[openrtm-beginners:00462] Unable to enter data in Data Ports page

nagle @ animats.com nagle @ animats.com
2013年 7月 31日 (水) 14:08:35 JST

I am using OpenHRP3 with OpenRTM and Eclipse 3.4.2. I am launching Eclipse
with a shell script, as instructed in the OpenHRP documentation. I am using
the version of OpenRTM (1.1.0.v29110411.jar) which was distributed with
OpenHRP3. I am trying to do the tutorial at
"http://www.openrtp.jp/openhrp3/en/controller_pd.html". I am able to load and
run the controller program provided but cannot successfully build a new one.
I can create the "Basic" page and the "Activity" page. When I try to create
the "Data Port" page, typing into the "Port name" field does not enter text.
The "Data Type" selector offers no data type options. I can enter text for
"Var name" or change "Disp position". This is a screen shot of the page:
http://s22.postimg.org/w4dp9vlap/unabletoenterdata.png Thank you.

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