[openrtm-commit:00755] r2344 - in trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer: . OpenCV2.3
openrtm @ openrtm.org
openrtm @ openrtm.org
2012年 3月 8日 (木) 23:35:15 JST
Author: kurihara
Date: 2012-03-08 23:35:14 +0900 (Thu, 08 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 2344
Now, the OpenCV2.3 has been installed by OpenRTM-aist installer. refs #2378
Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.3/OpenCV23_inc.wxs.in
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.3/OpenCV23_inc.wxs.in (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.3/OpenCV23_inc.wxs.in 2012-03-08 14:35:14 UTC (rev 2344)
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Include xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
+ <!-- root directory -->
+ <Directory Id="OpenCVRoot" Name="OpenCV2.3">
+ <Component Id="OpenCV" Guid="{% OpenCV.GUID %}">
+ <Environment Id="OPENCV_DIR" Name="OpenCV_DIR" Action="set"
+ System="yes" Value="[OpenCVRoot]" />
+ {% for file in OpenCV.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ <!-- bin -->
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_bin" Name="bin">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVBin" Guid="{% OpenCVBin.GUID %}">
+ <Environment Id="OpenCVUpdatePath" Name="PATH" Action="set"
+ System="yes" Part="last"
+ Value="[OpenCV_bin]" />
+ {% for file in OpenCVBin.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <!-- gpu -->
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_gpu" Name="gpu">
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_gpu_x86" Name="x86">
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_gpu_x86_bin" Name="bin">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVGpuX86Bin" Guid="{% OpenCVGpuX86Bin.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVGpuX86Bin.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_gpu_x86_lib" Name="lib">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVGpuX86Lib" Guid="{% OpenCVGpuX86Lib.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVGpuX86Lib.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ </Directory>
+ </Directory>
+ <!-- include -->
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include" Name="include">
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv" Name="opencv">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2" Name="opencv2">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_calib3d" Name="calib3d">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Calib3d" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Calib3d.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Calib3d.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_contrib" Name="contrib">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Contrib" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Contrib.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Contrib.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_core" Name="core">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Core" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Core.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Core.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_features2d" Name="features2d">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Features2d" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Features2d.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Features2d.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_flann" Name="flann">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Flann" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Flann.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Flann.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_gpu" Name="gpu">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Gpu" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Gpu.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Gpu.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_highgui" Name="highgui">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Highgui" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Highgui.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Highgui.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_imgproc" Name="imgproc">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Imgproc" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Imgproc.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Imgproc.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_legacy" Name="legacy">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Legacy" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Legacy.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Legacy.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_ml" Name="ml">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Ml" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Ml.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Ml.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_objdetect" Name="objdetect">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Objdetect" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Objdetect.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Objdetect.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_ts" Name="ts">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Ts" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Ts.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Ts.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv2_video" Name="video">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Video" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Video.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv2Video.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ </Directory>
+ </Directory>
+ <!-- lib -->
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_lib" Name="lib">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVLib" Guid="{% OpenCVLib.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVLib.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <!-- end of lib -->
+ <!-- staticlib -->
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_staticlib" Name="staticlib">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVStaticlib" Guid="{% OpenCVStaticlib.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVStaticlib.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <!-- end of lib -->
+ <!-- doc -->
+ <Directory Id="OpenCV_doc" Name="doc">
+ <Component Id="OpenCVDoc" Guid="{% OpenCVDoc.GUID %}">
+ {% for file in OpenCVDoc.Files %}
+ <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+ DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+ </File>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </Component>
+ </Directory>
+ <!-- end of doc -->
+ </Directory>
Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.3/opencvwxs.py
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.3/opencvwxs.py (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.3/opencvwxs.py 2012-03-08 14:35:14 UTC (rev 2344)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# @brief WiX wxs file generator for omniORB
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Norkai Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# Copyright (C) 2010
+# Noriaki Ando
+# Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+# National Institute of
+# Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+# All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+OpenCV_files = "README OpenCVConfig.cmake"
+data = [
+ ("", OpenCV_files),
+ ("bin", "*.dll"),
+ ("gpu/x86/bin", "*.dll"),
+ ("gpu/x86/lib", "*.lib"),
+ ("include/opencv", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/calib3d", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/contrib", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/core", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/features2d", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/flann", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/gpu", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/highgui", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/imgproc", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/legacy", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/ml", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/objdetect", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/ts", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("include/opencv2/video", "*.h *.hpp"),
+ ("lib", "*.lib"),
+ ("staticlib", "*.lib"),
+ ("doc", "license.txt *.pdf")
+import os
+base_dir = os.getenv("OPENCV_ROOT")
+base_dir = base_dir.replace("\"", "")
+if base_dir == None:
+ base_dir="C:\\distribution\\OpenCV2.3"
+ base_dir += "\\"
+def path_to_dir_id(path, prefix):
+ # path = "bin/x86_win32" prefix = "omni"
+ # output = "omni_bin_x86_win32"
+ # "." -> "_"
+ output = prefix + "_" + "_".join(path.split("/"))
+ return output.replace(".", "_")
+def path_to_comp_id(path, prefix):
+ # path = "bin/x86_win32" prefix = "omni"
+ # output = "OmniBinX86_win32"
+ # "." -> "_"
+ output = prefix
+ for c in path.split("/"):
+ output += c.capitalize()
+ return output.replace(".", "_")
+import makewxs
+for (path, files) in data:
+ # wxs component name
+ comp_name = path_to_comp_id(path, "OpenCV")
+ # wxs directory name
+ dir_name = path_to_dir_id(path, "OpenCV")
+ path = path.replace("/", "\\")
+ # full path to target directory
+ full_path = base_dir + "\\\\" + path
+ import glob
+ flist = []
+ for f in files.split(" "):
+ flist += glob.glob(full_path + "\\" + f)
+ cmd = ["flist",
+ "-c", comp_name,
+ "-o", dir_name + ".yaml",
+ "-p", base_dir + path]
+ cmd += flist
+ makewxs.main(cmd)
+import re
+if None != re.search('2\.3',base_dir):
+ cmd = ["wxs",
+ "-o", "OpenCV_inc.wxs",
+ "-i", "OpenCV23_inc.wxs.in"]
+ cmd = ["wxs",
+ "-o", "OpenCV_inc.wxs",
+ "-i", "OpenCV23_inc.wxs.in"]
+cmd += glob.glob("*.yaml")
openrtm-commit メーリングリストの案内