@.ja コンポーネントの参加者リスト}
+     * {@.en List of the participating component}
+     */
+    protected ArrayList<RTObjectStateMachine> m_comps;
+    protected String m_mutex;
+    protected ArrayList<RTObjectStateMachine> m_addedComps;
+    protected String m_addedMutex;
+    ArrayList<RTObjectStateMachine> m_removedComps;
+    protected String m_removedMutex;

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