Tutorial: rtc.conf

What's rtc.conf?

The rtc.conf is a setting file of the RTC that can configure the RTCs' common parameter without recompilation.

In "your-path-to-workspace/MyFirstRTC_cpp/" folder, you can find "rtc.conf" file.
The rtc.conf can configure a lot of items, but the generated rtc.conf includes many comments.

Unfortunately, your rtc.conf does not work because we made "build" folder to clarify the skeleton's folder.
Please copy the rtc.conf into the "build/src" folder.

% cp rtc.conf build/src/

In default, RT-component will use the rtc.conf in the current folder.
You can also modify the rtc.conf file like:

% ./myfirstrtccomp -f my_rtc_conf_file.conf

In this content, we will introduce very popular items.

Name Server Address

rtc.conf can define the Name Server's address that the RTC will register on.
You can add as follows:

corba.nameservers: [ip addrdss] : [port number]

For example,

corba.nameservers: localhost:2809

The port number "2809" is the default port number of the Naming Service.

Naming Rule

In the previous example, you would find your RTC like


This is the default setting:

naming.formats: %h.host_cxt/%n.rtc

If your rtc.conf has following line:

naming.formats: %n.rtc

Your RTC will be


Execution Period

the onExecute's period can be configured like

exec_cxt.periodic.rate: 100.0

The unit is "Hz". The default execution rate is 1000 Hz, so in the previous example, you would have seen the super-fast messages flood.

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