

OpenRTM-aist is provided with a deb package that can be used on Ubuntu and Debian GNU Linux.

2.0 is currently compatible with Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 (amd64, arm64 respectively). Please note that the supported version and support for Ubuntu/Debian GNU Linux are subject to change without notice.

Changes in 2.0 series

C ++ and OpenRTP can coexist in 1.2 series and 2.0 series. With this support, the following changes have been made regarding installation.

  • Changed the name of the 2.0 series deb package
  • Python and Java cannot coexist in 1.2 series and 2.0 series
    • Use the bulk install script to automatically uninstall different installed versions
  • Separated 1.2 series and 2.0 series batch installation scripts
    • 1.2 series installation :
    • 2.0 series installation :

Installation script (both 1.2 series and 2.0 series) supports batch processing from download to installation.

Bulk installation script

To install 2.0 series, paste the following into the shell prompt and execute it. C ++ version, Python version, Java version, OpenRTP (amd64 only), rtshell, JDK8 will be installed. Scripts are not saved locally.
※By executing the script, even if multiple versions of Java are installed, it is switched to using Java8.

 $ bash <(curl -s

This will install the following packages:

 $ dpkg -l | grep openrt
 ii  openrtm2:amd64                 2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist, RT-Middleware distributed by AIST
 ii  openrtm2-dev:amd64             2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist headers for development
 ii  openrtm2-doc                   2.0.0-0     all       Documentation for openrtm2
 ii  openrtm2-example:amd64         2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist examples
 ii  openrtm2-idl:amd64             2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist idls for development
 ii  openrtm2-java:amd64            2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist, RT-Middleware distributed by AIST
 ii  openrtm2-java-doc              2.0.0-0     all       Documentation for openrtm2-java
 ii  openrtm2-java-example:amd64    2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist-Java examples
 ii  openrtm2-python3               2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist, RT-Middleware distributed by AIST
 ii  openrtm2-python3-doc           2.0.0-0     all       Documentation for openrtm2-python3
 ii  openrtm2-python3-example       2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTM-aist-Python examples
 ii  openrtp2:amd64                 2.0.0-0     amd64     OpenRTP, Open RT Platform distributed by AIST

By specifying the option, it is possible to install the package according to the purpose. help can be found below.

 $ bash <(curl -s --help

For details on the installed packages, see What the installer does

Installing packages for ROS

In 2.0 series, you can install the package for ROS communication function.
This section describes how to install the package in an environment where both ROS and ROS2 are installed.

As mentioned in help, the ROS package installation options are supported below.
[-e ros|ros2|all] [--ros|--ros2]

If you have already executed the installation script without any options and want to install additional packages for ROS and ROS2, you can use "-l c ++ -e all".

 $ bash <(curl -s -l c++ -e all

If you want to install all the packages for ROS and ROS2 from the beginning, you can do it with "-l all -e all".

 $ bash <(curl -s -l all -e all

Check the installed packages.

 $ dpkg -l | grep openrt
 ii  openrtm2:amd64               2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist, RT-Middleware distributed by AIST
 ii  openrtm2-dev:amd64           2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist headers for development
 ii  openrtm2-doc                 2.0.0-0   all          Documentation for openrtm2
 ii  openrtm2-example:amd64       2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist examples
 ii  openrtm2-idl:amd64           2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist idls for development
 ii  openrtm2-java:amd64          2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist, RT-Middleware distributed by AIST
 ii  openrtm2-java-doc            2.0.0-0   all          Documentation for openrtm2-java
 ii  openrtm2-java-example:amd64  2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist-Java examples
 ii  openrtm2-python3             2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist, RT-Middleware distributed by AIST
 ii  openrtm2-python3-doc         2.0.0-0   all          Documentation for openrtm2-python3
 ii  openrtm2-python3-example     2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist-Python examples
 ii  openrtm2-ros-tp:amd64        2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist extension ROS package
 ii  openrtm2-ros2-tp:amd64       2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTM-aist extension ROS2 package
 ii  openrtp2:amd64               2.0.0-0   amd64        OpenRTP, Open RT Platform distributed by AIST

2.0 series installation in 1.2 series installation environment

1.2 series installation script can also be executed by specifying the URL. Install all packages with no options for the script.

 $ bash <(curl -s

Check the installed packages.

 $ dpkg -l | grep openrt
 ii  openrtm-aist:amd64                  1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-dev:amd64              1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-doc                    1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-example:amd64          1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-idl:amd64              1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-java:amd64             1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-java-doc               1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-java-example:amd64     1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-python3                1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-python3-doc            1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-python3-example        1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtp:amd64                       1.2.2-4

If you install 2.0 series continuously, c ++ and openrtp will coexist with 1.2 series and 2.0 series, but java and python will be in the state where only 2.0 series is installed.

 $ bash <(curl -s

While the script is running, you will be asked "Do you want to continue? [Y / n]" about uninstalling the 1.2 series java and python packages, so press the Enter key.
Check the installed packages.

 $ dpkg -l | grep openrt
 ii  openrtm-aist:amd64                    1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-dev:amd64                1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-doc                      1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-example:amd64            1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-idl:amd64                1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm2:amd64                        2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-dev:amd64                    2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-doc                          2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-example:amd64                2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-idl:amd64                    2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-java:amd64                   2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-java-doc                     2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-java-example:amd64           2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-python3                      2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-python3-doc                  2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-python3-example              2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtp:amd64                         1.2.2-4
 ii  openrtp2:amd64                        2.0.0-0

Along with this, rtshell will also be reinstalled.

 $ pip3 list | grep aist
 OpenRTM-aist-Python    2.0.0
 rtctree-aist           4.2.3
 rtshell-aist           4.2.9
 rtsprofile-aist        4.1.5

1.2 series installation in 2.0 series installation environment

1.2 series and 2.0 series coexist for c ++ and openrtp, but only 1.2 series is installed for java and python.

 $ dpkg -l | grep openrt
 ii  openrtm-aist:amd64                 1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-dev:amd64             1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-doc                   1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-example:amd64         1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-idl:amd64             1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-java:amd64            1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-java-doc              1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-java-example:amd64    1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-python3               1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-python3-doc           1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm-aist-python3-example       1.2.2-0
 ii  openrtm2:amd64                     2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-dev:amd64                 2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-doc                       2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-example:amd64             2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtm2-idl:amd64                 2.0.0-0
 ii  openrtp:amd64                      1.2.2-4
 ii  openrtp2:amd64                     2.0.0-0

rtshell will also be reinstalled for OpenRTM-aist-Python1.2.2.

 $ pip3 list | grep aist
 OpenRTM-aist-Python    1.2.2
 rtctree-aist           4.2.3
 rtshell-aist           4.2.9
 rtsprofile-aist        4.1.5