[openrtm-commit:00760] r523 - in branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist: . test

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2012年 3月 12日 (月) 21:51:44 JST

Author: kurihara
Date: 2012-03-12 21:51:44 +0900 (Mon, 12 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 523

[incompatible] ExecutionContextProfile.py have been added. refs #2384

Added: branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExecutionContextProfile.py
--- branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExecutionContextProfile.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExecutionContextProfile.py	2012-03-12 12:51:44 UTC (rev 523)
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: euc-jp -*-
+# @file ExecutionContextProfile.py
+# @brief ExecutionContextProfile class
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> and Shinji Kurihara
+# Copyright (C) 2011
+#     Noriaki Ando
+#     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+#     National Institute of
+#         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+#     All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+import threading
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+import OpenRTM_aist
+import RTC
+DEFAULT_PERIOD = 0.000001
+# @if jp
+# @class ExecutionContextProfile
+# @brief ExecutionContextProfile クラス
+# @since 1.2.0
+# @else
+# @class ExecutionContextProfile
+# @brief ExecutionContextProfile class
+# @since 1.2.0
+# @endif
+class ExecutionContextProfile:
+  """
+  """
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief デフォルトコンストラクタ
+  #
+  # デフォルトコンストラクタ
+  # プロファイルに以下の項目を設定する。
+  #  - kind : PERIODIC
+  #  - rate : 0.0
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Default Constructor
+  #
+  # Default Constructor
+  # Set the following items to profile.
+  #  - kind : PERIODIC
+  #  - rate : 0.0
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # ExecutionContextProfile(RTC::ExecutionKind kind = RTC::PERIODIC);
+  def __init__(self, kind = RTC.PERIODIC):
+    global DEFAULT_PERIOD
+    self._rtcout  = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance().getLogbuf("periodic_ecprofile")
+    self._period = OpenRTM_aist.TimeValue(DEFAULT_PERIOD)
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("ExecutionContextProfile.__init__()")
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("Actual rate: %d [sec], %d [usec]",
+                           (self._period.sec(), self._period.usec()))
+    self._profileMutex = threading.RLock()
+    self._ref = None
+    self._profile = RTC.ExecutionContextProfile(RTC.PERIODIC,
+                                                (1.0/self._period.toDouble()),
+                                                None, [], [])
+    return
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief デストラクタ
+  #
+  # デストラクタ
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Destructor
+  #
+  # Destructor
+  #
+  # @endif
+  def __del__(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("ExecutionContextProfile.__del__()")
+    # cleanup EC's profile
+    self._profile.owner = None
+    self._profile.participants = []
+    self._profile.properties = []
+    self._ref = None
+    return
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief CORBA オブジェクト参照をセット
+  #
+  # ExecutioncontextService としての CORBA オブジェ
+  # クト参照をセットする。
+  #
+  # @param ec_ptr CORBA オブジェクト参照
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Set the reference to the CORBA object
+  #
+  # Set the reference to the CORBA object as
+  # ExecutioncontextService of this object.
+  #
+  # @param ec_ptr The reference to CORBA object
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # void setObjRef(RTC::ExecutionContextService_ptr ec_ptr);
+  def setObjRef(self, ec_ptr):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("setObjRef()")
+    assert(not CORBA.is_nil(ec_ptr))
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    self._ref = ec_ptr
+    del guard
+    return
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief CORBA オブジェクト参照の取得
+  #
+  # 本オブジェクトの ExecutioncontextService としての CORBA オブジェ
+  # クト参照を取得する。
+  #
+  # @return CORBA オブジェクト参照
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get the reference to the CORBA object
+  #
+  # Get the reference to the CORBA object as
+  # ExecutioncontextService of this object.
+  #
+  # @return The reference to CORBA object
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ExecutionContextService_ptr getObjRef(void) const;
+  def getObjRef(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("getObjRef()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    return self._ref
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行周期(Hz)を設定する
+  #
+  # Active 状態にてRTコンポーネントが実行される周期(単位:Hz)を設定す
+  # る。実行周期の変更は、DataFlowComponentAction の
+  # on_rate_changed によって各RTコンポーネントに伝達される。
+  #
+  # @param rate 処理周期(単位:Hz)
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #         RTC_OK: 正常終了
+  #         BAD_PARAMETER: 設定値が負の値
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Set execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext
+  #
+  # This operation shall set the rate (in hertz) at which this
+  # context’s Active participating RTCs are being called.  If the
+  # execution kind of the context is PERIODIC, a rate change shall
+  # result in the invocation of on_rate_changed on any RTCs
+  # realizing DataFlowComponentAction that are registered with any
+  # RTCs participating in the context.
+  #
+  # @param rate Execution cycle(Unit:Hz)
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #         RTC_OK: Succeed
+  #         BAD_PARAMETER: Invalid value. The value might be negative.
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t setRate(double rate);
+  def setRate(self, rate):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("setRate(%f)", rate)
+    if rate < 0.0:
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    self._profile.rate = rate
+    self._period = OpenRTM_aist.TimeValue(1.0 / rate)
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t setPeriod(double sec, coil::TimeValue tv);
+  def setPeriod(self, sec=None, tv=None):
+    if sec:
+      self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("setPeriod(%f [sec])", sec)
+      if sec < 0.0:
+        return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+      guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+      self._profile.rate = 1.0 / sec
+      self._period = OpenRTM_aist.TimeValue(sec)
+      del guard
+      return RTC.RTC_OK;
+    elif tv:
+      self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("setPeriod(%f [sec])", tv.toDouble())
+      if tv.toDouble() < 0.0:
+        return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+      guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+      self._profile.rate = 1.0 / tv.toDouble()
+      self._period = tv
+      del guard
+      return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行周期(Hz)を取得する
+  #
+  # Active 状態にてRTコンポーネントが実行される周期(単位:Hz)を取得す
+  # る。
+  #
+  # @return 処理周期(単位:Hz)
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Get execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext
+  #
+  # This operation shall return the rate (in hertz) at which its
+  # Active participating RTCs are being invoked.
+  #
+  # @return Execution cycle(Unit:Hz)
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # double getRate(void) const;
+  def getRate(self):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    return self._profile.rate
+  # coil::TimeValue getPeriod(void) const;
+  def getPeriod(self):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    return self._period
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionKind を文字列化する
+  #
+  # RTC::ExecutionKind で定義されている PERIODIC, EVENT_DRIVEN,
+  # OTHER を文字列化する。
+  #
+  # @param kind ExecutionKind
+  # @return 文字列化されたExecutionKind
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Converting ExecutionKind enum to string 
+  #
+  # This function converts enumeration (PERIODIC, EVENT_DRIVEN,
+  # OTHER) defined in RTC::ExecutionKind to string.
+  #
+  # @param kind ExecutionKind
+  # @return String of ExecutionKind
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # const char* getKindString(RTC::ExecutionKind kind) const;
+  def getKindString(self, kind=None):
+    kinds_ = ["PERIODIC", "EVENT_DRIVEN", "OTHER"]
+    if not kind:
+      kind_ = self._profile.kind
+    else:
+      kind_ = kind
+    if kind_ < RTC.PERIODIC or kind_ > RTC.OTHER:
+      return ""
+    return kinds_[kind_._v]
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionKind を設定する
+  #
+  # この ExecutionContext の ExecutionKind を設定する
+  #
+  # @param kind ExecutionKind
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Set the ExecutionKind
+  #
+  # This operation sets the kind of the execution context.
+  #
+  # @param kind ExecutionKind
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t setKind(RTC::ExecutionKind kind);
+  def setKind(self, kind):
+    if kind < RTC.PERIODIC or kind > RTC.OTHER:
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("Invalid kind is given. %d", kind._v)
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("setKind(%s)", self.getKindString(kind))
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    self._profile.kind = kind
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionKind を取得する
+  #
+  # 本 ExecutionContext の ExecutionKind を取得する
+  #
+  # @return ExecutionKind
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Get the ExecutionKind
+  #
+  # This operation shall report the execution kind of the execution
+  # context.
+  #
+  # @return ExecutionKind
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ExecutionKind getKind(void) const;
+  def getKind(self):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("%s = getKind()", self.getKindString(self._profile.kind))
+    return self._profile.kind
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief Ownerコンポーネントをセットする。
+  #
+  # このECのOwnerとなるRTCをセットする。
+  #
+  # @param comp OwnerとなるRTコンポーネント
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  # @else
+  # @brief Setting owner component of the execution context
+  #
+  # This function sets an RT-Component to be owner of the execution context.
+  #
+  # @param comp an owner RT-Component of this execution context
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t setOwner(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp);
+  def setOwner(self, comp):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("setOwner()")
+    assert(not CORBA.is_nil(comp))
+    rtobj_ = comp._narrow(RTC.RTObject)
+    if CORBA.is_nil(rtobj_):
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("Narrowing failed.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    self._profile.owner = rtobj_
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief Ownerコンポーネントの参照を取得する
+  #
+  # このECのOwnerであるRTCの参照を取得する。
+  #
+  # @return OwnerRTコンポーネントの参照
+  # @else
+  # @brief Getting a reference of the owner component
+  #
+  # This function returns a reference of the owner RT-Component of
+  # this execution context
+  #
+  # @return a reference of the owner RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # const RTC::RTObject_ptr getOwner() const;
+  def getOwner(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("getOwner()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    return self._profile.owner
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを追加する
+  #
+  # 指定したRTコンポーネントを参加者リストに追加する。追加されたRTコ
+  # ンポーネントは attach_context が呼ばれ、Inactive 状態に遷移する。
+  # 指定されたRTコンポーネントがnullの場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返され
+  # る。指定されたRTコンポーネントが DataFlowComponent 以外の場合は、
+  # BAD_PARAMETER が返される。
+  #
+  # @param comp 追加対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Add an RT-component
+  #
+  # The operation causes the given RTC to begin participating in
+  # the execution context.  The newly added RTC will receive a call
+  # to LightweightRTComponent::attach_context and then enter the
+  # Inactive state.  BAD_PARAMETER will be invoked, if the given
+  # RT-Component is null or if the given RT-Component is other than
+  # DataFlowComponent.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component for add
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t addComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp);
+  def addComponent(self, comp):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("addComponent()")
+    if CORBA.is_nil(comp):
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("A nil reference was given.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    rtobj_ = comp._narrow(RTC.RTObject)
+    if CORBA.is_nil(rtobj_):
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("Narrowing was failed.")
+      return RTC.RTC_ERROR
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.push_back(self._profile.participants,
+                                         rtobj_)
+    del guard
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを参加者リストから削除する
+  #
+  # 指定したRTコンポーネントを参加者リストから削除する。削除された
+  # RTコンポーネントは detach_context が呼ばれる。指定されたRTコンポー
+  # ネントが参加者リストに登録されていない場合は、BAD_PARAMETER が返
+  # される。
+  #
+  # @param comp 削除対象RTコンポーネント
+  #
+  # @return ReturnCode_t 型のリターンコード
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Remove the RT-Component from participant list
+  #
+  # This operation causes a participant RTC to stop participating in the
+  # execution context.
+  # The removed RTC will receive a call to
+  # LightweightRTComponent::detach_context.
+  # BAD_PARAMETER will be returned, if the given RT-Component is not
+  # participating in the participant list.
+  #
+  # @param comp The target RT-Component for delete
+  #
+  # @return The return code of ReturnCode_t type
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t removeComponent(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp);
+  def removeComponent(self, comp):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("removeComponent()")
+    if CORBA.is_nil(comp):
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("A nil reference was given.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    rtobj_ = comp._narrow(RTC.RTObject)
+    if CORBA.is_nil(rtobj_):
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("Narrowing was failed.")
+      return RTC.RTC_ERROR
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    index_ = OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.find(self._profile.participants,
+                                             self.find_participant(rtobj_))
+    if index_ < 0:
+      self._rtcout.RTC_ERROR("The given RTObject does not exist in the EC.")
+      return RTC.BAD_PARAMETER
+    OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.erase(self._profile.participants, index_)
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントの参加者リストを取得する
+  #
+  # 現在登録されている参加者RTCのリストを取得する。
+  #
+  # @return 参加者RTCのリスト
+  #
+  # @else
+  #
+  # @brief Getting participant RTC list
+  #
+  # This function returns a list of participant RTC of the execution context.
+  #
+  # @return Participants RTC list
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # const RTC::RTCList& getComponentList() const;
+  def getComponentList(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("getComponentList(%d)", len(self._profile.participants))
+    return self._profile.participants
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief Propertiesをセットする
+  #
+  # ExecutionContextProfile::properties をセットする。
+  #
+  # @param props ExecutionContextProfile::properties にセットするプ
+  #              ロパティー
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Setting Properties
+  #
+  # This function sets ExecutionContextProfile::properties by
+  # coil::Properties.
+  #
+  # @param props Properties to be set to
+  #              ExecutionContextProfile::properties.
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # void setProperties(coil::Properties& props);
+  def setProperties(self, props):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("setProperties()")
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG(props)
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    OpenRTM_aist.NVUtil.copyFromProperties(self._profile.properties, props)
+    del guard
+    return
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief Propertiesを取得する
+  #
+  # ExecutionContextProfile::properties を取得する。
+  #
+  # @return coil::Propertiesに変換された
+  #              ExecutionContextProfile::properties
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Setting Properties
+  #
+  # This function sets ExecutionContextProfile::properties by
+  # coil::Properties.
+  #
+  # @param props Properties to be set to ExecutionContextProfile::properties.
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # const coil::Properties getProperties() const;
+  def getProperties(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("getProperties()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    props_ = OpenRTM_aist.Properties()
+    OpenRTM_aist.NVUtil.copyToProperties(props_, self._profile.properties)
+    del guard
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG(props_)
+    return props_
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief Profileを取得する
+  #
+  # RTC::ExecutionContextProfile を取得する。取得した
+  # ExecutionContextProfile の所有権は呼び出し側にある。取得されたオ
+  # ブジェクトが不要になった場合、呼び出し側が開放する責任を負う。
+  #
+  # @return RTC::ExecutionContextProfile
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Getting Profile
+  #
+  # This function gets RTC::ExecutionContextProfile.  The ownership
+  # of the obtained ExecutionContextProfile is given to caller. The
+  # caller should release obtained object when it is unneccessary
+  # anymore.
+  #
+  # @return RTC::ExecutionContextProfile
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ExecutionContextProfile* getProfile(void);
+  def getProfile(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("getProfile()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._profileMutex)
+    return self._profile
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContextProfileをロックする
+  #
+  # このオブジェクトが管理する RTC::ExecutionContextProfile をロックする。
+  # ロックが不要になった際にはunlock()でロックを解除しなければならない。
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Getting a lock of RTC::ExecutionContextProfile
+  #
+  # This function locks  RTC::ExecutionContextProfile in the object.
+  # The lock should be released when the lock is unneccessary.
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # void lock() const;
+  def lock(self):
+    self._profileMutex.acquire()
+    return
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContextProfileをアンロックする
+  #
+  # このオブジェクトが管理する RTC::ExecutionContextProfile をアンロッ
+  # クする。
+  #
+  # @else
+  # @brief Release a lock of the RTC::ExecutionContextProfile
+  #
+  # This function release the lock of RTC::ExecutionContextProfile
+  # in the object.
+  #
+  # @endif
+  # void unlock() const;
+  def unlock(self):
+    self._profileMutex.release()
+    return
+  class find_participant:
+    def __init__(self, comp):
+      self._comp = comp
+      return
+    def __call__(self, comp):
+      return self._comp._is_equivalent(comp)

Added: branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExecutionContextProfile.py
--- branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExecutionContextProfile.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExecutionContextProfile.py	2012-03-12 12:51:44 UTC (rev 523)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: euc-jp -*-
+# @file test_ExecutionContextProfile.py
+# @brief test for ExecutionContextProfile class
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Shinji Kurihara
+# Copyright (C) 2011
+#     Noriaki Ando
+#     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+#     National Institute of
+#         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+#     All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+import sys
+import unittest
+from ExecutionContextProfile import *
+import OpenRTM__POA, RTC
+import OpenRTM_aist
+testcomp_spec = ["implementation_id", "TestComp",
+                 "type_name",         "TestComp",
+                 "description",       "Test example component",
+                 "version",           "1.0",
+                 "vendor",            "Shinji Kurihara, AIST",
+                 "category",          "example",
+                 "activity_type",     "DataFlowComponent",
+                 "max_instance",      "10",
+                 "language",          "Python",
+                 "lang_type",         "compile",
+                 ""]
+class TestComp(OpenRTM_aist.DataFlowComponentBase):
+  def __init_(self, manager):
+    OpenRTM_aist.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+def TestCompInit(manager):
+  global com
+  profile = OpenRTM_aist.Properties(defaults_str=configsample_spec)
+  manager.registerFactory(profile,
+        TestComp,
+        OpenRTM_aist.Delete)
+class MyEC(OpenRTM__POA.ExtTrigExecutionContextService):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._ref = self._this()
+    return
+class TestExecutionContextProfile(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self._ecprofile = ExecutionContextProfile()
+    return
+  def tearDown(self):
+    OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance().shutdownManager()
+    return
+  def test_setGetObjRef(self):
+    ec_ = MyEC()
+    self._ecprofile.setObjRef(ec_._ref)
+    self.assertEqual(ec_._ref, self._ecprofile.getObjRef())
+    return
+  def test_setGetRate(self):
+    self._ecprofile.setRate(1000.0)
+    self.assertEqual(1000.0, self._ecprofile.getRate())
+    return
+  def test_setGetPeriod(self):
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.setPeriod(0.1))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.BAD_PARAMETER, self._ecprofile.setPeriod(-0.1))
+    self.assertEqual(0.1, self._ecprofile.getPeriod().toDouble())
+    tv_ = OpenRTM_aist.TimeValue(-0.01)
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.BAD_PARAMETER, self._ecprofile.setPeriod(tv=tv_))
+    tv_ = OpenRTM_aist.TimeValue(0.01)
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.setPeriod(tv=tv_))
+    self.assertEqual(0.01, self._ecprofile.getPeriod().toDouble())
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.BAD_PARAMETER, self._ecprofile.setPeriod())
+    return
+  def test_getKindString(self):
+    self.assertEqual("PERIODIC", self._ecprofile.getKindString(RTC.PERIODIC))
+    self.assertEqual("EVENT_DRIVEN", self._ecprofile.getKindString(RTC.EVENT_DRIVEN))
+    self.assertEqual("OTHER", self._ecprofile.getKindString(RTC.OTHER))
+    self.assertEqual("", self._ecprofile.getKindString(RTC.UNSUPPORTED))
+    return
+  def test_setGetKind(self):
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.setKind(RTC.PERIODIC))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.PERIODIC, self._ecprofile.getKind())
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.setKind(RTC.PERIODIC))
+    self.assertEqual("EVENT_DRIVEN", self._ecprofile.getKindString(RTC.EVENT_DRIVEN))
+    self.assertEqual("OTHER", self._ecprofile.getKindString(RTC.OTHER))
+    self.assertEqual("", self._ecprofile.getKindString(RTC.UNSUPPORTED))
+    return
+  def test_setOwner(self):
+    mgr_ = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance()
+    mgr_.activateManager()
+    profile = OpenRTM_aist.Properties(defaults_str=testcomp_spec)
+    mgr_.registerFactory(profile,
+                         TestComp,
+                         OpenRTM_aist.Delete)
+    comp = mgr_.createComponent("TestComp")
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.setOwner(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(comp.getObjRef(), self._ecprofile.getOwner())
+    return
+  def test_addRemoveComponent(self):
+    mgr_ = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance()
+    mgr_.activateManager()
+    profile = OpenRTM_aist.Properties(defaults_str=testcomp_spec)
+    mgr_.registerFactory(profile,
+                         TestComp,
+                         OpenRTM_aist.Delete)
+    comp = mgr_.createComponent("TestComp")
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(self._ecprofile.getComponentList()))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.addComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.BAD_PARAMETER, self._ecprofile.addComponent(None))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.BAD_PARAMETER, self._ecprofile.removeComponent(None))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.removeComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(self._ecprofile.getComponentList()))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.addComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(RTC.RTC_OK, self._ecprofile.addComponent(comp.getObjRef()))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(self._ecprofile.getComponentList()))
+    return
+  def test_setGetProperties(self):
+    prop_ = OpenRTM_aist.Properties()
+    prop_.setProperty("test", "test value")
+    self._ecprofile.setProperties(prop_)
+    self.assertEqual("test value", self._ecprofile.getProperties().getProperty("test"))
+    prop_ = OpenRTM_aist.Properties()
+    val_ = OpenRTM_aist.NVUtil.copyToProperties(prop_, self._ecprofile.getProfile().properties)
+    self.assertEqual("test value", prop_.getProperty("test"))
+    return
+  def test_lock_unlock(self):
+    self._ecprofile.lock()
+    self._ecprofile.unlock()
+    return
+############### test #################
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

openrtm-commit メーリングリストの案内