[openrtm-commit:01316] r2511 - in branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/doil: . ice

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2014年 2月 17日 (月) 18:20:37 JST

Author: win-ei
Date: 2014-02-17 18:20:37 +0900 (Mon, 17 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 2511

Daily work.

Modified: branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/doil/dictbuilder.py
--- branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/doil/dictbuilder.py	2014-02-17 03:30:45 UTC (rev 2510)
+++ branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/doil/dictbuilder.py	2014-02-17 09:20:37 UTC (rev 2511)
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
         return self.dict
     def __init__(self, tree, config):
         # configuration parameters from command options
         self.config = config
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
         # idl file name
         idl_fname = ast.mainFile()
         self.dict['idl_fname'] = idl_fname
         # included idl files
         incs = []
         idl_incs = ast.includes()
@@ -148,6 +149,17 @@
             "CORBA::TypeCode_ptr"         : "::std::string"
+        self.ice_primitive = {
+            "Ice::Short"                : "short int",
+            "Ice::Int"                  : "int",
+            "Ice::Long"                 : "long",
+            "Ice::Float"                : "float",
+            "Ice::Double"               : "double",
+            "Ice::Byte"                 : "char",
+            "bool"                      : "bool",
+            "string"                    : "::std::string",
+            }
     def createHeaderInfo(self, idl_path):
         dict = {}
         idl_path_list = idl_path.split('/')
@@ -313,6 +325,7 @@
         ldict['scoped_name'] = ldict['iface_ns'] + [local_name]
         return dict
+        return dict
     def createInterfaceIdent(self, dict, node):
@@ -432,7 +445,6 @@
         ldict['switch_type']    = ltype.split('::')[-1]
     def createStructIdent(self, dict, node):
         return self.createIdent(dict, node)
@@ -598,6 +610,7 @@
         return dict
     def createTypedef(self, aliasType, decl, env):
@@ -650,6 +663,7 @@
         return dict
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # ƒIƒyƒŒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚鎫‘‚ðì¬‚·‚é
@@ -1024,4 +1038,682 @@
+    #For Ice
+    def createDeclForIce(self, decl_type):
+        """
+        éŒ¾î•ñ‚ÌŠî–{ƒfƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚̐¶¬
+        decl_type:     éŒ¾‚̃^ƒCƒv, struct, interface, union ‚È‚Ç
+        ice:
+          decl_type:     éŒ¾‚̃^ƒCƒv, struct, interface, union ‚È‚Ç
+          corba_ns: []   ƒl[ƒ€ƒXƒy[ƒX‚̃ŠƒXƒg
+        local:
+          decl_type:     éŒ¾‚̃^ƒCƒv, struct, interface, union ‚È‚Ç
+          local_ns: []   ƒ[ƒJƒ‹ƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒtƒF[ƒX‚̃l[ƒ€ƒXƒy[ƒX
+          porxy_ns: [] ƒAƒ_ƒvƒ^‚̃l[ƒ€ƒXƒy[ƒX
+          servant_ns: [] ƒT[ƒoƒ“ƒg‚̃l[ƒ€ƒXƒy[ƒX
+        """
+        cdict = {'decl_type': decl_type}
+        ldict = {'decl_type': decl_type}
+        cdict['ice_ns'] = self.module
+        ldict['iface_ns'] = self.module + self.config['IfaceNs']
+        ldict['proxy_ns'] = self.module + self.config['ProxyNs']
+        ldict['servant_ns'] = self.module + self.config['ServantNs']
+        return {'decl_type': decl_type, 'ice': cdict, 'local': ldict}
+    def getTypeForIce(self, typeobj):
+        """
+        Ice ‚Æ Local ‚ÌŒ^–¼‚ðŽæ“¾‚·‚é
+        """
+        ice_type = typeobj.base()
+        # for omniidl4 4.1.1-2
+        if ice_type[:2] == "::":
+            ice_type = ice_type[2:]
+        is_primitive = None
+        # if CORBA to Local mapping is specified explicitly
+        if self.typemap.has_key(ice_type):
+            local_type = self.typemap[ice_type]
+        # if CORBA type is primitive, string or Any
+        elif self.ice_primitive.has_key(ice_type):
+            local_type = self.ice_primitive[ice_type]
+            if ice_type[:5] == 'Ice':
+                corba_type = '::' + corba_type
+            tk = self.tk_map[typeobj.kind()]
+            primitive = ["tk_short", "tk_long", "tk_ushort", 
+                         "tk_ulong", "tk_float", "tk_double",
+                         "tk_boolean", "tk_char", "tk_octet"]
+            if primitive.count(tk) > 0:
+                is_primitive = 'YES'
+        # other case
+        else:
+            ice_scoped_type = ice_type.split('::')
+            ice_ns = ice_scoped_type[:-1]
+            ice_base = ice_scoped_type[-1]
+            local_ns = ice_ns + self.config['IfaceNs']
+            local_scope = string.join(local_ns, '::')
+            if typeobj.objref():
+                ice_base = ice_base[:ice_base.rfind('_ptr')]
+                local_type = local_scope + '::' + \
+                    self.config['IfacePrefix'] + \
+                    ice_base + \
+                    self.config['IfaceSuffix']
+            elif typeobj.sequence():
+                seqType = types.Type(typeobj.type().seqType())
+                # get type of element of sequence
+                (ice_etype, local_etype, eis_primitive) = self.getType(seqType)
+                if seqType.objref():
+                    local_etype = local_etype + '*'
+                local_type = "std::vector< " + local_etype + " >"
+            else:
+                local_type = local_scope + '::' + ice_base
+            ice_type = '::' + ice_type
+            local_type = '::' + local_type
+        return (ice_type, local_type, is_primitive)       
+    def createIdentForIce(self, dict, node):
+        """
+        éŒ¾‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éƒfƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚̐¶¬
+        Žå‚ɁAŽ¯•ÊŽq‚ÌIDLAC++ALocal–¼‚𐶐¬‚·‚é
+        createDecl‚Ő¶¬‚µ‚½ƒfƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚Ænode‚ðˆø”‚ÉŽæ‚é
+        corba:
+          idl_name:       éŒ¾‚Ìidlã‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name:           C++‚Ƀ}ƒbƒsƒ“ƒO‚³‚ꂽŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name_fq:        C++Ž¯•ÊŽq‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          scoped_name: [] ƒŠƒXƒgŒ`Ž®‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+        local:
+          idl_name:       éŒ¾‚Ìidlã‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name:           C++‚Ƀ}ƒbƒsƒ“ƒO‚³‚ꂽŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name_fq:        C++Ž¯•ÊŽq‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          scoped_name: [] ƒŠƒXƒgŒ`Ž®‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+        """
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        cdict['idl_name'] = idl_name = node.identifier()
+        cdict['name'] = cxx_name = id.mapID(idl_name)
+        ns = node.scopedName()[:-1]
+        cdict['ice_ns'] = ns
+        ldict['iface_ns'] = ns + self.config['IfaceNs']
+        ldict['proxy_ns'] = ns + self.config['ProxyNs']
+        ldict['servant_ns'] = ns + self.config['ServantNs']
+        cxx_fq_name = id.Name(node.scopedName()).fullyQualify()
+        cdict['name_fq'] = '::' + cxx_fq_name
+        cdict['scoped_name'] = node.scopedName()
+        iface_ns = '::' + string.join(ldict['iface_ns'], '::')
+        if self.typemap.has_key(cxx_fq_name):
+            local_fq_name = self.typemap[cxx_fq_name]
+            local_name = local_fq_name.split('::')[-1]
+        elif self.ice_primitive.has_key(cxx_fq_name):
+            local_fq_name = self.ice_primitive[cxx_fq_name]
+            local_name    = local_fq_name
+        else:
+            local_name = cxx_name
+            local_fq_name = iface_ns + '::' + local_name
+        ldict['name'] = local_name
+        ldict['name_fq'] = local_fq_name
+        ldict['scoped_name'] = ldict['iface_ns'] + [local_name]
+    def createInterfaceIdentForIce(self, dict, node):
+        """
+        ƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒtƒF[ƒXéŒ¾‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éƒfƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚̐¶¬
+        interface/servant/adapter –¼‚ðì¬‚µƒfƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚ɒljÁ‚·‚é
+        corba:
+          name_poa:            CORBA POAƒNƒ‰ƒX–¼
+        local:
+          iface_name:          Interface‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          iface_name_fq:       Interface‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          iface_scoped_name:   Interface‚̃ŠƒXƒgŒ`Ž®Š®‘SCü–¼
+          servant_name:        Servant‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          servant_name_fq:     Servant‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          servant_scoped_name: Servant‚̃ŠƒXƒgŒ`Ž®Š®‘SCü–¼
+          adapter_name:        Adapter‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          adapter_name_fq:     Adapter‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          adapter_scoped_name: Adapter‚̃ŠƒXƒgŒ`Ž®Š®‘SCü–¼
+        """
+        self.createIdent(dict, node)
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        cdict['name_poa'] = '::POA_' + cdict['name_fq'].strip(':')
+        # set iface_name, servant_name adapter_name
+        name = ldict['name']
+        p = "Prefix"
+        s = "Suffix"
+        n = "Ns"
+        for t in ['Iface', 'Servant', 'Proxy']:
+            key = t.lower() + '_name'
+            local_name = self.config[t + p] + name + self.config[t + s]
+            scoped_name = cdict['ice_ns'] + self.config[t + n] + [local_name]
+            local_fq_name = '::' + string.join(scoped_name, '::')
+            ldict[key] = local_name
+            ldict[key + '_fq'] = local_fq_name
+            ldict[key + '_scoped_name'] = scoped_name
+        return dict
+    def createInterfaceFileInfoForIce(self, dict, node):
+        """
+        ƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒtƒF[ƒXŠÖ˜Aƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼‚̃fƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚̐¶¬
+        local:
+          iface_h:               Interfaceƒwƒbƒ_ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼
+          iface_cpp:             InterfaceŽÀ‘•ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼
+          iface_h_path:          Interfaceƒwƒbƒ_‚̃Cƒ“ƒNƒ‹[ƒhƒpƒX
+          iface_include_guard:   Interfaceƒwƒbƒ_‚̂̃Cƒ“ƒNƒ‹[ƒhƒK[ƒh
+          servant_h:             Servantƒwƒbƒ_ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼
+          servant_cpp:           ServantŽÀ‘•ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼
+          servant_h_path:        Servantƒwƒbƒ_‚̃Cƒ“ƒNƒ‹[ƒhƒpƒX
+          servant_include_guard: Servantƒwƒbƒ_‚̂̃Cƒ“ƒNƒ‹[ƒhƒK[ƒh
+          adapter_h:             Adapterƒwƒbƒ_ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼
+          adapter_cpp:           AdapterŽÀ‘•ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼
+          adapter_h_path:        Adapterƒwƒbƒ_‚̃Cƒ“ƒNƒ‹[ƒhƒpƒX
+          adapter_include_guard: Adapterƒwƒbƒ_‚̂̃Cƒ“ƒNƒ‹[ƒhƒK[ƒh
+        """
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        ldict['include_h'] = self.config["IncludeHeaders"]
+        # set [iface|servant|adapter]_[h|cpp|h_path|include_guard]
+        for t in ['Iface', 'Servant', 'Proxy']:
+            k = t.lower()
+            ldict[k + '_h']   = ldict[k + '_name'] + ".h"
+            ldict[k + '_cpp'] = ldict[k + '_name'] + ".cpp"
+            if self.config[t + 'Dir'] == '':
+                ldict[k + '_h_path'] = ldict[k + '_h']
+            else:
+                ldict[k + '_h_path'] = \
+                    self.config[t + 'Dir'] + '/' + ldict[k + '_h']
+            ns = string.join(map(lambda x: x + '_',
+                                 ldict[k + '_ns']), '')
+            ns = ns.upper()
+            name = ldict[k + '_name'].upper()
+            ldict[k + '_include_guard'] = ns + name + "_H"
+        return dict
+    def createUnionIdentForIce(self, dict, node):
+        """
+        ‹¤—p‘̐錾‚Ì‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éƒfƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚̐¶¬
+        corba:
+          idl_name:          éŒ¾‚Ìidlã‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name:              C++‚Ƀ}ƒbƒsƒ“ƒO‚³‚ꂽŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name_fq:           C++Ž¯•ÊŽq‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          scoped_name: []    ƒŠƒXƒgŒ`Ž®‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          switch_type:       switch‚ÌŒ^
+          switch_fq_type:    switch‚ÌŠ®‘SCüŒ^
+          deref_switch_type: switch‚Ì”ñŽQÆŒ^
+        local:
+          idl_name:          éŒ¾‚Ìidlã‚ÌŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name:              C++‚Ƀ}ƒbƒsƒ“ƒO‚³‚ꂽŽ¯•ÊŽq
+          name_fq:           C++Ž¯•ÊŽq‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+          scoped_name: []    ƒŠƒXƒgŒ`Ž®‚ÌŠ®‘SCü–¼
+        """
+        self.createIdent(dict, node)
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        switchType = types.Type(node.switchType())
+        ast.markDefaultCase(node)
+        hasDefault = ast.defaultCase(node) != None
+        (ctype, ltype, is_primitive) = self.getType(switchType)
+        cdict['switch_fq_type'] = ctype
+        cdict['switch_type']    = ctype.split('::')[-1]
+        ldict['switch_fq_type'] = ltype
+        ldict['switch_type']    = ltype.split('::')[-1]
+        return 
+    def createMembersForIce(self, dict, node):
+        corba_name = dict['ice']['name']
+        outer_environment = id.lookup(node)
+        environment = outer_environment.enter(id.mapID(corba_name))
+        scope = environment.scope()
+        members = []
+        for member in node.members():
+            #------------------------------------------------------------
+            # member
+            # - type_d: type of a member
+            # - decl_d: decralation list
+            memberType = types.Type(member.memberType())
+            memtype = memberType.member(environment)
+            for decl in member.declarators():
+                m = self.createMember(decl, member, environment)
+                if m != None:
+                    members.append(m)
+        dict['members'] = members
+        return dict
+    def createMemberForIce(self, decl, member, env):
+        dict = self.createDecl('member')
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        memberType = types.Type(member.memberType())
+        memtype = memberType.member(env)
+        (ctype, ltype, is_primitive) = self.getType(memberType)
+        cdict['base_type'] = ctype
+        cdict['tk'] = self.tk_map[memberType.kind()]
+        ldict['base_type'] = ltype
+        cdict['member_name'] = id.mapID(decl.identifier())
+        cdict['member_dims'] = decl.sizes()
+        ldict['member_name'] = cdict['member_name']
+        ldict['member_dims'] = cdict['member_dims']
+        if memberType.objref():
+            corba_mtype = ctype
+            local_mtype = ltype + '*'
+        else:
+            corba_mtype = ctype
+            local_mtype = ltype
+        cdict['member_type'] = corba_mtype
+        ldict['member_type'] = local_mtype
+        return dict
+    def createUnionCaseForIce(self, case, node, switchtype, environment):
+        dict = self.createDecl('union_case')
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        caseType = types.Type(case.caseType())
+        d_caseType = caseType.deref()
+        (corba_ctype, local_ctype, is_primitive) = self.getType(caseType)
+        cdict['case_type'] = corba_ctype
+        ldict['case_type'] = local_ctype
+        decl = case.declarator()
+        case_member = id.mapID(decl.identifier())
+        cdict['case_member'] = case_member
+        ldict['case_member'] = case_member
+        decl_dims = decl.sizes()
+        full_dims = decl_dims + caseType.dims()
+        is_array = full_dims != []
+        if is_array: raise "array union case type is not supported."
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        # generate default discriminator
+        def choose(switchType = switchtype,
+                   values = ast.allCaseLabelValues(node),
+                   environment = environment):
+            switchType = switchType.deref()
+            def min_unused(start, used = values):
+                x = start
+                while x in used:
+                    x = x + 1
+                return x
+            kind = switchType.type().kind()
+            if switchType.integer():
+                (low, high) = ast.integer_type_ranges[kind]
+                s = switchType.literal(min_unused(low+1))
+                return s
+            elif kind == idltype.tk_char:
+                all = map(chr, range(0, 255))
+            elif kind == idltype.tk_boolean:
+                all = [0, 1]
+            elif kind == idltype.tk_enum:
+                all = switchType.type().decl().enumerators()
+            else:
+                util.fatalError("Failed to generate a default union " +\
+                                    "discriminator value")
+            possibles = util.minus(all, values)
+            return switchType.literal(possibles[0], environment)
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        labels = case.labels()
+        if labels != []:
+            non_default_labels = filter(lambda x:not x.default(), labels)
+            if non_default_labels == []:
+                # only one label and it's the default
+                label = labels[0]
+                discrimvalue = choose()
+            elif len(non_default_labels) > 1:
+                # oooh, we have a choice. Let's pick the second one.
+                # no-one will be expecting that
+                label = non_default_labels[1]
+            else:
+                # just the one interesting label
+                label = non_default_labels[0]
+            if label.default():
+                discrimvalue = choose()
+            else:
+                discrimvalue = switchtype.literal(label.value(),
+                                                      environment)
+        cdict['discriminator'] = discrimvalue
+        ldict['discriminator'] = discrimvalue
+        if switchtype.enum():
+            corba_ns = '::' + string.join(cdict['ice_ns'], '::')
+            local_ns = '::' + string.join(ldict['iface_ns'], '::')
+            cdict['discriminator_fq'] = corba_ns + '::' + discrimvalue
+            ldict['discriminator_fq'] = local_ns + '::' + discrimvalue
+        else:
+            cdict['discriminator_fq'] = discrimvalue
+            ldict['discriminator_fq'] = discrimvalue
+        non_default_labels = filter(lambda x:not x.default(), labels)
+        return dict
+    def createTypedefForIce(self, aliasType, decl, env):
+        """
+        typedeféŒ¾‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éƒfƒBƒNƒVƒ‡ƒiƒŠ‚̐¶¬
+        corba:
+          derived_type:    “±oŒ^–¼
+          derived_fq_type: Š®‘SCü“±oŒ^–¼
+          deref_type:      ”ñŽQÆŒ^–¼
+          deref_fq_type:   Š®‘SCü”ñŽQŒ^–¼
+          tk: TypeCode
+        local:
+          derived_type:    “±oŒ^–¼
+          derived_fq_type: Š®‘SCü“±oŒ^–¼
+          deref_type:      ”ñŽQÆŒ^–¼
+          deref_fq_type:   Š®‘SCü”ñŽQŒ^–¼
+        """
+        dict = self.createDecl('typedef')
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        (cdict['base_type'], ldict['base_type'], is_primitive) = self.getType(aliasType)
+        derivedName = id.mapID(decl.identifier())
+        alias_dims = aliasType.dims()
+        cdict['derived_type'] = derivedName
+        ldict['derived_type'] = derivedName
+        corba_ns = '::' + string.join(cdict['ice_ns'], '::')
+        local_ns = '::' + string.join(ldict['iface_ns'], '::')
+        cdict['derived_type_fq'] = corba_ns + '::' + derivedName
+        ldict['derived_type_fq'] = local_ns + '::' + derivedName
+        cdict['tk'] = tk = self.tk_map[aliasType.kind()]
+        primitive = ["tk_short", "tk_long", "tk_ushort", 
+                     "tk_ulong", "tk_float", "tk_double",
+                     "tk_boolean", "tk_char", "tk_octet"]
+        if primitive.count(tk) > 0:
+            cdict['is_primitive'] = 'YES'
+        if aliasType.sequence():
+            seqType = types.Type(aliasType.type().seqType())
+            # get type of element of sequence
+            (corba_etype, local_etype, is_primitive) = self.getType(seqType)
+            cdict['element_tk'] = self.tk_map[seqType.kind()]
+            if seqType.objref():
+                cdict['element_type_fq'] = corba_etype
+                ldict['element_type_fq'] = local_etype + '*'
+            else:
+                cdict['element_type_fq'] = corba_etype
+                ldict['element_type_fq'] = local_etype
+        return dict
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # ƒIƒyƒŒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì–ß‚è’l‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚鎫‘‚ðì¬‚·‚é
+    #
+    # type_r: remote–ß‚è’l‚ÌŒ^–¼
+    # type_l: local–ß‚è’l‚ÌŒ^–¼
+    # var_r: remote–ß‚è’l‚̕ϐ”–¼
+    # var_l: local–ß‚è’l‚̕ϐ”–¼
+    # to_doil: to_remote•ÏŠ·ŠÖ”
+    # to_local: to_local•ÏŠ·ŠÖ”
+    #
+    def createReturnForIce(self, operation):
+        """
+        corba:
+          base_type:
+          ret_type:
+          decl_type:
+          tk:
+        local:
+          base_type:
+          ret_type:
+          decl_type:
+          tk:
+        """
+        dict = self.createDecl('return')
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        retType = types.Type(operation.returnType())
+        (corba_type, local_type, is_primitive) = self.getType(retType)
+        cdict['base_type'] = corba_type
+        ldict['base_type'] = local_type 
+        if is_primitive != None:
+            cdict['is_primitive'] = is_primitive
+        retn_type = types.Type(operation.returnType()).op(types.RET)
+        retn_type = retn_type.replace('Ice', '::Ice')
+        retn_type = retn_type.replace('RTC', '::RTC')
+        retn_type = retn_type.replace('SDOPackage', '::SDOPackage')
+        retn_type = retn_type.replace('::::', '::')
+        cdict['retn_type'] = retn_type
+        if retType.objref(): local_rtype = local_type + '*'
+        else:                local_rtype = local_type
+        ldict['retn_type'] = local_rtype
+        cdict['tk'] = ldict['tk'] = self.tk_map[retType.kind()]
+        if retType.deref().sequence():
+            retType = retType.deref()
+        if retType.sequence():
+            seqType = types.Type(retType.type().seqType())
+            # get type of element of sequence
+            (corba_etype, local_etype, is_primitive) = self.getType(seqType)
+            cdict['deref_tk'] = self.tk_map[seqType.kind()]
+        else:
+            derefType = retType.deref()
+            (corba_dtype, local_dtype, is_primitive) = self.getType(derefType)
+            cdict['deref_tk'] = self.tk_map[derefType.kind()]
+        return dict
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # ƒIƒyƒŒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚̈ø”‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚鎫‘‚ðì¬‚·‚é
+    #
+    # type_r: remote‚̈ø”‚ÌŒ^
+    # type_l: local‚̈ø”‚ÌŒ^
+    # var_r: remote‚̕ϐ”–¼
+    # var_l: local‚̕ϐ”–¼
+    # to_doil: to_remote•ÏŠ·ŠÖ”
+    # to_local: to_local•ÏŠ·ŠÖ”
+    #
+    def createArgsForIce(self, operation, env):
+        """
+        corba:
+          base_type:
+          arg_type:
+          arg_name:
+          var_name:
+          decl_type:
+          direction:
+          tk:
+        local:
+          base_type:
+          arg_type:
+          arg_name:
+          var_name:
+          decl_type:
+          direction:
+          tk:
+        """
+        args = []
+        direction = ['return']
+        for arg in operation.parameters():
+            # corba args information
+            dict = self.createDecl('arg')
+            cdict = dict['ice']
+            ldict = dict['local']
+            paramType = types.Type(arg.paramType())
+            (corba_type, local_type, is_primitive) = self.getType(paramType)
+            cdict['base_type'] = corba_type
+            ldict['base_type'] = local_type
+            if is_primitive != None:
+                cdict['is_primitive'] = is_primitive
+            arg_name = id.mapID(arg.identifier())
+            cdict['arg_name'] = arg_name
+            ldict['arg_name'] = arg_name
+            cdict['var_name'] = '_' + arg_name
+            ldict['var_name'] = '_' + arg_name
+            direction_val = direction[arg.direction()]
+            cdict['direction'] = direction_val
+            ldict['direction'] = direction_val
+            cdict['tk'] = ldict['tk'] = self.tk_map[paramType.kind()]
+            arg_type = paramType.op(types.direction(arg), use_out = 0)
+            arg_type = arg_type.replace('Ice', '::Ice')
+            arg_type = arg_type.replace('RTC', '::RTC')
+            arg_type = arg_type.replace('SDOPackage', '::SDOPackage')
+            arg_type = arg_type.replace('::::', '::')
+            cdict['arg_type']  = arg_type
+            out = arg.is_out()
+            self.createArg(dict, paramType, out)
+            args.append(dict)
+        return args
+    def createArgForIce(self, dict, typeobj, out):
+        (corba_type, local_type, is_primitive) = self.getType(typeobj)
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        if is_primitive != None:
+            cdict['is_primitive'] = is_primitive
+        paramType = typeobj
+        if paramType.typedef():
+            paramType = paramType.deref()
+        # primitive type
+        if paramType.is_basic_data_types():
+            if out: ldict['arg_type'] = local_type + '&'
+            else:   ldict['arg_type'] = local_type
+            ldict['var_type'] = local_type
+            cdict['var_type'] = corba_type
+        # Enum type
+        elif paramType.enum():
+            if out: ldict['arg_type'] = local_type + '&'
+            else:   ldict['arg_type'] = local_type
+            ldict['var_type'] = local_type
+            cdict['var_type'] = corba_type
+        # Struct type
+        # Sequence type
+        # Union type           
+        elif paramType.struct() or paramType.sequence() or \
+                paramType.union():
+            if out: ldict['arg_type'] = local_type + '&'
+            else:   ldict['arg_type'] = 'const '+local_type+'&'
+            ldict['var_type'] = local_type
+            cdict['var_type'] = corba_type + '*'
+        # Object type
+        elif paramType.objref():
+            if out: ldict['arg_type'] = local_type + '*'
+            else:   ldict['arg_type'] = 'const '+local_type+'*'
+            ldict['var_type'] = local_type + '*'
+            cdict['var_type'] = corba_type
+        # String type
+        # Any type
+        elif paramType.any() or paramType.string():
+            if out: ldict['arg_type'] = local_type + '&'
+            else:   ldict['arg_type'] = 'const ' + local_type + '&'
+            ldict['var_type'] = local_type
+            cdict['var_type'] = corba_type
+        else:
+            raise "UNKNOWN TYPE", (
+                self.tk_map[paramType.kind()],
+                paramType.typedef())
+    def visitEnumForIce(self, node):
+        dict = self.createDecl('enum')
+        cdict = dict['ice']
+        ldict = dict['local']
+        self.createEnumIdent(dict, node)
+        enumerators = node.enumerators()
+        memberlist = map(lambda x: id.Name(x.scopedName()).simple(),
+                         enumerators)
+        cdict['members'] = memberlist
+        ldict['members'] = memberlist
+        self.dict['tree'].append(dict)
+        return
+    # interfaces cannot be further nested
+    def visitInterfaceForIce(self, node):
+        self.__allInterfaces.append(node)
+        # listed scope and interface name
+        dict = self.createDecl('interface')
+        self.createInterfaceIdent(dict, node)
+        self.createInterfaceFileInfo(dict, node)
+        dict['inherits'] = []
+        for ihnode in ast.allInherits(node):
+            idict = self.createDecl('inherit')
+            self.createInterfaceIdent(idict, ihnode)
+            self.createInterfaceFileInfo(idict, ihnode)
+            dict['inherits'].append(idict)
+        env = id.lookup(node)
+        allInterfaces = [node]# + ast.allInherits(node)
+        allCallables = util.fold( map(lambda x:x.callables(), allInterfaces),
+                                  [], lambda x, y: x + y )
+        dict['operations'] = []
+        dict['attributes'] = []
+        for c in allCallables:
+            if isinstance(c, idlast.Attribute):
+                attrType = types.Type(c.attrType())
+                d_attrType = attrType.deref()
+                (corba_atype, local_atype, is_primitive) = self.getType(attrType)
+                for i in c.identifiers():
+                    ident = id.mapID(i)
+                    returnType = attrType.op(types.RET)
+                    inType = attrType.op(types.IN)
+                    adict = createDecl('attribute')
+                    cdict = adict['ice']
+                    ldict = adict['local']
+                    cdict['base_type'] = corba_atype;
+                    ldict['base_type'] = local_atype
+                    cdict['name'] = ident
+                    adict['return'] = self.createReturn(c)
+                    adict['arg'] = {}
+                    self.createArg(adict['arg'], attrType, False)
+                    dict['attributes'].append(adict)
+                    if c.readonly():
+                        dict['readonly'] = 'yes'
+                    dict['attributes'].append(gdict)
+            elif isinstance(c, idlast.Operation):
+                # operations
+                op_dict           = self.createOperation(c)
+                op_dict['return'] = self.createReturn(c)
+                op_dict['args']   = self.createArgs(c, env)
+                dict['operations'].append(op_dict)
+            else:
+                util.fatalError("Internal error generating interface member")
+                raise "No code for interface member: " + repr(c)
+#        self.dict['interfaces'].append(dict)
+        self.dict['tree'].append(dict)
+        return

Modified: branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/doil/ice/__init__.py
--- branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/doil/ice/__init__.py	2014-02-17 03:30:45 UTC (rev 2510)
+++ branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/doil/ice/__init__.py	2014-02-17 09:20:37 UTC (rev 2511)
@@ -1,23 +1,147 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: shift_jis -*-
 # -*- python -*-
-#  @file iceadapter/__init__.py
-#  @brief doil ice adapter generator for omniidl backend
-#  @date $Date$
-#  @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# @file omniidl_be/doil/ice/__init__.py
+# @brief ice servant/adapter code generator for doil backend
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Norkai Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
 #  Copyright (C) 2008
 #      Task-intelligence Research Group,
 #      Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
 #      National Institute of
 #          Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
 #      All rights reserved.
-#  $Id$
+# $Id$
-#from omniidl_be.doil.iceadapter import main
+import os
-def run(tree):
-    print "## doil ice adapter generator has not been implemented yet."
-    print "## sorry :-p"
+from omniidl_be.doil.ice import template
+import omniidl_be.doil.yat as yat
+keys = ['idl_fname', 'idl_includes',
+        'types_h', 'types_h_path', 
+        'typeconv_h', 'typeconv_h_path',
+        'include_h']
+decl_map = {
+    'interface': {
+        'decl': template.object_conv_h,    'impl': template.object_conv_cpp},
+    'struct':    {
+        'decl': template.struct_conv_h,    'impl': template.struct_conv_cpp},
+    'union':     {
+        'decl': template.union_conv_h,     'impl': template.union_conv_cpp},
+    'enum':      {
+        'decl': template.enum_conv_h,      'impl': template.enum_conv_cpp},
+    'exception': {
+        'decl': template.exception_conv_h, 'impl': template.exception_conv_cpp},
+    'typedef':   {
+        'decl': template.typedef_decl_h,   'impl': template.typedef_dec_cpp}
+def generate_servant(dict):
+    for d in dict['tree']:
+        if d['ice']['decl_type'] == 'interface':
+            ifdict = {}
+            for key in keys:
+                ifdict[key] = dict[key]
+            ifdict.update(d)
+            t = yat.Template(template.servant_h)
+            text = t.generate(ifdict)
+            fname = d['local']['servant_h']
+            f = open(fname, "w")
+            f.write(text)
+            f.close()
+            t = yat.Template(template.servant_cpp)
+            text = t.generate(ifdict)
+            fname = d['local']['servant_cpp']
+            f = open(fname, "w")
+            f.write(text)
+            f.close()
+def generate_adapter(dict):
+    for d in dict['tree']:
+        if d['ice']['decl_type'] == 'interface':
+            ifdict = {}
+            for key in keys:
+                ifdict[key] = dict[key]
+            ifdict.update(d)
+            t = yat.Template(template.adapter_h)
+            text = t.generate(ifdict)
+            fname = d['local']['adapter_h']
+            f = open(fname, "w")
+            f.write(text)
+            f.close()
+            t = yat.Template(template.adapter_cpp)
+            text = t.generate(ifdict)
+            fname = d['local']['adapter_cpp']
+            f = open(fname, "w")
+            f.write(text)
+            f.close()
+def generate_proxy(dict):
+    for d in dict['tree']:
+        if d['ice']['decl_type'] == 'interface':
+            ifdict = {}
+            for key in keys:
+                ifdict[key] = dict[key]
+            ifdict.update(d)
+            t = yat.Template(template.proxy_h)
+            text = t.generate(ifdict)
+            fname = d['local']['proxy_h']
+            f = open(fname, "w")
+            f.write(text)
+            f.close()
+            t = yat.Template(template.proxy_cpp)
+            text = t.generate(ifdict)
+            fname = d['local']['proxy_cpp']
+            f = open(fname, "w")
+            f.write(text)
+            f.close()
+def generate_types(dict):
+    decl = []
+    impl = []
+    for d in dict['tree']:
+        decl_type = d['decl_type']
+        if not decl_map.has_key(decl_type): continue
+        decl_temp = yat.Template(decl_map[decl_type]['decl'])
+        decl_text = decl_temp.generate(d)
+        decl.append(decl_text)
+        impl_temp = yat.Template(decl_map[decl_type]['impl'])
+        impl_text = impl_temp.generate(d)
+        impl.append(impl_text)
+    dict['declarations'] = decl
+    dict['implementations'] = impl
+    typeconv_h   = dict['typeconv_h']
+    typeconv_cpp = dict['typeconv_cpp']
+    t = yat.Template(template.typeconv_h)
+    f = open(typeconv_h, "w")
+    text = t.generate(dict)
+    f.write(text)
+    f.close()
+    t = yat.Template(template.typeconv_cpp)
+    f = open(typeconv_cpp, "w")
+    text = t.generate(dict)
+    f.write(text)
+    f.close()

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