/usr/users/builder/OpenRTM-aist-PythonDoc/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/CORBA_SeqUtil.py File Reference

CORBA sequence utility template functions. More...


def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each
 Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.find
 Return the index of CORBA sequence element that functor matches.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.push_back
 Push the new element back to the CORBA sequence.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.insert
 Insert the element to the CORBA sequence.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.front
 Get the front element of the CORBA sequence.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.back
 Get the last element of the CORBA sequence.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.erase
 Erase the element of the specified index.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.clear
 Erase all the elements of the CORBA sequence.
def OpenRTM_aist::CORBA_SeqUtil.refToVstring
 coil.vstring refToVstring(const CorbaRefSequence& objlist)

Detailed Description

CORBA sequence utility template functions.

Noriaki Ando <n-ando@aist.go.jp> and Shinji Kurihara

Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Task-intelligence Research Group, Intelligent Systems Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan All rights reserved.

Generated on Thu Mar 10 16:01:38 2011 for OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0-Python by  doxygen 1.6.3