Implement the component activities

Implement the component activities

The Flip component will take image data received at its InPort, copy it into an image buffer, and use the cvFlip() function from OpenCV to transform it. The transformed data will be transmitted over the component's OutPort.

The process flow of onActivated(), onExecute() and onDeactivated() is illustrated in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Activity flow outline.

The processing performed by onExecute() is illustrated in Figure 20.

Figure 20. The processing performed in onExucete().

Copy the user property sheet for OpenCV

A property sheet defines the various options (such as install path, library paths and extra link libraries) and macros necessary to compile using Visual Studio. Both RTCBuilder and rtc-template generate VC projects when they generate component templates. The generated VC project uses a property sheet to specify various options. It can also include a user-defined property sheet for any extra user-defined options.
  • rtm_config.vsprop: A property sheet that contains information relating to OpenRTM. Installed with OpenRTM-aist. Execute the "copyprops.bat" file in your generated project directory to copy it from the OpenRTM directory to the project directory.
  • user_config.vsprops: A user-defined property sheet. The default sheet is empty. An example of its usage is given in the user_config.vsprops included with the OpenRTM USBCamera example (OpenRTM-aist/win32/OpenRTM-aist/example/USBCamera). This example sheet contains settings for OpenCV.

Copy the user_config.vsprops file given below into the Flip component's folder, or save the downloadable version into the component's folder.


※ The user_config.vsprops file that already exists in the Flip folder can be overwritten.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="shift_jis"?>
     ProjectType="Visual C++"
         Value="C:\Program Files\OpenCV"
         Value="cv.lib cvcam.lib highgui.lib cxcore.lib"
         Value="cv.lib cvcam.lib highgui.lib cxcore.lib"

Execute copyprops.bat

Upon executing copyprops.bat, the rtm_config.vsprops file will be copied to the component folder. The rtm_config.vsprops file contains settings such as the include path and extra link libraries necessary to compile an RT-Component using Visual C++.

Edit the header file

  • In order to use the OpenCV library, the OpenCV include files must be added.


  • The Flip component will allocate a region of image data, perform the flip processing, and release that data. This processing is carried out in in the onActivated(), onExecute() and onDeactivated callbacks, respectively. Ensure these three functions are not commented out.

    * The activated action (Active state entry action)
    * former rtc_active_entry()
    * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
    * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
    * The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
    * former rtc_active_exit()
    * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
    * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
    * The execution action that is invoked periodically
    * former rtc_active_do()
    * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
    * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);

  • Add member variables for storing the image data.

   IplImage* m_image_buff;
   IplImage* m_flip_image_buff;

Edit the source file

Implement onActivated(), onDeactivated() and onExecute() as below.

 RTC::ReturnCode_t Flip::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
   // Image memory store allocation
   m_image_buff = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_width, m_img_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
   m_flip_image_buff = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_width, m_img_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
   return RTC::RTC_OK;
 RTC::ReturnCode_t Flip::onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
   // Image memory store deallocation
   return RTC::RTC_OK;
 RTC::ReturnCode_t Flip::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
   // Check for new data
   if (m_image_origIn.isNew()) {
     // Read data from the InPort;
     // Copy the image data from the InPort to IplImage.imageData
     memcpy(m_image_buff->imageData,(void *)&([0]),;
     // Flip the image data. m_flip_mode 0: flip on X, 1: flip on Y, -1: flip on both
     cvFlip(m_image_buff, m_flip_image_buff, m_flip_mode);
     // Get the image data size
     int len = m_flip_image_buff->nChannels * m_flip_image_buff->width * m_flip_image_buff->height;;
     // Copy the flipped image data to the OutPort
     memcpy((void *)&([0]),m_flip_image_buff->imageData,len);
     // Output the image data
   return RTC::RTC_OK;

Build the component

Build the component as in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Building.

Test the component

For testing, the Flip component will be connected to the USBCameraAcquireComp and USBCameraMonitorComp sample components supplied with OpenRTM-aist.

Start the name service

The omniORB name service must be started. From the Start menu, go to All Programs > OpenRTM-aist > C++ > examples > Start Naming Service.

Write rtc.conf

The rtc.conf file is used to tell an RT-Component such parameters as the address of the name server, the format to use when registering with the name server, etc. Copy the following lines into a file called "rtc.conf" and place that file in Flip\FlipComp\Debug or Flip\FlipComp\Release.

 corba.nameservers: localhost
 naming.formats: %n.rtc

Start the Flip component

In the same folder that the rtc.conf file was placed, execute FlipComp.exe.

Start the USBCameraAqcuire and USBCameraMonitor components

The USBCameraAcquire component provides image data captured from a USB camera over its OutPort. The USBCameraMonitor component displays image data received over its InPort. Start them by selecting the following options from the Start menu:

Start > All Programs > OpenRTM-aist > C++ > examples > USBCameraAcquireComp / USBCameraMonitorCpomp

Connect the components

Using RTSystemEditor, connect the three components as in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Connecting the components.

Changing the Flip component configuration parameters

The Flip component's configuration parameters can be changed as in Figure 23. For example, when using the Elecom UCAM-DLM 130HWH USB camera, set image_height and image_width as below.

 image_height : 480
 image_width  : 640

Do the same for the USBCameraMonitor component.

Figure 23. Changing configuration parameters.

Activate the components

Click the "All" icon in the toolbar for RTSystemEditor. All the components will be activated. If all components started succesfully, RTSystemEditor should resemble Figure 24.

Figure 24. Activated components.


Try changing the Flip component's "flip_mode" configuration parameter to different values of -1, 0 and 1. The displayed image should change accordingly.

Flip component source file

 // -*- C++ -*-
  * @file  Flip.cpp
  * @brief Flip image component
  * @date $Date$
  * $Id$
 #include "Flip.h"
 // Module specification
 static const char* flip_spec[] =
     "implementation_id", "Flip",
     "type_name",         "Flip",
     "description",       "Flip image component",
     "version",           "1.0.0",
     "vendor",            "AIST",
     "category",          "Category",
     "activity_type",     "PERIODIC",
     "kind",              "DataFlowComponent",
     "max_instance",      "1",
     "language",          "C++",
     "lang_type",         "compile",
     "exec_cxt.periodic.rate", "1.0",
     // Configuration variables
     "conf.default.flip_mode", "1",
     "conf.default.image_height", "240",
     "conf.default.image_width", "320",
  * @brief constructor
  * @param manager Maneger Object
 Flip::Flip(RTC::Manager* manager)
   : RTC::DataFlowComponentBase(manager),
     m_image_origIn("original_image", m_image_orig),
     m_image_flipOut("fliped_image", m_image_flip),
   // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service
   // Set InPort buffers
   registerInPort("original_image", m_image_origIn);
   // Set OutPort buffer
   registerOutPort("fliped_image", m_image_flipOut);
  * @brief destructor
 RTC::ReturnCode_t Flip::onInitialize()
   // Bind variables and configuration variable
   bindParameter("flip_mode", m_flip_mode, "1");
   bindParameter("image_height", m_img_height, "240");
   bindParameter("image_width", m_img_width, "320");
   return RTC::RTC_OK;
 RTC::ReturnCode_t Flip::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
   // Image memory store allocation
   m_image_buff = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_width, m_img_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
   m_flip_image_buff = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_img_width, m_img_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
   return RTC::RTC_OK;
 RTC::ReturnCode_t Flip::onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
   // Image memory store deallocation
   return RTC::RTC_OK;
 RTC::ReturnCode_t Flip::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
   // Check for new data
   if (m_image_origIn.isNew()) {
     // Read data from the InPort;
     // Copy the image data from the InPort to IplImage.imageData
     memcpy(m_image_buff->imageData,(void *)&([0]),;
     // Flip the image data. m_flip_mode 0: flip on X, 1: flip on Y, -1: flip on both
     cvFlip(m_image_buff, m_flip_image_buff, m_flip_mode);
     // Get the image data size
     int len = m_flip_image_buff->nChannels * m_flip_image_buff->width * m_flip_image_buff->height;;
     // Copy the flipped image data to the OutPort
     memcpy((void *)&([0]),m_flip_image_buff->imageData,len);
     // Output the image data
   return RTC::RTC_OK;
 extern "C"
   void FlipInit(RTC::Manager* manager)
     RTC::Properties profile(flip_spec);

Flip component header file

 // -*- C++ -*-
  * @file  Flip.h
  * @brief Flip image component
  * @date  $Date$
  * $Id$
 #ifndef FLIP_H
 #define FLIP_H
 #include <rtm/Manager.h>
 #include <rtm/DataFlowComponentBase.h>
 #include <rtm/CorbaPort.h>
 #include <rtm/DataInPort.h>
 #include <rtm/DataOutPort.h>
 #include <rtm/idl/BasicDataTypeSkel.h>
 // (1)  Include the OpenCV headers
 using namespace RTC;
  * @class Flip
  * @brief Flip image component
 class Flip
   : public RTC::DataFlowComponentBase
    * @brief constructor
    * @param manager Maneger Object
   Flip(RTC::Manager* manager);
    * @brief destructor
    * The initialize action (on CREATED->ALIVE transition)
    * formaer rtc_init_entry() 
    * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
    virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onInitialize();
    * The activated action (Active state entry action)
    * former rtc_active_entry()
    * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
    * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
    * The deactivated action (Active state exit action)
    * former rtc_active_exit()
    * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
    * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
    * The execution action that is invoked periodically
    * former rtc_active_do()
    * @param ec_id target ExecutionContext Id
    * @return RTC::ReturnCode_t
   virtual RTC::ReturnCode_t onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id);
   // Configuration variable declaration
    * flip_mode = 0: flipping around x-axis 
    * flip_mode > 1: flipping around y-axis 
    * flip_mode < 0: flipping around both axises
    * - Name: flip_mode flip_mode
    * - DefaultValue: 1
   int m_flip_mode;
    * - Name:  m_img_height
    * - DefaultValue: 240
    * - Image height
   int m_img_height;
    * - Name:  m_img_width
    * - DefaultValue: 320
    * - Image width
   int m_img_width;
   // DataInPort declaration
   TimedOctetSeq m_image_orig;
   InPort<TimedOctetSeq> m_image_origIn;
   // DataOutPort declaration
   TimedOctetSeq m_image_flip;
   OutPort<TimedOctetSeq> m_image_flipOut;
   int dummy;
   IplImage* m_image_buff;
   IplImage* m_flip_image_buff;
 extern "C"
   void FlipInit(RTC::Manager* manager);
 #endif // FLIP_H

Flip component prebuilt package

A prebuilt package of the component can be downloaded from here. Remove the underscore from the name and decompress the file.