Install on Raspbian

OpenRTM-aist-Python is provided with deb packages for Raspbian for the Raspberry Pi. Please note that support for Raspbian and its versions are subject to change or suspension without notice.

Supported version

The version of Raspbian for which packages are currently available is
  • Buster

SD card preparation

Download OS Image

Download the Rasbian image (the image ”Raspbian Buster with desktop and recommended software” is recommended but you can select another image if necessary) from the link below, unzip and write to SD card. The capacity of the SD card should be more than 4GB.

Write to SD card

Please refer to RPi Easy SD Card Setup for how to write to SD card. The link shows several options. Here's an overview of some of them:

For Windows

Using Windows is relatively easier than using Linux or Mac OS. Then if you are a beginner, using Windows is recommended.

For Linux and Mac OS

  • Write using the dd command as follows.

 $ sudo dd of=/dev/<device file of SD card> if=<image file downloaded and decompressed> bs=4M status=progress
 $ sudo sync

Writing to an SD card with the above command requires a fairly long time. (Several minutes to ten several minutes). To find the device file name of the SD card, type in:

 $ df -h

And find out which device is the SD card from the displayed device size. For example, if you are using a 16GB SD card that currently has Rasbian installed, one device will appear as a 14GB device and that device will appear as /dev/sdf7. Other devices that differ only in the last number, such as /dev/sdf5 and /dev/sdf6, are displayed too. These are the device names used for the SD card. Umount all of these devices as follows:

 $ umount /dev/sdf5
 $ umount /dev/sdf6
 $ umount /dev/sdf7

After that, execute the above dd command. The device file name in the case is /dev/sdf.

Install OpenRTM-aist-Python

Download the bulk installation script "" from the specified URL and execute it with root privileges. This script installs necessary packages sequentially using apt-get.

By specifying the option, it is possible to install the packages which align with your purpose. Download the bulk installation script and execute it with root privilege.

 $ sudo sh -l python --yes.

For details on downloading the bulk installation script, detailed installation methods, and the options that can be specified, see Bulk Installation Script:.

Installing rtshell

rtshell is required if you want to install RTC on Raspbian and control RTC locally from the Raspbian host. To install rtshell using the bulk installation script, at the directory which file is, type

 $ sudo sh -l rtshell --yes
 $ sudo rtshell_post_install

Check the installation

You can check the installation as the following.

 $ dpkg -l 'openrt*'
 | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
 |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
 ||/ Name                  Version         Architecture    Description
 ii  openrtm-aist-python   1.2.1-0         amd64           OpenRTM-aist, RT-Middleware distributed by AIST
 ii  openrtm-aist-python-d 1.2.1-0         all             Documentation for openrtm-aist-python
 ii  openrtm-aist-python-e 1.2.1-0         amd64           OpenRTM-aist-Python examples
For rtshell,
 $ pip show rtshell-aist
 Name: rtshell-aist
 Version: 4.2.2
 Summary: Shell commands for managing RT Components and RT Systems.
 Author: Geoffrey Biggs and contributors
 License: LGPL3
 Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
 Requires: rtctree-aist, rtsprofile-aist

Package details

Each package contains the followings:


  • Commands
  • OpenRTM-aist-Python main modules
  • Python search path file for OpenRTM-aist
  • Utilities




  • Class reference (English)
  • Class reference (Japanese)


  • Scripts for the commands
  • Main code for the commands
  • Package information


latest Releases : 2.0.0-RELESE

2.0.0-RELESE Download page

Number of Projects


Motion editor/Dynamics simulator


Dynamics simulator


Integrated Development Platform

AIST RTC collection

RT-Components collection by AIST


Tokyo Opensource Robotics Association


Middleware for DAQ (Data Aquisition) by KEK