[openrtm-commit:00697] r260 - in trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource: . Python Python/AIST1 Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL__POA Python/AIST2 Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL__POA Python/AIST3 Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL__POA Python/AIST4 Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL__POA Python/AIST6 Python/AIST6/work Python/type Python/type/_GlobalIDL Python/type/_GlobalIDL__POA Python/type2 Python/type2/_GlobalIDL Python/type2/_GlobalIDL__POA

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2012年 2月 11日 (土) 02:02:45 JST

Author: sakamoto
Date: 2012-02-11 02:02:45 +0900 (Sat, 11 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 260

Update CMakeList.txt #2300

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef sequence<string> EchoList;
+typedef sequence<float> ValueList;
+interface MyService
+  string echo(in string msg);
+  EchoList get_echo_history();
+  void set_value(in float value);
+  float get_value();
+  ValueList get_value_history();

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService_idl.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService_idl.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService_idl.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Python stubs generated by omniidl from MyService.idl
+import omniORB, _omnipy
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+_omnipy.checkVersion(2,0, __file__)
+    _omniORB_StructBase = omniORB.StructBase
+except AttributeError:
+    class _omniORB_StructBase: pass
+# Start of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+_0__GlobalIDL = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL", r"MyService.idl")
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL__POA", r"MyService.idl")
+# typedef ... ValueList
+class ValueList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:ValueList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.ValueList = ValueList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_ValueList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, "ValueList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList)
+omniORB.registerType(ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList)
+del ValueList
+# typedef ... EchoList
+class EchoList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:EchoList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.EchoList = EchoList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_EchoList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, "EchoList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList)
+omniORB.registerType(EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList)
+del EchoList
+# interface MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_objref, "IDL:MyService:1.0", "MyService")
+omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:MyService:1.0"] = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = omniORB.newEmptyClass()
+class MyService :
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService[1]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+    _nil = CORBA.Object._nil
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService)
+omniORB.registerType(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService)
+# MyService operations and attributes
+MyService._d_echo = (((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), None)
+MyService._d_get_echo_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:EchoList:1.0"], ), None)
+MyService._d_set_value = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), (), None)
+MyService._d_get_value = ((), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), None)
+MyService._d_get_value_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:ValueList:1.0"], ), None)
+# MyService object reference
+class _objref_MyService (CORBA.Object):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    def __init__(self):
+        CORBA.Object.__init__(self)
+    def echo(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, args)
+    def get_echo_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_echo_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, args)
+    def set_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "set_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, args)
+    def get_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, args)
+    def get_value_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history, args)
+    __methods__ = ["echo", "get_echo_history", "set_value", "get_value", "get_value_history"] + CORBA.Object.__methods__
+omniORB.registerObjref(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _objref_MyService)
+_0__GlobalIDL._objref_MyService = _objref_MyService
+del MyService, _objref_MyService
+# MyService skeleton
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL__POA"
+class MyService (PortableServer.Servant):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    _omni_op_d = {"echo": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, "get_echo_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, "set_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, "get_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, "get_value_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history}
+MyService._omni_skeleton = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA.MyService = MyService
+del MyService
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+# End of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "MyService_idl"
+_exported_modules = ( "_GlobalIDL", )
+# The end.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService_idl_example.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService_idl_example.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/MyService_idl_example.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ \file MyService_idl_examplefile.py
+ \brief Python example implementations generated from MyService.idl
+ \date $Date$
+import CORBA, PortableServer
+# Import the Python stub modules so type definitions are available.
+import _GlobalIDL
+# Import the Python Skeleton modules so skeleton base classes are available.
+import _GlobalIDL__POA
+class MyService_i (_GlobalIDL__POA.MyService):
+    """
+    \class MyService_i
+    Example class implementing IDL interface MyService
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        \brief standard constructor
+        Initialise member variables here
+        """
+        pass
+    # string echo(in string msg)
+    def echo(self, msg):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # EchoList get_echo_history()
+    def get_echo_history(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # void set_value(in float value)
+    def set_value(self, value):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: None
+    # float get_value()
+    def get_value(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # ValueList get_value_history()
+    def get_value_history(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    # Initialise the ORB
+    orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv)
+    # As an example, we activate an object in the Root POA
+    poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+    # Create an instance of a servant class
+    servant = MyService_i()
+    # Activate it in the Root POA
+    poa.activate_object(servant)
+    # Get the object reference to the object
+    objref = servant._this()
+    # Print a stringified IOR for it
+    print orb.object_to_string(objref)
+    # Activate the Root POA's manager
+    poa._get_the_POAManager().activate()
+    # Run the ORB, blocking this thread
+    orb.run()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/README.test
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/README.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/README.test	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+  RTComponent: test specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test 
+#   --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara 
+#   --module-category=exmple --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+#   --service=MySVPro:myservice:MyService 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: test
+Description: test component
+Version:     1.0.0
+Vendor:      S.Kurihara
+Category:    exmple
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        Python
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+	PortName:    MySVPro
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Provider Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+# </rtc-template> 
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL__POA generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/test.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST1/test.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Python -*-
+ \file test.py
+ \brief test component
+ \date $Date$
+import sys
+import time
+# Import RTM module
+import OpenRTM
+import RTC
+# Import Service implementation class
+# <rtc-template block="service_impl">
+from MyService_idl_example import *
+# </rtc-template>
+# Import Service stub modules
+# <rtc-template block="consumer_import">
+# </rtc-template>
+# This module's spesification
+# <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+test_spec = ["implementation_id", "test", 
+		 "type_name",         "test", 
+		 "description",       "test component", 
+		 "version",           "1.0.0", 
+		 "vendor",            "S.Kurihara", 
+		 "category",          "exmple", 
+		 "activity_type",     "STATIC", 
+		 "max_instance",      "1", 
+		 "language",          "Python", 
+		 "lang_type",         "SCRIPT",
+		 ""]
+# </rtc-template>
+class test(OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase):
+	"""
+	\class test
+	\brief test component
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, manager):
+		"""
+		\brief constructor
+		\param manager Maneger Object
+		"""
+		OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+		# Set InPort buffers
+		# Set OutPort buffers
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVProPort = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVPro")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice = MyService_i()
+		# Set service provider to Ports
+		self._MySVProPort.registerProvider("myservice", "MyService", self._myservice)
+		# Set service consumers to Ports
+		# Set CORBA Service Ports
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVProPort)
+		# initialize of configuration-data.
+		# <rtc-template block="init_conf_param">
+		# </rtc-template>
+	def onInitialize(self):
+		"""
+		The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+		formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+		\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+		"""
+		# Bind variables and configuration variable
+		return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onFinalize(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+	#	formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStartup(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+	#	former rtc_starting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onShutdown(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+	#	former rtc_stopping_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onActivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The activated action (Active state entry action)
+	#	former rtc_active_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onDeactivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+	#	former rtc_active_exit()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onExecute(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The execution action that is invoked periodically
+	#	former rtc_active_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onAborting(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+	#	former rtc_aborting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onError(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The error action in ERROR state
+	#	former rtc_error_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onReset(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The reset action that is invoked resetting
+	#	This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStateUpdate(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onRateChanged(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+def MyModuleInit(manager):
+    profile = OpenRTM.Properties(defaults_str=test_spec)
+    manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                            test,
+                            OpenRTM.Delete)
+    # Create a component
+    comp = manager.createComponent("test")
+def main():
+	mgr = OpenRTM.Manager.init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
+	mgr.setModuleInitProc(MyModuleInit)
+	mgr.activateManager()
+	mgr.runManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/MyService.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/MyService.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/MyService.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef sequence<string> EchoList;
+typedef sequence<float> ValueList;
+interface MyService
+  string echo(in string msg);
+  EchoList get_echo_history();
+  void set_value(in float value);
+  float get_value();
+  ValueList get_value_history();

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/MyService_idl.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/MyService_idl.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/MyService_idl.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Python stubs generated by omniidl from MyService.idl
+import omniORB, _omnipy
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+_omnipy.checkVersion(2,0, __file__)
+    _omniORB_StructBase = omniORB.StructBase
+except AttributeError:
+    class _omniORB_StructBase: pass
+# Start of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+_0__GlobalIDL = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL", r"MyService.idl")
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL__POA", r"MyService.idl")
+# typedef ... ValueList
+class ValueList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:ValueList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.ValueList = ValueList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_ValueList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, "ValueList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList)
+omniORB.registerType(ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList)
+del ValueList
+# typedef ... EchoList
+class EchoList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:EchoList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.EchoList = EchoList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_EchoList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, "EchoList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList)
+omniORB.registerType(EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList)
+del EchoList
+# interface MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_objref, "IDL:MyService:1.0", "MyService")
+omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:MyService:1.0"] = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = omniORB.newEmptyClass()
+class MyService :
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService[1]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+    _nil = CORBA.Object._nil
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService)
+omniORB.registerType(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService)
+# MyService operations and attributes
+MyService._d_echo = (((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), None)
+MyService._d_get_echo_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:EchoList:1.0"], ), None)
+MyService._d_set_value = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), (), None)
+MyService._d_get_value = ((), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), None)
+MyService._d_get_value_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:ValueList:1.0"], ), None)
+# MyService object reference
+class _objref_MyService (CORBA.Object):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    def __init__(self):
+        CORBA.Object.__init__(self)
+    def echo(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, args)
+    def get_echo_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_echo_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, args)
+    def set_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "set_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, args)
+    def get_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, args)
+    def get_value_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history, args)
+    __methods__ = ["echo", "get_echo_history", "set_value", "get_value", "get_value_history"] + CORBA.Object.__methods__
+omniORB.registerObjref(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _objref_MyService)
+_0__GlobalIDL._objref_MyService = _objref_MyService
+del MyService, _objref_MyService
+# MyService skeleton
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL__POA"
+class MyService (PortableServer.Servant):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    _omni_op_d = {"echo": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, "get_echo_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, "set_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, "get_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, "get_value_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history}
+MyService._omni_skeleton = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA.MyService = MyService
+del MyService
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+# End of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "MyService_idl"
+_exported_modules = ( "_GlobalIDL", )
+# The end.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/README.test
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/README.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/README.test	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+  RTComponent: test specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test 
+#   --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara 
+#   --module-category=example --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+#   --inport=in:RTC::TimedFloatSeq --outport=out:RTC::TimedFloatSeq 
+#   --consumer=MySVCon:myservice:MyService 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: test
+Description: test component
+Version:     1.0.0
+Vendor:      S.Kurihara
+Category:    example
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        Python
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+	Name:        in
+	PortNumber:  0
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::TimedFloatSeq
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+	Name:        out
+	PortNumber:  0
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::TimedFloatSeq
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+	PortName:    MySVCon
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Consumer Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+# </rtc-template> 
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL__POA generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/gen.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/gen.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/gen.sh	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara --module-category=example --module-comp-type=STATIC --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 --inport=in:TimedFloatSeq --outport=out:TimedFloatSeq --consumer-idl=MyService.idl --consumer=MySVCon:myservice:MyService 

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/test.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST2/test.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Python -*-
+ \file test.py
+ \brief test component
+ \date $Date$
+import sys
+import time
+# Import RTM module
+import OpenRTM
+import RTC
+# Import Service implementation class
+# <rtc-template block="service_impl">
+# </rtc-template>
+# Import Service stub modules
+# <rtc-template block="consumer_import">
+import _GlobalIDL, _GlobalIDL__POA
+# </rtc-template>
+# This module's spesification
+# <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+test_spec = ["implementation_id", "test", 
+		 "type_name",         "test", 
+		 "description",       "test component", 
+		 "version",           "1.0.0", 
+		 "vendor",            "S.Kurihara", 
+		 "category",          "example", 
+		 "activity_type",     "STATIC", 
+		 "max_instance",      "1", 
+		 "language",          "Python", 
+		 "lang_type",         "SCRIPT",
+		 ""]
+# </rtc-template>
+class test(OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase):
+	"""
+	\class test
+	\brief test component
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, manager):
+		"""
+		\brief constructor
+		\param manager Maneger Object
+		"""
+		OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+		self._d_in = RTC.TimedFloatSeq(RTC.Time(0,0),[])
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._inIn = OpenRTM.InPort("in", self._d_in, OpenRTM.RingBuffer(8))
+		self._d_out = RTC.TimedFloatSeq(RTC.Time(0,0),[])
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._outOut = OpenRTM.OutPort("out", self._d_out, OpenRTM.RingBuffer(8))
+		# Set InPort buffers
+		self.registerInPort("in",self._inIn)
+		# Set OutPort buffers
+		self.registerOutPort("out",self._outOut)
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVConPort = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVCon")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice = OpenRTM.CorbaConsumer(interfaceType=_GlobalIDL.MyService)
+		# Set service provider to Ports
+		# Set service consumers to Ports
+		self._MySVConPort.registerConsumer("myservice", "MyService", self._myservice)
+		# Set CORBA Service Ports
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVConPort)
+		# initialize of configuration-data.
+		# <rtc-template block="init_conf_param">
+		# </rtc-template>
+	def onInitialize(self):
+		"""
+		The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+		formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+		\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+		"""
+		# Bind variables and configuration variable
+		return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onFinalize(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+	#	formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStartup(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+	#	former rtc_starting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onShutdown(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+	#	former rtc_stopping_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onActivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The activated action (Active state entry action)
+	#	former rtc_active_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onDeactivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+	#	former rtc_active_exit()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onExecute(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The execution action that is invoked periodically
+	#	former rtc_active_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onAborting(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+	#	former rtc_aborting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onError(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The error action in ERROR state
+	#	former rtc_error_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onReset(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The reset action that is invoked resetting
+	#	This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStateUpdate(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onRateChanged(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+def MyModuleInit(manager):
+    profile = OpenRTM.Properties(defaults_str=test_spec)
+    manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                            test,
+                            OpenRTM.Delete)
+    # Create a component
+    comp = manager.createComponent("test")
+def main():
+	mgr = OpenRTM.Manager.init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
+	mgr.setModuleInitProc(MyModuleInit)
+	mgr.activateManager()
+	mgr.runManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef sequence<string> EchoList;
+typedef sequence<float> ValueList;
+interface MyService
+  string echo(in string msg);
+  EchoList get_echo_history();
+  void set_value(in float value);
+  float get_value();
+  ValueList get_value_history();

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService_idl.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService_idl.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService_idl.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Python stubs generated by omniidl from MyService.idl
+import omniORB, _omnipy
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+_omnipy.checkVersion(2,0, __file__)
+    _omniORB_StructBase = omniORB.StructBase
+except AttributeError:
+    class _omniORB_StructBase: pass
+# Start of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+_0__GlobalIDL = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL", r"MyService.idl")
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL__POA", r"MyService.idl")
+# typedef ... ValueList
+class ValueList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:ValueList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.ValueList = ValueList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_ValueList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, "ValueList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList)
+omniORB.registerType(ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList)
+del ValueList
+# typedef ... EchoList
+class EchoList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:EchoList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.EchoList = EchoList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_EchoList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, "EchoList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList)
+omniORB.registerType(EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList)
+del EchoList
+# interface MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_objref, "IDL:MyService:1.0", "MyService")
+omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:MyService:1.0"] = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = omniORB.newEmptyClass()
+class MyService :
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService[1]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+    _nil = CORBA.Object._nil
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService)
+omniORB.registerType(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService)
+# MyService operations and attributes
+MyService._d_echo = (((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), None)
+MyService._d_get_echo_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:EchoList:1.0"], ), None)
+MyService._d_set_value = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), (), None)
+MyService._d_get_value = ((), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), None)
+MyService._d_get_value_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:ValueList:1.0"], ), None)
+# MyService object reference
+class _objref_MyService (CORBA.Object):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    def __init__(self):
+        CORBA.Object.__init__(self)
+    def echo(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, args)
+    def get_echo_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_echo_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, args)
+    def set_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "set_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, args)
+    def get_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, args)
+    def get_value_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history, args)
+    __methods__ = ["echo", "get_echo_history", "set_value", "get_value", "get_value_history"] + CORBA.Object.__methods__
+omniORB.registerObjref(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _objref_MyService)
+_0__GlobalIDL._objref_MyService = _objref_MyService
+del MyService, _objref_MyService
+# MyService skeleton
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL__POA"
+class MyService (PortableServer.Servant):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    _omni_op_d = {"echo": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, "get_echo_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, "set_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, "get_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, "get_value_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history}
+MyService._omni_skeleton = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA.MyService = MyService
+del MyService
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+# End of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "MyService_idl"
+_exported_modules = ( "_GlobalIDL", )
+# The end.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService_idl_example.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService_idl_example.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/MyService_idl_example.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ \file MyService_idl_examplefile.py
+ \brief Python example implementations generated from MyService.idl
+ \date $Date$
+import CORBA, PortableServer
+# Import the Python stub modules so type definitions are available.
+import _GlobalIDL
+# Import the Python Skeleton modules so skeleton base classes are available.
+import _GlobalIDL__POA
+class MyService_i (_GlobalIDL__POA.MyService):
+    """
+    \class MyService_i
+    Example class implementing IDL interface MyService
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        \brief standard constructor
+        Initialise member variables here
+        """
+        pass
+    # string echo(in string msg)
+    def echo(self, msg):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # EchoList get_echo_history()
+    def get_echo_history(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # void set_value(in float value)
+    def set_value(self, value):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: None
+    # float get_value()
+    def get_value(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # ValueList get_value_history()
+    def get_value_history(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    # Initialise the ORB
+    orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv)
+    # As an example, we activate an object in the Root POA
+    poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+    # Create an instance of a servant class
+    servant = MyService_i()
+    # Activate it in the Root POA
+    poa.activate_object(servant)
+    # Get the object reference to the object
+    objref = servant._this()
+    # Print a stringified IOR for it
+    print orb.object_to_string(objref)
+    # Activate the Root POA's manager
+    poa._get_the_POAManager().activate()
+    # Run the ORB, blocking this thread
+    orb.run()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/README.test
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/README.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/README.test	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+  RTComponent: test specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test 
+#   --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara 
+#   --module-category=example --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+#   --inport=in:RTC::TimedFloatSeq --outport=out:RTC::TimedFloatSeq 
+#   --service=MySVPro:myservice0:MyService 
+#   --consumer=MySVCon:myservice1:MyService 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: test
+Description: test component
+Version:     1.0.0
+Vendor:      S.Kurihara
+Category:    example
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        Python
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+	Name:        in
+	PortNumber:  0
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::TimedFloatSeq
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+	Name:        out
+	PortNumber:  0
+	Description: 
+	PortType: 
+	DataType:    RTC::TimedFloatSeq
+	MaxOut: 
+	[Data Elements]
+		Name:
+		Type:            
+		Number:          
+		Semantics:       
+		Unit:            
+		Frequency:       
+		Operation Cycle: 
+		RangeLow:
+		RangeHigh:
+		DefaultValue:
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+	PortName:    MySVPro
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Provider Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice0
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+	PortName:    MySVCon
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Consumer Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice1
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+# </rtc-template> 
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL__POA generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/test.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST3/test.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Python -*-
+ \file test.py
+ \brief test component
+ \date $Date$
+import sys
+import time
+# Import RTM module
+import OpenRTM
+import RTC
+# Import Service implementation class
+# <rtc-template block="service_impl">
+from MyService_idl_example import *
+# </rtc-template>
+# Import Service stub modules
+# <rtc-template block="consumer_import">
+import _GlobalIDL, _GlobalIDL__POA
+# </rtc-template>
+# This module's spesification
+# <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+test_spec = ["implementation_id", "test", 
+		 "type_name",         "test", 
+		 "description",       "test component", 
+		 "version",           "1.0.0", 
+		 "vendor",            "S.Kurihara", 
+		 "category",          "example", 
+		 "activity_type",     "STATIC", 
+		 "max_instance",      "1", 
+		 "language",          "Python", 
+		 "lang_type",         "SCRIPT",
+		 ""]
+# </rtc-template>
+class test(OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase):
+	"""
+	\class test
+	\brief test component
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, manager):
+		"""
+		\brief constructor
+		\param manager Maneger Object
+		"""
+		OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+		self._d_in = RTC.TimedFloatSeq(RTC.Time(0,0),[])
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._inIn = OpenRTM.InPort("in", self._d_in, OpenRTM.RingBuffer(8))
+		self._d_out = RTC.TimedFloatSeq(RTC.Time(0,0),[])
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._outOut = OpenRTM.OutPort("out", self._d_out, OpenRTM.RingBuffer(8))
+		# Set InPort buffers
+		self.registerInPort("in",self._inIn)
+		# Set OutPort buffers
+		self.registerOutPort("out",self._outOut)
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVProPort = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVPro")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVConPort = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVCon")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice0 = MyService_i()
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice1 = OpenRTM.CorbaConsumer(interfaceType=_GlobalIDL.MyService)
+		# Set service provider to Ports
+		self._MySVProPort.registerProvider("myservice0", "MyService", self._myservice0)
+		# Set service consumers to Ports
+		self._MySVConPort.registerConsumer("myservice1", "MyService", self._myservice1)
+		# Set CORBA Service Ports
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVProPort)
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVConPort)
+		# initialize of configuration-data.
+		# <rtc-template block="init_conf_param">
+		# </rtc-template>
+	def onInitialize(self):
+		"""
+		The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+		formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+		\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+		"""
+		# Bind variables and configuration variable
+		return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onFinalize(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+	#	formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStartup(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+	#	former rtc_starting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onShutdown(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+	#	former rtc_stopping_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onActivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The activated action (Active state entry action)
+	#	former rtc_active_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onDeactivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+	#	former rtc_active_exit()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onExecute(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The execution action that is invoked periodically
+	#	former rtc_active_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onAborting(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+	#	former rtc_aborting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onError(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The error action in ERROR state
+	#	former rtc_error_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onReset(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The reset action that is invoked resetting
+	#	This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStateUpdate(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onRateChanged(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+def MyModuleInit(manager):
+    profile = OpenRTM.Properties(defaults_str=test_spec)
+    manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                            test,
+                            OpenRTM.Delete)
+    # Create a component
+    comp = manager.createComponent("test")
+def main():
+	mgr = OpenRTM.Manager.init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
+	mgr.setModuleInitProc(MyModuleInit)
+	mgr.activateManager()
+	mgr.runManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef sequence<string> EchoList;
+typedef sequence<float> ValueList;
+interface MyService
+  string echo(in string msg);
+  EchoList get_echo_history();
+  void set_value(in float value);
+  float get_value();
+  ValueList get_value_history();

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService_idl.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService_idl.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService_idl.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Python stubs generated by omniidl from MyService.idl
+import omniORB, _omnipy
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+_omnipy.checkVersion(2,0, __file__)
+    _omniORB_StructBase = omniORB.StructBase
+except AttributeError:
+    class _omniORB_StructBase: pass
+# Start of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+_0__GlobalIDL = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL", r"MyService.idl")
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL__POA", r"MyService.idl")
+# typedef ... ValueList
+class ValueList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:ValueList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.ValueList = ValueList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_ValueList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, "ValueList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList)
+omniORB.registerType(ValueList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_ValueList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_ValueList)
+del ValueList
+# typedef ... EchoList
+class EchoList:
+    _NP_RepositoryId = "IDL:EchoList:1.0"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+_0__GlobalIDL.EchoList = EchoList
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_EchoList  = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0)
+_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_alias, EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, "EchoList", (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_sequence, (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), 0))
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList)
+omniORB.registerType(EchoList._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._ad_EchoList, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_EchoList)
+del EchoList
+# interface MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_objref, "IDL:MyService:1.0", "MyService")
+omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:MyService:1.0"] = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = omniORB.newEmptyClass()
+class MyService :
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService[1]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+    _nil = CORBA.Object._nil
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService)
+omniORB.registerType(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService)
+# MyService operations and attributes
+MyService._d_echo = (((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), ), None)
+MyService._d_get_echo_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:EchoList:1.0"], ), None)
+MyService._d_set_value = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), (), None)
+MyService._d_get_value = ((), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, ), None)
+MyService._d_get_value_history = ((), (omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:ValueList:1.0"], ), None)
+# MyService object reference
+class _objref_MyService (CORBA.Object):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    def __init__(self):
+        CORBA.Object.__init__(self)
+    def echo(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, args)
+    def get_echo_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_echo_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, args)
+    def set_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "set_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, args)
+    def get_value(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, args)
+    def get_value_history(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "get_value_history", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history, args)
+    __methods__ = ["echo", "get_echo_history", "set_value", "get_value", "get_value_history"] + CORBA.Object.__methods__
+omniORB.registerObjref(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _objref_MyService)
+_0__GlobalIDL._objref_MyService = _objref_MyService
+del MyService, _objref_MyService
+# MyService skeleton
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL__POA"
+class MyService (PortableServer.Servant):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    _omni_op_d = {"echo": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo, "get_echo_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_echo_history, "set_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_set_value, "get_value": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value, "get_value_history": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_get_value_history}
+MyService._omni_skeleton = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA.MyService = MyService
+del MyService
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+# End of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "MyService_idl"
+_exported_modules = ( "_GlobalIDL", )
+# The end.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService_idl_example.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService_idl_example.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/MyService_idl_example.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ \file MyService_idl_examplefile.py
+ \brief Python example implementations generated from MyService.idl
+ \date $Date$
+import CORBA, PortableServer
+# Import the Python stub modules so type definitions are available.
+import _GlobalIDL
+# Import the Python Skeleton modules so skeleton base classes are available.
+import _GlobalIDL__POA
+class MyService_i (_GlobalIDL__POA.MyService):
+    """
+    \class MyService_i
+    Example class implementing IDL interface MyService
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        \brief standard constructor
+        Initialise member variables here
+        """
+        pass
+    # string echo(in string msg)
+    def echo(self, msg):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # EchoList get_echo_history()
+    def get_echo_history(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # void set_value(in float value)
+    def set_value(self, value):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: None
+    # float get_value()
+    def get_value(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # ValueList get_value_history()
+    def get_value_history(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    # Initialise the ORB
+    orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv)
+    # As an example, we activate an object in the Root POA
+    poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+    # Create an instance of a servant class
+    servant = MyService_i()
+    # Activate it in the Root POA
+    poa.activate_object(servant)
+    # Get the object reference to the object
+    objref = servant._this()
+    # Print a stringified IOR for it
+    print orb.object_to_string(objref)
+    # Activate the Root POA's manager
+    poa._get_the_POAManager().activate()
+    # Run the ORB, blocking this thread
+    orb.run()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/README.test
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/README.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/README.test	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+  RTComponent: test specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test 
+#   --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara 
+#   --module-category=sample --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+#   --service=MySVPro0:myservice0:MyService 
+#   --service=MySVPro1:myservice:MyService 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: test
+Description: test component
+Version:     1.0.0
+Vendor:      S.Kurihara
+Category:    sample
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        Python
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+	PortName:    MySVPro0
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Provider Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice0
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+	PortName:    MySVPro1
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Provider Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+# </rtc-template> 
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL__POA generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/test.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST4/test.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Python -*-
+ \file test.py
+ \brief test component
+ \date $Date$
+import sys
+import time
+# Import RTM module
+import OpenRTM
+import RTC
+# Import Service implementation class
+# <rtc-template block="service_impl">
+from MyService_idl_example import *
+# </rtc-template>
+# Import Service stub modules
+# <rtc-template block="consumer_import">
+# </rtc-template>
+# This module's spesification
+# <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+test_spec = ["implementation_id", "test", 
+		 "type_name",         "test", 
+		 "description",       "test component", 
+		 "version",           "1.0.0", 
+		 "vendor",            "S.Kurihara", 
+		 "category",          "sample", 
+		 "activity_type",     "STATIC", 
+		 "max_instance",      "1", 
+		 "language",          "Python", 
+		 "lang_type",         "SCRIPT",
+		 ""]
+# </rtc-template>
+class test(OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase):
+	"""
+	\class test
+	\brief test component
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, manager):
+		"""
+		\brief constructor
+		\param manager Maneger Object
+		"""
+		OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+		# Set InPort buffers
+		# Set OutPort buffers
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVPro0Port = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVPro0")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVPro1Port = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVPro1")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice0 = MyService_i()
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice = MyService_i()
+		# Set service provider to Ports
+		self._MySVPro0Port.registerProvider("myservice0", "MyService", self._myservice0)
+		self._MySVPro1Port.registerProvider("myservice", "MyService", self._myservice)
+		# Set service consumers to Ports
+		# Set CORBA Service Ports
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVPro0Port)
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVPro1Port)
+		# initialize of configuration-data.
+		# <rtc-template block="init_conf_param">
+		# </rtc-template>
+	def onInitialize(self):
+		"""
+		The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+		formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+		\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+		"""
+		# Bind variables and configuration variable
+		return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onFinalize(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+	#	formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStartup(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+	#	former rtc_starting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onShutdown(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+	#	former rtc_stopping_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onActivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The activated action (Active state entry action)
+	#	former rtc_active_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onDeactivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+	#	former rtc_active_exit()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onExecute(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The execution action that is invoked periodically
+	#	former rtc_active_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onAborting(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+	#	former rtc_aborting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onError(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The error action in ERROR state
+	#	former rtc_error_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onReset(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The reset action that is invoked resetting
+	#	This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStateUpdate(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onRateChanged(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+def MyModuleInit(manager):
+    profile = OpenRTM.Properties(defaults_str=test_spec)
+    manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                            test,
+                            OpenRTM.Delete)
+    # Create a component
+    comp = manager.createComponent("test")
+def main():
+	mgr = OpenRTM.Manager.init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
+	mgr.setModuleInitProc(MyModuleInit)
+	mgr.activateManager()
+	mgr.runManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/README.test
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/README.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/README.test	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+  RTComponent: test specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test 
+#   --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara 
+#   --module-category=sample --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: test
+Description: test component
+Version:     1.0.0
+Vendor:      S.Kurihara
+Category:    sample
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        Python
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+# </rtc-template> 
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/test.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/test.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Python -*-
+ \file test.py
+ \brief test component
+ \date $Date$
+import sys
+import time
+# Import RTM module
+import OpenRTM
+import RTC
+# Import Service implementation class
+# <rtc-template block="service_impl">
+# </rtc-template>
+# Import Service stub modules
+# <rtc-template block="consumer_import">
+# </rtc-template>
+# This module's spesification
+# <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+test_spec = ["implementation_id", "test", 
+		 "type_name",         "test", 
+		 "description",       "test component", 
+		 "version",           "1.0.0", 
+		 "vendor",            "S.Kurihara", 
+		 "category",          "sample", 
+		 "activity_type",     "STATIC", 
+		 "max_instance",      "1", 
+		 "language",          "Python", 
+		 "lang_type",         "SCRIPT",
+		 ""]
+# </rtc-template>
+class test(OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase):
+	"""
+	\class test
+	\brief test component
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, manager):
+		"""
+		\brief constructor
+		\param manager Maneger Object
+		"""
+		OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+		# Set InPort buffers
+		# Set OutPort buffers
+		# Set service provider to Ports
+		# Set service consumers to Ports
+		# Set CORBA Service Ports
+		# initialize of configuration-data.
+		# <rtc-template block="init_conf_param">
+		# </rtc-template>
+	def onInitialize(self):
+		"""
+		The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+		formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+		\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+		"""
+		# Bind variables and configuration variable
+		return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onFinalize(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+	#	formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStartup(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+	#	former rtc_starting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onShutdown(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+	#	former rtc_stopping_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onActivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The activated action (Active state entry action)
+	#	former rtc_active_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onDeactivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+	#	former rtc_active_exit()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onExecute(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The execution action that is invoked periodically
+	#	former rtc_active_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onAborting(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+	#	former rtc_aborting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onError(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The error action in ERROR state
+	#	former rtc_error_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onReset(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The reset action that is invoked resetting
+	#	This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStateUpdate(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onRateChanged(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+def MyModuleInit(manager):
+    profile = OpenRTM.Properties(defaults_str=test_spec)
+    manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                            test,
+                            OpenRTM.Delete)
+    # Create a component
+    comp = manager.createComponent("test")
+def main():
+	mgr = OpenRTM.Manager.init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
+	mgr.setModuleInitProc(MyModuleInit)
+	mgr.activateManager()
+	mgr.runManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/work/MyService.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/work/MyService.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/work/MyService.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+interface MyService
+  void setGain(in float gain);
+  float getGain();

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/work/MyServiceAIST.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/work/MyServiceAIST.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/AIST6/work/MyServiceAIST.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef sequence<string> EchoList;
+typedef sequence<float> ValueList;
+interface MyService2
+  string echo(in string msg);
+  EchoList get_echo_history();
+  void set_value(in float value);
+  float get_value();
+  ValueList get_value_history();

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+interface MyService
+  short echo01(in short ss, out short ss2, inout short ss3);
+  long echo02(in long ss, out long ss2, inout long ss3);
+  long long echo03(in long long ss, out long long ss2, inout long long ss3);
+  unsigned long echo04(in unsigned long ss, out unsigned long ss2, inout unsigned long ss3);
+  unsigned long long echo05(in unsigned long long ss, out unsigned long long ss2, inout unsigned long long ss3);
+  unsigned short echo06(in unsigned short ss, out unsigned short ss2, inout unsigned short ss3);
+  float echo07(in float ss, out float ss2, inout float ss3);
+  double echo08(in double ss, out double ss2, inout double ss3);
+//  long double echo09(in long double ss, out long double ss2, inout long double ss3);
+  char echo10(in char ss, out char ss2, inout char ss3);
+  wchar echo11(in wchar ss, out wchar ss2, inout wchar ss3);
+  octet echo12(in octet ss, out octet ss2, inout octet ss3);
+  boolean echo13(in boolean ss, out boolean ss2, inout boolean ss3);
+  string echo14(in string ss, out string ss2, inout string ss3);
+  wstring echo15(in wstring ss, out wstring ss2, inout wstring ss3);
+  any echo16(in any ss, out any ss2, inout any ss3);

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService_idl.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService_idl.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService_idl.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Python stubs generated by omniidl from MyService.idl
+import omniORB, _omnipy
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+_omnipy.checkVersion(2,0, __file__)
+    _omniORB_StructBase = omniORB.StructBase
+except AttributeError:
+    class _omniORB_StructBase: pass
+# Start of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+_0__GlobalIDL = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL", r"MyService.idl")
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL__POA", r"MyService.idl")
+# interface MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_objref, "IDL:MyService:1.0", "MyService")
+omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:MyService:1.0"] = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = omniORB.newEmptyClass()
+class MyService :
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService[1]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+    _nil = CORBA.Object._nil
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService)
+omniORB.registerType(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService)
+# MyService operations and attributes
+MyService._d_echo01 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), None)
+MyService._d_echo02 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_long, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_long), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_long, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_long, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_long), None)
+MyService._d_echo03 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_longlong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_longlong), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_longlong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_longlong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_longlong), None)
+MyService._d_echo04 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulong), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulong), None)
+MyService._d_echo05 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulonglong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulonglong), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulonglong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulonglong, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ulonglong), None)
+MyService._d_echo06 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ushort, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ushort), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ushort, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ushort, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_ushort), None)
+MyService._d_echo07 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_float), None)
+MyService._d_echo08 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_double, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_double), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_double, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_double, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_double), None)
+MyService._d_echo10 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_char, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_char), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_char, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_char, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_char), None)
+MyService._d_echo11 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wchar, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wchar), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wchar, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wchar, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wchar), None)
+MyService._d_echo12 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_octet, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_octet), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_octet, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_octet, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_octet), None)
+MyService._d_echo13 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_boolean, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_boolean), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_boolean, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_boolean, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_boolean), None)
+MyService._d_echo14 = (((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0)), ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_string,0)), None)
+MyService._d_echo15 = (((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wstring,0), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wstring,0)), ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wstring,0), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wstring,0), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_wstring,0)), None)
+MyService._d_echo16 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_any, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_any), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_any, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_any, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_any), None)
+# MyService object reference
+class _objref_MyService (CORBA.Object):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    def __init__(self):
+        CORBA.Object.__init__(self)
+    def echo01(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo01", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo01, args)
+    def echo02(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo02", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo02, args)
+    def echo03(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo03", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo03, args)
+    def echo04(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo04", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo04, args)
+    def echo05(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo05", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo05, args)
+    def echo06(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo06", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo06, args)
+    def echo07(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo07", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo07, args)
+    def echo08(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo08", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo08, args)
+    def echo10(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo10", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo10, args)
+    def echo11(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo11", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo11, args)
+    def echo12(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo12", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo12, args)
+    def echo13(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo13", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo13, args)
+    def echo14(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo14", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo14, args)
+    def echo15(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo15", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo15, args)
+    def echo16(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo16", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo16, args)
+    __methods__ = ["echo01", "echo02", "echo03", "echo04", "echo05", "echo06", "echo07", "echo08", "echo10", "echo11", "echo12", "echo13", "echo14", "echo15", "echo16"] + CORBA.Object.__methods__
+omniORB.registerObjref(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _objref_MyService)
+_0__GlobalIDL._objref_MyService = _objref_MyService
+del MyService, _objref_MyService
+# MyService skeleton
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL__POA"
+class MyService (PortableServer.Servant):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    _omni_op_d = {"echo01": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo01, "echo02": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo02, "echo03": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo03, "echo04": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo04, "echo05": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo05, "echo06": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo06, "echo07": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo07, "echo08": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo08, "echo10": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo10, "echo11": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo11, "echo12": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo12, "echo13": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo13, "echo14": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo14, "echo15": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo15, "echo16": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo16}
+MyService._omni_skeleton = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA.MyService = MyService
+del MyService
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+# End of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "MyService_idl"
+_exported_modules = ( "_GlobalIDL", )
+# The end.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService_idl_example.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService_idl_example.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/MyService_idl_example.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ \file MyService_idl_examplefile.py
+ \brief Python example implementations generated from MyService.idl
+ \date $Date$
+import CORBA, PortableServer
+# Import the Python stub modules so type definitions are available.
+import _GlobalIDL
+# Import the Python Skeleton modules so skeleton base classes are available.
+import _GlobalIDL__POA
+class MyService_i (_GlobalIDL__POA.MyService):
+    """
+    \class MyService_i
+    Example class implementing IDL interface MyService
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        \brief standard constructor
+        Initialise member variables here
+        """
+        pass
+    # short echo01(in short ss, out short ss2, inout short ss3)
+    def echo01(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # long echo02(in long ss, out long ss2, inout long ss3)
+    def echo02(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # long long echo03(in long long ss, out long long ss2, inout long long ss3)
+    def echo03(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # unsigned long echo04(in unsigned long ss, out unsigned long ss2, inout unsigned long ss3)
+    def echo04(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # unsigned long long echo05(in unsigned long long ss, out unsigned long long ss2, inout unsigned long long ss3)
+    def echo05(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # unsigned short echo06(in unsigned short ss, out unsigned short ss2, inout unsigned short ss3)
+    def echo06(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # float echo07(in float ss, out float ss2, inout float ss3)
+    def echo07(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # double echo08(in double ss, out double ss2, inout double ss3)
+    def echo08(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # char echo10(in char ss, out char ss2, inout char ss3)
+    def echo10(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # wchar echo11(in wchar ss, out wchar ss2, inout wchar ss3)
+    def echo11(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # octet echo12(in octet ss, out octet ss2, inout octet ss3)
+    def echo12(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # boolean echo13(in boolean ss, out boolean ss2, inout boolean ss3)
+    def echo13(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # string echo14(in string ss, out string ss2, inout string ss3)
+    def echo14(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # wstring echo15(in wstring ss, out wstring ss2, inout wstring ss3)
+    def echo15(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # any echo16(in any ss, out any ss2, inout any ss3)
+    def echo16(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    # Initialise the ORB
+    orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv)
+    # As an example, we activate an object in the Root POA
+    poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+    # Create an instance of a servant class
+    servant = MyService_i()
+    # Activate it in the Root POA
+    poa.activate_object(servant)
+    # Get the object reference to the object
+    objref = servant._this()
+    # Print a stringified IOR for it
+    print orb.object_to_string(objref)
+    # Activate the Root POA's manager
+    poa._get_the_POAManager().activate()
+    # Run the ORB, blocking this thread
+    orb.run()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/README.test
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/README.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/README.test	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+  RTComponent: test specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test 
+#   --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara 
+#   --module-category=exmple --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+#   --service=MySVPro:myservice:MyService 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: test
+Description: test component
+Version:     1.0.0
+Vendor:      S.Kurihara
+Category:    exmple
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        Python
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+	PortName:    MySVPro
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Provider Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+# </rtc-template> 
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL__POA generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/test.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type/test.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Python -*-
+ \file test.py
+ \brief test component
+ \date $Date$
+import sys
+import time
+# Import RTM module
+import OpenRTM
+import RTC
+# Import Service implementation class
+# <rtc-template block="service_impl">
+from MyService_idl_example import *
+# </rtc-template>
+# Import Service stub modules
+# <rtc-template block="consumer_import">
+# </rtc-template>
+# This module's spesification
+# <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+test_spec = ["implementation_id", "test", 
+		 "type_name",         "test", 
+		 "description",       "test component", 
+		 "version",           "1.0.0", 
+		 "vendor",            "S.Kurihara", 
+		 "category",          "exmple", 
+		 "activity_type",     "STATIC", 
+		 "max_instance",      "1", 
+		 "language",          "Python", 
+		 "lang_type",         "SCRIPT",
+		 ""]
+# </rtc-template>
+class test(OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase):
+	"""
+	\class test
+	\brief test component
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, manager):
+		"""
+		\brief constructor
+		\param manager Maneger Object
+		"""
+		OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+		# Set InPort buffers
+		# Set OutPort buffers
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVProPort = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVPro")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice = MyService_i()
+		# Set service provider to Ports
+		self._MySVProPort.registerProvider("myservice", "MyService", self._myservice)
+		# Set service consumers to Ports
+		# Set CORBA Service Ports
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVProPort)
+		# initialize of configuration-data.
+		# <rtc-template block="init_conf_param">
+		# </rtc-template>
+	def onInitialize(self):
+		"""
+		The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+		formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+		\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+		"""
+		# Bind variables and configuration variable
+		return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onFinalize(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+	#	formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStartup(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+	#	former rtc_starting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onShutdown(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+	#	former rtc_stopping_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onActivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The activated action (Active state entry action)
+	#	former rtc_active_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onDeactivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+	#	former rtc_active_exit()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onExecute(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The execution action that is invoked periodically
+	#	former rtc_active_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onAborting(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+	#	former rtc_aborting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onError(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The error action in ERROR state
+	#	former rtc_error_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onReset(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The reset action that is invoked resetting
+	#	This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStateUpdate(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onRateChanged(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+def MyModuleInit(manager):
+    profile = OpenRTM.Properties(defaults_str=test_spec)
+    manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                            test,
+                            OpenRTM.Delete)
+    # Create a component
+    comp = manager.createComponent("test")
+def main():
+	mgr = OpenRTM.Manager.init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
+	mgr.setModuleInitProc(MyModuleInit)
+	mgr.activateManager()
+	mgr.runManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService.idl
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService.idl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService.idl	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+interface MyService
+  short echo01(in short ss, out short ss2, inout short ss3);
+  void echo02(in short ss, out short ss2, inout short ss3);
+  short echo03(in short ss, in short ss2, in short ss3);
+  short echo04(out short ss, out short ss2, out short ss3);
+  short echo05(inout short ss, inout short ss2, inout short ss3);

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService_idl.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService_idl.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService_idl.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Python stubs generated by omniidl from MyService.idl
+import omniORB, _omnipy
+from omniORB import CORBA, PortableServer
+_omnipy.checkVersion(2,0, __file__)
+    _omniORB_StructBase = omniORB.StructBase
+except AttributeError:
+    class _omniORB_StructBase: pass
+# Start of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+_0__GlobalIDL = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL", r"MyService.idl")
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA = omniORB.openModule("_GlobalIDL__POA", r"MyService.idl")
+# interface MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService = (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_objref, "IDL:MyService:1.0", "MyService")
+omniORB.typeMapping["IDL:MyService:1.0"] = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = omniORB.newEmptyClass()
+class MyService :
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService[1]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct objects of this type.")
+    _nil = CORBA.Object._nil
+_0__GlobalIDL.MyService = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService = omniORB.tcInternal.createTypeCode(_0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService)
+omniORB.registerType(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _0__GlobalIDL._d_MyService, _0__GlobalIDL._tc_MyService)
+# MyService operations and attributes
+MyService._d_echo01 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), None)
+MyService._d_echo02 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), None)
+MyService._d_echo03 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, ), None)
+MyService._d_echo04 = ((), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), None)
+MyService._d_echo05 = ((omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), (omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short, omniORB.tcInternal.tv_short), None)
+# MyService object reference
+class _objref_MyService (CORBA.Object):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    def __init__(self):
+        CORBA.Object.__init__(self)
+    def echo01(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo01", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo01, args)
+    def echo02(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo02", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo02, args)
+    def echo03(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo03", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo03, args)
+    def echo04(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo04", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo04, args)
+    def echo05(self, *args):
+        return _omnipy.invoke(self, "echo05", _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo05, args)
+    __methods__ = ["echo01", "echo02", "echo03", "echo04", "echo05"] + CORBA.Object.__methods__
+omniORB.registerObjref(MyService._NP_RepositoryId, _objref_MyService)
+_0__GlobalIDL._objref_MyService = _objref_MyService
+del MyService, _objref_MyService
+# MyService skeleton
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL__POA"
+class MyService (PortableServer.Servant):
+    _NP_RepositoryId = _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._NP_RepositoryId
+    _omni_op_d = {"echo01": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo01, "echo02": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo02, "echo03": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo03, "echo04": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo04, "echo05": _0__GlobalIDL.MyService._d_echo05}
+MyService._omni_skeleton = MyService
+_0__GlobalIDL__POA.MyService = MyService
+del MyService
+__name__ = "_GlobalIDL"
+# End of module "_GlobalIDL"
+__name__ = "MyService_idl"
+_exported_modules = ( "_GlobalIDL", )
+# The end.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService_idl_example.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService_idl_example.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/MyService_idl_example.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ \file MyService_idl_examplefile.py
+ \brief Python example implementations generated from MyService.idl
+ \date $Date$
+import CORBA, PortableServer
+# Import the Python stub modules so type definitions are available.
+import _GlobalIDL
+# Import the Python Skeleton modules so skeleton base classes are available.
+import _GlobalIDL__POA
+class MyService_i (_GlobalIDL__POA.MyService):
+    """
+    \class MyService_i
+    Example class implementing IDL interface MyService
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        \brief standard constructor
+        Initialise member variables here
+        """
+        pass
+    # short echo01(in short ss, out short ss2, inout short ss3)
+    def echo01(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss2, ss3
+    # void echo02(in short ss, out short ss2, inout short ss3)
+    def echo02(self, ss, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: ss2, ss3
+    # short echo03(in short ss, in short ss2, in short ss3)
+    def echo03(self, ss, ss2, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result
+    # short echo04(out short ss, out short ss2, out short ss3)
+    def echo04(self):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss, ss2, ss3
+    # short echo05(inout short ss, inout short ss2, inout short ss3)
+    def echo05(self, ss, ss2, ss3):
+        # *** Implement me
+        # Must return: result, ss, ss2, ss3
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    # Initialise the ORB
+    orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv)
+    # As an example, we activate an object in the Root POA
+    poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+    # Create an instance of a servant class
+    servant = MyService_i()
+    # Activate it in the Root POA
+    poa.activate_object(servant)
+    # Get the object reference to the object
+    objref = servant._this()
+    # Print a stringified IOR for it
+    print orb.object_to_string(objref)
+    # Activate the Root POA's manager
+    poa._get_the_POAManager().activate()
+    # Run the ORB, blocking this thread
+    orb.run()

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/README.test
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/README.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/README.test	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+  RTComponent: test specificatioin
+  OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2
+  Date: $Date$
+  This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments.
+#   rtc-template -bpython --module-name=test 
+#   --module-desc='test component' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=S.Kurihara 
+#   --module-category=exmple --module-comp-type=STATIC 
+#   --module-act-type=PERIODIC --module-max-inst=1 
+#   --service=MySVPro:myservice:MyService 
+    Basic Information
+# <rtc-template block="module">
+Module Name: test
+Description: test component
+Version:     1.0.0
+Vendor:      S.Kurihara
+Category:    exmple
+Comp. Type:  STATIC
+Act. Type:   PERIODIC
+MAX Inst.:   1
+Lang:        Python
+Lang Type:   
+# </rtc-template>
+    Activity definition
+    InPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="inport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    OutPorts definition
+# <rtc-template block="outport">
+# </rtc-template>
+    Service Port definition
+# <rtc-template block="serviceport">
+	PortName:    MySVPro
+	Description: 
+	Interface:   
+		[Service Provider Interfaces]
+		Name:          myservice
+		Type:          MyService
+		Description:   
+		Argument:      
+		Return Value:  
+		Exception:     
+		PreCondition:  
+		PostCondition: 
+# </rtc-template> 
+    Configuration definition
+# <rtc-template block="configuration">
+# </rtc-template> 
+This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/_GlobalIDL/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/_GlobalIDL__POA/__init__.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Python module _GlobalIDL__POA generated by omniidl
+# ** 1. Stub files contributing to this module
+import MyService_idl
+# ** 2. Sub-modules
+# ** 3. End

Added: trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/test.py
--- trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/test.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/jp.go.aist.rtm.rtcbuilder.python/resource/Python/type2/test.py	2012-02-10 17:02:45 UTC (rev 260)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Python -*-
+ \file test.py
+ \brief test component
+ \date $Date$
+import sys
+import time
+# Import RTM module
+import OpenRTM
+import RTC
+# Import Service implementation class
+# <rtc-template block="service_impl">
+from MyService_idl_example import *
+# </rtc-template>
+# Import Service stub modules
+# <rtc-template block="consumer_import">
+# </rtc-template>
+# This module's spesification
+# <rtc-template block="module_spec">
+test_spec = ["implementation_id", "test", 
+		 "type_name",         "test", 
+		 "description",       "test component", 
+		 "version",           "1.0.0", 
+		 "vendor",            "S.Kurihara", 
+		 "category",          "exmple", 
+		 "activity_type",     "STATIC", 
+		 "max_instance",      "1", 
+		 "language",          "Python", 
+		 "lang_type",         "SCRIPT",
+		 ""]
+# </rtc-template>
+class test(OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase):
+	"""
+	\class test
+	\brief test component
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, manager):
+		"""
+		\brief constructor
+		\param manager Maneger Object
+		"""
+		OpenRTM.DataFlowComponentBase.__init__(self, manager)
+		# Set InPort buffers
+		# Set OutPort buffers
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._MySVProPort = OpenRTM.CorbaPort("MySVPro")
+		"""
+		"""
+		self._myservice = MyService_i()
+		# Set service provider to Ports
+		self._MySVProPort.registerProvider("myservice", "MyService", self._myservice)
+		# Set service consumers to Ports
+		# Set CORBA Service Ports
+		self.registerPort(self._MySVProPort)
+		# initialize of configuration-data.
+		# <rtc-template block="init_conf_param">
+		# </rtc-template>
+	def onInitialize(self):
+		"""
+		The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
+		formaer rtc_init_entry() 
+		\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+		"""
+		# Bind variables and configuration variable
+		return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onFinalize(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The finalize action (on ALIVE->END transition)
+	#	formaer rtc_exiting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStartup(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The startup action when ExecutionContext startup
+	#	former rtc_starting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onShutdown(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The shutdown action when ExecutionContext stop
+	#	former rtc_stopping_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onActivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The activated action (Active state entry action)
+	#	former rtc_active_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onDeactivated(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
+	#	former rtc_active_exit()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onExecute(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The execution action that is invoked periodically
+	#	former rtc_active_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onAborting(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The aborting action when main logic error occurred.
+	#	former rtc_aborting_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onError(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The error action in ERROR state
+	#	former rtc_error_do()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onReset(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The reset action that is invoked resetting
+	#	This is same but different the former rtc_init_entry()
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onStateUpdate(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The state update action that is invoked after onExecute() action
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+	#def onRateChanged(self, ec_id):
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	The action that is invoked when execution context's rate is changed
+	#	no corresponding operation exists in OpenRTm-aist-0.2.0
+	#
+	#	\param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
+	#
+	#	\return RTC::ReturnCode_t
+	#
+	#	"""
+	#
+	#	return RTC.RTC_OK
+def MyModuleInit(manager):
+    profile = OpenRTM.Properties(defaults_str=test_spec)
+    manager.registerFactory(profile,
+                            test,
+                            OpenRTM.Delete)
+    # Create a component
+    comp = manager.createComponent("test")
+def main():
+	mgr = OpenRTM.Manager.init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
+	mgr.setModuleInitProc(MyModuleInit)
+	mgr.activateManager()
+	mgr.runManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()

openrtm-commit メーリングリストの案内