[openrtm-commit:00034] r2083 - in trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist: . examples installer installer/OpenCV-RTC installer/OpenCV2.1

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2011年 5月 5日 (木) 23:53:50 JST

Author: kurihara
Date: 2011-05-05 23:53:50 +0900 (Thu, 05 May 2011)
New Revision: 2083

OpenCV2.1 and OpenCV-RTC came to be installed with OpenRTM-aist.msi. refs 2064 .
update for 1.1.0.

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/autobuild_vc8.bat
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/autobuild_vc8.bat	2011-05-03 23:12:44 UTC (rev 2082)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/autobuild_vc8.bat	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
 @set OMNI_ROOT=C:\distribution\omniORB-4.1.4_vc8
 @set RTSE_ROOT=C:\distribution\OpenRTP\RTSystemEditor
 @set VC_VERSION=Visual C++ 2005
+ at set OPENCV_ROOT=C:\distribution\OpenCV2.1
+ at set OPENCV_RTC_ROOT=C:\distribution\ImageProcessing\opencv
 @rem ============================================================
 @rem copy property sheet
 @rem ============================================================
 copy   etc\rtm_config_omni414.vsprops rtm_config.vsprops
-copy   etc\rtm_config_omni414.vsprops examples\USBCamera\rtm_config.vsprops
-copy   coil_config.vsprops examples\USBCamera\coil_config.vsprops
 @rem ============================================================
 @rem build OpenRTM-aist
@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@
 vcbuild /M2 /rebuild OpenRTM-aist_vc8.sln
- at rem ============================================================
- at rem build USBCamera examples
- at rem ============================================================
-vcbuild /M2 /rebuild examples\USBCamera\USBCamera_vc8.sln
 cd installer
 call autowix.cmd
 cd ..

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/autobuild_vc9.bat
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/autobuild_vc9.bat	2011-05-03 23:12:44 UTC (rev 2082)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/autobuild_vc9.bat	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@
 @rem ------------------------------------------------------------
 @set RTM_ROOT=%~dp0
 @set PATH="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcpackages";%PATH%
- at set OMNI_ROOT=C:\distribution\omniORB-4.1.4_vc9
+ at set OMNI_ROOT=C:\distribution\omniORB-4.1.4
 @set RTSE_ROOT=C:\distribution\OpenRTP\RTSystemEditor
 @set VC_VERSION=Visual C++ 2008
+ at set OPENCV_ROOT=C:\distribution\OpenCV2.1
+ at set OPENCV_RTC_ROOT=C:\distribution\ImageProcessing\opencv
 @rem ============================================================
 @rem copy property sheet
 @rem ============================================================
 copy   etc\rtm_config_omni414.vsprops rtm_config.vsprops
-copy   etc\rtm_config_omni414.vsprops examples\USBCamera\rtm_config.vsprops
-copy   coil_config.vsprops examples\USBCamera\coil_config.vsprops
 @rem ============================================================
 @rem build OpenRTM-aist
@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@
 vcbuild /M2 /rebuild OpenRTM-aist_vc9.sln
- at rem ============================================================
- at rem build USBCamera examples
- at rem ============================================================
-vcbuild /M2 /rebuild examples\USBCamera\USBCamera_vc9.sln
 cd installer
 call autowix.cmd
 cd ..

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/examples/example.yaml
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/examples/example.yaml	2011-05-03 23:12:44 UTC (rev 2082)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/examples/example.yaml	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -52,16 +52,6 @@
       Name: ConfigSampleComp.exe
       Source: ..\\examples\\ConfigSample\\ConfigSampleComp\\Release\\ConfigSampleComp.exe
       Shortcut: true
-    - Id: USBCameraAqcuireComp.exe
-      ShortName: CamAq.exe
-      Name: USBCameraAqcuireComp.exe
-      Source: ..\\examples\\USBCamera\\USBCameraAcquireComp\\Release\\USBCameraAcquireComp.exe
-      Shortcut: true
-    - Id: USBCameraMonitorComp.exe
-      ShortName: CamMon.exe
-      Name: USBCameraMonitorComp.exe
-      Source: ..\\examples\\USBCamera\\USBCameraMonitorComp\\Release\\USBCameraMonitorComp.exe
-      Shortcut: true
     - Id: ControllerComp.exe
       ShortName: Ctrl.exe
       Name: ControllerComp.exe
@@ -108,14 +98,6 @@
       ShortName: ConfSamp.dll
       Name: ConfigSample.dll
       Source: ..\\examples\\ConfigSample\\ConfigSample\\Release\\ConfigSample.dll
-    - Id: USBCameraAqcuire.dll
-      ShortName: CamAq.dll
-      Name: USBCameraAqcuire.dll
-      Source: ..\\examples\\USBCamera\\USBCameraAcquire\\Release\\USBCameraAcquire.dll
-    - Id: USBCameraMonitor.dll
-      ShortName: CamMon.dll
-      Name: USBCameraMonitor.dll
-      Source: ..\\examples\\USBCamera\\USBCameraMonitor\\Release\\USBCameraMonitor.dll
     - Id: Controller.dll
       ShortName: Ctrl.dll
       Name: Controller.dll

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/Makefile.am
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/Makefile.am	2011-05-03 23:12:44 UTC (rev 2082)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/Makefile.am	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@
 	omniORB/omniwxs.py         \
 	OpenRTP/OpenRTP_inc.wxs.in \
 	OpenRTP/OpenRTP_inc.wxs    \
-	OpenRTP/openrtpwxs.py
+	OpenRTP/openrtpwxs.py      \
+	OpenCV2.1/OpenCV_inc.wxs.in \
+	OpenCV2.1/opencvwxs.py \
+	OpenCV-RTC/OpenCVRTC_bin.yaml \
+	OpenCV-RTC/OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs.in \
+	OpenCV-RTC/opencvrtcwxs.py

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs.in
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs.in	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Include xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
+  <!-- root directory -->		
+  <Directory Id="OpenCVRTC" Name="opencv-rtcs">
+    <Component Id="OpenCVRTCBin" Guid="{% OpenCVRTCBin.GUID %}">
+      {% for file in OpenCVRTCBin.Files %}
+	    <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+	          DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+		  {% if-any file.Shortcut %}{% if file.Shortcut is True %}
+		    <Shortcut Id="{% file.Id %}" Directory="OpenCVRtcMenuFolder"
+			          Name="{% file.Name %}"
+			          Show="normal"
+			          WorkingDirectory="OpenCVRTC"
+			          Icon="RTC.ico" IconIndex="0"
+			  {% if-any file.Arguments %}
+			    Arguments='{% file.Arguments %}'{% endif %}> 
+		      {% if file.Name is AffineComp.exe %}
+		        <Icon Id="RTC.ico" SourceFile="Bitmaps\RTC.ico"/>
+		      {% endif %}
+		    </Shortcut>
+		  {% endif %}{% endif %}
+	    </File>
+	  {% endfor %}
+    </Component>
+  </Directory>

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/OpenCVRTC_bin.yaml
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/OpenCVRTC_bin.yaml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/OpenCVRTC_bin.yaml	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+  GUID: 90DE1F00-6BBA-11E0-8981-005056C00008
+  Files:
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0000
+      ShortName: Affine.dll
+      Name: Affine.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Affine.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0001
+      ShortName: BackG000.dll
+      Name: BackGroundSubtractionSimple.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\BackGroundSubtractionSimple.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0002
+      ShortName: Binar000.dll
+      Name: Binarization.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Binarization.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0003
+      ShortName: Camer000.dll
+      Name: CameraViewer.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\CameraViewer.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0004
+      ShortName: Chrom000.dll
+      Name: Chromakey.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Chromakey.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0005
+      ShortName: Dilat000.dll
+      Name: DilationErosion.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\DilationErosion.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0006
+      ShortName: Edge.dll
+      Name: Edge.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Edge.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0007
+      ShortName: Findc000.dll
+      Name: Findcontour.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Findcontour.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0008
+      ShortName: Flip.dll
+      Name: Flip.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Flip.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0009
+      ShortName: Histo000.dll
+      Name: Histogram.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Histogram.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0010
+      ShortName: Hough.dll
+      Name: Hough.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Hough.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0011
+      ShortName: IEEE1000.dll
+      Name: IEEE1394Camera.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\IEEE1394Camera.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0012
+      ShortName: Image000.dll
+      Name: ImageCalibration.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ImageCalibration.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0013
+      ShortName: Image001.dll
+      Name: ImageSubstraction.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ImageSubstraction.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0014
+      ShortName: Objec000.dll
+      Name: ObjectTracking.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ObjectTracking.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0015
+      ShortName: OpenC000.dll
+      Name: OpenCVCamera.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\OpenCVCamera.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0016
+      ShortName: Persp000.dll
+      Name: Perspective.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Perspective.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0017
+      ShortName: PGRCa000.dll
+      Name: PGRCamera.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\PGRCamera.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0018
+      ShortName: RockP000.dll
+      Name: RockPaperScissors.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\RockPaperScissors.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0019
+      ShortName: Rotate.dll
+      Name: Rotate.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Rotate.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0020
+      ShortName: Scale.dll
+      Name: Scale.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Scale.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0021
+      ShortName: Sepia.dll
+      Name: Sepia.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Sepia.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0022
+      ShortName: SubSt000.dll
+      Name: SubStractCaptureImage.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\SubStractCaptureImage.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0023
+      ShortName: Template.dll
+      Name: Template.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Template.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0024
+      ShortName: Trans000.dll
+      Name: Translate.dll
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\Translate.dll
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0025
+      ShortName: Affin000.exe
+      Name: AffineComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\AffineComp.exe
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0026
+      ShortName: BackG001.exe
+      Name: BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\BackGroundSubtractionSimpleComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0027
+      ShortName: Binar001.exe
+      Name: BinarizationComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\BinarizationComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0028
+      ShortName: Camer001.exe
+      Name: CameraViewerComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\CameraViewerComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0029
+      ShortName: Chrom001.exe
+      Name: ChromakeyComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ChromakeyComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0030
+      ShortName: Dilat001.exe
+      Name: DilationErosionComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\DilationErosionComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0031
+      ShortName: EdgeComp.exe
+      Name: EdgeComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\EdgeComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0032
+      ShortName: Findc001.exe
+      Name: FindcontourComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\FindcontourComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0033
+      ShortName: FlipComp.exe
+      Name: FlipComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\FlipComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0034
+      ShortName: Histo001.exe
+      Name: HistogramComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\HistogramComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0035
+      ShortName: Hough000.exe
+      Name: HoughComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\HoughComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0036
+      ShortName: IEEE1001.exe
+      Name: IEEE1394CameraComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\IEEE1394CameraComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0037
+      ShortName: Image002.exe
+      Name: ImageCalibrationComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ImageCalibrationComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0038
+      ShortName: Image003.exe
+      Name: ImageSubstractionComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ImageSubstractionComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0039
+      ShortName: Objec001.exe
+      Name: ObjectTrackingComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ObjectTrackingComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0040
+      ShortName: OpenC001.exe
+      Name: OpenCVCameraComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\OpenCVCameraComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0041
+      ShortName: Persp001.exe
+      Name: PerspectiveComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\PerspectiveComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0042
+      ShortName: PGRCa001.exe
+      Name: PGRCameraComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\PGRCameraComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0043
+      ShortName: RockP001.exe
+      Name: RockPaperScissorsComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\RockPaperScissorsComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0044
+      ShortName: Rotat000.exe
+      Name: RotateComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\RotateComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0045
+      ShortName: Scale000.exe
+      Name: ScaleComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\ScaleComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0046
+      ShortName: Sepia000.exe
+      Name: SepiaComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\SepiaComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0047
+      ShortName: SubSt001.exe
+      Name: SubStractCaptureImageComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\SubStractCaptureImageComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0048
+      ShortName: Templ000.exe
+      Name: TemplateComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\TemplateComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true
+    - Id: OpenCVRTCBin0049
+      ShortName: trans000.exe
+      Name: translateComp.exe
+      Source: C:\\distribution\\ImageProcessing\\opencv\\bin\\translateComp.exe
+      Shortcut: true

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/opencvrtcwxs.py
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/opencvrtcwxs.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV-RTC/opencvrtcwxs.py	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# @brief WiX wxs file generator for omniORB
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Norkai Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# Copyright (C) 2010
+#     Noriaki Ando
+#     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+#     National Institute of
+#         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+#     All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+data = [
+    ("bin",             "*.dll *.exe")
+import os
+base_dir = os.getenv("OPENCV_RTC_ROOT")
+base_dir = base_dir.replace("\"", "")
+if base_dir == None:
+    base_dir="C:\distribution\ImageProcessing\opencv"
+    base_dir += "\\"
+def path_to_dir_id(path, prefix):
+    # path = "bin/x86_win32" prefix = "omni"
+    # output = "omni_bin_x86_win32"
+    # "." -> "_"
+    output = prefix + "_" + "_".join(path.split("/"))
+    return output.replace(".", "_")
+def path_to_comp_id(path, prefix):
+    # path = "bin/x86_win32" prefix = "omni"
+    # output = "OmniBinX86_win32"
+    # "." -> "_"
+    output = prefix
+    for c in path.split("/"):
+        output += c.capitalize()
+    return output.replace(".", "_")
+import makewxs
+for (path, files) in data:
+    # wxs component name
+    comp_name = path_to_comp_id(path, "OpenCVRTC")
+    # wxs directory name
+    dir_name = path_to_dir_id(path, "OpenCVRTC")
+    path = path.replace("/", "\\")
+    # full path to target directory
+    full_path = base_dir + "\\\\" + path
+    import glob
+    flist = []
+    for f in files.split(" "):
+        flist += glob.glob(full_path + "\\" + f)
+    #cmd = ["flist",
+    #       "-c", comp_name,
+    #       "-o", dir_name + ".yaml",
+    #       "-p",  base_dir + path]
+    #cmd += flist
+    #
+    #makewxs.main(cmd)
+cmd = ["wxs",
+       "-o", "OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs",
+       "-i", "OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs.in"]
+cmd += glob.glob("*.yaml")

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.1/OpenCV_inc.wxs.in
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.1/OpenCV_inc.wxs.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.1/OpenCV_inc.wxs.in	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Include xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
+  <!-- root directory -->		
+  <Directory Id="OpenCVRoot" Name="OpenCV2.1">
+    <Component Id="OpenCV" Guid="{% OpenCV.GUID %}">
+	  <Environment Id="OPENCV_ROOT" Name="OPENCV_ROOT" Action="set"
+		           System="yes" Value="[OpenCVRoot]" />
+	    {% for file in OpenCV.Files %}
+	      <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+	            DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+	      </File>
+	    {% endfor %}
+    </Component>
+    <!-- bin -->
+    <Directory Id="OpenCV_bin" Name="bin">
+      <Component Id="OpenCVBin" Guid="{% OpenCVBin.GUID %}">
+	    <Environment Id="OpenCVUpdatePath" Name="PATH" Action="set"
+			         System="yes" Part="last"
+			         Value="%OPENCV_ROOT%\bin" />
+	      {% for file in OpenCVBin.Files %}
+	        <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+		          DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+	        </File>
+	      {% endfor %}
+      </Component>
+    </Directory>
+    <!-- include -->
+    <Directory Id="OpenCV_include" Name="include">
+      <Directory Id="OpenCV_include_opencv" Name="opencv">
+        <Component Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv" Guid="{% OpenCVIncludeOpencv.GUID %}">
+	      {% for file in OpenCVIncludeOpencv.Files %}
+	        <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+		          DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+	        </File>
+	      {% endfor %}
+        </Component>
+      </Directory>
+    </Directory>
+    <!-- lib -->
+    <Directory Id="OpenCV_lib" Name="lib">
+      <Component Id="OpenCVLib" Guid="{% OpenCVLib.GUID %}">
+	    {% for file in OpenCVLib.Files %}
+	      <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+		        DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+	      </File>
+	    {% endfor %}
+      </Component>
+    </Directory>
+    <!-- end of lib -->
+    <!-- doc -->
+    <Directory Id="OpenCV_doc" Name="doc">
+      <Component Id="OpenCVDoc" Guid="{% OpenCVDoc.GUID %}">
+	    {% for file in OpenCVDoc.Files %}
+	      <File Id="{% file.Id %}" Name="{% file.Name %}"
+		        DiskId="1" Source="{% file.Source %}">
+	      </File>
+	    {% endfor %}
+      </Component>
+    </Directory>
+    <!-- end of doc -->
+  </Directory>

Added: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.1/opencvwxs.py
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.1/opencvwxs.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenCV2.1/opencvwxs.py	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# @brief WiX wxs file generator for omniORB
+# @date $Date$
+# @author Norkai Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# Copyright (C) 2010
+#     Noriaki Ando
+#     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
+#     National Institute of
+#         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
+#     All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+OpenCV_files = "README"
+data = [
+    ("",                OpenCV_files),
+    ("bin",             "*.dll"),
+    ("include/opencv",  "*.h *.hpp"),
+    ("lib",             "*.lib"),
+    ("doc",             "license.txt opencv.pdf")
+import os
+base_dir = os.getenv("OPENCV_ROOT")
+base_dir = base_dir.replace("\"", "")
+if base_dir == None:
+    base_dir="C:\\OpenCV2.1"
+    base_dir += "\\"
+def path_to_dir_id(path, prefix):
+    # path = "bin/x86_win32" prefix = "omni"
+    # output = "omni_bin_x86_win32"
+    # "." -> "_"
+    output = prefix + "_" + "_".join(path.split("/"))
+    return output.replace(".", "_")
+def path_to_comp_id(path, prefix):
+    # path = "bin/x86_win32" prefix = "omni"
+    # output = "OmniBinX86_win32"
+    # "." -> "_"
+    output = prefix
+    for c in path.split("/"):
+        output += c.capitalize()
+    return output.replace(".", "_")
+import makewxs
+for (path, files) in data:
+    # wxs component name
+    comp_name = path_to_comp_id(path, "OpenCV")
+    # wxs directory name
+    dir_name = path_to_dir_id(path, "OpenCV")
+    path = path.replace("/", "\\")
+    # full path to target directory
+    full_path = base_dir + "\\\\" + path
+    import glob
+    flist = []
+    for f in files.split(" "):
+        flist += glob.glob(full_path + "\\" + f)
+    cmd = ["flist",
+           "-c", comp_name,
+           "-o", dir_name + ".yaml",
+           "-p",  base_dir + path]
+    cmd += flist
+    makewxs.main(cmd)
+cmd = ["wxs",
+       "-o", "OpenCV_inc.wxs",
+       "-i", "OpenCV_inc.wxs.in"]
+cmd += glob.glob("*.yaml")

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenRTM-aist.wxs.in
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenRTM-aist.wxs.in	2011-05-03 23:12:44 UTC (rev 2082)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/OpenRTM-aist.wxs.in	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -222,6 +222,12 @@
 	    <!-- examples -->
 	    <Directory Id="examples" Name="examples">
 	      <Directory Id="CXXexamples" Name="C++">
+            <!-- OpenCV-RTC components -->
+            <?if $(env.INCLUDE_OPENCV_RTC) = YES ?>
+              <?include OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs ?>
+            <?endif ?>
+            <!-- end of OpenCV-RTC -->
 		<Component Id="Examples" Guid="{% Examples.GUID %}">
 		  {% for file in Examples.Files %}
 		  <File Id="{% file.Id %}"
@@ -265,6 +271,12 @@
 	<?endif ?>
 	<!-- end of rtmtools -->
+	<!-- OpenCV components -->
+	<?if $(env.INCLUDE_OPENCV) = YES ?>
+	<?include OpenCV_inc.wxs ?>
+	<?endif ?>
+	<!-- end of OpenCV -->
       <!-- システムフォルダ -->
@@ -290,6 +302,8 @@
 	    <Directory Id="Components" Name="components">
 	      <Directory Id="ExpMenuFolder" Name="examples">
+	      <Directory Id="OpenCVRtcMenuFolder" Name="opencv-rtcs">
+	      </Directory>
 	    <Directory Id="DocMenuFolder" Name="documents">
@@ -317,6 +331,10 @@
       <Feature Id="Examples" Level="1" Title="Examples">
 	<ComponentRef Id="Examples"/>
+      <!-- opencv examples -->
+      <Feature Id="OpenCVRTC" Level="1" Title="OpenCV RTC">
+	<ComponentRef Id="OpenCVRTCBin"/>
+      </Feature>
       <!-- documents -->
       <Feature Id="Docs" Level="1" Title="Documents">
 	<Feature Id="Docs_en" Level="1" Title="Class reference (English)">
@@ -382,6 +400,24 @@
     <?endif ?>
+    <!-- OpenCV -->
+    <?if $(env.INCLUDE_OPENCV) = YES ?>
+    <Feature Id="OpenCV" Level="1" Title="OpenCV2.1">
+      <Feature Id="OpenCV2.1Runtime" Level="1"
+	       Title="Runtime Environment">
+	<ComponentRef Id="OpenCV"/>
+	<ComponentRef Id="OpenCVBin"/>
+	<ComponentRef Id="OpenCVDoc"/>
+      </Feature>
+      <Feature Id="OpenCV2.1Devel" Level="1"
+	       Title="Development Environment">
+	<ComponentRef Id="OpenCVIncludeOpencv"/>
+	<ComponentRef Id="OpenCVLib"/>
+      </Feature>
+    </Feature>
+    <?endif ?>
     <Feature Id="VCRedist"
 	     Title="$(env.VC_VERSION) Runtime" AllowAdvertise="no" Level="1"> 
       <MergeRef Id="VCCRTx86.msm"/> 

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/autowix.cmd.in
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/autowix.cmd.in	2011-05-03 23:12:44 UTC (rev 2082)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/installer/autowix.cmd.in	2011-05-05 14:53:50 UTC (rev 2083)
@@ -100,6 +100,48 @@
 @rem ------------------------------------------------------------
+ at rem Generate OpenCV's wxs file
+ at rem ------------------------------------------------------------
+if "x%OPENCV_ROOT%" == "x" (
+   echo Environment Variable "OPENCV_ROOT" is not set. Abort.
+   goto END
+if not exist OpenCV_inc.wxs (
+   cd OpenCV2.1
+   set PYTHONPATH=../../bin;%PYTHONPATH%
+   echo Generating OpenCV_inc.wxs......
+   opencvwxs.py
+   copy OpenCV_inc.wxs ..
+   cd ..
+ at rem ------------------------------------------------------------
+ at rem Generate OpenCV-RTC wxs file
+ at rem ------------------------------------------------------------
+if "x%OPENCV_RTC_ROOT%" == "x" (
+   echo Environment Variable "OPENCV_RTC_ROOT" is not set. Abort.
+   goto END
+if not exist OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs (
+   cd OpenCV-RTC
+   set PYTHONPATH=../../bin;%PYTHONPATH%
+   echo Generating OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs......
+   opencvrtcwxs.py
+   copy OpenCV-RTC_inc.wxs ..
+   cd ..
+ at rem ------------------------------------------------------------
 @rem Import Language-Country, Language codes, Codepages
 @rem from langs.txt
 @rem http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/lesson2.php#2.4

openrtm-commit メーリングリストの案内