[openrtm-commit:00764] r525 - in branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist: . test

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2012年 3月 13日 (火) 14:30:46 JST

Author: kurihara
Date: 2012-03-13 14:30:45 +0900 (Tue, 13 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 525

[incompat,impl,func] ExecutionContextWorker class was implemented. refs #2348

Added: branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExecutionContextWorker.py
--- branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExecutionContextWorker.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExecutionContextWorker.py	2012-03-13 05:30:45 UTC (rev 525)
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: euc-jp -*-
+# @file ExecutionContextWorker.py
+# @brief ExecutionContext's state machine worker class
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> and Shinji Kurihara
+# Copyright (C) 2011
+#     Noriaki Ando
+#     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+#     National Institute of
+#         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+#     All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+import threading
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+import OpenRTM_aist
+import RTC
+# @if jp
+# @class PeriodicExecutionContext
+# @brief PeriodicExecutionContext クラス
+# Periodic Sampled Data Processing(周期実行用)ExecutionContextクラス。
+# @since 0.4.0
+# @else
+# @class PeriodicExecutionContext
+# @brief PeriodicExecutionContext class
+# Periodic Sampled Data Processing (for the execution cycles)
+# ExecutionContext class
+# @since 0.4.0
+# @endif
+class ExecutionContextWorker:
+  """
+  """
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief デフォルトコンストラクタ
+  #
+  # デフォルトコンストラクタ
+  # プロファイルに以下の項目を設定する。
+  #  - kind : PERIODIC
+  #  - rate : 0.0
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Default Constructor
+  #
+  # Default Constructor
+  # Set the following items to profile.
+  #  - kind : PERIODIC
+  #  - rate : 0.0
+  #
+  # @endif
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._rtcout  = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance().getLogbuf("ec_worker")
+    self._running = False
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("ExecutionContextWorker.__init__")
+    self._ref = None
+    self._comps = []
+    self._addedComps = []
+    self._removedComps = []
+    self._mutex = threading.RLock()
+    self._addedMutex = threading.RLock()
+    self._removedMutex = threading.RLock()
+    return
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief デストラクタ
+  #
+  # デストラクタ
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Destructor
+  #
+  # Destructor
+  #
+  # @endif
+  def __del__(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("~ExecutionContextWorker.__del__")
+    return
+  #============================================================
+  # Object reference to EC
+  #============================================================
+  # void setECRef(RTC::ExecutionContextService_ptr ref);
+  def setECRef(self, ref):
+    self._ref = ref
+    return
+  #RTC::ExecutionContextService_ptr getECRef();
+  def getECRef(self):
+    return self._ref
+  #============================================================
+  # ExecutionContext
+  #============================================================
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext 実行状態確認関数
+  #
+  # この操作は ExecutionContext が Runnning 状態の場合に true を返す。
+  # Executioncontext が Running の間、当該 Executioncontext に参加し
+  # ている全てのアクティブRTコンポーネントが、ExecutionContext の実
+  # 行種類に応じて実行される。
+  #
+  # @return 状態確認関数(動作中:true、停止中:false)
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Check for ExecutionContext running state
+  #
+  # This operation shall return true if the context is in the
+  # Running state.  While the context is Running, all Active RTCs
+  # participating in the context shall be executed according to the
+  # context’s execution kind.
+  #
+  # @return Check state function (Running:true、Stopping:false)
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # bool isRunning(void);
+  def isRunning(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("isRunning()")
+    return self._running
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行を開始
+  #
+  # ExecutionContext の実行状態を Runnning とするためのリクエストを
+  # 発行する。ExecutionContext の状態が遷移すると
+  # ComponentAction::on_startup が呼び出される。参加しているRTコンポー
+  # ネントが、初期化されるまで ExecutionContext を開始することはでき
+  # ない。ExecutionContext は複数回開始/停止を繰り返すことができる。
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Start the ExecutionContext
+  #
+  # Request that the context enter the Running state.  Once the
+  # state transition occurs, the ComponentAction::on_startup
+  # operation will be invoked.  An execution context may not be
+  # started until the RT-Components that participate in it have
+  # been initialized.  An execution context may be started and
+  # stopped multiple times.
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t start(void);
+  def start(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("start()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    if self._running:
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_WARN("ExecutionContext is already running.")
+    # invoke ComponentAction::on_startup for each comps.
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      comp.onStartup()
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("%d components started.", len(self._comps))
+    # change EC thread state
+    self._running = True
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行を停止
+  #
+  # ExecutionContext の状態を Stopped とするためのリクエストを発行す
+  # る。遷移が発生した場合は、ComponentAction::on_shutdown が呼び出
+  # される。参加しているRTコンポーネントが終了する前に
+  # ExecutionContext を停止する必要がある。ExecutionContext は複数回
+  # 開始/停止を繰り返すことができる。
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Stop the ExecutionContext
+  #
+  # Request that the context enter the Stopped state.  Once the
+  # transition occurs, the ComponentAction::on_shutdown operation
+  # will be invoked.  An execution context must be stopped before
+  # the RT components that participate in it are finalized.  An
+  # execution context may be started and stopped multiple times.
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t stop(void);
+  def stop(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("stop()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    if not self._running:
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_WARN("ExecutionContext is already stopped.")
+    # stop thread
+    self._running = False
+    # invoke on_shutdown for each comps.
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      comp.onShutdown()
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントをアクティブ化する
+  #
+  # Inactive 状態にあるRTコンポーネントをActive に遷移させ、アクティ
+  # ブ化する。この操作が呼ばれた結果、on_activate が呼び出される。指
+  # 定したRTコンポーネントが参加者リストに含まれない場合は、
+  # BAD_PARAMETER が返される。指定したRTコンポーネントの状態が
+  # Inactive 以外の場合は、PRECONDITION_NOT_MET が返される。
+  #
+  # @param comp アクティブ化対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Activate an RT-component
+  #
+  # The given participant RTC is Inactive and is therefore not
+  # being invoked according to the execution context’s execution
+  # kind. This operation shall cause the RTC to transition to the
+  # Active state such that it may subsequently be invoked in this
+  # execution context.  The callback on_activate shall be called as
+  # a result of calling this operation. This operation shall not
+  # return until the callback has returned, and shall result in an
+  # error if the callback does.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component for activation
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t activateComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp,
+  #                                     RTObjectStateMachine*& rtobj);
+  def activateComponent(self, comp, rtobj):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("activateComponent()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    obj_ = self.findComponent(comp)
+    if not obj_:
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("Given RTC is not participant of this EC.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("Component found in the EC.")
+    if not obj_.isCurrentState(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE):
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("State of the RTC is not INACTIVE_STATE.")
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("Component is in INACTIVE state. Going to ACTIVE state.")
+    obj_.goTo(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE)
+    rtobj[0] = obj_
+    del guard
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("activateComponent() done.")
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t waitActivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine*& rtobj,
+  #                                        coil::TimeValue timeout = 1.0,
+  #                                        long int cycle = 1000);
+  def waitActivateComplete(self, rtobj, timeout = 1.0, cycle = 1000):
+    pass
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを非アクティブ化する
+  #
+  # Inactive 状態にあるRTコンポーネントを非アクティブ化し、Inactive
+  # に遷移させる。この操作が呼ばれた結果、on_deactivate が呼び出され
+  # る。指定したRTコンポーネントが参加者リストに含まれない場合は、
+  # BAD_PARAMETER が返される。指定したRTコンポーネントの状態が
+  # Active 以外の場合は、PRECONDITION_NOT_MET が返される。
+  #
+  # @param comp 非アクティブ化対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Deactivate an RT-component
+  #
+  # The given RTC is Active in the execution context. Cause it to
+  # transition to the Inactive state such that it will not be
+  # subsequently invoked from the context unless and until it is
+  # activated again.  The callback on_deactivate shall be called as
+  # a result of calling this operation. This operation shall not
+  # return until the callback has returned, and shall result in an
+  # error if the callback does.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component for deactivate
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t deactivateComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp,
+  #                                       RTObjectStateMachine*& rtobj);
+  def deactivateComponent(self, comp, rtobj):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("deactivateComponent()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    rtobj[0] = self.findComponent(comp)
+    if not rtobj[0]: 
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("Given RTC is not participant of this EC.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    if not rtobj[0].isCurrentState(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE):
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("State of the RTC is not ACTIVE_STATE.")
+    rtobj[0].goTo(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE)
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t waitDeactivateComplete(RTObjectStateMachine*& rtobj,
+  #                                            coil::TimeValue timeout = 1.0,
+  #                                            long int cycle = 1000);
+  def waitDeactivateComplete(self, rtobj, timeout = 1.0, cycle = 1000):
+    pass
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントをリセットする
+  #
+  # Error 状態のRTコンポーネントの復帰を試みる。この操作が呼ばれた結
+  # 果、on_reset が呼び出される。指定したRTコンポーネントが参加者リ
+  # ストに含まれない場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返される。指定したRTコン
+  # ポーネントの状態が Error 以外の場合は、PRECONDITION_NOT_MET が返
+  # される。
+  #
+  # @param comp リセット対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Reset the RT-component
+  #
+  # Attempt to recover the RTC when it is in Error.  The
+  # ComponentAction::on_reset callback shall be invoked. This
+  # operation shall not return until the callback has returned, and
+  # shall result in an error if the callback does. If possible, the
+  # RTC developer should implement that callback such that the RTC
+  # may be returned to a valid state.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component for reset
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t resetComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr com,
+  #                                  RTObjectStateMachine*& rtobj);
+  def resetComponent(self, comp, rtobj):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("resetComponent()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    rtobj[0] = self.findComponent(comp)
+    if not rtobj[0]:
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("Given RTC is not participant of this EC.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    if not rtobj[0].isCurrentState(RTC.ERROR_STATE):
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("State of the RTC is not ERROR_STATE.")
+    rtobj[0].goTo(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE)
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t waitResetComplete(RTObjectStateMachine*& rtobj,
+  #                                     coil::TimeValue timeout = 1.0,
+  #                                     long int cycle = 1000);
+  def waitResetComplete(self, rtobj, timeout = 1.0, cycle = 1000):
+    pass
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントの状態を取得する
+  #
+  # 指定したRTコンポーネントの状態(LifeCycleState)を取得する。指定し
+  # たRTコンポーネントが参加者リストに含まれない場合は、
+  # UNKNOWN_STATE が返される。
+  #
+  # @param comp 状態取得対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return 現在の状態(LifeCycleState)
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Get RT-component's state
+  #
+  # This operation shall report the LifeCycleState of the given
+  # participant RTC.  UNKNOWN_STATE will be returned, if the given
+  # RT-Component is not inclued in the participant list.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component to get the state
+  #
+  # @return The current state of the target RT-Component(LifeCycleState)
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::LifeCycleState getComponentState(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp);
+  def getComponentState(self, comp):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("getComponentState()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    rtobj_ = self.findComponent(comp)
+    if not rtobj_:
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_WARN("Given RTC is not participant of this EC.")
+      return RTC.CREATED_STATE
+    state_ = rtobj_.getState()
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("getComponentState() = %s done", self.getStateString(state_))
+    return state_
+  # const char* getStateString(RTC::LifeCycleState state)
+  def getStateString(self, state):
+    st = ["CREATED_STATE",
+          "INACTIVE_STATE",
+          "ACTIVE_STATE",
+          "ERROR_STATE"]
+    f = lambda x: st[x._v] if x >= RTC.CREATED_STATE and x <= RTC.ERROR_STATE else ""
+    return f(state)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを追加する
+  #
+  # 指定したRTコンポーネントを参加者リストに追加する。追加されたRTコ
+  # ンポーネントは attach_context が呼ばれ、Inactive 状態に遷移する。
+  # 指定されたRTコンポーネントがnullの場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返され
+  # る。指定されたRTコンポーネントが DataFlowComponent 以外の場合は、
+  # BAD_PARAMETER が返される。
+  #
+  # @param comp 追加対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Add an RT-component
+  #
+  # The operation causes the given RTC to begin participating in
+  # the execution context.  The newly added RTC will receive a call
+  # to LightweightRTComponent::attach_context and then enter the
+  # Inactive state.  BAD_PARAMETER will be invoked, if the given
+  # RT-Component is null or if the given RT-Component is other than
+  # DataFlowComponent.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component for add
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t addComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp);
+  def addComponent(self, comp):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("addComponent()")
+    if CORBA.is_nil(comp):
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("nil reference is given.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    try:
+      guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._addedMutex)
+      ec_ = self.getECRef()
+      id_ = comp.attach_context(ec_)
+      self._addedComps.append(OpenRTM_aist.RTObjectStateMachine(id_, comp))
+      del guard
+    except:
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("addComponent() failed.")
+      return RTC.RTC_ERROR
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("addComponent() succeeded.")
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief コンポーネントをバインドする。
+  #
+  # コンポーネントをバインドする。
+  #
+  # @param rtc RTコンポーネント
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  # @else
+  # @brief Bind the component.
+  #
+  # Bind the component.
+  #
+  # @param rtc RT-Component's instances
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t bindComponent(RTC::RTObject_impl* rtc);
+  def bindComponent(self, rtc):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("bindComponent()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    if not rtc:
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("NULL pointer is given.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    ec_ = self.getECRef()
+    id_ = rtc.bindContext(ec_)
+    if id_ < 0 or id_ > OpenRTM_aist.ECOTHER_OFFSET:
+      # id should be owned context id < ECOTHER_OFFSET
+      del guard
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("bindContext returns invalid id: %d", id_)
+      return RTC.RTC_ERROR
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("bindContext returns id = %d", id_)
+    # rtc is owner of this EC
+    comp_ = rtc.getObjRef()
+    #    RTObjectStateMachine o(id, comp);
+    self._comps.append(OpenRTM_aist.RTObjectStateMachine(id_, comp_))
+    del guard
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("bindComponent() succeeded.")
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを参加者リストから削除する
+  #
+  # 指定したRTコンポーネントを参加者リストから削除する。削除された
+  # RTコンポーネントは detach_context が呼ばれる。指定されたRTコンポー
+  # ネントが参加者リストに登録されていない場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返
+  # される。
+  #
+  # @param comp 削除対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Remove the RT-Component from participant list
+  #
+  # This operation causes a participant RTC to stop participating in the
+  # execution context.
+  # The removed RTC will receive a call to
+  # LightweightRTComponent::detach_context.
+  # BAD_PARAMETER will be returned, if the given RT-Component is not 
+  # participating in the participant list.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component for delete
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t removeComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp);
+  def removeComponent(self, comp):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("removeComponent()")
+    if CORBA.is_nil(comp):
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("nil reference is given.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    rtobj_ = self.findComponent(comp)
+    del guard
+    if not rtobj_:
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("no RTC found in this context.")
+      return  RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._removedMutex)
+    self._removedComps.append(rtobj_)
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  # RTObjectStateMachine* findComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp);
+  def findComponent(self, comp):
+    for comp_ in self._comps:
+      if comp_.isEquivalent(comp):
+        return comp_
+    return None
+  # bool isAllCurrentState(RTC::LifeCycleState state);
+  def isAllCurrentState(self, state):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      if not comp.isCurrentState(state):
+        del guard
+        return False
+    del guard
+    return True
+  # bool isAllNextState(RTC::LifeCycleState state);
+  def isAllNextState(self, state):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      if not comp.isNextState(state):
+        del guard
+        return False
+    del guard
+    return True
+  # bool isOneOfCurrentState(RTC::LifeCycleState state);
+  def isOneOfCurrentState(self, state):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      if comp.isCurrentState(state):
+        del guard
+        return True
+    del guard
+    return False
+  # bool isOneOfNextState(RTC::LifeCycleState state);
+  def isOneOfNextState(self, state):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      if comp.isNextState(state):
+        del guard
+        return True
+    del guard
+    return False
+  # void invokeWorker();
+  def invokeWorker(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("invokeWorker()")
+    # m_comps never changes its size here
+    len_ = len(self._comps)
+    for i in range(len_):
+      self._comps[i].workerPreDo()
+    for i in range(len_):
+      self._comps[i].workerDo()
+    for i in range(len_):
+      self._comps[i].workerPostDo()
+    self.updateComponentList()
+    return
+  # void invokeWorkerPreDo();
+  def invokeWorkerPreDo(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("invokeWorkerPreDo()")
+    # m_comps never changes its size here
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      comp.workerPreDo()
+    return
+  # void invokeWorkerDo();
+  def invokeWorkerDo(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("invokeWorkerDo()")
+    # m_comps never changes its size here
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      comp.workerDo()
+    return
+  # void invokeWorkerPostDo();
+  def invokeWorkerPostDo(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("invokeWorkerPostDo()")
+    # m_comps never changes its size here
+    for comp in self._comps:
+      comp.workerPostDo()
+    # m_comps might be changed here
+    self.updateComponentList()
+    return
+  # void updateComponentList();
+  def updateComponentList(self):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._mutex)
+    # adding component
+    guard_added = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._addedMutex)
+    for comp in self._addedComps:
+      self._comps.append(comp)
+      self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("Component added.")
+    self._addedComps = []
+    del guard_added
+    # removing component
+    guard_removed = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._removedMutex)
+    for comp in self._removedComps:
+      lwrtobj_ = comp.getRTObject()
+      lwrtobj_.detach_context(comp.getExecutionContextHandle())
+      idx_ = -1
+      try:
+        idx_ = self._comps.index(comp)
+      except:
+        idx_ = -1
+      if idx_ >= 0:
+        del self._comps[idx_]
+        self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("Component deleted.")
+    self._removedComps = []
+    return

Added: branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExecutionContextWorker.py
--- branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExecutionContextWorker.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExecutionContextWorker.py	2012-03-13 05:30:45 UTC (rev 525)
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: euc-jp -*-
+# @file test_ExecutionContextWorker.py
+# @brief test for ExecutionContext's state machine worker class
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Shinji Kurihara
+# Copyright (C) 2011
+#     Noriaki Ando
+#     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+#     National Institute of
+#         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+#     All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+import sys
+import time
+import unittest
+from ExecutionContextWorker import *
+import OpenRTM__POA, RTC__POA, RTC
+import OpenRTM_aist
+testcomp_spec = ["implementation_id", "TestComp",
+                 "type_name",         "TestComp",
+                 "description",       "Test example component",
+                 "version",           "1.0",
+                 "vendor",            "Shinji Kurihara, AIST",
+                 "category",          "example",
+                 "activity_type",     "DataFlowComponent",
+                 "max_instance",      "10",
+                 "language",          "Python",
+                 "lang_type",         "compile",
+                 ""]
+class TestComp(OpenRTM_aist.DataFlowComponentBase):
+  def __init_(self, manager):
+    OpenRTM_aist.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+def TestCompInit(manager):
+  global com
+  profile = OpenRTM_aist.Properties(defaults_str=configsample_spec)
+  manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                          TestComp,
+                          OpenRTM_aist.Delete)
+class MyEC(OpenRTM__POA.ExtTrigExecutionContextService):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._ref = self._this()
+    return
+class MyEC3(OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase,
+            RTC__POA.ExecutionContextService,
+            OpenRTM_aist.Task):
+  def __init__(self, name):
+    OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.__init__(self, name)
+    OpenRTM_aist.Task.__init__(self)
+    self.setObjRef(self._this())
+    self._svc = False
+    return
+  def __del__(self, Task=OpenRTM_aist.Task):
+    self._svc = False
+    return
+  def start(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.start(self)
+  def stop(self):
+    self._svc = False
+    return
+  def open(self, *args):
+    self.activate()
+    return 0
+  def onStarting(self):
+    self._svc = True
+    self.open(0)
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  def svc(self):
+    while self._svc:
+      OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerPreDo(self)
+      OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerDo(self)
+      OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerPostDo(self)
+    return 0
+  def onGetRate(self, rate):
+    return rate
+class TestExecutionContextWorker(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self._ecworker = ExecutionContextWorker()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance().shutdownManager()
+    return
+  def test_setGetECRef(self):
+    ec_ = MyEC()
+    ref_ = ec_._ref
+    self._ecworker.setECRef(ref_)
+    self.assertEqual(ref_,self._ecworker.getECRef())
+    return
+  def test_startStopIsRunning(self):
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.start())
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET, self._ecworker.start())
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isRunning())
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.stop())
+    self.assertEqual(False, self._ecworker.isRunning())
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET, self._ecworker.stop())
+    return
+  def test_actDeactResetState(self):
+    mgr_ = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance()
+    mgr_.activateManager()
+    profile = OpenRTM_aist.Properties(defaults_str=testcomp_spec)
+    mgr_.registerFactory(profile,
+                         TestComp,
+                         OpenRTM_aist.Delete)
+    comp = mgr_.createComponent("TestComp")
+    ec_ = MyEC3("test")
+    self._ecworker.setECRef(ec_._this())
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK,self._ecworker.bindComponent(comp))
+    self._ecworker.start()
+    rtobj_ = [None]
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.activateComponent(comp.getObjRef(),rtobj_))
+    self.assertEqual(False, self._ecworker.isAllCurrentState(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isAllNextState(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual(False, self._ecworker.isOneOfCurrentState(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE))
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorker()
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE, self._ecworker.getComponentState(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isAllCurrentState(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isOneOfCurrentState(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.deactivateComponent(comp.getObjRef(),rtobj_))
+    self.assertEqual(False, self._ecworker.isAllCurrentState(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isOneOfNextState(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isAllNextState(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE))
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorker()
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE, self._ecworker.getComponentState(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isAllCurrentState(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.activateComponent(comp.getObjRef(),rtobj_))
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorker()
+    rtobj_[0] = self._ecworker.findComponent(comp.getObjRef())
+    rtobj_[0].goTo(RTC.ERROR_STATE)
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isOneOfNextState(RTC.ERROR_STATE))
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorker()
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.ERROR_STATE, self._ecworker.getComponentState(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.resetComponent(comp.getObjRef(),rtobj_))
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorker()
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE, self._ecworker.getComponentState(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(True, self._ecworker.isAllCurrentState(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE))
+    self._ecworker.stop()
+    return
+  def waitActivateComplete(self):
+    # No implementation.
+    return
+  def waitDeactivateComplete(self):
+    # No implementation.
+    return
+  def waitResetComplete(self):
+    # No implementation.
+    return
+  def test_getStateString(self):
+    self.assertEqual("CREATED_STATE",  self._ecworker.getStateString(RTC.CREATED_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual("INACTIVE_STATE", self._ecworker.getStateString(RTC.INACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual("ACTIVE_STATE",   self._ecworker.getStateString(RTC.ACTIVE_STATE))
+    self.assertEqual("ERROR_STATE",    self._ecworker.getStateString(RTC.ERROR_STATE))
+    return
+  def test_addRemoveComponent(self):
+    mgr_ = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance()
+    mgr_.activateManager()
+    profile = OpenRTM_aist.Properties(defaults_str=testcomp_spec)
+    mgr_.registerFactory(profile,
+                         TestComp,
+                         OpenRTM_aist.Delete)
+    comp = mgr_.createComponent("TestComp")
+    ec_ = MyEC()
+    self._ecworker.setECRef(ec_._ref)
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.addComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorker()
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.BAD_PARAMETER, self._ecworker.removeComponent(None))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.removeComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    return
+  def test_invokeWorker(self):
+    mgr_ = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance()
+    mgr_.activateManager()
+    profile = OpenRTM_aist.Properties(defaults_str=testcomp_spec)
+    mgr_.registerFactory(profile,
+                         TestComp,
+                         OpenRTM_aist.Delete)
+    comp = mgr_.createComponent("TestComp")
+    ec_ = MyEC()
+    self._ecworker.setECRef(ec_._ref)
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.addComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorkerPreDo()
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorkerDo()
+    self._ecworker.invokeWorkerPostDo()
+    self._ecworker.updateComponentList()
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.BAD_PARAMETER, self._ecworker.removeComponent(None))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecworker.removeComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    return
+############### test #################
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

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