[openrtm-commit:01331] r107 - in branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple: . cmake doc doc/content idl include include/BackGroundSubtractionSimple src

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2014年 3月 12日 (水) 18:38:04 JST

Author: kawauchi
Date: 2014-03-12 18:38:04 +0900 (Wed, 12 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 107

Adjusted cmake files for the package, fixed RTC.xml and delete unnecessary files. refs #2704

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.conf
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.conf	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.conf	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,134 +1,132 @@
-# -*- sh -*-
-# Configuration file for BackGroundSubtractionSimple
-# This configuration file name should be specified in rtc.conf (or other
-# configuration file specified by -f option) by "config_file" property.
-# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple.conf
-# or
-# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple0.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple0.conf
-# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple1.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple1.conf
-# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple2.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple2.conf
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
-# An example configuration file for BackGroundSubtractionSimple
-# See details in the following reference manual
-# Execution context configuration
-# exec_cxt.periodic.type: PeriodicExecutionContext
-# exec_cxt.periodic.rate: 1000
-# configuration.active_config: mode0
-# Additional configuration-set example named "mode0"
-# conf.mode0.int_param0: 0
-# conf.mode0.int_param1: 1
-# conf.mode0.double_param0: 0.99
-# conf.mode0.double_param1: -0.99
-# conf.mode0.str_param0: default
-# conf.mode0.str_param1: default set in conf file
-# conf.mode0.vector_param0: 0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6
-# Other configuration set named "mode1"
-# conf.mode1.int_param0: 0
-# conf.mode1.int_param1: 1
-# conf.mode1.double_param0: 0.99
-# conf.mode1.double_param1: -0.99
-# conf.mode1.str_param0: default
-# conf.mode1.str_param1: default set in conf file
-# conf.mode1.vector_param0: 0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6
-## Component configuration reference
-## Active configuration-set
-## Initial active configuration-set. The following "mode0" is a
-## configuration-set name.  A configuration-set named "mode0" should be
-## appear in this configuration file as follows.
-## configuration.active_config: mode0
-# conf.mode0.param0: hoge
-# conf.mode0.param1: fuga
-# conf.mode0.param2: munya
-## GUI control option for RTSystemEditor
-## Available GUI control options [__widget__]:
-## - text:          text box [default].
-## - slider.<step>: Horizontal slider. <step> is step for the slider.
-##                  A range constraints option is required. 
-## - spin:          Spin button. A range constraitns option is required.
-## - radio:         Radio button. An enumeration constraints is required.
-## - checkbox:      Checkbox control. An enumeration constraints is
-##                  required. The parameter has to be able to accept a
-##                  comma separated list.
-## - orderd_list:   Orderd list control.  An enumeration constraint is
-##                  required. The parameter has to be able to accept a
-##                  comma separated list. In this control, Enumerated
-##                  elements can appear one or more times in the given list.
-## Available GUI control constraint options [__constraints__]:
-## - none:         blank
-## - direct value: 100 (constant value)
-## - range:        <, >, <=, >= can be used.
-## - enumeration:  (enum0, enum1, ...)
-## - array:        <constraints0>, ,constraints1>, ... for only array value
-## - hash:         {key0: value0, key1:, value0, ...}
-# conf.__widget__.control_mode, text
-# conf.__widget__.image_height, text
-# conf.__widget__.image_width, text
-# conf.__constraints__.int_param0: 0<=x<=150
-# conf.__constraints__.int_param1: 0<=x<=1000
-# conf.__constraints__.double_param0: 0<=x<=100
-# conf.__constraints__.double_param1:
-# conf.__constraints__.str_param0: (default,mode0,mode1)
-# conf.__constraints__.vector_param0: (dog,monky,pheasant,cat)
-# conf.__constraints__.vector_param1: (pita,gora,switch)
-## Execution context settings
-## Periodic type ExecutionContext
-## Other availabilities in OpenRTM-aist
-## - ExtTrigExecutionContext: External triggered EC. It is embedded in
-##                            OpenRTM library.
-## - OpenHRPExecutionContext: External triggred paralell execution
-##                            EC. It is embedded in OpenRTM
-##                            library. This is usually used with
-##                            OpenHRP3.
-## - RTPreemptEC:             Real-time execution context for Linux
-##                            RT-preemptive pathed kernel.
-## - ArtExecutionContext:     Real-time execution context for ARTLinux
-##                            (http://sourceforge.net/projects/art-linux/)
-# exec_cxt.periodic.type: PeriodicExecutionContext
-## The execution cycle of ExecutionContext
+# -*- sh -*-
+# Configuration file for BackGroundSubtractionSimple
+# This configuration file name should be specified in rtc.conf (or other
+# configuration file specified by -f option) by "config_file" property.
+# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple.conf
+# or
+# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple0.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple0.conf
+# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple1.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple1.conf
+# Category.BackGroundSubtractionSimple2.config_file: BackGroundSubtractionSimple2.conf
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# An example configuration file for BackGroundSubtractionSimple
+# See details in the following reference manual
+# Execution context configuration
+# exec_cxt.periodic.type: PeriodicExecutionContext
+# exec_cxt.periodic.rate: 1000
+# configuration.active_config: mode0
+# Additional configuration-set example named "mode0"
+# conf.mode0.int_param0: 0
+# conf.mode0.int_param1: 1
+# conf.mode0.double_param0: 0.99
+# conf.mode0.double_param1: -0.99
+# conf.mode0.str_param0: default
+# conf.mode0.str_param1: default set in conf file
+# conf.mode0.vector_param0: 0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6
+# Other configuration set named "mode1"
+# conf.mode1.int_param0: 0
+# conf.mode1.int_param1: 1
+# conf.mode1.double_param0: 0.99
+# conf.mode1.double_param1: -0.99
+# conf.mode1.str_param0: default
+# conf.mode1.str_param1: default set in conf file
+# conf.mode1.vector_param0: 0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6
+## Component configuration reference
+## Active configuration-set
+## Initial active configuration-set. The following "mode0" is a
+## configuration-set name.  A configuration-set named "mode0" should be
+## appear in this configuration file as follows.
+## configuration.active_config: mode0
+# conf.mode0.param0: hoge
+# conf.mode0.param1: fuga
+# conf.mode0.param2: munya
+## GUI control option for RTSystemEditor
+## Available GUI control options [__widget__]:
+## - text:          text box [default].
+## - slider.<step>: Horizontal slider. <step> is step for the slider.
+##                  A range constraints option is required. 
+## - spin:          Spin button. A range constraitns option is required.
+## - radio:         Radio button. An enumeration constraints is required.
+## - checkbox:      Checkbox control. An enumeration constraints is
+##                  required. The parameter has to be able to accept a
+##                  comma separated list.
+## - orderd_list:   Orderd list control.  An enumeration constraint is
+##                  required. The parameter has to be able to accept a
+##                  comma separated list. In this control, Enumerated
+##                  elements can appear one or more times in the given list.
+## Available GUI control constraint options [__constraints__]:
+## - none:         blank
+## - direct value: 100 (constant value)
+## - range:        <, >, <=, >= can be used.
+## - enumeration:  (enum0, enum1, ...)
+## - array:        <constraints0>, ,constraints1>, ... for only array value
+## - hash:         {key0: value0, key1:, value0, ...}
+# conf.__widget__.control_mode, radio
+# conf.__widget__.diff_mode, radio
+# conf.__widget__.noise_mode, radio
+# conf.__widget__.threshold_level, slider.1
+# conf.__constraints__.control_mode, (b,M)
+# conf.__constraints__.diff_mode, (0,1,2)
+# conf.__constraints__.noise_mode, (0,1,2)
+# conf.__constraints__.threshold_level, 0<=x<=255
+## Execution context settings
+## Periodic type ExecutionContext
+## Other availabilities in OpenRTM-aist
+## - ExtTrigExecutionContext: External triggered EC. It is embedded in
+##                            OpenRTM library.
+## - OpenHRPExecutionContext: External triggred paralell execution
+##                            EC. It is embedded in OpenRTM
+##                            library. This is usually used with
+##                            OpenHRP3.
+## - RTPreemptEC:             Real-time execution context for Linux
+##                            RT-preemptive pathed kernel.
+## - ArtExecutionContext:     Real-time execution context for ARTLinux
+##                            (http://sourceforge.net/projects/art-linux/)
+# exec_cxt.periodic.type: PeriodicExecutionContext
+## The execution cycle of ExecutionContext

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/CMakeLists.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,110 +1,122 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)
 cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD)
+set(PROJECT_VERSION 1.1.0 CACHE STRING "BackGroundSubtractionSimple version")
+set(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION "BackGroundSubtractionSimple component")
+set(PROJECT_MAINTAINER "Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>")
+set(PROJECT_TYPE "c++/opencv-rtcs")
-set(PROJECT_VERSION 1.0.0 CACHE STRING "BackGroundSubtractionSimple version")
-set(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION "BackGroundSubtractionSimple component")
-# Add an "uninstall" target
-CONFIGURE_FILE ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/uninstall_target.cmake.in"
-    "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uninstall_target.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY)
+# Add an "uninstall" target
+CONFIGURE_FILE ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/uninstall_target.cmake.in"
+    "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uninstall_target.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY)
-    "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uninstall_target.cmake")
+    "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uninstall_target.cmake")
+#option(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build and install examples" OFF)
+option(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build the documentation" OFF)
+#option(BUILD_TESTS "Build the tests" OFF)
+#option(BUILD_TOOLS "Build the tools" OFF)
+option(BUILD_IDL "Build and install idl" ON)
+option(BUILD_SOURCES "Build and install sources" OFF)
+option(STATIC_LIBS "Build static libraries" OFF)
+   # Mac OS X specific code
+endif (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin")
+# Set up installation directories
+#  set(BIN_INSTALL_DIR "components/bin")
+#  set(LIB_INSTALL_DIR "components/lib")
+  set(INSTALL_PREFIX "components/${PROJECT_TYPE}")
-#option(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build and install examples" OFF)
-option(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build the documentation" ON)
-#option(BUILD_TESTS "Build the tests" OFF)
-#option(BUILD_TOOLS "Build the tools" OFF)
-option(BUILD_IDL "Build and install idl" ON)
-option(BUILD_SOURCES "Build and install sources" OFF)
-option(STATIC_LIBS "Build static libraries" OFF)
-   # Mac OS X specific code
-endif (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin")
-# Set up installation directories
-set(BIN_INSTALL_DIR "components/bin")
-set(LIB_INSTALL_DIR "components/lib")
-    "components/include/${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}")
-    "components/share/${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}")
-# Get necessary dependency information
-  MESSAGE(STATUS "OpenRTM configuration Found")
-  message(STATUS "Use cmake/Modules/FindOpenRTM.cmake in the project")
-  find_package(OpenRTM REQUIRED)
-# Universal settings
-# Subdirectories
-    add_subdirectory(doc)
-#    add_subdirectory(examples)
-    add_subdirectory(idl)
-MAP_ADD_STR(headers  "include/" comp_hdrs)
-#    add_subdirectory(test)
-#    add_subdirectory(tools)
-    add_subdirectory(include)
-    add_subdirectory(src)
-# Package creation
-# By default, do not warn when built on machines using only VS Express:
-set(cpack_options "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/cpack_options.cmake")
-    ${cpack_options} @ONLY)
-set(CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE ${cpack_options})
+#    "components/include/${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}")
+#    "components/share/${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}")
+# Get necessary dependency information
+  MESSAGE(STATUS "OpenRTM configuration Found")
+  message(STATUS "Use cmake/Modules/FindOpenRTM.cmake in the project")
+  find_package(OpenRTM REQUIRED)
+# Universal settings
+# Subdirectories
+    add_subdirectory(doc)
+#    add_subdirectory(examples)
+    add_subdirectory(idl)
+MAP_ADD_STR(headers  "include/" comp_hdrs)
+#    add_subdirectory(test)
+#    add_subdirectory(tools)
+    add_subdirectory(include)
+    add_subdirectory(src)
+# Package creation
+# By default, do not warn when built on machines using only VS Express:
+set(cpack_options "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/cpack_options.cmake")
+    ${cpack_options} @ONLY)
+set(CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE ${cpack_options})

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/README.BackGroundSubtractionSimple
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/README.BackGroundSubtractionSimple	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/README.BackGroundSubtractionSimple	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,214 +1,222 @@
-  RTComponent: BackGroundSubtractionSimple specificatioin
-  OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0
-  Date: $Date$
-  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
-#   rtc-template -bcxx --module-name=BackGroundSubtractionSimple 
-#   --module-desc='BackGroundSubtractionSimple component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=AIST 
-#   --module-category=Category --module-comp-type=STATIC 
-#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
-#   --config=control_mode:char:a --config=image_height:int:240 --config=image_width:int:320 
-#   --inport=original_image:RTC::CameraImage --inport=key:RTC::TimedLong --outport=current_image:RTC::CameraImage --outport=result_image:RTC::CameraImage --outport=background_image:RTC::CameraImage 
-    Basic Information
-# <rtc-template block="module">
-Module Name: BackGroundSubtractionSimple
-Description: BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
-Version:     1.0.0
-Vendor:      AIST
-Category:    Category
-Kind:        DataFlowComponent
-Comp. Type:  STATIC
-Act. Type:   PERIODIC
-MAX Inst.:   1
-Lang:        C++
-Lang Type:   
-# </rtc-template>
-    Activity definition
-[on_initialize]    implemented
-[on_activated]     implemented
-[on_deactivated]   implemented
-[on_execute]       implemented
-    InPorts definition
-# <rtc-template block="inport">
-	Name:        original_image
-	PortNumber:  0
-	Description: 
-	PortType: 
-	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
-	MaxOut: 
-	[Data Elements]
-		Name:
-		Type:            
-		Number:          
-		Semantics:       
-		Unit:            
-		Frequency:       
-		Operation Cycle: 
-		RangeLow:
-		RangeHigh:
-		DefaultValue:
-	Name:        key
-	PortNumber:  1
-	Description: 
-	PortType: 
-	DataType:    RTC::TimedLong
-	MaxOut: 
-	[Data Elements]
-		Name:
-		Type:            
-		Number:          
-		Semantics:       
-		Unit:            
-		Frequency:       
-		Operation Cycle: 
-		RangeLow:
-		RangeHigh:
-		DefaultValue:
-# </rtc-template>
-    OutPorts definition
-# <rtc-template block="outport">
-	Name:        current_image
-	PortNumber:  0
-	Description: 
-	PortType: 
-	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
-	MaxOut: 
-	[Data Elements]
-		Name:
-		Type:            
-		Number:          
-		Semantics:       
-		Unit:            
-		Frequency:       
-		Operation Cycle: 
-		RangeLow:
-		RangeHigh:
-		DefaultValue:
-	Name:        result_image
-	PortNumber:  1
-	Description: 
-	PortType: 
-	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
-	MaxOut: 
-	[Data Elements]
-		Name:
-		Type:            
-		Number:          
-		Semantics:       
-		Unit:            
-		Frequency:       
-		Operation Cycle: 
-		RangeLow:
-		RangeHigh:
-		DefaultValue:
-	Name:        background_image
-	PortNumber:  2
-	Description: 
-	PortType: 
-	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
-	MaxOut: 
-	[Data Elements]
-		Name:
-		Type:            
-		Number:          
-		Semantics:       
-		Unit:            
-		Frequency:       
-		Operation Cycle: 
-		RangeLow:
-		RangeHigh:
-		DefaultValue:
-# </rtc-template>
-    Service Port definition
-# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
-# </rtc-template> 
-    Configuration definition
-# <rtc-template block="configuration">
-	Configuration:
-		Name:             control_mode
-		Description:     
-		Type:            char
-		DefaultValue:     a
-		Unit:            
-		Range:           
-		Constraint:      
-		Name:             image_height
-		Description:     
-		Type:            int
-		DefaultValue:     240
-		Unit:            
-		Range:           
-		Constraint:      
-		Name:             image_width
-		Description:     
-		Type:            int
-		DefaultValue:     320
-		Unit:            
-		Range:           
-		Constraint:      
-# </rtc-template> 
-This software is developed at the National Institute of Advanced
-Industrial Science and Technology. Approval number H23PRO-????. This
-software is licensed under the Lesser General Public License. See
-This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.
+  RTComponent: BackGroundSubtractionSimple specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bcxx --module-name=BackGroundSubtractionSimple 
+#   --module-desc='BackGroundSubtractionSimple component' --module-version=1.1.0 --module-vendor=AIST 
+#   --module-category=Category --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+#   --config=control_mode:char:b --config=diff_mode:char:0 --config=noise_mode:char:0 --config=threshold_level:int:20 
+#   --inport=original_image:RTC::CameraImage --inport=key:RTC::TimedLong --outport=current_image:RTC::CameraImage --outport=result_image:RTC::CameraImage --outport=background_image:RTC::CameraImage 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: BackGroundSubtractionSimple
+Description: BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
+Version:     1.1.0
+Vendor:      AIST
+Category:    Category
+Kind:        DataFlowComponent
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        C++
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+[on_initialize]    implemented
+[on_activated]     implemented
+[on_deactivated]   implemented
+[on_execute]       implemented
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+	Name:        original_image
+	PortNumber:  0
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+	Name:        key
+	PortNumber:  1
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::TimedLong
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+	Name:        current_image
+	PortNumber:  0
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+	Name:        result_image
+	PortNumber:  1
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+	Name:        background_image
+	PortNumber:  2
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::CameraImage
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+	Configuration:
+		Name:             control_mode
+		Description:     
+		Type:            char
+		DefaultValue:     b
+		Unit:            
+		Range:           
+		Constraint:      
+		Name:             diff_mode
+		Description:     
+		Type:            char
+		DefaultValue:     0
+		Unit:            
+		Range:           
+		Constraint:      
+		Name:             noise_mode
+		Description:     
+		Type:            char
+		DefaultValue:     0
+		Unit:            
+		Range:           
+		Constraint:      
+		Name:             threshold_level
+		Description:     
+		Type:            int
+		DefaultValue:     20
+		Unit:            
+		Range:           
+		Constraint:      
+# </rtc-template> 
+This software is developed at the National Institute of Advanced
+Industrial Science and Technology. Approval number H23PRO-????. This
+software is licensed under the Lesser General Public License. See
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/RTC.xml
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/RTC.xml	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/RTC.xml	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
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-    <rtc:BasicInfo xsi:type="rtcExt:basic_info_ext" rtcExt:saveProject="BackGroundSubtractionSimple" rtc:updateDate="2013-06-07T11:59:33+09:00" rtc:creationDate="2013-06-07T11:59:33+09:00" rtc:version="1.0.0" rtc:vendor="AIST" rtc:maxInstances="1" rtc:executionType="PeriodicExecutionContext" rtc:executionRate="1000.0" rtc:description="BackGroundSubtractionSimple component" rtc:category="Category" rtc:componentKind="DataFlowComponent" rtc:activityType="PERIODIC" rtc:componentType="STATIC" rtc:name="BackGroundSubtractionSimple"/>
+<rtc:RtcProfile rtc:version="0.2" rtc:id="RTC:AIST:Category:BackGroundSubtractionSimple:1.1.0" xmlns:rtcExt="http://www.openrtp.org/namespaces/rtc_ext" xmlns:rtcDoc="http://www.openrtp.org/namespaces/rtc_doc" xmlns:rtc="http://www.openrtp.org/namespaces/rtc" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+    <rtc:BasicInfo xsi:type="rtcExt:basic_info_ext" rtcExt:saveProject="BackGroundSubtractionSimple" rtc:updateDate="2013-06-07T11:59:33+09:00" rtc:creationDate="2013-06-07T11:59:33+09:00" rtc:version="1.1.0" rtc:vendor="AIST" rtc:maxInstances="1" rtc:executionType="PeriodicExecutionContext" rtc:executionRate="1000.0" rtc:description="BackGroundSubtractionSimple component" rtc:category="Category" rtc:componentKind="DataFlowComponent" rtc:activityType="PERIODIC" rtc:componentType="STATIC" rtc:name="BackGroundSubtractionSimple"/>
         <rtc:OnInitialize xsi:type="rtcDoc:action_status_doc" rtc:implemented="true"/>
         <rtc:OnFinalize xsi:type="rtcDoc:action_status_doc" rtc:implemented="false"/>
@@ -18,15 +18,100 @@
         <rtc:OnModeChanged xsi:type="rtcDoc:action_status_doc" rtc:implemented="false"/>
-        <rtc:Configuration xsi:type="rtcExt:configuration_ext" rtcExt:variableName="cont_mode" rtc:unit="" rtc:defaultValue="a" rtc:type="char" rtc:name="control_mode">
-            <rtcExt:Properties rtcExt:value="text" rtcExt:name="__widget__"/>
+        <rtc:Configuration xsi:type="rtcExt:configuration_ext" rtcExt:variableName="cont_mode" rtc:unit="" rtc:defaultValue="b" rtc:type="char" rtc:name="control_mode">
+            <rtc:Constraint>
+                <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                    <rtc:Or>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>b</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>M</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                    </rtc:Or>
+                </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+            </rtc:Constraint>
+            <rtcExt:Properties rtcExt:value="radio" rtcExt:name="__widget__"/>
-        <rtc:Configuration xsi:type="rtcExt:configuration_ext" rtcExt:variableName="img_height" rtc:unit="" rtc:defaultValue="240" rtc:type="int" rtc:name="image_height">
-            <rtcExt:Properties rtcExt:value="text" rtcExt:name="__widget__"/>
+        <rtc:Configuration xsi:type="rtcExt:configuration_ext" rtcExt:variableName="diff_mode" rtc:unit="" rtc:defaultValue="0" rtc:type="char" rtc:name="diff_mode">
+            <rtc:Constraint>
+                <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                    <rtc:Or>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>0</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>1</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>2</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                    </rtc:Or>
+                </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+            </rtc:Constraint>
+            <rtcExt:Properties rtcExt:value="radio" rtcExt:name="__widget__"/>
-        <rtc:Configuration xsi:type="rtcExt:configuration_ext" rtcExt:variableName="img_width" rtc:unit="" rtc:defaultValue="320" rtc:type="int" rtc:name="image_width">
-            <rtcExt:Properties rtcExt:value="text" rtcExt:name="__widget__"/>
+        <rtc:Configuration xsi:type="rtcExt:configuration_ext" rtcExt:variableName="" rtc:unit="" rtc:defaultValue="0" rtc:type="char" rtc:name="noise_mode">
+            <rtc:Constraint>
+                <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                    <rtc:Or>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>0</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>1</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                        <rtc:Constraint>
+                            <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                                <rtc:propertyIsEqualTo rtc:matchCase="false">
+                                    <rtc:Literal>2</rtc:Literal>
+                                </rtc:propertyIsEqualTo>
+                            </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                        </rtc:Constraint>
+                    </rtc:Or>
+                </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+            </rtc:Constraint>
+            <rtcExt:Properties rtcExt:value="radio" rtcExt:name="__widget__"/>
+        <rtc:Configuration xsi:type="rtcExt:configuration_ext" rtcExt:variableName="" rtc:unit="" rtc:defaultValue="20" rtc:type="int" rtc:name="threshold_level">
+            <rtc:Constraint>
+                <rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+                    <rtc:propertyIsBetween>
+                        <rtc:LowerBoundary>0</rtc:LowerBoundary>
+                        <rtc:UpperBoundary>255</rtc:UpperBoundary>
+                    </rtc:propertyIsBetween>
+                </rtc:ConstraintUnitType>
+            </rtc:Constraint>
+            <rtcExt:Properties rtcExt:value="slider.1" rtcExt:name="__widget__"/>
+        </rtc:Configuration>
     <rtc:DataPorts xsi:type="rtcExt:dataport_ext" rtcExt:position="LEFT" rtcExt:variableName="img_orig" rtc:unit="" rtc:subscriptionType="" rtc:dataflowType="" rtc:interfaceType="" rtc:idlFile="" rtc:type="RTC::CameraImage" rtc:name="original_image" rtc:portType="DataInPort"/>
     <rtc:DataPorts xsi:type="rtcExt:dataport_ext" rtcExt:position="LEFT" rtcExt:variableName="key" rtc:unit="" rtc:subscriptionType="" rtc:dataflowType="" rtc:interfaceType="" rtc:idlFile="" rtc:type="RTC::TimedLong" rtc:name="key" rtc:portType="DataInPort"/>

Deleted: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/RTC.xml20130607131721
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/RTC.xml20130607131721	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/RTC.xml20130607131721	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<rtc:RtcProfile rtc:version="0.2" rtc:id="RTC:VenderName:Category:ModuleName:1.0.0" xmlns:rtcExt="http://www.openrtp.org/namespaces/rtc_ext" xmlns:rtcDoc="http://www.openrtp.org/namespaces/rtc_doc" xmlns:rtc="http://www.openrtp.org/namespaces/rtc" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
-    <rtc:BasicInfo xsi:type="rtcExt:basic_info_ext" rtc:updateDate="2013-06-07T11:59:33+09:00" rtc:creationDate="2013-06-07T11:59:33+09:00" rtc:version="1.0.0" rtc:vendor="VenderName" rtc:maxInstances="1" rtc:executionType="PeriodicExecutionContext" rtc:executionRate="1000.0" rtc:description="ModuleDescription" rtc:category="Category" rtc:componentKind="DataFlowComponent" rtc:activityType="PERIODIC" rtc:componentType="STATIC" rtc:name="ModuleName">
-        <rtcDoc:Doc rtcDoc:license="" rtcDoc:creator=""/>
-    </rtc:BasicInfo>
-    <rtc:Actions/>

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 configure_file(${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}.pc.in ${pkg_conf_file} @ONLY)
-install(FILES ${pkg_conf_file}
-    DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig/ COMPONENT component)
+#install(FILES ${pkg_conf_file}
+#    DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig/ COMPONENT component)
 # Install CMake modules
 set(cmake_config ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}-config.cmake)
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@
     ${cmake_version_config} @ONLY)
 set(cmake_mods ${cmake_config} ${cmake_version_config})
-install(FILES ${cmake_mods} DESTINATION ${SHARE_INSTALL_DIR} COMPONENT library)
+#install(FILES ${cmake_mods} DESTINATION ${SHARE_INSTALL_DIR} COMPONENT library)

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/cpack_options.cmake.in
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/cpack_options.cmake.in	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/cpack_options.cmake.in	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
-    set(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/cmake\\rt_middleware_logo.ico")
-    set(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_UNIICON "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/cmake\\rt_middleware_logo.ico")
-    set(CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/cmake\\rt_middleware_logo.bmp")
+#    set(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/cmake\\rt_middleware_logo.ico")
+#    set(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_UNIICON "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/cmake\\rt_middleware_logo.ico")
+#    set(CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/cmake\\rt_middleware_logo.bmp")
     set(CPACK_NSIS_HELP_LINK "http://www.openrtm.org")
     set(CPACK_NSIS_URL_INFO_ABOUT "http://www.openrtm.org")
@@ -90,5 +90,9 @@
         "  Delete \"$INSTDIR\\@PROJECT_NAME_LOWER at -config.cmake\"
   Delete \"$INSTDIR\\@PROJECT_NAME_LOWER at -config-version.cmake\"")

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/wix.xsl.in
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/wix.xsl.in	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/cmake/wix.xsl.in	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
-   xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
-   xmlns:wix="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
-  <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml"/>
-  <xsl:template match="/wix:Wix">
-    <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
-      <Product xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" Id="14CD1FE4-18D2-4846-8251-5D04003DE622" Name="@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME@ @CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION@" Language="1041" Codepage="932" Version="@CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION@" Manufacturer="@CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR@" UpgradeCode="ADF1DEC3-4C8F-4426-8269-77F5E1D9710E">
-        <Package InstallerVersion="300" Compressed="yes" Languages='1041' SummaryCodepage='932' />
-        <Media Id="1" Cabinet="@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at .cab" EmbedCab="yes" />
-        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir" >
-            <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFILE" >
-                <Directory Id="OPENRTM_DIR" Name="OpenRTM-aist" >
-                    <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="1.1" />
-                </Directory>
-            </Directory>
-        </Directory>
-          <!-- Start Ripping through the xml -->
-		<!--
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\@RTC_NAME at .dll')]" />
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\@RTC_NAME at .lib')]" />
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\@RTC_NAME at Comp.exe')]" />
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\RTC.xml')]" />
-	  -->
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, translate('\bin\@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at .dll','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))]" />
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, translate('\lib\@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at .lib','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))]" />
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, translate('\bin\@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at Comp.exe','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))]" />
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, 'RTC.xml')]" />
-        </Feature>
-          <!-- Start Ripping through the xml -->
-          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\doc')]" />
-        </Feature>
-	<!-- <Feature Id="SOURCES" Title="@CPACK_COMPONENT_SOURCES_DISPLAY_NAME@" Level="1" Absent="allow" Description="@CPACK_COMPONENT_SOURCES_DESCRIPTION@" >-->
-          <!-- Start Ripping through the xml -->
-	  <!-- <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY@\src')]" /> -->
-	  <!-- </Feature> -->
-        <!--Tack on your specific wix options-->
-        <UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree" />
-        <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
-        <!-- 
-        <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="@CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE@"/>
-        -->
-        <!-- TODO: Add Wix Specific Dialogs and features. -->
-        <!-- TODO: Add artwork  -->
-        <!-- TODO: Add ... -->
-      </Product>
-      <!--Output the fragment info which heat generates-->
-      <xsl:copy-of select="wix:Fragment[wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component]" />
-      <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment[wix:DirectoryRef/@Id!='TARGETDIR' and wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Directory]" />
-    </Wix>
-  </xsl:template>
-  <xsl:template match="wix:Fragment[wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Directory]" >
-    <xsl:copy>
-      <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:DirectoryRef" />
-    </xsl:copy>
-  </xsl:template>
-  <xsl:template match="wix:DirectoryRef" >
-    <xsl:copy>
-      <xsl:choose>
-        <xsl:when test="wix:Directory[@Name='components']" >
-          <xsl:attribute name="Id">INSTALLLOCATION</xsl:attribute>
-        </xsl:when>
-        <xsl:otherwise>
-          <xsl:attribute name="Id"><xsl:value-of select="@Id" /></xsl:attribute>
-        </xsl:otherwise>
-      </xsl:choose>
-      <xsl:apply-templates />
-    </xsl:copy>
-  </xsl:template>
-  <xsl:template match="wix:Directory" >
-    <xsl:copy>
-      <xsl:attribute name="Id"><xsl:value-of select="@Id" /></xsl:attribute>
-      <xsl:attribute name="Name"><xsl:value-of select="@Name" /></xsl:attribute>
-    </xsl:copy>
-  </xsl:template>
-  <xsl:template match="wix:Component">
-    <xsl:element name="ComponentRef" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" >
-      <xsl:attribute name="Id">
-        <xsl:value-of select="@Id" />
-      </xsl:attribute>
-    </xsl:element>
-  </xsl:template>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+   xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
+   xmlns:wix="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
+  <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml"/>
+  <xsl:template match="/wix:Wix">
+    <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
+      <Product xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" Id="6F58E7CD-FD2D-41AB-9D9D-9D1E4E619C45" Name="@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME@ @CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION@" Language="1041" Codepage="932" Version="@CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION@" Manufacturer="@CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR@" UpgradeCode="668D76E5-8DAE-438E-A0C1-811AFDDE0A90">
+        <Package InstallerVersion="300" Compressed="yes" Languages='1041' SummaryCodepage='932' />
+        <Media Id="1" Cabinet="@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at .cab" EmbedCab="yes" />
+        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir" >
+            <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFILE" >
+                <Directory Id="OPENRTM_DIR" Name="OpenRTM-aist" >
+                    <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="1.1" />
+                </Directory>
+            </Directory>
+        </Directory>
+          <!-- Start Ripping through the xml -->
+		<!--
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\@RTC_NAME at .dll')]" />
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\@RTC_NAME at .lib')]" />
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\@RTC_NAME at Comp.exe')]" />
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\RTC.xml')]" />
+	  -->
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, translate('\bin\@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at .dll','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))]" />
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, translate('\lib\@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at .lib','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))]" />
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, translate('\bin\@CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME at Comp.exe','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'))]" />
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, 'RTC.xml')]" />
+        </Feature>
+          <!-- Start Ripping through the xml -->
+          <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@PACKAGE_NAME@@PACKAGE_VERSION@\doc')]" />
+        </Feature>
+	<!-- <Feature Id="SOURCES" Title="@CPACK_COMPONENT_SOURCES_DISPLAY_NAME@" Level="1" Absent="allow" Description="@CPACK_COMPONENT_SOURCES_DESCRIPTION@" >-->
+          <!-- Start Ripping through the xml -->
+	  <!-- <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment/wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source, '@CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY@\src')]" /> -->
+	  <!-- </Feature> -->
+        <!--Tack on your specific wix options-->
+        <UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree" />
+        <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
+        <!-- 
+        <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="@CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE@"/>
+        -->
+        <!-- TODO: Add Wix Specific Dialogs and features. -->
+        <!-- TODO: Add artwork  -->
+        <!-- TODO: Add ... -->
+      </Product>
+      <!--Output the fragment info which heat generates-->
+      <xsl:copy-of select="wix:Fragment[wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Component]" />
+      <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:Fragment[wix:DirectoryRef/@Id!='TARGETDIR' and wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Directory]" />
+    </Wix>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="wix:Fragment[wix:DirectoryRef/wix:Directory]" >
+    <xsl:copy>
+      <xsl:apply-templates select="wix:DirectoryRef" />
+    </xsl:copy>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="wix:DirectoryRef" >
+    <xsl:copy>
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="wix:Directory[@Name='components']" >
+          <xsl:attribute name="Id">INSTALLLOCATION</xsl:attribute>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise>
+          <xsl:attribute name="Id"><xsl:value-of select="@Id" /></xsl:attribute>
+        </xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:apply-templates />
+    </xsl:copy>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="wix:Directory" >
+    <xsl:copy>
+      <xsl:attribute name="Id"><xsl:value-of select="@Id" /></xsl:attribute>
+      <xsl:attribute name="Name"><xsl:value-of select="@Name" /></xsl:attribute>
+    </xsl:copy>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <xsl:template match="wix:Component">
+    <xsl:element name="ComponentRef" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" >
+      <xsl:attribute name="Id">
+        <xsl:value-of select="@Id" />
+      </xsl:attribute>
+    </xsl:element>
+  </xsl:template>

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/CMakeLists.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,40 +1,38 @@
-cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD)
-    # Search for Sphinx
-    #    "Path to the directory containing the sphinx-build program")
-    #find_program(SPHINX_BUILD sphinx-build PATHS ${SPHINX_PATH})
-    #    message(FATAL_ERROR
-    #        "Sphinx was not found. Set SPHINX_PATH to the directory containing the sphinx-build executable, or disable BUILD_DOCUMENTATION.")
-    #endif(NOT SPHINX_BUILD)
-    set(html_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/html")
-    set(doxygen_dir "${html_dir}/doxygen")
-    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${html_dir})
-    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${doxygen_dir})
-    # Doxygen part
-    set(doxyfile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doxyfile")
-    configure_file(doxyfile.in ${doxyfile})
-    add_custom_target(${PROJECT_NAME}_doxygen_doc ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} ${doxyfile})
-    # Sphinx part
-    #set(conf_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/conf")
-    #file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${conf_dir}")
-    #file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${conf_dir}/_static")
-    #set(conf_py "${conf_dir}/conf.py")
-    #configure_file(conf.py.in ${conf_py})
-    #add_custom_target(sphinx_doc ALL sphinx-build -b html -c ${conf_dir}
-    #    DEPENDS doxygen_doc)
-    #    "components/share/doc/${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}"
-    #    COMPONENT documentation)
-    message(FATAL_ERROR
-        "Doxygen was not found. Cannot build documentation. Disable BUILD_DOCUMENTATION to continue")
+    # Search for Sphinx
+    #    "Path to the directory containing the sphinx-build program")
+    #find_program(SPHINX_BUILD sphinx-build PATHS ${SPHINX_PATH})
+    #    message(FATAL_ERROR
+    #        "Sphinx was not found. Set SPHINX_PATH to the directory containing the sphinx-build executable, or disable BUILD_DOCUMENTATION.")
+    #endif(NOT SPHINX_BUILD)
+    set(html_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/html")
+    set(doxygen_dir "${html_dir}/doxygen")
+    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${html_dir})
+    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${doxygen_dir})
+    # Doxygen part
+    set(doxyfile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doxyfile")
+    configure_file(doxyfile.in ${doxyfile})
+    add_custom_target(doxygen_doc ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} ${doxyfile})
+    # Sphinx part
+    #set(conf_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/conf")
+    #file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${conf_dir}")
+    #file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${conf_dir}/_static")
+    #set(conf_py "${conf_dir}/conf.py")
+    #configure_file(conf.py.in ${conf_py})
+    #add_custom_target(sphinx_doc ALL sphinx-build -b html -c ${conf_dir}
+    #    DEPENDS doxygen_doc)
+    #    "components/share/doc/${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}"
+    #    COMPONENT documentation)
+    message(FATAL_ERROR
+        "Doxygen was not found. Cannot build documentation. Disable BUILD_DOCUMENTATION to continue")

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/content/index.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/content/index.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/content/index.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,147 +1,148 @@
-BackGroundSubtractionSimpleName - English
-.. toctree::
-   :hidden:
-   index_j
-For a full list of classes and functions, see the `API documentation`_.
-.. _`API Documentation`:
-   doxygen/html/index.html
-BackGroundSubtractionSimple uses the `CMake build system`. You will need at least version
-2.8 to be able to build the component.
-.. _`CMAke build system`:
-   http://www.cmake.org
-Users of Windows can install the component using the binary installer. This
-will install the component and all its necessary dependencies. It is the
-recommended method of installation in Windows.
-- Download the installer from the website.
-- Double-click the executable file to begin installation.
-- Follow the instructions to install the component.
-- You may need to restart your computer for environment variable changes
-  to take effect before using the component.
-The component can be launched by double-clicking the
-``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` executable. The ``BackGroundSubtractionSimple`` library
-is available for loading into a manager, using the initialisation function
-From source
-Follow these steps to install BackGroundSubtractionSimple from source in any operating
-- Download the source, either from the repository or a source archive,
-  and extract it somewhere::
-    tar -xvzf BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0.tar.gz
-- Change to the directory containing the extracted source::
-    cd BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0
-- Create a directory called ``build``::
-    mkdir build
-- Change to that directory::
-    cd build
-- Run cmake or cmake-gui::
-    cmake ../
-- If no errors occurred, run make::
-    make
-- Finally, install the component. Ensure the necessary permissions to
-  install into the chosen prefix are available::
-    make install
-- The install destination can be changed by executing ccmake and changing
-  the variable ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX``::
-    ccmake ../
-The component is now ready for use. See the next section for instructions on
-configuring the component.
-BackGroundSubtractionSimple can be launched in stand-alone mode by executing the
-``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` executable (installed into ``${prefix}/components/bin``).
-Alternatively, ``libBackGroundSubtractionSimple.so`` can be loaded into a manager, using the
-initialisation function ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit``. This shared object can be found in
-``${prefix}/components/lib`` or ``${prefix}/components/lib64``.
-The available configuration parameters are described below:
-================ ================== ================ ======
-Parameter        Data type          Default Value    Effect
-================ ================== ================ ======
-control_mode     char               a                
-image_height     int                240              
-image_width      int                320              
-================ ================== ================ ======
-The ports provided by the component are described below:
-=============== =========== ============================== =======
-Name            Type        Data type                      Purpose
-=============== =========== ============================== =======
-original_image  InPort      RTC::CameraImage               
-key             InPort      RTC::TimedLong                 
-current_image   OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
-result_image    OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
-background_image OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
-=============== =========== ============================== =======
-An example configuration file is provided in the
-``${prefix}/components/share/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/examples/conf/`` directory.
-This software is developed at the National Institute of Advanced
-Industrial Science and Technology. Approval number H23PRO-????. This
-software is licensed under the Lesser General Public License. See
+BackGroundSubtractionSimpleName - English
+.. toctree::
+   :hidden:
+   index_j
+For a full list of classes and functions, see the `API documentation`_.
+.. _`API Documentation`:
+   doxygen/html/index.html
+BackGroundSubtractionSimple uses the `CMake build system`. You will need at least version
+2.8 to be able to build the component.
+.. _`CMAke build system`:
+   http://www.cmake.org
+Users of Windows can install the component using the binary installer. This
+will install the component and all its necessary dependencies. It is the
+recommended method of installation in Windows.
+- Download the installer from the website.
+- Double-click the executable file to begin installation.
+- Follow the instructions to install the component.
+- You may need to restart your computer for environment variable changes
+  to take effect before using the component.
+The component can be launched by double-clicking the
+``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` executable. The ``BackGroundSubtractionSimple`` library
+is available for loading into a manager, using the initialisation function
+From source
+Follow these steps to install BackGroundSubtractionSimple from source in any operating
+- Download the source, either from the repository or a source archive,
+  and extract it somewhere::
+    tar -xvzf BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0.tar.gz
+- Change to the directory containing the extracted source::
+    cd BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0
+- Create a directory called ``build``::
+    mkdir build
+- Change to that directory::
+    cd build
+- Run cmake or cmake-gui::
+    cmake ../
+- If no errors occurred, run make::
+    make
+- Finally, install the component. Ensure the necessary permissions to
+  install into the chosen prefix are available::
+    make install
+- The install destination can be changed by executing ccmake and changing
+  the variable ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX``::
+    ccmake ../
+The component is now ready for use. See the next section for instructions on
+configuring the component.
+BackGroundSubtractionSimple can be launched in stand-alone mode by executing the
+``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` executable (installed into ``${prefix}/components/bin``).
+Alternatively, ``libBackGroundSubtractionSimple.so`` can be loaded into a manager, using the
+initialisation function ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit``. This shared object can be found in
+``${prefix}/components/lib`` or ``${prefix}/components/lib64``.
+The available configuration parameters are described below:
+================ ================== ================ ======
+Parameter        Data type          Default Value    Effect
+================ ================== ================ ======
+control_mode     char               b                
+diff_mode        char               0                
+noise_mode       char               0                
+threshold_level  int                20               
+================ ================== ================ ======
+The ports provided by the component are described below:
+=============== =========== ============================== =======
+Name            Type        Data type                      Purpose
+=============== =========== ============================== =======
+original_image  InPort      RTC::CameraImage               
+key             InPort      RTC::TimedLong                 
+current_image   OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
+result_image    OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
+background_image OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
+=============== =========== ============================== =======
+An example configuration file is provided in the
+``${prefix}/components/share/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/examples/conf/`` directory.
+This software is developed at the National Institute of Advanced
+Industrial Science and Technology. Approval number H23PRO-????. This
+software is licensed under the Lesser General Public License. See

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/content/index_j.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/content/index_j.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/doc/content/index_j.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,137 +1,138 @@
-BackGroundSubtractionSimple - 日本語
-クラスについては、 `APIドキュメンテーション`_ に参照してください。
-.. _`APIドキュメンテーション`:
-   doxygen/html/index.html
-BackGroundSubtractionSimpleはOpenRTM-aist 1.0.0以上のC++版が必要です。
-BackGroundSubtractionSimpleは CMake_ を使います。CMake 2.8以上が必要です。
-.. _CMAke:
-   http://www.cmake.org
-- インストーラをダウンロードしてください。
-- インストールを始めるためにインストーラをダブルクリックしてください。
-- 指示にしたがってコンポーネントをインストールしてください。
-- 環境変数の変更を適用するため、コンポーネントを使用する前にコンピューターを
-  再起動する必要があるかもしれません。
-BackGroundSubtractionSimpleは ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` の実行をダブルクリックして実行することが
-できます。あるいは、 ``BackGroundSubtractionSimple`` を初期化関数の ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit`` を利用して、
-- ソースをダウンロードして解凍してください::
-    tar -xvzf BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0.tar.gz
-- 解凍されたフォルダに入ってください::
-    cd BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0
-- ``build`` フォルダを作ってください::
-    mkdir build
-- `` build`` フォルダに入ってください::
-    cd build
-- CMakeを実行してください::
-    cmake ../
-- エラーが出無い場合、makeを実行してください::
-    make
-- ``make install`` でコンポーネントをインストールしてください。選択された
-  インストール場所に書き込み権限があるかを確認してください::
-  ``make install``
-- インストールする場所はccmakeを実行して ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`` を
-  設定することで変更が可能です。
-    ccmake ../
-BackGroundSubtractionSimpleは ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` を実行( ``${prefix}/components/bin`` に
-あるいは、 ``libBackGroundSubtractionSimple.so`` を初期化関数の ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit`` を利用して、
-マネージャにロードすることができます。このライブラリは ``${prefix}/components/lib`` 
-または ``${prefix}/components/lib64`` にインストールされます。
-================ ================== ================ ====
-パラメータ       データ型           デフォルト値     意味
-================ ================== ================ ====
-control_mode     char               a                
-image_height     int                240              
-image_width      int                320              
-================ ================== ================ ====
-=============== =========== ============================== ====
-ポート名        ポート型    データ型                       意味
-=============== =========== ============================== ====
-original_image  InPort      RTC::CameraImage               
-key             InPort      RTC::TimedLong                 
-current_image   OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
-result_image    OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
-background_image OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
-=============== =========== ============================== ====
-例のrtc.confファイルは ``${prefix}/components/share/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/examples/conf/``
-です。このソフトウェアは Lesser General Public License (LGPL) ライセンスとして
-公開されてます。COPYING.LESSER を参照してください。
+BackGroundSubtractionSimple - 日本語
+クラスについては、 `APIドキュメンテーション`_ に参照してください。
+.. _`APIドキュメンテーション`:
+   doxygen/html/index.html
+BackGroundSubtractionSimpleはOpenRTM-aist 1.0.0以上のC++版が必要です。
+BackGroundSubtractionSimpleは CMake_ を使います。CMake 2.8以上が必要です。
+.. _CMAke:
+   http://www.cmake.org
+- インストーラをダウンロードしてください。
+- インストールを始めるためにインストーラをダブルクリックしてください。
+- 指示にしたがってコンポーネントをインストールしてください。
+- 環境変数の変更を適用するため、コンポーネントを使用する前にコンピューターを
+  再起動する必要があるかもしれません。
+BackGroundSubtractionSimpleは ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` の実行をダブルクリックして実行することが
+できます。あるいは、 ``BackGroundSubtractionSimple`` を初期化関数の ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit`` を利用して、
+- ソースをダウンロードして解凍してください::
+    tar -xvzf BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0.tar.gz
+- 解凍されたフォルダに入ってください::
+    cd BackGroundSubtractionSimple-1.0.0
+- ``build`` フォルダを作ってください::
+    mkdir build
+- `` build`` フォルダに入ってください::
+    cd build
+- CMakeを実行してください::
+    cmake ../
+- エラーが出無い場合、makeを実行してください::
+    make
+- ``make install`` でコンポーネントをインストールしてください。選択された
+  インストール場所に書き込み権限があるかを確認してください::
+  ``make install``
+- インストールする場所はccmakeを実行して ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`` を
+  設定することで変更が可能です。
+    ccmake ../
+BackGroundSubtractionSimpleは ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp`` を実行( ``${prefix}/components/bin`` に
+あるいは、 ``libBackGroundSubtractionSimple.so`` を初期化関数の ``BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit`` を利用して、
+マネージャにロードすることができます。このライブラリは ``${prefix}/components/lib`` 
+または ``${prefix}/components/lib64`` にインストールされます。
+================ ================== ================ ====
+パラメータ       データ型           デフォルト値     意味
+================ ================== ================ ====
+control_mode     char               b                
+diff_mode        char               0                
+noise_mode       char               0                
+threshold_level  int                20               
+================ ================== ================ ====
+=============== =========== ============================== ====
+ポート名        ポート型    データ型                       意味
+=============== =========== ============================== ====
+original_image  InPort      RTC::CameraImage               
+key             InPort      RTC::TimedLong                 
+current_image   OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
+result_image    OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
+background_image OutPort     RTC::CameraImage               
+=============== =========== ============================== ====
+例のrtc.confファイルは ``${prefix}/components/share/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/examples/conf/``
+です。このソフトウェアは Lesser General Public License (LGPL) ライセンスとして
+公開されてます。COPYING.LESSER を参照してください。

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/idl/CMakeLists.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/idl/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/idl/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-set(idls )
-    COMPONENT idl)
-macro(_IDL_OUTPUTS _idl _dir _result)
-    set(${_result} ${_dir}/${_idl}SK.cc ${_dir}/${_idl}.hh
-        ${_dir}/${_idl}DynSK.cc)
-macro(_COMPILE_IDL _idl_file)
-    if(NOT WIN32)
-        execute_process(COMMAND rtm-config --prefix OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENRTM_DIR
-        execute_process(COMMAND rtm-config --idlflags OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENRTM_IDLFLAGS
-        separate_arguments(OPENRTM_IDLFLAGS)
-        execute_process(COMMAND rtm-config --idlc OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENRTM_IDLC
-        set(_rtm_skelwrapper_command "rtm-skelwrapper")
-    else(NOT WIN32)
-        set(_rtm_skelwrapper_command "rtm-skelwrapper.py")
-    endif(NOT WIN32)
-    get_filename_component(_idl ${_idl_file} NAME_WE)
-    set(_idl_srcs_var ${_idl}_SRCS)
-    _IDL_OUTPUTS(${_idl} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${_idl_srcs_var})
-    add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${${_idl_srcs_var}}
-        COMMAND python ${OPENRTM_DIR}/bin/${_rtm_skelwrapper_command} --include-dir= --skel-suffix=Skel --stub-suffix=Stub --idl-file=${_idl}.idl
-        DEPENDS ${_idl_file}
-        COMMENT "Compiling ${_idl_file}" VERBATIM)
-    add_custom_target(${_idl}_TGT DEPENDS ${${_idl_srcs_var}})
-    set(ALL_IDL_SRCS ${ALL_IDL_SRCS} ${${_idl_srcs_var}})
-        add_custom_target(ALL_IDL_TGT)
-    add_dependencies(ALL_IDL_TGT ${_idl}_TGT)
-# Module exposed to the user
-    foreach(idl ${ARGN})
-        _COMPILE_IDL(${idl})
-    endforeach(idl)
+set(idls )
+#install(FILES ${idls} DESTINATION ${INC_INSTALL_DIR}/idl
+#    COMPONENT idl)
+macro(_IDL_OUTPUTS _idl _dir _result)
+    set(${_result} ${_dir}/${_idl}SK.cc ${_dir}/${_idl}.hh
+        ${_dir}/${_idl}DynSK.cc)
+macro(_COMPILE_IDL _idl_file)
+    if(NOT WIN32)
+        execute_process(COMMAND rtm-config --prefix OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENRTM_DIR
+        execute_process(COMMAND rtm-config --idlflags OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENRTM_IDLFLAGS
+        separate_arguments(OPENRTM_IDLFLAGS)
+        execute_process(COMMAND rtm-config --idlc OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENRTM_IDLC
+        set(_rtm_skelwrapper_command "rtm-skelwrapper")
+    else(NOT WIN32)
+        set(_rtm_skelwrapper_command "rtm-skelwrapper.py")
+    endif(NOT WIN32)
+    get_filename_component(_idl ${_idl_file} NAME_WE)
+    set(_idl_srcs_var ${_idl}_SRCS)
+    _IDL_OUTPUTS(${_idl} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${_idl_srcs_var})
+    add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${${_idl_srcs_var}}
+        COMMAND python ${OPENRTM_DIR}/bin/${_rtm_skelwrapper_command} --include-dir= --skel-suffix=Skel --stub-suffix=Stub --idl-file=${_idl}.idl
+        DEPENDS ${_idl_file}
+        COMMENT "Compiling ${_idl_file}" VERBATIM)
+    add_custom_target(${_idl}_TGT DEPENDS ${${_idl_srcs_var}})
+    set(ALL_IDL_SRCS ${ALL_IDL_SRCS} ${${_idl_srcs_var}})
+        add_custom_target(ALL_IDL_TGT)
+    add_dependencies(ALL_IDL_TGT ${_idl}_TGT)
+# Module exposed to the user
+    foreach(idl ${ARGN})
+        _COMPILE_IDL(${idl})
+    endforeach(idl)
 FILTER_LIST("${ALL_IDL_SRCS}" "hh$" idl_headers)
-install(FILES ${idl_headers}
-    COMPONENT headers)
+#install(FILES ${idl_headers}
+#    COMPONENT headers)

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/include/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/include/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/include/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,345 +1,345 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
- * @file  BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h
- * @brief BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
- * @date  $Date$
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-#include <rtm/Manager.h>
-#include <rtm/DataFlowComponentBase.h>
-#include <rtm/CorbaPort.h>
-#include <rtm/DataInPort.h>
-#include <rtm/DataOutPort.h>
-#include <rtm/idl/BasicDataTypeSkel.h>
-#include <rtm/idl/ExtendedDataTypesSkel.h>
-#include <rtm/idl/InterfaceDataTypesSkel.h>
-#include <cv.h>
-#include <cxcore.h>
-#include <highgui.h>
-#define THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE	255				//	2値化の際に使用する最大値
-#define	SCALE				( 1.0 / 255.0 )	//	L*a*b*に変換するために必要なスケールファクタ
-#define COLOR_DIFFERENCE	0	//	RGB各成分における差分算出のフラグ値
-#define LAB_DIFFERENCE		1	//	L*a*b*表色系における差分算出のフラグ値
-#define GRAY_DIFFERENCE		2	//	グレースケールにおける差分算出のフラグ値
-#define NOISE_KEEP			0	//	ノイズを除去しないフラグ値
-#define	NOISE_MORPHOLOGY	1	//	モルフォロジー演算によるノイズ除去のフラグ値
-#define NOISE_MEDIAN		2	//	メディアンフィルタによるノイズ除去のフラグ値
-// Service implementation headers
-// <rtc-template block="service_impl_h">
-// </rtc-template>
-// Service Consumer stub headers
-// <rtc-template block="consumer_stub_h">
-// </rtc-template>
-using namespace RTC;
- * @class BackGroundSubtractionSimple
- * @brief BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
- *
- */
-class BackGroundSubtractionSimple
-  : public RTC::DataFlowComponentBase
- public:
-  /*!
-   * @brief constructor
-   * @param manager Maneger Object
-   */
-  BackGroundSubtractionSimple(RTC::Manager* manager);
-  /*!
-   * @brief destructor
-   */
-  ~BackGroundSubtractionSimple();
-  // <rtc-template block="public_attribute">
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // <rtc-template block="public_operation">
-  // </rtc-template>
-  /***
-   *
-   * The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
-   * formaer rtc_init_entry() 
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onInitialize();
-  /***
-   *
-   * The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
-   * formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onFinalize();
-  /***
-   *
-   * The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
-   * former rtc_starting_entry()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onStartup(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
-   * former rtc_stopping_entry()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onShutdown(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The activated action (Active state entry action)
-   * former rtc_active_entry()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
-   * former rtc_active_exit()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The execution action that is invoked periodically
-   * former rtc_active_do()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
-   * former rtc_aborting_entry()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onAborting(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The error action in ERROR state
-   * former rtc_error_do()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onError(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The reset action that is invoked resetting
-   * This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onReset(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
-   * no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onStateUpdate(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
-  /***
-   *
-   * The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
-   * no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
-   *
-   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
-   *
-   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
-   * 
-   * 
-   */
-  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onRateChanged(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
- protected:
-  // <rtc-template block="protected_attribute">
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // <rtc-template block="protected_operation">
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // Configuration variable declaration
-  // <rtc-template block="config_declare">
-  /*!
-   * 
-   * - Name:  cont_mode
-   * - DefaultValue: b
-   */
-  char m_cont_mode;
-    /*!
-   * 
-   * - Name:  diff_mode
-   * - DefaultValue: b
-   */
-  char m_diff_mode;
-    /*!
-   * 
-   * - Name:  noise_mode
-   * - DefaultValue: b
-   */
-  char m_noise_mode;
-  /*!
-   * 
-   * - Name:  nThresholdLv
-   * - DefaultValue: 20
-   */
-  int m_nThresholdLv;
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // DataInPort declaration
-  // <rtc-template block="inport_declare">
-  RTC::CameraImage m_img_orig;
-  /*!
-   */
-  InPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_origIn;
-  RTC::TimedLong m_key;
-  /*!
-   */
-  InPort<RTC::TimedLong> m_keyIn;
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // DataOutPort declaration
-  // <rtc-template block="outport_declare">
-  RTC::CameraImage m_img_curr;
-  /*!
-   */
-  OutPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_currOut;
-  RTC::CameraImage m_img_resu;
-  /*!
-   */
-  OutPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_resuOut;
-  RTC::CameraImage m_img_back;
-  /*!
-   */
-  OutPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_backOut;
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // CORBA Port declaration
-  // <rtc-template block="corbaport_declare">
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // Service declaration
-  // <rtc-template block="service_declare">
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // Consumer declaration
-  // <rtc-template block="consumer_declare">
-  // </rtc-template>
- private:
-  // <rtc-template block="private_attribute">
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // <rtc-template block="private_operation">
-  // </rtc-template>
-	void colorDifference( void );
-	void labDifference( void );
-	void grayScaleDifference( void );
-	IplImage *m_originalImage;
-	IplImage *m_currentImage;
-	IplImage *m_backgroundImage;
-	IplImage *m_resultImage;
-	IplImage *m_outputImage;
-	int	m_differenceMode;		//	差分の計算モード
-	int	m_noiseMode;				//	ノイズを除去するモード
-	int m_temp_w;
-	int m_temp_h;
-extern "C"
-  DLL_EXPORT void BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit(RTC::Manager* manager);
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * @file  BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h
+ * @brief BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
+ * @date  $Date$
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include <rtm/Manager.h>
+#include <rtm/DataFlowComponentBase.h>
+#include <rtm/CorbaPort.h>
+#include <rtm/DataInPort.h>
+#include <rtm/DataOutPort.h>
+#include <rtm/idl/BasicDataTypeSkel.h>
+#include <rtm/idl/ExtendedDataTypesSkel.h>
+#include <rtm/idl/InterfaceDataTypesSkel.h>
+#include <cv.h>
+#include <cxcore.h>
+#include <highgui.h>
+#define THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE	255				/* 2値化の際に使用する最大値 */
+#define	SCALE				( 1.0 / 255.0 )	/* L*a*b*に変換するために必要なスケールファクタ */
+#define COLOR_DIFFERENCE  0   /* RGB各成分における差分算出のフラグ値 */
+#define LAB_DIFFERENCE    1   /* L*a*b*表色系における差分算出のフラグ値 */
+#define GRAY_DIFFERENCE   2   /* グレースケールにおける差分算出のフラグ値 */
+#define NOISE_KEEP        0   /* ノイズを除去しないフラグ値 */
+#define	NOISE_MORPHOLOGY  1   /* モルフォロジー演算によるノイズ除去のフラグ値 */
+#define NOISE_MEDIAN      2   /* メディアンフィルタによるノイズ除去のフラグ値 */
+// Service implementation headers
+// <rtc-template block="service_impl_h">
+// </rtc-template>
+// Service Consumer stub headers
+// <rtc-template block="consumer_stub_h">
+// </rtc-template>
+using namespace RTC;
+ * @class BackGroundSubtractionSimple
+ * @brief BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
+ *
+ */
+class BackGroundSubtractionSimple
+  : public RTC::DataFlowComponentBase
+ public:
+  /*!
+   * @brief constructor
+   * @param manager Maneger Object
+   */
+  BackGroundSubtractionSimple(RTC::Manager* manager);
+  /*!
+   * @brief destructor
+   */
+  ~BackGroundSubtractionSimple();
+  // <rtc-template block="public_attribute">
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // <rtc-template block="public_operation">
+  // </rtc-template>
+  /***
+   *
+   * The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+   * formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onInitialize();
+  /***
+   *
+   * The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+   * formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onFinalize();
+  /***
+   *
+   * The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+   * former rtc_starting_entry()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onStartup(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+   * former rtc_stopping_entry()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onShutdown(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The activated action (Active state entry action)
+   * former rtc_active_entry()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+   * former rtc_active_exit()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The execution action that is invoked periodically
+   * former rtc_active_do()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+   * former rtc_aborting_entry()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onAborting(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The error action in ERROR state
+   * former rtc_error_do()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onError(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The reset action that is invoked resetting
+   * This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onReset(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+   * no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onStateUpdate(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+  /***
+   *
+   * The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+   * no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+   *
+   * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+   *
+   * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+   * 
+   * 
+   */
+  // virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onRateChanged(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
+ protected:
+  // <rtc-template block="protected_attribute">
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // <rtc-template block="protected_operation">
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // Configuration variable declaration
+  // <rtc-template block="config_declare">
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * - Name:  cont_mode
+   * - DefaultValue: b
+   */
+  char m_cont_mode;
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * - Name:  diff_mode
+   * - DefaultValue: 0
+   */
+  char m_diff_mode;
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * - Name:  noise_mode
+   * - DefaultValue: 0
+   */
+  char m_noise_mode;
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * - Name:  nThresholdLv
+   * - DefaultValue: 20
+   */
+  int m_nThresholdLv;
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // DataInPort declaration
+  // <rtc-template block="inport_declare">
+  RTC::CameraImage m_img_orig;
+  /*!
+   */
+  InPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_origIn;
+  RTC::TimedLong m_key;
+  /*!
+   */
+  InPort<RTC::TimedLong> m_keyIn;
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // DataOutPort declaration
+  // <rtc-template block="outport_declare">
+  RTC::CameraImage m_img_curr;
+  /*!
+   */
+  OutPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_currOut;
+  RTC::CameraImage m_img_resu;
+  /*!
+   */
+  OutPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_resuOut;
+  RTC::CameraImage m_img_back;
+  /*!
+   */
+  OutPort<RTC::CameraImage> m_img_backOut;
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // CORBA Port declaration
+  // <rtc-template block="corbaport_declare">
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // Service declaration
+  // <rtc-template block="service_declare">
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // Consumer declaration
+  // <rtc-template block="consumer_declare">
+  // </rtc-template>
+ private:
+  // <rtc-template block="private_attribute">
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // <rtc-template block="private_operation">
+  // </rtc-template>
+	void colorDifference( void );
+	void labDifference( void );
+	void grayScaleDifference( void );
+	IplImage *m_originalImage;
+	IplImage *m_currentImage;
+	IplImage *m_backgroundImage;
+	IplImage *m_resultImage;
+	IplImage *m_outputImage;
+	int	m_differenceMode;   /* 差分の計算モード */
+	int	m_noiseMode;        /* ノイズを除去するモード */
+	int m_temp_w;
+	int m_temp_h;
+extern "C"
+  DLL_EXPORT void BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit(RTC::Manager* manager);

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/include/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/CMakeLists.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/include/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/include/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 set(hdrs BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h
-    COMPONENT library)
+#    COMPONENT library)

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/src/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.cpp
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/src/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.cpp	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/src/BackGroundSubtractionSimple.cpp	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,463 +1,461 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
- * @file  BackGroundSubtractionSimple.cpp
- * @brief BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
- * @date $Date$
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-#include "BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h"
-// Module specification
-// <rtc-template block="module_spec">
-static const char* backgroundsubtractionsimple_spec[] =
-  {
-    "implementation_id", "BackGroundSubtractionSimple",
-    "type_name",         "BackGroundSubtractionSimple",
-    "description",       "BackGroundSubtractionSimple component",
-    "version",           "1.0.0",
-    "vendor",            "AIST",
-    "category",          "Category",
-    "activity_type",     "PERIODIC",
-    "kind",              "DataFlowComponent",
-    "max_instance",      "1",
-    "language",          "C++",
-    "lang_type",         "compile",
-    // Configuration variables
-    "conf.default.control_mode", "b",
-    "conf.default.diff_mode", "0",
-    "conf.default.noise_mode", "0",
-    "conf.default.threshold_level", "20",
-    // Widget
-    "conf.__widget__.control_mode", "radio",
-    "conf.__widget__.diff_mode", "radio",
-    "conf.__widget__.noise_mode", "radio",
-    "conf.__widget__.threshold_level", "slider.1",
-    // Constraints
-    "conf.__constraints__.control_mode", "(b,M)",
-    "conf.__constraints__.diff_mode", "(0,1,2)",
-    "conf.__constraints__.noise_mode", "(0,1,2)",
-    "conf.__constraints__.threshold_level", "0<=x<=255",
-    ""
-  };
-// </rtc-template>
-std::string differenceMethod[3] = {
-	"RGB",          //RGBの成分ごとに評価
-	"CIE L*a*b*",   //CIE L*a*b* で距離を評価
-	"gray scale"    //グレースケールで評価
-std::string noiseMethod[3] = {
-	"None",
-	"Opening",
-	"Median filter"
- * @brief constructor
- * @param manager Maneger Object
- */
-BackGroundSubtractionSimple::BackGroundSubtractionSimple(RTC::Manager* manager)
-    // <rtc-template block="initializer">
-  : RTC::DataFlowComponentBase(manager),
-    m_img_origIn("original_image", m_img_orig),
-    m_keyIn("key", m_key),
-    m_img_currOut("current_image", m_img_curr),
-    m_img_resuOut("result_image", m_img_resu),
-    m_img_backOut("background_image", m_img_back)
-    // </rtc-template>
- * @brief destructor
- */
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onInitialize()
-  // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service
-  // <rtc-template block="registration">
-  // Set InPort buffers
-  addInPort("original_image", m_img_origIn);
-  addInPort("key", m_keyIn);
-  // Set OutPort buffer
-  addOutPort("current_image", m_img_currOut);
-  addOutPort("result_image", m_img_resuOut);
-  addOutPort("background_image", m_img_backOut);
-  // Set service provider to Ports
-  // Set service consumers to Ports
-  // Set CORBA Service Ports
-  // </rtc-template>
-  // <rtc-template block="bind_config">
-  // Bind variables and configuration variable
-  bindParameter("control_mode", m_cont_mode, "b");
-  bindParameter("diff_mode", m_diff_mode, "0");
-  bindParameter("noise_mode", m_noise_mode, "0");
-  bindParameter("threshold_level", m_nThresholdLv, "20");
-  // </rtc-template>
-	m_originalImage = NULL;
-	m_currentImage = NULL;
-	m_backgroundImage = NULL;
-	m_resultImage = NULL;
-	m_outputImage = NULL;
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onFinalize()
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onStartup(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onShutdown(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  m_differenceMode = COLOR_DIFFERENCE;	//	差分の計算モード
-	m_noiseMode = NOISE_KEEP;				      //	ノイズを除去するモード
-	m_temp_w = 0;
-	m_temp_h = 0;
-	return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-	if(m_originalImage != NULL){
-		cvReleaseImage(&m_originalImage);
-	}
-	if(m_currentImage != NULL){
-		cvReleaseImage(&m_currentImage);
-	}
-	if(m_resultImage != NULL){
-		cvReleaseImage(&m_resultImage);
-	}
-	if(m_outputImage != NULL){
-		cvReleaseImage(&m_outputImage);
-	}
-	if(m_backgroundImage != NULL){
-		cvReleaseImage(&m_backgroundImage);
-	}
-	m_originalImage = NULL;
-	m_currentImage = NULL;
-	m_backgroundImage = NULL;
-	m_resultImage = NULL;
-	m_outputImage = NULL;
-	return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-	if(m_img_origIn.isNew()) {
-		//イメージRead
-		m_img_origIn.read();
-		if(m_originalImage == NULL){
-			m_originalImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
-		}
-		if(m_currentImage == NULL){
-			m_currentImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
-		}
-		if(m_img_orig.width != m_temp_w || m_img_orig.height != m_temp_h){
-			if(m_backgroundImage != NULL){
-				cvReleaseImage(&m_backgroundImage);
-			}
-			m_backgroundImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
-		}
-		if(m_resultImage == NULL){
-			m_resultImage =  cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
-		}
-		if(m_outputImage == NULL){
-			m_outputImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
-		}
-		//InPortの映像の取得
-		memcpy(m_originalImage->imageData,(void *)&(m_img_orig.pixels[0]),m_img_orig.pixels.length());
-		m_currentImage = cvCloneImage( m_originalImage );
-		//	差の計算方法の切り替え
-		if( m_differenceMode == COLOR_DIFFERENCE ){	
-			//	成分ごとに評価をする
-			colorDifference();
-		} else if( m_differenceMode == LAB_DIFFERENCE ){	
-			//	L*a*b*で距離を評価する
-			labDifference();
-		} else if( m_differenceMode == GRAY_DIFFERENCE ){
-			//	グレースケールで評価をする
-			grayScaleDifference();
-		}
-		//	ノイズ除去
-		if( m_noiseMode == NOISE_MORPHOLOGY ){
-			cvErode( m_resultImage, m_resultImage );
-			cvDilate( m_resultImage, m_resultImage );
-		}else if ( m_noiseMode == NOISE_MEDIAN ){
-			cvSmooth( m_resultImage, m_resultImage, CV_MEDIAN );
-		}
-		cvMerge( m_resultImage, m_resultImage, m_resultImage, NULL, m_outputImage );
-		// 画像データのサイズ取得
-		double len1 = (m_currentImage->nChannels * m_currentImage->width * m_currentImage->height);
-		double len2 = (m_outputImage->nChannels * m_outputImage->width * m_outputImage->height);
-		double len3 = (m_backgroundImage->nChannels * m_backgroundImage->width * m_backgroundImage->height);
-		m_img_curr.pixels.length(len1);
-		m_img_resu.pixels.length(len2);
-		m_img_back.pixels.length(len3);
-		// 該当のイメージをMemCopyする
-		memcpy((void *)&(m_img_curr.pixels[0]), m_currentImage->imageData, len1);
-		memcpy((void *)&(m_img_resu.pixels[0]), m_outputImage->imageData, len2);
-		memcpy((void *)&(m_img_back.pixels[0]), m_backgroundImage->imageData, len3);
-		m_img_curr.width = m_originalImage->width;
-		m_img_curr.height = m_originalImage->height;
-		m_img_resu.width = m_originalImage->width;
-		m_img_resu.height = m_originalImage->height;
-		m_img_back.width = m_originalImage->width;
-		m_img_back.height = m_originalImage->height;
-		m_img_currOut.write();
-		m_img_resuOut.write();
-		m_img_backOut.write();
-		//Key入力Read
-		if(m_keyIn.isNew()){
-			m_keyIn.read();
-		  if(m_cont_mode == 'b')
-		  {
-		    //背景画像更新
-			  if(m_backgroundImage != NULL) {
-				  cvReleaseImage(&m_backgroundImage);
-			  }
-			  m_backgroundImage = cvCloneImage(m_originalImage);
-			  printf( "Background image update( %s : %s )\n", 
-			          differenceMethod[m_differenceMode].c_str(), noiseMethod[m_noiseMode].c_str() );   
-      }else if(m_cont_mode == 'M')
-		  {
-		    //差の評価方法・ノイズ除去方法変更
-		    m_differenceMode = (int)(m_diff_mode - '0');
-		    m_noiseMode = (int)(m_noise_mode - '0');
-		    printf( "Change method: (diff : noise) = (%s : %s)\n", 
-		            differenceMethod[m_differenceMode].c_str(), noiseMethod[m_noiseMode].c_str() );
-		  }
-		}
-		if(m_originalImage != NULL){
-			cvReleaseImage(&m_originalImage);
-		}
-		if(m_currentImage != NULL){
-			cvReleaseImage(&m_currentImage);
-		}
-		if(m_resultImage != NULL){
-			cvReleaseImage(&m_resultImage);
-		}
-		if(m_outputImage != NULL){
-			cvReleaseImage(&m_outputImage);
-		}
-		//if(backgroundImage != NULL){
-		//	cvReleaseImage(&backgroundImage);
-		//}
-		m_temp_w = m_img_orig.width;
-		m_temp_h = m_img_orig.height;
-	}
-	return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onAborting(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onError(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onReset(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onStateUpdate(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onRateChanged(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
-  return RTC::RTC_OK;
-// 成分ごとに評価する
-void BackGroundSubtractionSimple::colorDifference( void )
-	//	画像を生成する
-	IplImage *differenceImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);	//	差分画像用IplImage
-	IplImage *differenceRImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);	//	R値の差分用IplImage
-	IplImage *differenceGImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);	//	G値の差分用IplImage
-	IplImage *differenceBImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);	//	B値の差分用IplImage
-	//	現在の背景との差の絶対値を成分ごとに取る
-	cvAbsDiff( m_currentImage, m_backgroundImage, differenceImage );
-	//	閾値処理を行う
-	cvThreshold( differenceImage, differenceImage, m_nThresholdLv, THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
-	//	成分ごとの画像に分割する
-	cvSplit( differenceImage, differenceBImage, differenceGImage, differenceRImage, NULL );
-	//	ORで合成する
-	cvOr( differenceRImage, differenceGImage, m_resultImage );
-	cvOr( differenceBImage, m_resultImage, m_resultImage );
-	//	メモリを解放する
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceRImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceGImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceBImage );
-//	L*a*b*で距離を評価する
-void BackGroundSubtractionSimple::labDifference( void )
-	//	画像を生成する
-	IplImage *currentLabImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height),IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );		//	現在の画像をL*a*b*に変換した画像用IplImage
-	IplImage *backgroundLabImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );	//	背景をL*a*b*に変換した画像用IplImage
-	IplImage *differenceLabImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );	//	差分画像用IplImage
-	IplImage *differenceLImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );		//	L*値の差分用IplImage
-	IplImage *differenceAImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );		//	a*値の差分用IplImage
-	IplImage *differenceBImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );		//	b*値の差分用IplImage
-	IplImage *sqrDifferenceImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );	//	距離算出用IplImage
-	//	現在の画像と背景を共に CIE L*a*b* に変換
-	cvConvertScale( m_currentImage, currentLabImage, SCALE );
-	cvConvertScale( m_backgroundImage, backgroundLabImage, SCALE );
-	cvCvtColor( currentLabImage, currentLabImage, CV_BGR2Lab );
-	cvCvtColor( backgroundLabImage, backgroundLabImage, CV_BGR2Lab );
-	//	距離の二乗を計算する
-	cvSub( currentLabImage, backgroundLabImage, differenceLabImage );
-	cvPow( differenceLabImage, differenceLabImage, 2 );
-	//	成分ごとの画像に分割する
-	cvSplit( differenceLabImage, differenceLImage, differenceAImage, differenceBImage, NULL );
-	cvCopy( differenceLImage, sqrDifferenceImage );
-	cvAdd( differenceAImage, sqrDifferenceImage, sqrDifferenceImage );
-	cvAdd( differenceBImage, sqrDifferenceImage, sqrDifferenceImage );
-	//	閾値処理を行う
-	cvThreshold( sqrDifferenceImage, m_resultImage, m_nThresholdLv * m_nThresholdLv, THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
-	//	メモリを解放する
-	cvReleaseImage( &currentLabImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &backgroundLabImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceLabImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceLImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceAImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceBImage );
-	cvReleaseImage( &sqrDifferenceImage );
-//	グレースケールで評価する
-void BackGroundSubtractionSimple::grayScaleDifference( void )
-	//	画像を生成する
-	IplImage *differenceImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );	//	差分画像用IplImage
-	//	現在の背景との差の絶対値を成分ごとに取る
-	cvAbsDiff( m_currentImage, m_backgroundImage, differenceImage );
-	//	BGRからグレースケールに変換する
-	cvCvtColor( differenceImage, m_resultImage, CV_BGR2GRAY );
-	//	グレースケールから2値に変換する
-	cvThreshold( m_resultImage, m_resultImage, m_nThresholdLv, THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
-	//	メモリを解放する
-	cvReleaseImage( &differenceImage );
-extern "C"
-  void BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit(RTC::Manager* manager)
-  {
-    coil::Properties profile(backgroundsubtractionsimple_spec);
-    manager->registerFactory(profile,
-                             RTC::Create<BackGroundSubtractionSimple>,
-                             RTC::Delete<BackGroundSubtractionSimple>);
-  }
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * @file  BackGroundSubtractionSimple.cpp
+ * @brief BackGroundSubtractionSimple component
+ * @date $Date$
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include "BackGroundSubtractionSimple.h"
+// Module specification
+// <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+static const char* backgroundsubtractionsimple_spec[] =
+  {
+    "implementation_id", "BackGroundSubtractionSimple",
+    "type_name",         "BackGroundSubtractionSimple",
+    "description",       "BackGroundSubtractionSimple component",
+    "version",           "1.1.0",
+    "vendor",            "AIST",
+    "category",          "Category",
+    "activity_type",     "PERIODIC",
+    "kind",              "DataFlowComponent",
+    "max_instance",      "1",
+    "language",          "C++",
+    "lang_type",         "compile",
+    // Configuration variables
+    "conf.default.control_mode", "b",
+    "conf.default.diff_mode", "0",
+    "conf.default.noise_mode", "0",
+    "conf.default.threshold_level", "20",
+    // Widget
+    "conf.__widget__.control_mode", "radio",
+    "conf.__widget__.diff_mode", "radio",
+    "conf.__widget__.noise_mode", "radio",
+    "conf.__widget__.threshold_level", "slider.1",
+    // Constraints
+    "conf.__constraints__.control_mode", "(b,M)",
+    "conf.__constraints__.diff_mode", "(0,1,2)",
+    "conf.__constraints__.noise_mode", "(0,1,2)",
+    "conf.__constraints__.threshold_level", "0<=x<=255",
+    ""
+  };
+// </rtc-template>
+std::string differenceMethod[3] = {
+	"RGB",          //RGBの成分ごとに評価
+	"CIE L*a*b*",   //CIE L*a*b* で距離を評価
+	"gray scale"    //グレースケールで評価
+std::string noiseMethod[3] = {
+	"None",
+	"Opening",
+	"Median filter"
+ * @brief constructor
+ * @param manager Maneger Object
+ */
+BackGroundSubtractionSimple::BackGroundSubtractionSimple(RTC::Manager* manager)
+    // <rtc-template block="initializer">
+  : RTC::DataFlowComponentBase(manager),
+    m_img_origIn("original_image", m_img_orig),
+    m_keyIn("key", m_key),
+    m_img_currOut("current_image", m_img_curr),
+    m_img_resuOut("result_image", m_img_resu),
+    m_img_backOut("background_image", m_img_back)
+    // </rtc-template>
+ * @brief destructor
+ */
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onInitialize()
+  // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service
+  // <rtc-template block="registration">
+  // Set InPort buffers
+  addInPort("original_image", m_img_origIn);
+  addInPort("key", m_keyIn);
+  // Set OutPort buffer
+  addOutPort("current_image", m_img_currOut);
+  addOutPort("result_image", m_img_resuOut);
+  addOutPort("background_image", m_img_backOut);
+  // Set service provider to Ports
+  // Set service consumers to Ports
+  // Set CORBA Service Ports
+  // </rtc-template>
+  // <rtc-template block="bind_config">
+  // Bind variables and configuration variable
+  bindParameter("control_mode", m_cont_mode, "b");
+  bindParameter("diff_mode", m_diff_mode, "0");
+  bindParameter("noise_mode", m_noise_mode, "0");
+  bindParameter("threshold_level", m_nThresholdLv, "20");
+  // </rtc-template>
+	m_originalImage = NULL;
+	m_currentImage = NULL;
+	m_backgroundImage = NULL;
+	m_resultImage = NULL;
+	m_outputImage = NULL;
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onFinalize()
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onStartup(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onShutdown(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  m_differenceMode = COLOR_DIFFERENCE;	/* 差分の計算モード */
+  m_noiseMode = NOISE_KEEP;             /* ノイズを除去するモード */
+  m_temp_w = 0;
+  m_temp_h = 0;
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  if(m_originalImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_originalImage);
+  }
+  if(m_currentImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_currentImage);
+  }
+  if(m_resultImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_resultImage);
+  }
+  if(m_outputImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_outputImage);
+  }
+  if(m_backgroundImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_backgroundImage);
+  }
+  m_originalImage = NULL;
+  m_currentImage = NULL;
+  m_backgroundImage = NULL;
+  m_resultImage = NULL;
+  m_outputImage = NULL;
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  if(m_img_origIn.isNew()) {
+  /* イメージRead */
+  m_img_origIn.read();
+  if(m_originalImage == NULL){
+    m_originalImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+  }
+  if(m_currentImage == NULL){
+    m_currentImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+  }
+  if(m_img_orig.width != m_temp_w || m_img_orig.height != m_temp_h){
+    if(m_backgroundImage != NULL){
+      cvReleaseImage(&m_backgroundImage);
+    }
+    m_backgroundImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+  }
+  if(m_resultImage == NULL){
+    m_resultImage =  cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
+  }
+  if(m_outputImage == NULL){
+    m_outputImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_orig.width, m_img_orig.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
+  }
+  /* InPortの映像の取得 */
+  memcpy(m_originalImage->imageData,(void *)&(m_img_orig.pixels[0]),m_img_orig.pixels.length());
+  m_currentImage = cvCloneImage( m_originalImage );
+  /* 差の計算方法の切り替え */
+  if( m_differenceMode == COLOR_DIFFERENCE ){	
+    /* 成分ごとに評価をする */
+    colorDifference();
+  } else if( m_differenceMode == LAB_DIFFERENCE ){	
+    /*	L*a*b*で距離を評価する */
+    labDifference();
+  } else if( m_differenceMode == GRAY_DIFFERENCE ){
+    /* グレースケールで評価をする */
+    grayScaleDifference();
+  }
+  /* ノイズ除去 */
+  if( m_noiseMode == NOISE_MORPHOLOGY ){
+    cvErode( m_resultImage, m_resultImage );
+    cvDilate( m_resultImage, m_resultImage );
+  }else if ( m_noiseMode == NOISE_MEDIAN ){
+    cvSmooth( m_resultImage, m_resultImage, CV_MEDIAN );
+  }
+  cvMerge( m_resultImage, m_resultImage, m_resultImage, NULL, m_outputImage );
+  /* 画像データのサイズ取得 */
+  double len1 = (m_currentImage->nChannels * m_currentImage->width * m_currentImage->height);
+  double len2 = (m_outputImage->nChannels * m_outputImage->width * m_outputImage->height);
+  double len3 = (m_backgroundImage->nChannels * m_backgroundImage->width * m_backgroundImage->height);
+  m_img_curr.pixels.length(len1);
+  m_img_resu.pixels.length(len2);
+  m_img_back.pixels.length(len3);
+  /* 該当のイメージをMemCopyする */
+  memcpy((void *)&(m_img_curr.pixels[0]), m_currentImage->imageData, len1);
+  memcpy((void *)&(m_img_resu.pixels[0]), m_outputImage->imageData, len2);
+  memcpy((void *)&(m_img_back.pixels[0]), m_backgroundImage->imageData, len3);
+  m_img_curr.width = m_originalImage->width;
+  m_img_curr.height = m_originalImage->height;
+  m_img_resu.width = m_originalImage->width;
+  m_img_resu.height = m_originalImage->height;
+  m_img_back.width = m_originalImage->width;
+  m_img_back.height = m_originalImage->height;
+  m_img_currOut.write();
+  m_img_resuOut.write();
+  m_img_backOut.write();
+  /* Key入力Read */
+  if(m_keyIn.isNew()){
+    m_keyIn.read();
+    if(m_cont_mode == 'b')
+    {
+      /* 背景画像更新 */
+      if(m_backgroundImage != NULL) {
+        cvReleaseImage(&m_backgroundImage);
+      }
+      m_backgroundImage = cvCloneImage(m_originalImage);
+      printf( "Background image update( %s : %s )\n", 
+              differenceMethod[m_differenceMode].c_str(), noiseMethod[m_noiseMode].c_str() );   
+    }else if(m_cont_mode == 'M')
+    {
+      /* 差の評価方法・ノイズ除去方法変更 */
+      m_differenceMode = (int)(m_diff_mode - '0');
+      m_noiseMode = (int)(m_noise_mode - '0');
+      printf( "Change method: (diff : noise) = (%s : %s)\n", 
+            differenceMethod[m_differenceMode].c_str(), noiseMethod[m_noiseMode].c_str() );
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_originalImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_originalImage);
+  }
+  if(m_currentImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_currentImage);
+  }
+  if(m_resultImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_resultImage);
+  }
+  if(m_outputImage != NULL){
+    cvReleaseImage(&m_outputImage);
+  }
+  //if(backgroundImage != NULL){
+  //	cvReleaseImage(&backgroundImage);
+  //}
+  m_temp_w = m_img_orig.width;
+  m_temp_h = m_img_orig.height;
+	}
+	return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onAborting(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onError(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onReset(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onStateUpdate(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+RTC::ReturnCode_t BackGroundSubtractionSimple::onRateChanged(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
+  return RTC::RTC_OK;
+// 成分ごとに評価する
+void BackGroundSubtractionSimple::colorDifference( void )
+	/* 画像を生成する */
+  IplImage *differenceImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);	//	差分画像用IplImage
+  IplImage *differenceRImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);	//	R値の差分用IplImage
+  IplImage *differenceGImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);	//	G値の差分用IplImage
+  IplImage *differenceBImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);	//	B値の差分用IplImage
+  /* 現在の背景との差の絶対値を成分ごとに取る */
+  cvAbsDiff( m_currentImage, m_backgroundImage, differenceImage );
+  /* 閾値処理を行う */
+  cvThreshold( differenceImage, differenceImage, m_nThresholdLv, THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
+  /* 成分ごとの画像に分割する */
+  cvSplit( differenceImage, differenceBImage, differenceGImage, differenceRImage, NULL );
+  /* ORで合成する */
+  cvOr( differenceRImage, differenceGImage, m_resultImage );
+  cvOr( differenceBImage, m_resultImage, m_resultImage );
+  /* メモリを解放する */
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceRImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceGImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceBImage );
+//	L*a*b*で距離を評価する
+void BackGroundSubtractionSimple::labDifference( void )
+  /* 画像を生成する */
+  IplImage *currentLabImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height),IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );		/* 現在の画像をL*a*b*に変換した画像用IplImage */
+  IplImage *backgroundLabImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );	/* 背景をL*a*b*に変換した画像用IplImage */
+  IplImage *differenceLabImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );	/* 差分画像用IplImage */
+  IplImage *differenceLImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );		/* L*値の差分用IplImage */
+  IplImage *differenceAImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );		/* a*値の差分用IplImage */
+  IplImage *differenceBImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );		/* b*値の差分用IplImage */
+  IplImage *sqrDifferenceImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );	/* 距離算出用IplImage */
+  /* 現在の画像と背景を共に CIE L*a*b* に変換 */
+  cvConvertScale( m_currentImage, currentLabImage, SCALE );
+  cvConvertScale( m_backgroundImage, backgroundLabImage, SCALE );
+  cvCvtColor( currentLabImage, currentLabImage, CV_BGR2Lab );
+  cvCvtColor( backgroundLabImage, backgroundLabImage, CV_BGR2Lab );
+  /* 距離の二乗を計算する */
+  cvSub( currentLabImage, backgroundLabImage, differenceLabImage );
+  cvPow( differenceLabImage, differenceLabImage, 2 );
+  /* 成分ごとの画像に分割する */
+  cvSplit( differenceLabImage, differenceLImage, differenceAImage, differenceBImage, NULL );
+  cvCopy( differenceLImage, sqrDifferenceImage );
+  cvAdd( differenceAImage, sqrDifferenceImage, sqrDifferenceImage );
+  cvAdd( differenceBImage, sqrDifferenceImage, sqrDifferenceImage );
+  /* 閾値処理を行う */
+  cvThreshold( sqrDifferenceImage, m_resultImage, m_nThresholdLv * m_nThresholdLv, THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
+  /* メモリを解放する */
+  cvReleaseImage( &currentLabImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &backgroundLabImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceLabImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceLImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceAImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceBImage );
+  cvReleaseImage( &sqrDifferenceImage );
+//	グレースケールで評価する
+void BackGroundSubtractionSimple::grayScaleDifference( void )
+  /* 画像を生成する */
+  IplImage *differenceImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(m_currentImage->width, m_currentImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );	/* 差分画像用IplImage */
+  /* 現在の背景との差の絶対値を成分ごとに取る */
+  cvAbsDiff( m_currentImage, m_backgroundImage, differenceImage );
+  /* BGRからグレースケールに変換する */
+  cvCvtColor( differenceImage, m_resultImage, CV_BGR2GRAY );
+  /* グレースケールから2値に変換する */
+  cvThreshold( m_resultImage, m_resultImage, m_nThresholdLv, THRESHOLD_MAX_VALUE, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
+  /* メモリを解放する */
+  cvReleaseImage( &differenceImage );
+extern "C"
+  void BackGroundSubtractionSimpleInit(RTC::Manager* manager)
+  {
+    coil::Properties profile(backgroundsubtractionsimple_spec);
+    manager->registerFactory(profile,
+                             RTC::Create<BackGroundSubtractionSimple>,
+                             RTC::Delete<BackGroundSubtractionSimple>);
+  }

Modified: branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/src/CMakeLists.txt
--- branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/src/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 07:49:18 UTC (rev 106)
+++ branches/newCMakeForVC2010/ImageProcessing/opencv/components/BackGroundSubtractionSimple/src/CMakeLists.txt	2014-03-12 09:38:04 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,63 +1,69 @@
-set(comp_srcs BackGroundSubtractionSimple.cpp )
-set(standalone_srcs BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp.cpp)
+set(comp_srcs BackGroundSubtractionSimple.cpp )
+set(standalone_srcs BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp.cpp)
 find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
-  string(REGEX REPLACE "-I" ";"
-  string(REGEX REPLACE " ;" ";"
-  string(REGEX REPLACE "-L" ";"
-  string(REGEX REPLACE " ;" ";"
-  string(REGEX REPLACE "-l" ";"
-  string(REGEX REPLACE " ;" ";"
-MAP_ADD_STR(comp_hdrs "../" comp_headers)
-add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} ${LIB_TYPE} ${comp_srcs}
-  ${comp_headers} ${ALL_IDL_SRCS})
-set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
-set_source_files_properties(${ALL_IDL_SRCS} PROPERTIES GENERATED 1)
-add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME} ALL_IDL_TGT)
+  string(REGEX REPLACE "-I" ";"
+  string(REGEX REPLACE " ;" ";"
+  string(REGEX REPLACE "-L" ";"
+  string(REGEX REPLACE " ;" ";"
+  string(REGEX REPLACE "-l" ";"
+  string(REGEX REPLACE " ;" ";"
+MAP_ADD_STR(comp_hdrs "../" comp_headers)
+add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} ${LIB_TYPE} ${comp_srcs}
+  ${comp_headers} ${ALL_IDL_SRCS})
+set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
+set_source_files_properties(${ALL_IDL_SRCS} PROPERTIES GENERATED 1)
+add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME} ALL_IDL_TGT)
 target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${OPENRTM_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
-add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}Comp ${standalone_srcs}
-  ${comp_srcs} ${comp_headers} ${ALL_IDL_SRCS})
+add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}Comp ${standalone_srcs}
+  ${comp_srcs} ${comp_headers} ${ALL_IDL_SRCS})
 target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}Comp ${OPENRTM_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
+#    FILE ${PROJECT_NAME}Depends.cmake)
-    FILE ${PROJECT_NAME}Depends.cmake)
 if (SolutionDir)
   if (MSVC)

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