[openrtm-commit:00952] r393 - in trunk/rtmtools: . sitetool

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2013年 1月 29日 (火) 14:42:50 JST

Author: n-ando
Date: 2013-01-29 14:42:49 +0900 (Tue, 29 Jan 2013)
New Revision: 393

Build plugins/features systems have been updated. Now build_plugins/build_features/build_all script-set should be used.

Copied: trunk/rtmtools/build_all (from rev 390, trunk/rtmtools/buildall.sh)
--- trunk/rtmtools/build_all	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/build_all	2013-01-29 05:42:49 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# @file buildall.sh
+# @brief rtmtools build script
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# update:
+# cerate:Sep/11/2008
+# * How to build rtmtools
+# ** Required environment
+# The following development environment and tools are required to
+# build rtmtools.
+# - jdk
+# - ant
+# - Eclipse SDK (3.4 or later is required.)
+# ** Before build tools
+# Please edit "version" text to set version number of the tools. This
+# is a kind of bash script.
+# Example:
+# -------
+# VERSION=1.1.0
+# PROJECT_VERSION=${VERSION}.rc7v$(date +%Y%m%d)
+# ** Environment variables
+# To build rtmtools, some environmental variables can be set. In most
+# case, these variables are automatically set.
+# - ECLIPSE_HOME: A directory path to an Eclipse SDK. Under this
+#                 directory, .eclipseproduct, eclipse.ini, plugins and
+#                 eclipse executable should exist. If this
+#                 env.variable is not set, this script tries to search
+#                 eclipse directory under some directories that is set
+#                 in a env.variable ECLIPSE_DIRS written in the head
+#                 of this script.
+# - JAVA_HOME: A directory JDK installed. If this variable is not set,
+#                 this script tries to estimate JDK directory to
+#                 resolve symbolic link of javac executable.
+# - VERSION: A simple version number for the tools like 1.1.1. This is
+#                 used for actual bundles' version number with
+#                 PROJECT_VERSION number.
+# - PROJECT_VERSION: Project version number is full version string
+#                 with simple version and suffix like
+#                 rc120121212. This version string is used actual jar
+#                 file name.
+# - JARDIR: A directory to store jar files. Default directory is "jar".
+#                 This directory is  temporary jar files store place.
+# - DISTDIR: A directory to be archived for distribution package.
+#                 This directory name becomes archive package name.
+#                 Default name is openrtm-x.y.z. x, y, z are version
+#                 number which is defined in version text file.
+# Global variables
+# Default build taget
+# Default
+# target projects
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.profiles.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.java
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor.nl1"
+# Eclipse search directories
+ECLIPSE_DIRS="$HOME/eclipse ../ ../../ ../../ $HOME /usr/lib/ /usr/share"
+# functions
+# getopt
+# This function gets command line options
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test $# = 1 ; then
+        arg=$1
+        if test "x$arg" = "xclean" ; then
+            TARGET=$1
+            return 0
+        fi
+        if test "x$arg" = "xrevert" ; then
+            echo "Reverting updated MANIFEST.MF..."
+            mf=`svn status | grep '^M' | grep MANIFEST.MF | awk '{print $2;}'`
+            for m in $mf; do
+                rm $m
+                svn update $m
+            done
+            exit 0
+        fi
+    fi
+# get_version
+# This function gets version number and project version string
+# from version text file.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test "x$VERSION" = "x" || test "x$PROJECT_VERSION" = "x" ; then
+        echo "Environment variable VERSION/PROJECT_VERSION is not set."
+        echo "Getting from ./version text."
+        . ./version
+    fi
+    export VERSION
+    if test "x$DISTDIR" = "x" ; then
+        DISTDIR=openrtp-$VERSION
+    fi
+    if test "x$JARDIR" = "x" ; then
+    fi
+# find_eclipsehome
+# This function checks ECLIPSE_HOME env variable and if it is
+# not set, it searches an eclipse directory under ECLIPSE_DIRS,
+# and set ECLIPSE_HOME env variable.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test ! "x$ECLIPSE_HOME" = "x" ; then
+        if test -d $ECLIPSE_HOME ; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+        echo "ECLIPSE_HOME $ECLIPSE_HOME does not exist."
+    fi
+    echo "Environment variable ECLIPSE_HOME is not set. Seaching..."
+    for d in $ECLIPSE_DIRS ; do
+        tmp=`find -L $d -name .eclipseproduct`
+        if test "x$tmp" = "x" ; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        for e in $tmp ; do
+            edir=`dirname $e`
+            if test -f $edir/eclipse.ini && test -d $edir/plugins ; then
+                export ECLIPSE_HOME="$edir"
+                return 0
+            fi
+        done
+    done
+    echo "eclipse not found. Please install eclipse and set ECLIPSE_HOME."
+    exit 1
+# find_javahome
+# This function estimate JAVA_HOME from javac, which usually
+# is a symbolic link to $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac.
+    if test ! "x$JAVA_HOME" = "x" ; then
+        if test -d $JAVA_HOME && test -f $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac ; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+        echo "JDK cannot be found under JAVA_HOME: $JAVA_HOME"
+    fi
+    echo "Valid Environment variable JAVA_HOME is not set. Searching..."
+    tmp=`readlink -e $(which javac)`
+    jdk_path=`dirname $tmp | sed 's/\/bin$//'`
+    if test "x$jdk_path" = "x" ; then
+        echo "JDK not found. Please install JDK and set JAVA_HOME."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    export JAVA_HOME=$jdk_path
+    return 0
+# main
+export LC_ALL=C
+cd `dirname $0`
+getopt $*
+if test "x$TARGET" = "xclean" ; then
+    ./build_plugins clean
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "[ERROR] cleaning plugins failed. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    ./build_features clean
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "[ERROR] cleaning features failed. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "[OK] cleaning plugins/features successfully done."
+    exit 0
+    ./build_plugins
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "[ERROR] build plugins failed. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    ./build_features
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "[ERROR] build features failed. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "[OK] building plugins/features successfully done."
+exit 0
+# end of script

Added: trunk/rtmtools/build_features
--- trunk/rtmtools/build_features	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/build_features	2013-01-29 05:42:49 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# @file build_features
+# @brief rtmtools feature build script
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# * How to build rtmtools
+# ** Required environment
+# The following development environment and tools are required to
+# build rtmtools.
+# - jdk
+# - ant
+# - Eclipse SDK (3.4 or later is required.)
+# ** Before build tools
+# Please edit "version" text to set version number of the tools. This
+# is a kind of bash script.
+# Example:
+# -------
+# VERSION=1.1.0
+# PROJECT_VERSION=${VERSION}.rc7v$(date +%Y%m%d)
+# ** Environment variables
+# To build rtmtools, some environmental variables can be set. In most
+# case, these variables are automatically set.
+# - ECLIPSE_HOME: A directory path to an Eclipse SDK. Under this
+#                 directory, .eclipseproduct, eclipse.ini, plugins and
+#                 eclipse executable should exist. If this
+#                 env.variable is not set, this script tries to search
+#                 eclipse directory under some directories that is set
+#                 in a env.variable ECLIPSE_DIRS written in the head
+#                 of this script.
+# - JAVA_HOME: A directory JDK installed. If this variable is not set,
+#                 this script tries to estimate JDK directory to
+#                 resolve symbolic link of javac executable.
+# - VERSION: A simple version number for the tools like 1.1.1. This is
+#                 used for actual bundles' version number with
+#                 PROJECT_VERSION number.
+# - PROJECT_VERSION: Project version number is full version string
+#                 with simple version and suffix like
+#                 rc120121212. This version string is used actual jar
+#                 file name.
+# - JARDIR: A directory to store jar files. Default directory is "jar".
+#                 This directory is  temporary jar files store place.
+# - DISTDIR: A directory to be archived for distribution package.
+#                 This directory name becomes archive package name.
+#                 Default name is openrtm-x.y.z. x, y, z are version
+#                 number which is defined in version text file.
+# - PLUGINS_DIR: A directory rtmtools plugins stored. Plugin versions
+#                 should be same as versions which obtained from
+#                 version text file. Usually this variable can be set
+#                 automatically as $JARDIR.
+# - ANT_DiR: Eclipse ant plugin directory. This variable would be set
+#                 automatically as
+#                 ECLIPSE_HOME/org.apache.ant.<something>.
+# Eclipse search directories
+ECLIPSE_DIRS="$HOME/eclipse $HOME ../ ../../ ../..//usr/lib/ /usr/share"
+# Ant eclipse plugin location
+# Default
+# target projects
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.profiles.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.java
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor.nl1"
+# functions
+# getopt
+# This function gets command line options
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test $# = 1 ; then
+        arg=$1
+        if test "x$arg" = "xclean" ; then
+            TARGET=$1
+            return 0
+        fi
+    fi
+# get_version
+# This function gets version number and project version string
+# from version text file.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test "x$VERSION" = "x" || test "x$PROJECT_VERSION" = "x" ; then
+        echo "Environment variable VERSION/PROJECT_VERSION is not set."
+        echo "Getting from ./version text."
+        . ./version
+    fi
+    export VERSION
+    if test "x$DISTDIR" = "x" ; then
+        DISTDIR=openrtp-$VERSION
+    fi
+    if test "x$JARDIR" = "x" ; then
+    fi
+# find_eclipsehome
+# This function checks ECLIPSE_HOME env variable and if it is
+# not set, it searches an eclipse directory under ECLIPSE_DIRS,
+# and set ECLIPSE_HOME env variable.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test ! "x$ECLIPSE_HOME" = "x" ; then
+        if test -d $ECLIPSE_HOME ; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+        echo "ECLIPSE_HOME $ECLIPSE_HOME does not exist."
+    fi
+    echo "Environment variable ECLIPSE_HOME is not set. Seaching..."
+    for d in $ECLIPSE_DIRS ; do
+        tmp=`find -L $d -name .eclipseproduct`
+        if test "x$tmp" = "x" ; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        for e in $tmp ; do
+            edir=`dirname $e`
+            if test -f $edir/eclipse.ini && test -d $edir/plugins ; then
+                export ECLIPSE_HOME="$edir"
+                return 0
+            fi
+        done
+    done
+    echo "eclipse not found. Please install eclipse and set ECLIPSE_HOME."
+    exit 1
+# find_javahome
+# This function estimate JAVA_HOME from javac, which usually
+# is a symbolic link to $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac.
+    if test ! "x$JAVA_HOME" = "x" ; then
+        if test -d $JAVA_HOME && test -f $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac ; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+        echo "JDK cannot be found under JAVA_HOME: $JAVA_HOME"
+    fi
+    echo "Valid Environment variable JAVA_HOME is not set. Searching..."
+    tmp=`readlink -e $(which javac)`
+    jdk_path=`dirname $tmp | sed 's/\/bin$//'`
+    if test "x$jdk_path" = "x" ; then
+        echo "JDK not found. Please install JDK and set JAVA_HOME."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    export JAVA_HOME=$jdk_path
+    return 0
+# find_antplugin
+# This function find Eclipse's and plugin under ECLIPSE_HOME.
+    if test ! "x$ANT_HOME" = "x" ; then
+        echo "ANT_HOME: $ANT_HOME is set."
+        if test -d $ANT_HOME ; then
+            echo "ANT_HOME: $ANT_HOME exists. Contents are the following."
+            ls $ANT_HOME
+            return 0
+        fi
+        echo "ANT_HOME directory $ANT_HOME not found. Searching other Ant..."
+    else
+        echo "Environment variable ANT_HOME does not exist. Searching..."
+    fi
+    other_ant=`find $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'org.apache.ant*'`
+    echo "Found: $other_ant"
+    if test "x$other_ant" = "x" ; then
+        echo "Ant plugin was not found."
+        echo "Please install eclipse with ant plugin such as org.apache.ant.*"
+        echo "Aborting."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    for a in $other_ant ; do
+        ANT_HOME=$other_ant
+        echo "ANT_HOME: $ANT_HOME is set."
+        return 0
+    done
+# check_plugins
+    if test ! "x$PLUGINS_DIR" = "x" ; then
+    fi
+    echo "Checking plugin jar files..."
+    for p in $PROJECTS ; do
+        tmp="${p}_${PROJECT_VERSION}.jar"
+        if test ! -f `pwd`/$JARDIR/$tmp ; then
+            echo "[ERROR] $tmp not found"
+            echo "Please build plugins at first."
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        echo "[OK]    $tmp found"
+    done
+    echo "PLUGINS_DIR: $JARDIR is set."
+    return 0
+# build_features
+# Building features:
+# - copying plugins
+# - signing plugins
+# - building features
+# - copying features
+    echo "Getting plugins (get.plugins)"
+    ant -lib lib get.plugins
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "Error in get.plugins target. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Signing features (feature.sign.gen)"
+    ant -lib lib feature.sign.gen
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "Error in feature.sign.gen target. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Building features (build.features)"
+    ant -lib lib build.features
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "Error in build.features target. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Deploying features to site (deploy.site)"
+    ant -lib lib deploy.site
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "Error in deploy.site target. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Cleaning features."
+    ant -lib lib clean
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "Cleaning features failed. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+# main
+export LC_ALL=C
+cd `dirname $0`
+getopt $*
+# [clean] case
+if test "x$TARGET" = "xclean" ; then
+    echo "Starting to clean features."
+    cd sitetool
+    clean_features
+# [build] case
+    echo "Starting to build features."
+    find_eclipsehome
+    find_antplugin
+    check_plugins
+    export ANT_HOME
+    export PLUGINS_DIR
+    export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin
+    echo "ANT_HOME=${ANT_HOME}"
+    echo "PATH=${PATH}"
+    cd sitetool
+    build_features
+exit 0
+# EOF

Property changes on: trunk/rtmtools/build_features
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/rtmtools/build_plugins
--- trunk/rtmtools/build_plugins	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/build_plugins	2013-01-29 05:42:49 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# @file build_plugins
+# @brief rtmtools plugins build script
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# * How to build rtmtools
+# ** Required environment
+# The following development environment and tools are required to
+# build rtmtools.
+# - jdk
+# - ant
+# - Eclipse SDK (3.4 or later is required.)
+# ** Before build tools
+# Please edit "version" text to set version number of the tools. This
+# is a kind of bash script.
+# Example:
+# -------
+# VERSION=1.1.0
+# PROJECT_VERSION=${VERSION}.rc7v$(date +%Y%m%d)
+# ** Environment variables
+# To build rtmtools, some environmental variables can be set. In most
+# case, these variables are automatically set.
+# - ECLIPSE_HOME: A directory path to an Eclipse SDK. Under this
+#                 directory, .eclipseproduct, eclipse.ini, plugins and
+#                 eclipse executable should exist. If this
+#                 env.variable is not set, this script tries to search
+#                 eclipse directory under some directories that is set
+#                 in a env.variable ECLIPSE_DIRS written in the head
+#                 of this script.
+# - JAVA_HOME: A directory JDK installed. If this variable is not set,
+#                 this script tries to estimate JDK directory to
+#                 resolve symbolic link of javac executable.
+# - VERSION: A simple version number for the tools like 1.1.1. This is
+#                 used for actual bundles' version number with
+#                 PROJECT_VERSION number.
+# - PROJECT_VERSION: Project version number is full version string
+#                 with simple version and suffix like
+#                 rc120121212. This version string is used actual jar
+#                 file name.
+# - JARDIR: A directory to store jar files. Default directory is "jar".
+#                 This directory is  temporary jar files store place.
+# - DISTDIR: A directory to be archived for distribution package.
+#                 This directory name becomes archive package name.
+#                 Default name is openrtm-x.y.z. x, y, z are version
+#                 number which is defined in version text file.
+# Global variables
+# Default build taget
+# Default
+# target projects
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.profiles.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.java
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview.nl1
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor
+    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor.nl1"
+# Eclipse search directories
+ECLIPSE_DIRS="$HOME/eclipse ../ ../../ ../../ $HOME /usr/lib/ /usr/share"
+# functions
+# getopt
+# This function gets command line options
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test $# = 1 ; then
+        arg=$1
+        if test "x$arg" = "xclean" ; then
+            TARGET=$1
+            return 0
+        fi
+        if test "x$arg" = "xrevert" ; then
+            echo "Reverting updated MANIFEST.MF..."
+            mf=`svn status | grep '^M' | grep MANIFEST.MF | awk '{print $2;}'`
+            for m in $mf; do
+                rm $m
+                svn update $m
+            done
+            exit 0
+        fi
+    fi
+# get_version
+# This function gets version number and project version string
+# from version text file.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test "x$VERSION" = "x" || test "x$PROJECT_VERSION" = "x" ; then
+        echo "Environment variable VERSION/PROJECT_VERSION is not set."
+        echo "Getting from ./version text."
+        . ./version
+    fi
+    export VERSION
+    if test "x$DISTDIR" = "x" ; then
+        DISTDIR=openrtp-$VERSION
+    fi
+    if test "x$JARDIR" = "x" ; then
+    fi
+# find_eclipsehome
+# This function checks ECLIPSE_HOME env variable and if it is
+# not set, it searches an eclipse directory under ECLIPSE_DIRS,
+# and set ECLIPSE_HOME env variable.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+    if test ! "x$ECLIPSE_HOME" = "x" ; then
+        if test -d $ECLIPSE_HOME ; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+        echo "ECLIPSE_HOME $ECLIPSE_HOME does not exist."
+    fi
+    echo "Environment variable ECLIPSE_HOME is not set. Seaching..."
+    for d in $ECLIPSE_DIRS ; do
+        tmp=`find -L $d -name .eclipseproduct`
+        if test "x$tmp" = "x" ; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        for e in $tmp ; do
+            edir=`dirname $e`
+            if test -f $edir/eclipse.ini && test -d $edir/plugins ; then
+                export ECLIPSE_HOME="$edir"
+                return 0
+            fi
+        done
+    done
+    echo "eclipse not found. Please install eclipse and set ECLIPSE_HOME."
+    exit 1
+# find_javahome
+# This function estimate JAVA_HOME from javac, which usually
+# is a symbolic link to $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac.
+    if test ! "x$JAVA_HOME" = "x" ; then
+        if test -d $JAVA_HOME && test -f $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac ; then
+            return 0
+        fi
+        echo "JDK cannot be found under JAVA_HOME: $JAVA_HOME"
+    fi
+    echo "Valid Environment variable JAVA_HOME is not set. Searching..."
+    tmp=`readlink -e $(which javac)`
+    jdk_path=`dirname $tmp | sed 's/\/bin$//'`
+    if test "x$jdk_path" = "x" ; then
+        echo "JDK not found. Please install JDK and set JAVA_HOME."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    export JAVA_HOME=$jdk_path
+    return 0
+# check_plugins
+    if test "x$JARDIR" = "x" ; then
+        echo "Env variable JARDIR is not set. Aborting."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Checking plugin jar files..."
+    for p in $PROJECTS ; do
+        tmp="${p}_${PROJECT_VERSION}.jar"
+        if test ! -f $JARDIR/$tmp ; then
+            echo "[ERROR] $tmp not found"
+            return 1
+        fi
+        echo "[OK]    $tmp found"
+    done
+# cleanup_jardir
+# Cleanup jar directory
+    if test -f $DISTDIR.zip ; then
+        rm -f $DISTDIR.zip
+    fi
+    if test -d $DISTDIR; then
+        rm -rf $DISTDIR
+    fi
+    if test -d $JARDIR; then
+        rm -rf $JARDIR
+    fi
+    mkdir $DISTDIR
+    mkdir $JARDIR
+# do_ant <TARGET>
+# Invoke Ant build by buildAll target for each projects.
+    target=$TARGET
+    for project in $PROJECTS; do
+        if test -d $project; then
+            echo "- Starting ant build of project: $project"
+            cd $project
+            ant $target $LIBS
+            if test $? -ne 0; then
+                echo "[ERROR] build failed: " $project
+                echo "Aborting..."
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            echo "Copying created jar file into $DISTDIR..."
+            cp jar/*aist*.jar ../$DISTDIR
+            cp jar/*aist*.jar ../$JARDIR
+            cd ..
+        else
+            echo "Project: $project does not exist"
+            echo "Skipping..."
+        fi
+    done
+# create_zip
+# Create ZIP archive of built plugin files.
+    echo "Creating ZIP archive of plugins jar files."
+    zipfile=$DISTDIR.zip
+    if test -f $zipfile ; then
+        rm $zipfile
+    fi
+    zip $zipfile -r ./$DISTDIR
+    if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+        echo "Faild to create ZIP file: $zipfile created"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        echo "ZIP file: $zipfile created"
+    fi
+# main
+export LC_ALL=C
+cd `dirname $0`
+getopt $*
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Environment variables:"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
+LIBS="-lib ../lib -lib $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins"
+do_ant $TARGET
+# Check and finalize Ant results
+if test "x$TARGET" = "xclean" ; then
+    # cleanup jar directories
+    rm -rf $DISTDIR
+    rm -rf $JARDIR
+    exit 0
+elif test "x$TARGET" = "xbuildAll" ; then
+    check_plugins
+    if test $? -ne 0 ;then
+        echo "Build failed? Some jar files are not found. Aborting..."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    create_zip
+exit 0
+# end of script

Property changes on: trunk/rtmtools/build_plugins
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/buildall.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/buildall.sh	2013-01-25 16:04:06 UTC (rev 392)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/buildall.sh	2013-01-29 05:42:49 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# @file buildall.sh
-# @brief rtmtools build script
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# update:
-# cerate:Sep/11/2008
-# * How to build rtmtools
-# ** Required environment
-# The following development environment and tools are required to
-# build rtmtools.
-# - jdk
-# - ant
-# - Eclipse SDK (3.4 or later is required.)
-# ** Before build tools
-# Please edit "version" text to set version number of the tools. This
-# is a kind of bash script.
-# Example:
-# -------
-# VERSION=1.1.0
-# PROJECT_VERSION=${VERSION}.rc7v$(date +%Y%m%d)
-# ** Environment variables
-# To build rtmtools, some environmental variables can be set. In most
-# case, these variables are automatically set.
-# - ECLIPSE_HOME: A directory path to an Eclipse SDK. Under this
-#                 directory, .eclipseproduct, eclipse.ini, plugins and
-#                 eclipse executable should exist. If this
-#                 env.variable is not set, this script tries to search
-#                 eclipse directory under some directories that is set
-#                 in a env.variable ECLIPSE_DIRS written in the head
-#                 of this script.
-# - JAVA_HOME: A directory JDK installed. If this variable is not set,
-#                 this script tries to estimate JDK directory to
-#                 resolve symbolic link of javac executable.
-# - VERSION: A simple version number for the tools like 1.1.1. This is
-#                 used for actual bundles' version number with
-#                 PROJECT_VERSION number.
-# - PROJECT_VERSION: Project version number is full version string
-#                 with simple version and suffix like
-#                 rc120121212. This version string is used actual jar
-#                 file name.
-# - JARDIR: A directory to store jar files. Default directory is "jar".
-#                 This directory is  temporary jar files store place.
-# - DISTDIR: A directory to be archived for distribution package.
-#                 This directory name becomes archive package name.
-#                 Default name is openrtm-x.y.z. x, y, z are version
-#                 number which is defined in version text file.
-# Global variables
-# Default build taget
-# Default
-# target projects
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.profiles.nl1
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.nl1
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.nl1
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.java
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.repositoryView.nl1
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.nameserviceview.nl1
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor
-    jp.go.aist.rtm.systemeditor.nl1"
-# Eclipse search directories
-ECLIPSE_DIRS="../ ../../ ../../ $HOME /usr/lib/ /usr/share"
-# functions
-# find_eclipsehome
-# This function checks ECLIPSE_HOME env variable and if it is
-# not set, it searches an eclipse directory under ECLIPSE_DIRS,
-# and set ECLIPSE_HOME env variable.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
-    if test ! "x$ECLIPSE_HOME" = "x" ; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    echo "Environment variable ECLIPSE_HOME is not set. Seaching..."
-    for d in $ECLIPSE_DIRS ; do
-        tmp=`find $d -name .eclipseproduct`
-        if test "x$tmp" = "x" ; then
-            continue
-        fi
-        for e in $tmp ; do
-            edir=`dirname $e`
-            if test -f $edir/eclipse.ini && test -d $edir/plugins ; then
-                export ECLIPSE_HOME="$edir"
-                return 0
-            fi
-        done
-    done
-    echo "eclipse not found. Please install eclipse and set ECLIPSE_HOME."
-    exit 1
-# find_javahome
-# This function estimate JAVA_HOME from javac, which usually
-# is a symbolic link to $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac.
-    if test ! "x$JAVA_HOME" = "x" ; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    echo "Environment variable JAVA_HOME is not set. Searching..."
-    tmp=`readlink -e $(which javac)`
-    jdk_path=`dirname $tmp | sed 's/\/bin$//'`
-    if test "x$jdk_path" = "x" ; then
-        echo "JDK not found. Please install JDK and set JAVA_HOME."
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    export JAVA_HOME=$jdk_path
-    return 0
-    if test "x$VERSION" = "x" || test "x$PROJECT_VERSION" = "x" ; then
-        echo "Environment variable VERSION/PROJECT_VERSION is not set."
-        echo "Getting from ./version text."
-        . ./version
-    fi
-    if test "x$DISTDIR" = "x" ; then
-        DISTDIR=openrtp-$VERSION
-    fi
-    if test "x$JARDIR" = "x" ; then
-    fi
-# cleanup_jardir
-# Cleanup jar directory
-    if test -f $DISTDIR.zip ; then
-        rm -f $DISTDIR.zip
-    fi
-    if test -d $DISTDIR; then
-        rm -rf $DISTDIR
-    fi
-    if test -d $JARDIR; then
-        rm -rf $JARDIR
-    fi
-    mkdir $DISTDIR
-    mkdir $JARDIR
-    for project in $PROJECTS; do
-        if test -d $project; then
-            echo "- Starting ant build of project: $project"
-            cd $project
-            ant $TARGET $LIBS
-            if test $? -ne 0; then
-                echo "[ERROR] build failed: " $project
-                echo "Aborting..."
-                exit 1
-            fi
-            echo "Copying created jar file into $DISTDIR..."
-            cp jar/*aist*.jar ../$DISTDIR
-            cp jar/*aist*.jar ../$JARDIR
-            cd ..
-        else
-            echo "Project: $project does not exist"
-            echo "Skipping..."
-        fi
-    done
-    if test -f $DISTDIR.zip ; then
-        rm $DISTDIR.zip
-    fi
-    zip $DISTDIR.zip -r ./$DISTDIR
-    if test $# = 1 ; then
-        arg=$1
-        if test "x$arg" = "xclean" ; then
-            TARGET=$1
-            return 0
-        fi
-        if test "x$arg" = "xrevert" ; then
-            echo "Reverting updated MANIFEST.MF..."
-            mf=`svn status | grep '^M' | grep MANIFEST.MF | awk '{print $2;}'`
-            for m in $mf; do
-                rm $m
-                svn update $m
-            done
-            exit 0
-        fi
-    fi
-# main
-getopt $*
-LIBS="-lib ../lib -lib $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins"
-if test "x$TARGET" = "xclean" ; then
-    rm -rf $DISTDIR
-    rm -rf $JARDIR
-    exit 0
-exit 0
-# end of script

Modified: trunk/rtmtools/sitetool/build.xml
--- trunk/rtmtools/sitetool/build.xml	2013-01-25 16:04:06 UTC (rev 392)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/sitetool/build.xml	2013-01-29 05:42:49 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -10,13 +10,21 @@
 	<property name="eclipse.dir" value="eclipse" />
 	<property name="launcher.id" value="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher" />
+	<property name="temp.build.dir" value="build" />
 	<property name="temp.plugins.dir" value="build/plugins" />
 	<property name="temp.features.dir" value="build/features" />
 	<property name="temp.site.dir" value="build/site" />
+	<property name="temp.backup.dir" value="backup" />
 	<!-- 更新サイトに関する設定 -->
 	<property name="site_proj.dir" value="${basedir}/openrtp_site" />
+	<property name="site_proj.plugins.dir"
+			  value="${site_proj.dir}/plugins"  />
+	<property name="site_proj.features.dir"
+			  value="${site_proj.dir}/features"  />
 	<property name="update_site.name" value="OpenRTP Updates" />
 	<!-- フィーチャ(RTCBuilder)に関する設定 -->
@@ -150,9 +158,18 @@
 	<target name="clean" description="中間生成ファイルの削除">
-		<delete dir="${temp.plugins.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${temp.features.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${temp.site.dir}" />
+		<delete dir="${temp.plugins.dir}" quiet="true" />
+		<delete dir="${temp.features.dir}" quiet="true" />
+		<delete dir="${temp.site.dir}" quiet="true" />
+		<delete dir="${temp.build.dir}" quiet="true" />
+		<delete dir="${temp.backup.dir}" quiet="true" />
+		<delete dir="${site_proj.plugins.dir}" quiet="true" />
+		<delete dir="${site_proj.features.dir}" quiet="true" />
+		<delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true">
+			<fileset dir="." includes="**/*.log" />
+			<fileset dir="${site_proj.dir}" includes="**/*.jar" />
+			<fileset dir="conf" includes="**/*.keystore" />
+		</delete>

Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/sitetool/run.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/sitetool/run.sh	2013-01-25 16:04:06 UTC (rev 392)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/sitetool/run.sh	2013-01-29 05:42:49 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# @file buildall.sh
-# @brief rtmtools build script
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# update:
-# cerate:Sep/11/2008
-# * How to build rtmtools
-# ** Required environment
-# The following development environment and tools are required to
-# build rtmtools.
-# - jdk
-# - ant
-# - Eclipse SDK (3.4 or later is required.)
-# ** Before build tools
-# Please edit "version" text to set version number of the tools. This
-# is a kind of bash script.
-# Example:
-# -------
-# VERSION=1.1.0
-# PROJECT_VERSION=${VERSION}.rc7v$(date +%Y%m%d)
-# ** Environment variables
-# To build rtmtools, some environmental variables can be set. In most
-# case, these variables are automatically set.
-# - ECLIPSE_HOME: A directory path to an Eclipse SDK. Under this
-#                 directory, .eclipseproduct, eclipse.ini, plugins and
-#                 eclipse executable should exist. If this
-#                 env.variable is not set, this script tries to search
-#                 eclipse directory under some directories that is set
-#                 in a env.variable ECLIPSE_DIRS written in the head
-#                 of this script.
-# - JAVA_HOME: A directory JDK installed. If this variable is not set,
-#                 this script tries to estimate JDK directory to
-#                 resolve symbolic link of javac executable.
-# - VERSION: A simple version number for the tools like 1.1.1. This is
-#                 used for actual bundles' version number with
-#                 PROJECT_VERSION number.
-# - PROJECT_VERSION: Project version number is full version string
-#                 with simple version and suffix like
-#                 rc120121212. This version string is used actual jar
-#                 file name.
-# - JARDIR: A directory to store jar files. Default directory is "jar".
-#                 This directory is  temporary jar files store place.
-# - DISTDIR: A directory to be archived for distribution package.
-#                 This directory name becomes archive package name.
-#                 Default name is openrtm-x.y.z. x, y, z are version
-#                 number which is defined in version text file.
-# Eclipse search directories
-ECLIPSE_DIRS="$HOME/eclipse $HOME ../ ../../ ../..//usr/lib/ /usr/share"
-# Ant eclipse plugin location
-# functions
-# find_eclipsehome
-# This function checks ECLIPSE_HOME env variable and if it is
-# not set, it searches an eclipse directory under ECLIPSE_DIRS,
-# and set ECLIPSE_HOME env variable.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
-    if test ! "x$ECLIPSE_HOME" = "x" ; then
-        if test -d $ECLIPSE_HOME ; then
-            return 0
-        fi
-        echo "ECLIPSE_HOME $ECLIPSE_HOME does not exist."
-    fi
-    echo "Environment variable ECLIPSE_HOME is not set. Seaching..."
-    for d in $ECLIPSE_DIRS ; do
-        tmp=`find -L $d -name .eclipseproduct`
-        if test "x$tmp" = "x" ; then
-            continue
-        fi
-        for e in $tmp ; do
-            edir=`dirname $e`
-            if test -f $edir/eclipse.ini && test -d $edir/plugins ; then
-                export ECLIPSE_HOME="$edir"
-                return 0
-            fi
-        done
-    done
-    echo "eclipse not found. Please install eclipse and set ECLIPSE_HOME."
-    exit 1
-    if test ! "x$ANT_HOME" = "x" ; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    echo "Environment variable ANT_HOME does not exist. Searching..."
-    if test ! -d $ANT_HOME ; then
-        echo "ANT_HOME $ANT_HOME does not exist. Finding another ant plugin."
-        other_ant=`find $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'org.apache.ant*'`
-        echo $other_ant
-        if test "x$other_ant" = "x" ; then
-            echo "Ant plugin was not found. Aborting."
-            return 1
-        fi
-        ANT_HOME=$other_ant
-    fi
-    if test "x$PLUGINS_DIR" = "x" ; then
-        echo "Environment variable PLUGINS_DIR is not set."
-        tmp=`find ../jar -name 'jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon*' -exec dirname {} \;`
-        if test "x$tmp" = "x" ; then
-            echo "Plugins not found. Trying to build plugins."
-            exit 0
-            cd ../
-            sh buildall.sh
-            cd -
-            if test $? -ne 0 ; then
-                echo "Build failed. Aborting."
-                exit 1
-            fi
-            tmp=`find ../jar -name 'jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon*' -exec dirname {} \;`
-            if test "x$tmp" = "x" ; then
-                echo "Plugins not found. Aborting."
-                return 1
-            fi
-        fi
-        for t in $tmp ; do
-            plugindir=$t
-            break
-        done
-        PLUGINS_DIR=$plugindir
-    fi
-# main
-cd `dirname $0`
-export ANT_HOME
-export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin
-echo "ANT_HOME=${ANT_HOME}"
-echo "PATH=${PATH}"
-echo "Getting plugins (get.plugins)"
-ant -lib lib get.plugins
-if test $? -ne 0 ; then
-    echo "Error in get.plugins target. Aborting..."
-echo "Signing features (feature.sign.gen)"
-ant -lib lib feature.sign.gen
-if test $? -ne 0 ; then
-    echo "Error in feature.sign.gen target. Aborting..."
-echo "Building features (build.features)"
-ant -lib lib build.features
-if test $? -ne 0 ; then
-    echo "Error in build.features target. Aborting..."
-echo "Deploying features to site (deploy.site)"
-ant -lib lib deploy.site
-if test $? -ne 0 ; then
-    echo "Error in deploy.site target. Aborting..."
-# EOF

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