[openrtm-commit:00176] r2184 - trunk/OpenRTM-aist/utils/rtm-naming

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2011年 6月 16日 (木) 08:01:33 JST

Author: n-ando
Date: 2011-06-16 08:01:33 +0900 (Thu, 16 Jun 2011)
New Revision: 2184

- If the existing naming service (NS) is started by /etc/init.d script
  the script asks if the process is stopped by the script with sudo.
- If the NS is not started by /etc/init.d script, it asks if the
  process is terminated forcibly by pkill.
- After existing NS is terminated, new NS will be started.

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/utils/rtm-naming/rtm-naming.in
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/utils/rtm-naming/rtm-naming.in	2011-06-15 03:11:02 UTC (rev 2183)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/utils/rtm-naming/rtm-naming.in	2011-06-15 23:01:33 UTC (rev 2184)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 #  @date $Date: 2005-05-12 09:06:19 $
 #  @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-#  Copyright (C) 2003-2005
-#      Task-intelligence Research Group,
+#  Copyright (C) 2003-2011
 #      Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
 #      National Institute of
 #          Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
@@ -14,10 +13,11 @@
 #  $Id$
+pname=`basename $cosnames`
@@ -25,28 +25,301 @@
+# debug <text>
+# Debug print. If variable "DEBUG" is defined, text will be printed.
+# @param text to be printed.
-	if test -f $cosnames ; then
-		rm -f ./omninames-$hostname.log
-		rm -f ./omninames-$hostname.bak
-		echo 'Starting omniORB omniNames: '$hostname':'$port
-		$cosnames -start $port -logdir $currdir &
+    if test "x$DEBUG" != "x"; then
+	echo $*
+    fi
+# get_pid_of_nsport <port_number>
+# @param  pid_of_nsport: Process ID of a process which is using the port.
+# @param  pname_of_nsport: Process name which is using the port is set
+# @param  pid_of_nsport: Process ID which is using the port is set
+# @return 0 process that is using the port was found
+#         1 process not found
+    _port=$1
+    debug "netstat -tanp 2> /dev/null | grep $_port | awk '{print $7;}'"
+    netstat_tanp=`netstat -tanp`
+    _netstat=`netstat -tanp 2> /dev/null | grep $_port | awk '{if($7!="-"){print $7;}}'`
+    debug "A possible process that is using $port port:" $_netstat
+    if test "x$_netstat" = "x"; then
+	debug "No process using port number ${_port} on the system."
+	return 1
+    fi
+    if test "x$_netstat" = "x"; then
+	debug "Process information could not be identified."
+	return 1
+    fi
+    _pid=`echo $_netstat | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/";}{print $1;}'`
+    pname_of_nsport=`echo $_netstat | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/";}{print $2;}'`
+    pid_of_nsport=$_pid
+    debug "$_port port is used by $pname_of_nsport (pid = $_pid)."
+    return 0
+# is_launch_from_init <prog_name> (<pid>)
+# @param prog_name The name of the program
+# @param pid The pid of the program
+# @param init_script A path to init script is set
+# @return 0: The program might be started from init script
+#         1: The program might not be started from init script
+    debug "number of args" $#
+    if test $# -eq 2; then
+	_pname=$1
+	_pid=$2
+    elif test $# -eq 1; then
+	debug "pid is not specified. It is obtained from pid file."
+	_pname=$1
+	_pid=`cat /var/run/$_pname.pid`
+    elif test $# -eq 0; then
+	debug "No program name specified."
+    fi
+    if test -f /var/run/$_pname.pid; then
+	debug "pid file: /var/run/$_pname.pid found"
+	_var_run_pid=`cat /var/run/$_pname.pid`
+	debug "specified pid:        " $_pid
+	debug "/var/run/$_pname.pid: " $_var_run_pid 
+	if test $_pid -eq $_var_run_pid; then
+	    debug "The process $_pname ($_pid) might be started " \
+		"from init script."
+	    debug "searching init script: $cosnames"
+	    init_script=`grep $cosnames /etc/init.d/* | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":";}{if(FNR==1){print $1;}}'`
+	    if test "x$init_script" = "x"; then
+		echo "Init script not found. Aborting"
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    debug "Init script found: $init_script"
+	    return 0
+	debug "The process $_pname ($_pid) might not be started " \
+	    "from init script."
+	return 1
+    fi
+    debug "/var/run/$_pname.pid not found."
+    return 1
+# check_cosname
+# Checking if global variable "cosname" is set.
-	if test -f $cosnames ; then
-		echo 'Starting TAO Naming_Service: '$hostname':'$port
-		$cosnames -ORBEndPoint iiop://$hostname:$port &
+    if test ! -f $cosnames ; then
+	echo "Name service program ($cosnames) not found."
+	echo "Please install or chech rtm-naming script."
+	exit 1
+    fi
+# stop_existing_ns
+# This function try to stop existing nameing service.
+# 1. It tries to find a process which is using specified port.  If the
+#    process is not same as naming-service to be started by this
+#    script, script will be aborted.
+# 2. Next, it checks if the process is started from init script. If
+#    the process is started from the init script, it tries to stop it
+#    by the script.
+# 3. The process is not started by init script, it tries to stop the
+#    process by pkill command.
+    get_pid_of_nsport $port
+    if test $? -eq 0; then
+	debug "The Process information using the port could be obtained."
+        # If "port" is used by other program -> abort
+	pids=`pgrep $pname`
+	matchflag=0
+	for p in $pids; do
+	    if test "x$pid_of_nsport" = "x$p"; then
+		matchflag=1
+	    fi
+	done
+	if test $matchflag -eq 0; then
+	    echo "$pname_of_nsport (not $pname) is using the port."
+	    echo "Starting $pname aborted. Please use the other port."
+	    exit 1
+    else
+	debug "The process information using the port could not be obtained."
+	pname_of_nsport=$pname
+	pid_of_nsport=`pgrep $pname`
+    fi
+    is_started_from_init $pname_of_nsport $pid_of_nsport
+    # omniNames is not started by init script
+    if test $? -ne 0; then
+	debug "$pname might not be started from init script."
+	if test "x$pid_of_nsport" != "x" ; then
+	    echo "$pname (pid: $pid_of_nsport) is running"
+	    read -p "Kill anyway and start $pname again? (y/N)" killns
+	    if test "x$killns" = "xy" -o  "x$killns" = "xY"; then
+		pkill -f $pname
+		echo "$pname (pid: $pid_of_nsport) are killed"
+		return 0
+	    fi
+	    echo "Aborting"
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+	echo "No running $pname found. The process using the port $port "
+	echo "cannot be estimated. Arboting"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    # omniNames is started by init script
+    echo "omniNames might be started $init_script."
+    echo "Stop it (password for sudo is required.)"
+    read -p "and start omniNames by rtm-naming? (y/N)" startns
+    if test "x$startns" != "xy" -a "x$startns" != "xY" ; then
+	echo "Aborted."
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Stopping omniNames by $init_script."
+    sudo $init_script stop
+    return 0
+# omniNames specific functions
+# start_omninames
+# This function starts omniNames and checks it is properly started.
+# If omniNames could not be started properly, this function returns 1.
+    echo 'Starting omniORB omniNames: '$hostname':'$port
+    rm -f ./omninames-$hostname.log
+    rm -f ./omninames-$hostname.bak
+    $cosnames -start $port -logdir $currdir &
+    ret=$!
+    sleep 1
+    debug "return code of omniNames:" $ret
+    omnip=`ps $! | wc -l`
+    if test $omnip -gt 1; then
+	echo "omniNames properly started"
+	exit 0
+    fi
+    return 1
+    # Check cosname variable is properly set
+    check_cosname
+    # Starting omniNames
+    start_omninames
+    echo "omniNames was not properly started."
+    # Stopping existing name service
+    stop_existing_ns
+    # Try to start omniNames again
+    start_omninames
+    echo "omniNames was not properly started."
+# TAO Naming_Service specific functions
+# start_taonames
+# This function starts TAO Naming_Service and checks it is properly started.
+# If TAO Naming_Service could not be started properly, this function returns 1.
+    if test ! -f $cosnames ; then
+	echo "TAO Naming_Service not found. Aborting."
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    echo 'Starting TAO Naming_Service: '$hostname':'$port
+    $cosnames -m 0 -ORBListenEndpoints iiop://:$port &
+    ret=$!
+    sleep 1
+    debug "return code of TAO Naming_Service:" $ret
+    omnip=`ps $! | wc -l`
+    if test $omnip -gt 1; then
+	echo "TAO Naming_Service properly started"
+	exit 0
+    fi
+    return 1
+    # Check cosname variable is properly set
+    check_cosname
+    # Starting omniNames
+    start_taonames
+    echo "TAO Naming_Service was not properly started."
+    # Stopping existing name service
+    stop_existing_ns
+    # Try to start omniNames again
+    start_taonames
+    echo "TAO Naming_Service was not properly started."
+# main
+if test $# -gt 0; then
+    port=$1
+    port=2809
 case $orb in

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