Tutorial: Setup the developmental environment of OpenRTM-aist (Java)

1. Download & Install

Before installing OpenRTM-aist Java version, you must install JDK6. You can download installer from Oracle Download Site.

1.1 Windows

For Windows users, the binary installer can be downloaded from Download Page.
The installer installs "Jar files" and sets an environmental variable "RTM_JAVA_ROOT". However, if you want to develop your own RT-component, the Java version is not enough because the IDL files which defines data types are not installed.

Please install C++ version binary using installer which is downloaded from Download page.

1.2 Linux

At first, installing C++ version is strongly recommended because the IDL files which defines data types are not installed with the following procedure.
Please follow this document (C++ version install).

Then, please download ZIP archive that includes Jar files from Download Page.

Then, extract archive

$ unzip OpenRTM-aist-Java-1.1.0-RC1-jar.zip

You can find OpenRTM-aist directory is automatically created. The OpenRTM-aist directory has following directory tree:

 + 1.1
    + JavaDoc
    + JavaDocEn
    + examples
    + jar

We need to place jar directory in a comprehensive directory. In this tutorial, "/usr/share/openrtm-1.1-jar" directory is used.

% sudo mv -R OpenRTM-aist/1.1 /usr/share/openrtm-1.1-jar

We also need to set environmental variable "RTM_JAVA_ROOT"

Please add following command in ~/.bashrc

% echo "export RTM_JAVA_ROOT=/usr/share/openrtm-1.1-jar/jar" >> ~/.bashrc
% source ~/.bashrc

2. Eclipse Tools

Developers are recommended to use All-In-One Eclipse that provides "RT System Editor" and "RTC Builder". Please download from Download Page.

You do not have to launch installer. Just extract the archive file, and place it in your favorite directory.

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