OpenRTM-aist-Python 2.0.2 File Reference

CORBA sequence utility template functions. More...


 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each (seq, f)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.find (seq, f)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.push_back (seq, elem)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.push_back_list (seq1, seq2)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.insert (seq, elem, index)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.front (seq)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.back (seq)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.erase (seq, index)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.erase_if (seq, f)
 OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.clear (seq)

Detailed Description

CORBA sequence utility template functions.

Noriaki Ando and Shinji Kurihara

Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Task-intelligence Research Group, Intelligent Systems Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan All rights reserved.

Function Documentation

◆ back()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.back ( seq)

Get the last element of the CORBA sequence

This operation returns seq[seq.length() - 1].

seqThe CORBA sequence to be get the element

◆ clear()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.clear ( seq)

Erase all the elements of the CORBA sequence

same as seq.length(0).

◆ erase()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.erase ( seq,
index )

Erase the element of the specified index

This operation removes the element of the given index. The other elements are closed up around the hole.

seqThe CORBA sequence to be get the element
indexThe index of the element to be removed

◆ find()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.find ( seq,
f )

Return the index of CORBA sequence element that functor matches

This operation applies the given functor to the given CORBA sequence, and returns the index of the sequence element that the functor matches. The functor should be bool functor(const CORBA sequence element) type, and it would return true, if the element matched the functor.

seqCORBA sequence to be applied the functor
functorA functor to process CORBA sequence elements
The index of the element that functor matches. If no element found, it would return -1.

◆ for_each()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each ( seq,
f )

Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements

Apply the given functor to the given CORBA sequence. functor should be void functor(CORBA sequence element).

seqCORBA sequence to be applied the functor
functorA functor to process CORBA sequence elements
Functor that processed all CORBA sequence elements

◆ front()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.front ( seq)

Get the front element of the CORBA sequence

This operation returns seq[0].

seqThe CORBA sequence to be get the element

◆ insert()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.insert ( seq,
index )

Insert the element to the CORBA sequence

Insert a new element in the given position to the CORBA sequence. If the given index is greater than the length of the sequence, the given element is pushed back to the last of the sequence. The length of the CORBA sequence will be expanded automatically.

seqThe CORBA sequence to be inserted a new element
elemThe new element to be inserted the sequence
indexThe inserting position

◆ push_back()

OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.push_back ( seq,
elem )

Push the new element back to the CORBA sequence

Add the given element to the last of CORBA sequence. The length of the CORBA sequence will be expanded automatically.

seqCORBA sequence to be added a new element
elemThe new element to be added to the CORBA sequence