
This sample is included with the C++, Python and the Java editions of OpenRTM-aist.


This example shows how to use the configuration-set feature of the RT-Component. When you launch the ConfigSample component, its configuration sets are set up automatically. You can check and alter configuration parameters using RTSystemEditor.

Note: If an error "Specified path cannot be found" occurs, modify the value of "example.ConfigSample.config_file" in rtc.conf file under the RTMExamples\ConfigSample directory. Change it to:

 (Use '\\' instead of '\' for the separator between file name and directory names. )

or rewrite it to the full path of "configsample.conf". In this case, you need to specify '\\' as a directory separator, as well.


The ConfigSample sample viewed in RTSystemEditor.

Running the sample

This sample keeps displaying the configuration set data of the component on the console screen. It updates the display when the configuration data is changed in RTSystemEditor.

  • Procedure
    • Start RTSystemEditor.
    • Run ConfigSample. Starting the components varies by operating system and OpenRTM-aist version. Please refer to the following table.
Windows Linux
C++ ConfigSample.bat ConfigSampleComp
Python ConfigSample.bat
Java ConfigSample.bat
    • Select an appropriate ConfigurationSet (default, mode0, mode1) on the Configuration View of RTSystemEditor.
    • Change the value as needed.
    • Click [Apply] button.